Create changelogs for (#10591)
[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / tests / ParserTests / regressions / jaeger-flamegraph.expr
1 GenericPackageDescription {
2   packageDescription =
3   PackageDescription {
4     specVersion = CabalSpecV2_2,
5     package = PackageIdentifier {
6       pkgName = PackageName
7         "jaeger-flamegraph",
8       pkgVersion = mkVersion
9         [1, 0, 0]},
10     licenseRaw = Left
11       (License
12         (ELicense
13           (ELicenseId BSD_3_Clause)
14           Nothing)),
15     licenseFiles = [
16       SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
17     copyright =
18     "(c) 2018",
19     maintainer = "Sam Halliday",
20     author = "Sam Halliday",
21     stability = "",
22     testedWith = [
23       _×_
24         GHC
25         (UnionVersionRanges
26           (MajorBoundVersion
27             (mkVersion [8, 4, 4]))
28           (MajorBoundVersion
29             (mkVersion [8, 6, 2])))],
30     homepage = "",
31     pkgUrl = "",
32     bugReports =
33     "",
34     sourceRepos = [
35       SourceRepo {
36         repoKind = RepoHead,
37         repoType = Just
38           (KnownRepoType Git),
39         repoLocation = Just
40           "",
41         repoModule = Nothing,
42         repoBranch = Nothing,
43         repoTag = Nothing,
44         repoSubdir = Nothing}],
45     synopsis =
46     "Generate flamegraphs from Jaeger .json dumps.",
47     description =
48     concat
49       [
50         "This is a small tool to convert JSON dumps obtained from a Jaeger\n",
51         "server (<>) into a format consumable\n",
52         "by [FlameGraph](\n",
53         "\n",
54         "First download the traces for your SERVICE limiting to LIMIT traces\n",
55         "\n",
56         "> $ curl http://your-jaeger-installation/api/traces?service=SERVICE&limit=LIMIT > input.json\n",
57         "\n",
58         "using the [undocumented Jaeger API](\n",
59         "then use @jaeger-flamegraph@ to convert the data and send to\n",
60         "\n",
61         "> $ jaeger-flamegraph -f input.json | > output.svg\n"],
62     category = "Testing",
63     customFieldsPD = [],
64     buildTypeRaw = Nothing,
65     setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
66     library = Nothing,
67     subLibraries = [],
68     executables = [],
69     foreignLibs = [],
70     testSuites = [],
71     benchmarks = [],
72     dataFiles = [],
73     dataDir = SymbolicPath ".",
74     extraSrcFiles = [],
75     extraTmpFiles = [],
76     extraDocFiles = [],
77     extraFiles = []},
78   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
79   genPackageFlags = [],
80   condLibrary = Just
81     CondNode {
82       condTreeData = Library {
83         libName = LMainLibName,
84         exposedModules = [
85           ModuleName "Interval"],
86         reexportedModules = [],
87         signatures = [],
88         libExposed = True,
89         libVisibility =
90         LibraryVisibilityPublic,
91         libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
92           buildable = True,
93           buildTools = [],
94           buildToolDepends = [],
95           cppOptions = [],
96           asmOptions = [],
97           cmmOptions = [],
98           ccOptions = [],
99           cxxOptions = [],
100           ldOptions = [],
101           hsc2hsOptions = [],
102           pkgconfigDepends = [],
103           frameworks = [],
104           extraFrameworkDirs = [],
105           asmSources = [],
106           cmmSources = [],
107           cSources = [],
108           cxxSources = [],
109           jsSources = [],
110           hsSourceDirs = [
111             SymbolicPath "library"],
112           otherModules = [],
113           virtualModules = [],
114           autogenModules = [],
115           defaultLanguage = Just
116             Haskell2010,
117           otherLanguages = [],
118           defaultExtensions = [],
119           otherExtensions = [],
120           oldExtensions = [],
121           extraLibs = [],
122           extraLibsStatic = [],
123           extraGHCiLibs = [],
124           extraBundledLibs = [],
125           extraLibFlavours = [],
126           extraDynLibFlavours = [],
127           extraLibDirs = [],
128           extraLibDirsStatic = [],
129           includeDirs = [],
130           includes = [],
131           autogenIncludes = [],
132           installIncludes = [],
133           options = PerCompilerFlavor
134             [
135               "-Wall",
136               "-Werror=missing-home-modules"]
137             [],
138           profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
139             []
140             [],
141           sharedOptions =
142           PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
143           profSharedOptions =
144           PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
145           staticOptions =
146           PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
147           customFieldsBI = [],
148           targetBuildDepends = [
149             Dependency
150               (PackageName "base")
151               (UnionVersionRanges
152                 (MajorBoundVersion
153                   (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
154                 (MajorBoundVersion
155                   (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
156               mainLibSet,
157             Dependency
158               (PackageName "QuickCheck")
159               (MajorBoundVersion
160                 (mkVersion [2, 12, 6, 1]))
161               mainLibSet],
162           mixins = []}},
163       condTreeConstraints = [
164         Dependency
165           (PackageName "base")
166           (UnionVersionRanges
167             (MajorBoundVersion
168               (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
169             (MajorBoundVersion
170               (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
171           mainLibSet,
172         Dependency
173           (PackageName "QuickCheck")
174           (MajorBoundVersion
175             (mkVersion [2, 12, 6, 1]))
176           mainLibSet],
177       condTreeComponents = []},
178   condSubLibraries = [],
179   condForeignLibs = [],
180   condExecutables = [
181     _×_
182       (UnqualComponentName
183         "jaeger-flamegraph")
184       CondNode {
185         condTreeData = Executable {
186           exeName = UnqualComponentName
187             "jaeger-flamegraph",
188           modulePath = SymbolicPath
189             "Main.hs",
190           exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
191           buildInfo = BuildInfo {
192             buildable = True,
193             buildTools = [],
194             buildToolDepends = [],
195             cppOptions = [],
196             asmOptions = [],
197             cmmOptions = [],
198             ccOptions = [],
199             cxxOptions = [],
200             ldOptions = [],
201             hsc2hsOptions = [],
202             pkgconfigDepends = [],
203             frameworks = [],
204             extraFrameworkDirs = [],
205             asmSources = [],
206             cmmSources = [],
207             cSources = [],
208             cxxSources = [],
209             jsSources = [],
210             hsSourceDirs = [
211               SymbolicPath "exe"],
212             otherModules = [],
213             virtualModules = [],
214             autogenModules = [],
215             defaultLanguage = Just
216               Haskell2010,
217             otherLanguages = [],
218             defaultExtensions = [],
219             otherExtensions = [],
220             oldExtensions = [],
221             extraLibs = [],
222             extraLibsStatic = [],
223             extraGHCiLibs = [],
224             extraBundledLibs = [],
225             extraLibFlavours = [],
226             extraDynLibFlavours = [],
227             extraLibDirs = [],
228             extraLibDirsStatic = [],
229             includeDirs = [],
230             includes = [],
231             autogenIncludes = [],
232             installIncludes = [],
233             options = PerCompilerFlavor
234               [
235                 "-Wall",
236                 "-Werror=missing-home-modules",
237                 "-threaded"]
238               [],
239             profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
240               []
241               [],
242             sharedOptions =
243             PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
244             profSharedOptions =
245             PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
246             staticOptions =
247             PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
248             customFieldsBI = [],
249             targetBuildDepends = [
250               Dependency
251                 (PackageName "base")
252                 (UnionVersionRanges
253                   (MajorBoundVersion
254                     (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
255                   (MajorBoundVersion
256                     (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
257                 mainLibSet,
258               Dependency
259                 (PackageName
260                   "jaeger-flamegraph")
261                 (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
262                 mainLibSet,
263               Dependency
264                 (PackageName "bytestring")
265                 (MajorBoundVersion
266                   (mkVersion [0, 10, 8, 2]))
267                 mainLibSet,
268               Dependency
269                 (PackageName "containers")
270                 (MajorBoundVersion
271                   (mkVersion [0, 6, 0, 1]))
272                 mainLibSet,
273               Dependency
274                 (PackageName "extra")
275                 (MajorBoundVersion
276                   (mkVersion [1, 6, 13]))
277                 mainLibSet,
278               Dependency
279                 (PackageName "aeson")
280                 (MajorBoundVersion
281                   (mkVersion [1, 4, 1, 0]))
282                 mainLibSet,
283               Dependency
284                 (PackageName
285                   "optparse-applicative")
286                 (MajorBoundVersion
287                   (mkVersion [0, 14, 3, 0]))
288                 mainLibSet,
289               Dependency
290                 (PackageName "text")
291                 (MajorBoundVersion
292                   (mkVersion [1, 2, 3, 1]))
293                 mainLibSet],
294             mixins = []}},
295         condTreeConstraints = [
296           Dependency
297             (PackageName "base")
298             (UnionVersionRanges
299               (MajorBoundVersion
300                 (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
301               (MajorBoundVersion
302                 (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
303             mainLibSet,
304           Dependency
305             (PackageName
306               "jaeger-flamegraph")
307             (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
308             mainLibSet,
309           Dependency
310             (PackageName "bytestring")
311             (MajorBoundVersion
312               (mkVersion [0, 10, 8, 2]))
313             mainLibSet,
314           Dependency
315             (PackageName "containers")
316             (MajorBoundVersion
317               (mkVersion [0, 6, 0, 1]))
318             mainLibSet,
319           Dependency
320             (PackageName "extra")
321             (MajorBoundVersion
322               (mkVersion [1, 6, 13]))
323             mainLibSet,
324           Dependency
325             (PackageName "aeson")
326             (MajorBoundVersion
327               (mkVersion [1, 4, 1, 0]))
328             mainLibSet,
329           Dependency
330             (PackageName
331               "optparse-applicative")
332             (MajorBoundVersion
333               (mkVersion [0, 14, 3, 0]))
334             mainLibSet,
335           Dependency
336             (PackageName "text")
337             (MajorBoundVersion
338               (mkVersion [1, 2, 3, 1]))
339             mainLibSet],
340         condTreeComponents = []}],
341   condTestSuites = [
342     _×_
343       (UnqualComponentName "tests")
344       CondNode {
345         condTreeData = TestSuite {
346           testName = UnqualComponentName
347             "",
348           testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
349             (mkVersion [1, 0])
350             (SymbolicPath "Driver.hs"),
351           testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
352             buildable = True,
353             buildTools = [],
354             buildToolDepends = [
355               ExeDependency
356                 (PackageName "tasty-discover")
357                 (UnqualComponentName
358                   "tasty-discover")
359                 (MajorBoundVersion
360                   (mkVersion [4, 2, 1]))],
361             cppOptions = [],
362             asmOptions = [],
363             cmmOptions = [],
364             ccOptions = [],
365             cxxOptions = [],
366             ldOptions = [],
367             hsc2hsOptions = [],
368             pkgconfigDepends = [],
369             frameworks = [],
370             extraFrameworkDirs = [],
371             asmSources = [],
372             cmmSources = [],
373             cSources = [],
374             cxxSources = [],
375             jsSources = [],
376             hsSourceDirs = [
377               SymbolicPath "test"],
378             otherModules = [
379               ModuleName "IntervalTest"],
380             virtualModules = [],
381             autogenModules = [],
382             defaultLanguage = Just
383               Haskell2010,
384             otherLanguages = [],
385             defaultExtensions = [],
386             otherExtensions = [],
387             oldExtensions = [],
388             extraLibs = [],
389             extraLibsStatic = [],
390             extraGHCiLibs = [],
391             extraBundledLibs = [],
392             extraLibFlavours = [],
393             extraDynLibFlavours = [],
394             extraLibDirs = [],
395             extraLibDirsStatic = [],
396             includeDirs = [],
397             includes = [],
398             autogenIncludes = [],
399             installIncludes = [],
400             options = PerCompilerFlavor
401               [
402                 "-Wall",
403                 "-Werror=missing-home-modules",
404                 "-threaded"]
405               [],
406             profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
407               []
408               [],
409             sharedOptions =
410             PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
411             profSharedOptions =
412             PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
413             staticOptions =
414             PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
415             customFieldsBI = [],
416             targetBuildDepends = [
417               Dependency
418                 (PackageName "base")
419                 (UnionVersionRanges
420                   (MajorBoundVersion
421                     (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
422                   (MajorBoundVersion
423                     (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
424                 mainLibSet,
425               Dependency
426                 (PackageName
427                   "jaeger-flamegraph")
428                 (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
429                 mainLibSet,
430               Dependency
431                 (PackageName "tasty")
432                 (MajorBoundVersion
433                   (mkVersion [1, 1, 0, 4]))
434                 mainLibSet,
435               Dependency
436                 (PackageName "tasty-hspec")
437                 (MajorBoundVersion
438                   (mkVersion [1, 1, 5]))
439                 mainLibSet,
440               Dependency
441                 (PackageName "tasty-quickcheck")
442                 (MajorBoundVersion
443                   (mkVersion [0, 10]))
444                 mainLibSet],
445             mixins = []},
446           testCodeGenerators = []},
447         condTreeConstraints = [
448           Dependency
449             (PackageName "base")
450             (UnionVersionRanges
451               (MajorBoundVersion
452                 (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
453               (MajorBoundVersion
454                 (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
455             mainLibSet,
456           Dependency
457             (PackageName
458               "jaeger-flamegraph")
459             (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
460             mainLibSet,
461           Dependency
462             (PackageName "tasty")
463             (MajorBoundVersion
464               (mkVersion [1, 1, 0, 4]))
465             mainLibSet,
466           Dependency
467             (PackageName "tasty-hspec")
468             (MajorBoundVersion
469               (mkVersion [1, 1, 5]))
470             mainLibSet,
471           Dependency
472             (PackageName "tasty-quickcheck")
473             (MajorBoundVersion
474               (mkVersion [0, 10]))
475             mainLibSet],
476         condTreeComponents = []}],
477   condBenchmarks = []}