Create changelogs for (#10591)
[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / tests / ParserTests / regressions / shake.cabal
1 cabal-version:      1.18
2 build-type:         Simple
3 name:               shake
4 version:            0.15.11
5 license:            BSD3
6 license-file:       LICENSE
7 category:           Development, Shake
8 author:             Neil Mitchell <>
9 maintainer:         Neil Mitchell <>
10 copyright:          Neil Mitchell 2011-2017
11 synopsis:           Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies.
12 description:
13     Shake is a Haskell library for writing build systems - designed as a
14     replacement for @make@. See "Development.Shake" for an introduction,
15     including an example. Further examples are included in the Cabal tarball,
16     under the @Examples@ directory. The homepage contains links to a user
17     manual, an academic paper and further information:
18     <>
19     .
20     To use Shake the user writes a Haskell program
21     that imports "Development.Shake", defines some build rules, and calls
22     the 'Development.Shake.shakeArgs' function. Thanks to do notation and infix
23     operators, a simple Shake build system
24     is not too dissimilar from a simple Makefile. However, as build systems
25     get more complex, Shake is able to take advantage of the excellent
26     abstraction facilities offered by Haskell and easily support much larger
27     projects. The Shake library provides all the standard features available in other
28     build systems, including automatic parallelism and minimal rebuilds.
29     Shake also provides more accurate dependency tracking, including seamless
30     support for generated files, and dependencies on system information
31     (e.g. compiler version).
32 homepage: 
33 bug-reports:
34 tested-with:        GHC==8.0.1, GHC==7.10.3, GHC==7.8.4, GHC==7.6.3, GHC==7.4.2
35 extra-doc-files:
36     CHANGES.txt
38 extra-source-files:
39     src/Test/C/constants.c
40     src/Test/C/constants.h
41     src/Test/C/main.c
42     src/Test/MakeTutor/Makefile
43     src/Test/MakeTutor/hellofunc.c
44     src/Test/MakeTutor/hellomake.c
45     src/Test/MakeTutor/hellomake.h
46     src/Test/Tar/list.txt
47     src/Test/Ninja/*.ninja
48     src/Test/Ninja/subdir/*.ninja
49     src/Test/Ninja/*.output
50     src/Test/Progress/*.prog
51     src/Test/Tup/hello.c
52     src/Test/Tup/root.cfg
53     src/Test/Tup/newmath/root.cfg
54     src/Test/Tup/newmath/square.c
55     src/Test/Tup/newmath/square.h
56     src/Paths.hs
57     docs/
58     docs/shake-progress.png
60 data-files:
61     html/viz.js
62     html/profile.html
63     html/progress.html
64     html/shake.js
65     docs/manual/build.bat
66     docs/manual/Build.hs
67     docs/manual/
68     docs/manual/constants.c
69     docs/manual/constants.h
70     docs/manual/main.c
72 source-repository head
73     type:     git
74     location:
76 flag portable
77     default: False
78     manual: True
79     description: Obtain FileTime using portable functions
81 library
82     default-language: Haskell2010
83     -- dot directory on own row
84     hs-source-dirs:
85         .
86         src
87     build-depends:
88         base >= 4.5,
89         directory,
90         hashable >=,
91         binary,
92         filepath,
93         process >= 1.1,
94         unordered-containers >= 0.2.1,
95         bytestring,
96         utf8-string >= 0.3,
97         time,
98         random,
99         js-jquery,
100         js-flot,
101         transformers >= 0.2,
102         extra >= 1.4.8,
103         deepseq >= 1.1
105     if flag(portable)
106         cpp-options: -DPORTABLE
107         if impl(ghc < 7.6)
108             build-depends: old-time
109     else
110         if !os(windows)
111             build-depends: unix >= 2.5.1
112     if !os(windows)
113         build-depends: unix
115     exposed-modules:
116         Development.Shake
117         Development.Shake.Classes
118         Development.Shake.Command
119         Development.Shake.Config
120         Development.Shake.FilePath
121         Development.Shake.Forward
122         Development.Shake.Rule
123         Development.Shake.Util
125     other-modules:
126         Development.Ninja.Env
127         Development.Ninja.Lexer
128         Development.Ninja.Parse
129         Development.Ninja.Type
130         Development.Shake.Args
131         Development.Shake.ByteString
132         Development.Shake.Core
133         Development.Shake.CmdOption
134         Development.Shake.Database
135         Development.Shake.Demo
136         Development.Shake.Derived
137         Development.Shake.Errors
138         Development.Shake.FileInfo
139         Development.Shake.FilePattern
140         Development.Shake.Monad
141         Development.Shake.Pool
142         Development.Shake.Profile
143         Development.Shake.Progress
144         Development.Shake.Resource
145         Development.Shake.Rules.Directory
146         Development.Shake.Rules.File
147         Development.Shake.Rules.Files
148         Development.Shake.Rules.Oracle
149         Development.Shake.Rules.OrderOnly
150         Development.Shake.Rules.Rerun
151         Development.Shake.Shake
152         Development.Shake.Special
153         Development.Shake.Storage
154         Development.Shake.Types
155         Development.Shake.Value
156         General.Bilist
157         General.Binary
158         General.Cleanup
159         General.Concurrent
160         General.Extra
161         General.FileLock
162         General.Intern
163         General.Process
164         General.String
165         General.Template
166         General.Timing
167         Paths_shake
170 executable shake
171     default-language: Haskell2010
172     hs-source-dirs:   src
173     ghc-options: -main-is Run.main
174     main-is: Run.hs
175     ghc-options: -rtsopts
176     -- GHC bug 7646 means -threaded causes errors
177     if impl(ghc >= 7.8)
178         ghc-options: -threaded "-with-rtsopts=-I0 -qg -qb"
179     build-depends:
180         base == 4.*,
181         directory,
182         hashable >=,
183         binary,
184         filepath,
185         process >= 1.1,
186         unordered-containers >= 0.2.1,
187         bytestring,
188         utf8-string >= 0.3,
189         time,
190         random,
191         js-jquery,
192         js-flot,
193         transformers >= 0.2,
194         extra >= 1.4.8,
195         deepseq >= 1.1,
196         primitive
198     if flag(portable)
199         cpp-options: -DPORTABLE
200         if impl(ghc < 7.6)
201             build-depends: old-time
202     else
203         if !os(windows)
204             build-depends: unix >= 2.5.1
205     if !os(windows)
206         build-depends: unix
208     other-modules:
209         Development.Make.All
210         Development.Make.Env
211         Development.Make.Parse
212         Development.Make.Rules
213         Development.Make.Type
214         Development.Ninja.All
215         Development.Ninja.Env
216         Development.Ninja.Lexer
217         Development.Ninja.Parse
218         Development.Ninja.Type
219         Development.Shake
220         Development.Shake.Args
221         Development.Shake.ByteString
222         Development.Shake.Classes
223         Development.Shake.CmdOption
224         Development.Shake.Command
225         Development.Shake.Core
226         Development.Shake.Database
227         Development.Shake.Demo
228         Development.Shake.Derived
229         Development.Shake.Errors
230         Development.Shake.FileInfo
231         Development.Shake.FilePath
232         Development.Shake.FilePattern
233         Development.Shake.Forward
234         Development.Shake.Monad
235         Development.Shake.Pool
236         Development.Shake.Profile
237         Development.Shake.Progress
238         Development.Shake.Resource
239         Development.Shake.Rule
240         Development.Shake.Rules.Directory
241         Development.Shake.Rules.File
242         Development.Shake.Rules.Files
243         Development.Shake.Rules.Oracle
244         Development.Shake.Rules.OrderOnly
245         Development.Shake.Rules.Rerun
246         Development.Shake.Shake
247         Development.Shake.Special
248         Development.Shake.Storage
249         Development.Shake.Types
250         Development.Shake.Value
251         General.Bilist
252         General.Binary
253         General.Cleanup
254         General.Concurrent
255         General.Extra
256         General.FileLock
257         General.Intern
258         General.Process
259         General.String
260         General.Template
261         General.Timing
262         Paths_shake
263         Run
266 test-suite shake-test
267     default-language: Haskell2010
268     type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
269     main-is: Test.hs
270     hs-source-dirs: src
272     ghc-options: -main-is Test.main -rtsopts
273     if impl(ghc >= 7.6)
274         -- space leak introduced by -O1 in 7.4, see #445
275         ghc-options: -with-rtsopts=-K1K
276     if impl(ghc >= 7.8)
277         -- GHC bug 7646 (fixed in 7.8) means -threaded causes errors
278         ghc-options: -threaded
280     build-depends:
281         base == 4.*,
282         directory,
283         hashable >=,
284         binary,
285         filepath,
286         process >= 1.1,
287         unordered-containers >= 0.2.1,
288         bytestring,
289         utf8-string >= 0.3,
290         time,
291         random,
292         js-jquery,
293         js-flot,
294         transformers >= 0.2,
295         deepseq >= 1.1,
296         extra >= 1.4.8,
297         QuickCheck >= 2.0
299     if flag(portable)
300         cpp-options: -DPORTABLE
301         if impl(ghc < 7.6)
302             build-depends: old-time
303     else
304         if !os(windows)
305             build-depends: unix >= 2.5.1
306     if !os(windows)
307         build-depends: unix
309     other-modules:
310         Development.Make.All
311         Development.Make.Env
312         Development.Make.Parse
313         Development.Make.Rules
314         Development.Make.Type
315         Development.Ninja.All
316         Development.Ninja.Env
317         Development.Ninja.Lexer
318         Development.Ninja.Parse
319         Development.Ninja.Type
320         Development.Shake
321         Development.Shake.Args
322         Development.Shake.ByteString
323         Development.Shake.Classes
324         Development.Shake.CmdOption
325         Development.Shake.Command
326         Development.Shake.Config
327         Development.Shake.Core
328         Development.Shake.Database
329         Development.Shake.Demo
330         Development.Shake.Derived
331         Development.Shake.Errors
332         Development.Shake.FileInfo
333         Development.Shake.FilePath
334         Development.Shake.FilePattern
335         Development.Shake.Forward
336         Development.Shake.Monad
337         Development.Shake.Pool
338         Development.Shake.Profile
339         Development.Shake.Progress
340         Development.Shake.Resource
341         Development.Shake.Rule
342         Development.Shake.Rules.Directory
343         Development.Shake.Rules.File
344         Development.Shake.Rules.Files
345         Development.Shake.Rules.Oracle
346         Development.Shake.Rules.OrderOnly
347         Development.Shake.Rules.Rerun
348         Development.Shake.Shake
349         Development.Shake.Special
350         Development.Shake.Storage
351         Development.Shake.Types
352         Development.Shake.Util
353         Development.Shake.Value
354         General.Bilist
355         General.Binary
356         General.Cleanup
357         General.Concurrent
358         General.Extra
359         General.FileLock
360         General.Intern
361         General.Process
362         General.String
363         General.Template
364         General.Timing
365         Paths_shake
366         Run
367         Test.Assume
368         Test.Basic
369         Test.Benchmark
370         Test.C
371         Test.Cache
372         Test.Command
373         Test.Config
374         Test.Digest
375         Test.Directory
376         Test.Docs
377         Test.Errors
378         Test.FileLock
379         Test.FilePath
380         Test.FilePattern
381         Test.Files
382         Test.Forward
383         Test.Journal
384         Test.Lint
385         Test.Live
386         Test.Makefile
387         Test.Manual
388         Test.Match
389         Test.Monad
390         Test.Ninja
391         Test.Oracle
392         Test.OrderOnly
393         Test.Parallel
394         Test.Pool
395         Test.Progress
396         Test.Random
397         Test.Resources
398         Test.Self
399         Test.Tar
400         Test.Tup
401         Test.Type
402         Test.Unicode
403         Test.Util
404         Test.Verbosity
405         Test.Version