Merge pull request #10655 from geekosaur/cleanup-token
[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Simple / Glob.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
2 module UnitTests.Distribution.Simple.Glob
3 ( tests
4 ) where
6 import Control.Monad
7 import Data.Foldable (for_)
8 import Data.Function (on)
9 import Data.List (sort)
10 import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
11 import Distribution.Simple.Glob
12 import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity
13 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
14 import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
15 import System.FilePath ((</>), splitFileName, normalise)
16 import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
17 import Test.Tasty
18 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
20 sampleFileNames :: [FilePath]
21 sampleFileNames =
22 [ "a"
23 , "a.html"
24 , "b.html"
25 , "b.html.gz"
26 , "foo/.blah.html"
27 , "foo/.html"
28 , "foo/a"
29 , "foo/a.html"
30 , "foo/a.html.gz"
31 , "foo/a.tex"
32 , "foo/a.tex.gz"
33 , "foo/b.html"
34 , "foo/b.html.gz"
35 , "foo/x.gz"
36 , "foo/bar/.html"
37 , "foo/bar/a.html"
38 , "foo/bar/a.html.gz"
39 , "foo/bar/a.tex"
40 , "foo/bar/a.tex.gz"
41 , "foo/bar/b.html"
42 , "foo/bar/b.html.gz"
43 , "foo/c.html/blah"
44 , "xyz/foo/a.html"
47 makeSampleFiles :: FilePath -> IO ()
48 makeSampleFiles dir = for_ sampleFileNames $ \filename -> do
49 let (dir', name) = splitFileName filename
50 createDirectoryIfMissing True (dir </> dir')
51 writeFile (dir </> dir' </> name) $ "This is " ++ filename
53 compatibilityTests :: CabalSpecVersion -> [TestTree]
54 compatibilityTests version =
55 [ testCase "literal match" $
56 testMatches "foo/a" [GlobMatch "foo/a"]
57 , testCase "literal no match on prefix" $
58 testMatches "foo/c.html" [GlobMatchesDirectory "foo/c.html"]
59 , testCase "literal no match on suffix" $
60 testMatches "foo/a.html" [GlobMatch "foo/a.html"]
61 , testCase "literal no prefix" $
62 testMatches "a" [GlobMatch "a"]
63 , testCase "literal multiple prefix" $
64 testMatches "foo/bar/a.html" [GlobMatch "foo/bar/a.html"]
65 , testCase "glob" $
66 testMatches "*.html" [GlobMatch "a.html", GlobMatch "b.html"]
67 , testCase "glob in subdir" $
68 testMatches "foo/*.html" [GlobMatchesDirectory "foo/c.html", GlobMatch "foo/b.html", GlobMatch "foo/a.html"]
69 , testCase "glob multiple extensions" $
70 testMatches "foo/*.html.gz" [GlobMatch "foo/a.html.gz", GlobMatch "foo/b.html.gz"]
71 , testCase "glob in deep subdir" $
72 testMatches "foo/bar/*.tex" [GlobMatch "foo/bar/a.tex"]
73 , testCase "star in directory" $
74 testFailParse "blah/*/foo" StarInDirectory
75 , testCase "star plus text in segment" $
76 testFailParse "xyz*/foo" StarInDirectory
77 , testCase "star in filename plus text" $
78 testFailParse "foo*.bar" StarInFileName
79 , testCase "no extension on star" $
80 testFailParse "foo/*" NoExtensionOnStar
81 , testCase "star in extension" $
82 testFailParse "foo.*.gz" StarInExtension
84 where
85 testMatches = testMatchesVersion version
86 testFailParse = testFailParseVersion version
88 -- For efficiency reasons, matchDirFileGlob isn't a simple call to
89 -- getDirectoryContentsRecursive and then a filter with
90 -- fileGlobMatches. So test both that naive approach and the actual
91 -- approach to make sure they are both correct.
93 -- TODO: Work out how to construct the sample tree once for all tests,
94 -- rather than once for each test.
95 testMatchesVersion :: CabalSpecVersion -> FilePath -> [GlobResult FilePath] -> Assertion
96 testMatchesVersion version pat expected = do
97 globPat <- case parseFileGlob version pat of
98 Left _ -> assertFailure "Couldn't compile the pattern."
99 Right globPat -> return globPat
100 checkPure globPat
101 checkIO globPat
102 where
103 isEqual = (==) `on` (sort . fmap (fmap normalise))
104 checkPure globPat = do
105 let actual = mapMaybe (\p -> (p <$) <$> fileGlobMatches version globPat p) sampleFileNames
106 -- We drop directory matches from the expected results since the pure
107 -- check can't identify that kind of match.
108 expected' = filter (\case GlobMatchesDirectory _ -> False; _ -> True) expected
109 unless (sort expected' == sort actual) $
110 assertFailure $ "Unexpected result (pure matcher): " ++ show actual ++ "\nExpected: " ++ show expected
111 checkIO globPat =
112 withSystemTempDirectory "globstar-sample" $ \tmpdir -> do
113 makeSampleFiles tmpdir
114 actual <- runDirFileGlob Verbosity.normal (Just version) tmpdir globPat
115 unless (isEqual actual expected) $
116 assertFailure $ "Unexpected result (impure matcher): " ++ show actual ++ "\nExpected: " ++ show expected
118 testFailParseVersion :: CabalSpecVersion -> FilePath -> GlobSyntaxError -> Assertion
119 testFailParseVersion version pat expected =
120 case parseFileGlob version pat of
121 Left err -> unless (expected == err) $
122 assertFailure $ "Unexpected error: " ++ show err
123 Right _ -> assertFailure "Unexpected success in parsing."
125 globstarTests :: [TestTree]
126 globstarTests =
127 [ testCase "fails to parse on early spec version" $
128 testFailParseVersion CabalSpecV2_2 "**/*.html" VersionDoesNotSupportGlobStar
129 , testCase "out-of-place double star" $
130 testFailParse "blah/**/blah/*.foo" StarInDirectory
131 , testCase "multiple double star" $
132 testFailParse "blah/**/**/*.foo" StarInDirectory
133 , testCase "fails with literal filename" $
134 testFailParse "**/a.html" LiteralFileNameGlobStar
135 , testCase "with glob filename" $
136 testMatches "**/*.html" [GlobMatch "a.html", GlobMatch "b.html", GlobMatch "foo/a.html", GlobMatch "foo/b.html", GlobMatch "foo/bar/a.html", GlobMatch "foo/bar/b.html", GlobMatch "xyz/foo/a.html"]
137 , testCase "glob with prefix" $
138 testMatches "foo/**/*.html" [GlobMatch "foo/a.html", GlobMatch "foo/b.html", GlobMatch "foo/bar/a.html", GlobMatch "foo/bar/b.html"]
140 where
141 testFailParse = testFailParseVersion CabalSpecV2_4
142 testMatches = testMatchesVersion CabalSpecV2_4
144 multiDotTests :: [TestTree]
145 multiDotTests =
146 [ testCase "pre-2.4 single extension not matching multiple" $
147 testMatchesVersion CabalSpecV2_2 "foo/*.gz" [GlobWarnMultiDot "foo/a.html.gz", GlobWarnMultiDot "foo/a.tex.gz", GlobWarnMultiDot "foo/b.html.gz", GlobMatch "foo/x.gz"]
148 , testCase "doesn't match literal" $
149 testMatches "foo/a.tex" [GlobMatch "foo/a.tex"]
150 , testCase "works" $
151 testMatches "foo/*.gz" [GlobMatch "foo/a.html.gz", GlobMatch "foo/a.tex.gz", GlobMatch "foo/b.html.gz", GlobMatch "foo/x.gz"]
152 , testCase "works with globstar" $
153 testMatches "foo/**/*.gz" [GlobMatch "foo/a.html.gz", GlobMatch "foo/a.tex.gz", GlobMatch "foo/b.html.gz", GlobMatch "foo/x.gz", GlobMatch "foo/bar/a.html.gz", GlobMatch "foo/bar/a.tex.gz", GlobMatch "foo/bar/b.html.gz"]
155 where
156 testMatches = testMatchesVersion CabalSpecV2_4
158 tests :: [TestTree]
159 tests =
160 [ testGroup "pre-2.4 compatibility" $
161 compatibilityTests CabalSpecV2_2
162 , testGroup "post-2.4 compatibility" $
163 compatibilityTests CabalSpecV2_4
164 , testGroup "globstar" globstarTests
165 , testCase "pre-1.6 rejects globbing" $
166 testFailParseVersion CabalSpecV1_4 "foo/*.bar" VersionDoesNotSupportGlob
167 , testGroup "multi-dot globbing" multiDotTests