Merge pull request #10587 from 9999years/git-quiet
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / GHC / Internal.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal
9 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2007
11 -- Maintainer :
12 -- Portability : portable
14 -- This module contains functions shared by GHC (Distribution.Simple.GHC)
15 -- and GHC-derived compilers.
16 module Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal
17 ( configureToolchain
18 , getLanguages
19 , getExtensions
20 , targetPlatform
21 , getGhcInfo
22 , componentCcGhcOptions
23 , componentCmmGhcOptions
24 , componentCxxGhcOptions
25 , componentAsmGhcOptions
26 , componentJsGhcOptions
27 , componentGhcOptions
28 , mkGHCiLibName
29 , mkGHCiProfLibName
30 , filterGhciFlags
31 , ghcLookupProperty
32 , getHaskellObjects
33 , mkGhcOptPackages
34 , substTopDir
35 , checkPackageDbEnvVar
36 , profDetailLevelFlag
38 -- * GHC platform and version strings
39 , ghcArchString
40 , ghcOsString
41 , ghcPlatformAndVersionString
43 -- * Constructing GHC environment files
44 , GhcEnvironmentFileEntry (..)
45 , writeGhcEnvironmentFile
46 , simpleGhcEnvironmentFile
47 , ghcEnvironmentFileName
48 , renderGhcEnvironmentFile
49 , renderGhcEnvironmentFileEntry
50 ) where
52 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
53 import Prelude ()
55 import Data.Bool (bool)
56 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
57 import qualified Data.Map as Map
58 import qualified Data.Set as Set
59 import Distribution.Backpack
60 import Distribution.Compat.Stack
61 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as IPI
62 import Distribution.Lex
63 import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
64 import Distribution.PackageDescription
65 import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsec)
66 import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow)
67 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
68 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
69 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
70 import Distribution.Simple.Flag (Flag (NoFlag), maybeToFlag, toFlag)
71 import Distribution.Simple.GHC.ImplInfo
72 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
73 import Distribution.Simple.Program
74 import Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC
75 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Common (extraCompilationArtifacts)
76 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
77 import Distribution.System
78 import Distribution.Types.ComponentLocalBuildInfo
79 import Distribution.Types.GivenComponent
80 import Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo
81 import Distribution.Types.TargetInfo
82 import Distribution.Types.UnitId
83 import Distribution.Utils.NubList (NubListR, toNubListR)
84 import Distribution.Utils.Path
85 import Distribution.Verbosity
86 import Distribution.Version (Version)
87 import Language.Haskell.Extension
88 import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
89 import System.Environment (getEnv)
90 import System.FilePath
91 ( takeDirectory
92 , takeExtension
93 , takeFileName
95 import System.IO (hClose, hPutStrLn)
97 targetPlatform :: [(String, String)] -> Maybe Platform
98 targetPlatform ghcInfo = platformFromTriple =<< lookup "Target platform" ghcInfo
100 -- | Adjust the way we find and configure gcc and ld
101 configureToolchain
102 :: GhcImplInfo
103 -> ConfiguredProgram
104 -> Map String String
105 -> ProgramDb
106 -> ProgramDb
107 configureToolchain _implInfo ghcProg ghcInfo =
108 addKnownProgram
109 gccProgram
110 { programFindLocation = findProg gccProgramName extraGccPath
111 , programPostConf = configureGcc
113 . addKnownProgram
114 ldProgram
115 { programFindLocation = findProg ldProgramName extraLdPath
116 , programPostConf = \v cp ->
117 -- Call any existing configuration first and then add any new configuration
118 configureLd v =<< programPostConf ldProgram v cp
120 . addKnownProgram
121 arProgram
122 { programFindLocation = findProg arProgramName extraArPath
124 . addKnownProgram
125 stripProgram
126 { programFindLocation = findProg stripProgramName extraStripPath
128 where
129 compilerDir, base_dir, mingwBinDir :: FilePath
130 compilerDir = takeDirectory (programPath ghcProg)
131 base_dir = takeDirectory compilerDir
132 mingwBinDir = base_dir </> "mingw" </> "bin"
133 isWindows = case buildOS of Windows -> True; _ -> False
134 binPrefix = ""
136 maybeName :: Program -> Maybe FilePath -> String
137 maybeName prog = maybe (programName prog) (dropExeExtension . takeFileName)
139 gccProgramName = maybeName gccProgram mbGccLocation
140 ldProgramName = maybeName ldProgram mbLdLocation
141 arProgramName = maybeName arProgram mbArLocation
142 stripProgramName = maybeName stripProgram mbStripLocation
144 mkExtraPath :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath]
145 mkExtraPath mbPath mingwPath
146 | isWindows = mbDir ++ [mingwPath]
147 | otherwise = mbDir
148 where
149 mbDir = maybeToList . fmap takeDirectory $ mbPath
151 extraGccPath = mkExtraPath mbGccLocation windowsExtraGccDir
152 extraLdPath = mkExtraPath mbLdLocation windowsExtraLdDir
153 extraArPath = mkExtraPath mbArLocation windowsExtraArDir
154 extraStripPath = mkExtraPath mbStripLocation windowsExtraStripDir
156 -- on Windows finding and configuring ghc's gcc & binutils is a bit special
157 ( windowsExtraGccDir
158 , windowsExtraLdDir
159 , windowsExtraArDir
160 , windowsExtraStripDir
162 let b = mingwBinDir </> binPrefix
163 in (b, b, b, b)
165 findProg
166 :: String
167 -> [FilePath]
168 -> Verbosity
169 -> ProgramSearchPath
170 -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, [FilePath]))
171 findProg progName extraPath v searchpath =
172 findProgramOnSearchPath v searchpath' progName
173 where
174 searchpath' = (map ProgramSearchPathDir extraPath) ++ searchpath
176 -- Read tool locations from the 'ghc --info' output. Useful when
177 -- cross-compiling.
178 mbGccLocation = Map.lookup "C compiler command" ghcInfo
179 mbLdLocation = Map.lookup "ld command" ghcInfo
180 mbArLocation = Map.lookup "ar command" ghcInfo
181 mbStripLocation = Map.lookup "strip command" ghcInfo
183 ccFlags = getFlags "C compiler flags"
184 -- GHC 7.8 renamed "Gcc Linker flags" to "C compiler link flags"
185 -- and "Ld Linker flags" to "ld flags" (GHC #4862).
186 gccLinkerFlags = getFlags "Gcc Linker flags" ++ getFlags "C compiler link flags"
187 ldLinkerFlags = getFlags "Ld Linker flags" ++ getFlags "ld flags"
189 -- It appears that GHC 7.6 and earlier encode the tokenized flags as a
190 -- [String] in these settings whereas later versions just encode the flags as
191 -- String.
193 -- We first try to parse as a [String] and if this fails then tokenize the
194 -- flags ourself.
195 getFlags :: String -> [String]
196 getFlags key =
197 case Map.lookup key ghcInfo of
198 Nothing -> []
199 Just flags
200 | (flags', "") : _ <- reads flags -> flags'
201 | otherwise -> tokenizeQuotedWords flags
203 configureGcc :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO ConfiguredProgram
204 configureGcc _v gccProg = do
205 return
206 gccProg
207 { programDefaultArgs =
208 programDefaultArgs gccProg
209 ++ ccFlags
210 ++ gccLinkerFlags
213 configureLd :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO ConfiguredProgram
214 configureLd v ldProg = do
215 ldProg' <- configureLd' v ldProg
216 return
217 ldProg'
218 { programDefaultArgs = programDefaultArgs ldProg' ++ ldLinkerFlags
221 -- we need to find out if ld supports the -x flag
222 configureLd' :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO ConfiguredProgram
223 configureLd' verbosity ldProg = do
224 ldx <- withTempFile ".c" $ \testcfile testchnd ->
225 withTempFile ".o" $ \testofile testohnd -> do
226 hPutStrLn testchnd "int foo() { return 0; }"
227 hClose testchnd
228 hClose testohnd
229 runProgram
230 verbosity
231 ghcProg
232 [ "-hide-all-packages"
233 , "-c"
234 , testcfile
235 , "-o"
236 , testofile
238 withTempFile ".o" $ \testofile' testohnd' ->
240 hClose testohnd'
241 _ <-
242 getProgramOutput
243 verbosity
244 ldProg
245 ["-x", "-r", testofile, "-o", testofile']
246 return True
247 `catchIO` (\_ -> return False)
248 `catchExit` (\_ -> return False)
249 if ldx
250 then return ldProg{programDefaultArgs = ["-x"]}
251 else return ldProg
253 getLanguages
254 :: Verbosity
255 -> GhcImplInfo
256 -> ConfiguredProgram
257 -> IO [(Language, String)]
258 getLanguages _ implInfo _
259 -- TODO: should be using --supported-languages rather than hard coding
260 | supportsGHC2024 implInfo =
261 return
262 [ (GHC2024, "-XGHC2024")
263 , (GHC2021, "-XGHC2021")
264 , (Haskell2010, "-XHaskell2010")
265 , (Haskell98, "-XHaskell98")
267 | supportsGHC2021 implInfo =
268 return
269 [ (GHC2021, "-XGHC2021")
270 , (Haskell2010, "-XHaskell2010")
271 , (Haskell98, "-XHaskell98")
273 | supportsHaskell2010 implInfo =
274 return
275 [ (Haskell98, "-XHaskell98")
276 , (Haskell2010, "-XHaskell2010")
278 | otherwise = return [(Haskell98, "")]
280 getGhcInfo
281 :: Verbosity
282 -> GhcImplInfo
283 -> ConfiguredProgram
284 -> IO [(String, String)]
285 getGhcInfo verbosity _implInfo ghcProg = do
286 xs <-
287 getProgramOutput
288 verbosity
289 (suppressOverrideArgs ghcProg)
290 ["--info"]
291 case reads xs of
292 [(i, ss)]
293 | all isSpace ss ->
294 return i
295 _ ->
296 dieWithException verbosity CantParseGHCOutput
298 getExtensions
299 :: Verbosity
300 -> GhcImplInfo
301 -> ConfiguredProgram
302 -> IO [(Extension, Maybe String)]
303 getExtensions verbosity implInfo ghcProg = do
304 str <-
305 getProgramOutput
306 verbosity
307 (suppressOverrideArgs ghcProg)
308 ["--supported-languages"]
309 let extStrs =
310 if reportsNoExt implInfo
311 then lines str
312 else -- Older GHCs only gave us either Foo or NoFoo,
313 -- so we have to work out the other one ourselves
315 [ extStr''
316 | extStr <- lines str
317 , let extStr' = case extStr of
318 'N' : 'o' : xs -> xs
319 _ -> "No" ++ extStr
320 , extStr'' <- [extStr, extStr']
322 let extensions0 =
323 [ (ext, Just $ "-X" ++ prettyShow ext)
324 | Just ext <- map simpleParsec extStrs
326 extensions1 =
327 if alwaysNondecIndent implInfo
328 then -- ghc-7.2 split NondecreasingIndentation off
329 -- into a proper extension. Before that it
330 -- was always on.
331 -- Since it was not a proper extension, it could
332 -- not be turned off, hence we omit a
333 -- DisableExtension entry here.
335 (EnableExtension NondecreasingIndentation, Nothing)
336 : extensions0
337 else extensions0
338 return extensions1
340 includePaths
341 :: LocalBuildInfo
342 -> BuildInfo
343 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
344 -> SymbolicPath Pkg p
345 -> NubListR (SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Include))
346 includePaths lbi bi clbi odir =
347 toNubListR $
348 [ coerceSymbolicPath $ autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
349 , coerceSymbolicPath $ autogenPackageModulesDir lbi
350 , coerceSymbolicPath odir
352 -- includes relative to the package
353 ++ includeDirs bi
354 -- potential includes generated by `configure'
355 -- in the build directory
356 ++ [ buildDir lbi </> dir
357 | dir <- mapMaybe (symbolicPathRelative_maybe . unsafeCoerceSymbolicPath) $ includeDirs bi
360 componentCcGhcOptions
361 :: Verbosity
362 -> LocalBuildInfo
363 -> BuildInfo
364 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
365 -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Artifacts)
366 -> SymbolicPath Pkg File
367 -> GhcOptions
368 componentCcGhcOptions verbosity lbi bi clbi odir filename =
369 mempty
370 { -- Respect -v0, but don't crank up verbosity on GHC if
371 -- Cabal verbosity is requested. For that, use --ghc-option=-v instead!
372 ghcOptVerbosity = toFlag (min verbosity normal)
373 , ghcOptMode = toFlag GhcModeCompile
374 , ghcOptInputFiles = toNubListR [filename]
375 , ghcOptCppIncludePath = includePaths lbi bi clbi odir
376 , ghcOptHideAllPackages = toFlag True
377 , ghcOptPackageDBs = withPackageDB lbi
378 , ghcOptPackages = toNubListR $ mkGhcOptPackages (promisedPkgs lbi) clbi
379 , ghcOptCcOptions =
380 ( case withOptimization lbi of
381 NoOptimisation -> []
382 _ -> ["-O2"]
384 ++ ( case withDebugInfo lbi of
385 NoDebugInfo -> []
386 MinimalDebugInfo -> ["-g1"]
387 NormalDebugInfo -> ["-g"]
388 MaximalDebugInfo -> ["-g3"]
390 ++ ccOptions bi
391 , ghcOptCcProgram =
392 maybeToFlag $
393 programPath
394 <$> lookupProgram gccProgram (withPrograms lbi)
395 , ghcOptObjDir = toFlag odir
396 , ghcOptExtra = hcOptions GHC bi
399 componentCxxGhcOptions
400 :: Verbosity
401 -> LocalBuildInfo
402 -> BuildInfo
403 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
404 -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Artifacts)
405 -> SymbolicPath Pkg File
406 -> GhcOptions
407 componentCxxGhcOptions verbosity lbi bi clbi odir filename =
408 mempty
409 { -- Respect -v0, but don't crank up verbosity on GHC if
410 -- Cabal verbosity is requested. For that, use --ghc-option=-v instead!
411 ghcOptVerbosity = toFlag (min verbosity normal)
412 , ghcOptMode = toFlag GhcModeCompile
413 , ghcOptInputFiles = toNubListR [filename]
414 , ghcOptCppIncludePath = includePaths lbi bi clbi odir
415 , ghcOptHideAllPackages = toFlag True
416 , ghcOptPackageDBs = withPackageDB lbi
417 , ghcOptPackages = toNubListR $ mkGhcOptPackages (promisedPkgs lbi) clbi
418 , ghcOptCxxOptions =
419 ( case withOptimization lbi of
420 NoOptimisation -> []
421 _ -> ["-O2"]
423 ++ ( case withDebugInfo lbi of
424 NoDebugInfo -> []
425 MinimalDebugInfo -> ["-g1"]
426 NormalDebugInfo -> ["-g"]
427 MaximalDebugInfo -> ["-g3"]
429 ++ cxxOptions bi
430 , ghcOptCcProgram =
431 maybeToFlag $
432 programPath
433 <$> lookupProgram gccProgram (withPrograms lbi)
434 , ghcOptObjDir = toFlag odir
435 , ghcOptExtra = hcOptions GHC bi
438 componentAsmGhcOptions
439 :: Verbosity
440 -> LocalBuildInfo
441 -> BuildInfo
442 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
443 -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Artifacts)
444 -> SymbolicPath Pkg File
445 -> GhcOptions
446 componentAsmGhcOptions verbosity lbi bi clbi odir filename =
447 mempty
448 { -- Respect -v0, but don't crank up verbosity on GHC if
449 -- Cabal verbosity is requested. For that, use --ghc-option=-v instead!
450 ghcOptVerbosity = toFlag (min verbosity normal)
451 , ghcOptMode = toFlag GhcModeCompile
452 , ghcOptInputFiles = toNubListR [filename]
453 , ghcOptCppIncludePath = includePaths lbi bi clbi odir
454 , ghcOptHideAllPackages = toFlag True
455 , ghcOptPackageDBs = withPackageDB lbi
456 , ghcOptPackages = toNubListR $ mkGhcOptPackages (promisedPkgs lbi) clbi
457 , ghcOptAsmOptions =
458 ( case withOptimization lbi of
459 NoOptimisation -> []
460 _ -> ["-O2"]
462 ++ ( case withDebugInfo lbi of
463 NoDebugInfo -> []
464 MinimalDebugInfo -> ["-g1"]
465 NormalDebugInfo -> ["-g"]
466 MaximalDebugInfo -> ["-g3"]
468 ++ asmOptions bi
469 , ghcOptObjDir = toFlag odir
472 componentJsGhcOptions
473 :: Verbosity
474 -> LocalBuildInfo
475 -> BuildInfo
476 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
477 -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Artifacts)
478 -> SymbolicPath Pkg File
479 -> GhcOptions
480 componentJsGhcOptions verbosity lbi bi clbi odir filename =
481 mempty
482 { -- Respect -v0, but don't crank up verbosity on GHC if
483 -- Cabal verbosity is requested. For that, use --ghc-option=-v instead!
484 ghcOptVerbosity = toFlag (min verbosity normal)
485 , ghcOptMode = toFlag GhcModeCompile
486 , ghcOptInputFiles = toNubListR [filename]
487 , ghcOptCppIncludePath = includePaths lbi bi clbi odir
488 , ghcOptHideAllPackages = toFlag True
489 , ghcOptPackageDBs = withPackageDB lbi
490 , ghcOptPackages = toNubListR $ mkGhcOptPackages (promisedPkgs lbi) clbi
491 , ghcOptObjDir = toFlag odir
494 componentGhcOptions
495 :: Verbosity
496 -> LocalBuildInfo
497 -> BuildInfo
498 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
499 -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir build)
500 -> GhcOptions
501 componentGhcOptions verbosity lbi bi clbi odir =
502 let implInfo = getImplInfo $ compiler lbi
503 in mempty
504 { -- Respect -v0, but don't crank up verbosity on GHC if
505 -- Cabal verbosity is requested. For that, use --ghc-option=-v instead!
506 ghcOptVerbosity = toFlag (min verbosity normal)
507 , ghcOptCabal = toFlag True
508 , ghcOptThisUnitId = case clbi of
509 LibComponentLocalBuildInfo{componentCompatPackageKey = pk} ->
510 toFlag pk
511 _ | not (unitIdForExes implInfo) -> mempty
512 ExeComponentLocalBuildInfo{componentUnitId = uid} ->
513 toFlag (unUnitId uid)
514 TestComponentLocalBuildInfo{componentUnitId = uid} ->
515 toFlag (unUnitId uid)
516 BenchComponentLocalBuildInfo{componentUnitId = uid} ->
517 toFlag (unUnitId uid)
518 FLibComponentLocalBuildInfo{componentUnitId = uid} ->
519 toFlag (unUnitId uid)
520 , ghcOptThisComponentId = case clbi of
521 LibComponentLocalBuildInfo
522 { componentComponentId = cid
523 , componentInstantiatedWith = insts
524 } ->
525 if null insts
526 then mempty
527 else toFlag cid
528 _ -> mempty
529 , ghcOptInstantiatedWith = case clbi of
530 LibComponentLocalBuildInfo{componentInstantiatedWith = insts} ->
531 insts
532 _ -> []
533 , ghcOptNoCode = toFlag $ componentIsIndefinite clbi
534 , ghcOptHideAllPackages = toFlag True
535 , ghcOptWarnMissingHomeModules = toFlag $ flagWarnMissingHomeModules implInfo
536 , ghcOptPackageDBs = withPackageDB lbi
537 , ghcOptPackages = toNubListR $ mkGhcOptPackages mempty clbi
538 , ghcOptSplitSections = toFlag (splitSections lbi)
539 , ghcOptSplitObjs = toFlag (splitObjs lbi)
540 , ghcOptSourcePathClear = toFlag True
541 , ghcOptSourcePath =
542 toNubListR $
543 (hsSourceDirs bi)
544 ++ [coerceSymbolicPath odir]
545 ++ [autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi]
546 ++ [autogenPackageModulesDir lbi]
547 , ghcOptCppIncludePath = includePaths lbi bi clbi odir
548 , ghcOptCppOptions = cppOptions bi
549 , ghcOptCppIncludes =
550 toNubListR $
551 [coerceSymbolicPath (autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> makeRelativePathEx cppHeaderName)]
552 , ghcOptFfiIncludes = toNubListR $ map getSymbolicPath $ includes bi
553 , ghcOptObjDir = toFlag $ coerceSymbolicPath odir
554 , ghcOptHiDir = toFlag $ coerceSymbolicPath odir
555 , ghcOptHieDir = bool NoFlag (toFlag $ coerceSymbolicPath odir </> (extraCompilationArtifacts </> makeRelativePathEx "hie")) $ flagHie implInfo
556 , ghcOptStubDir = toFlag $ coerceSymbolicPath odir
557 , ghcOptOutputDir = toFlag $ coerceSymbolicPath odir
558 , ghcOptOptimisation = toGhcOptimisation (withOptimization lbi)
559 , ghcOptDebugInfo = toFlag (withDebugInfo lbi)
560 , ghcOptExtra = hcOptions GHC bi
561 , ghcOptExtraPath = toNubListR exe_paths
562 , ghcOptLanguage = toFlag (fromMaybe Haskell98 (defaultLanguage bi))
563 , -- Unsupported extensions have already been checked by configure
564 ghcOptExtensions = toNubListR $ usedExtensions bi
565 , ghcOptExtensionMap = Map.fromList . compilerExtensions $ (compiler lbi)
567 where
568 exe_paths =
569 [ componentBuildDir lbi (targetCLBI exe_tgt)
570 | uid <- componentExeDeps clbi
571 , -- TODO: Ugh, localPkgDescr
572 Just exe_tgt <- [unitIdTarget' (localPkgDescr lbi) lbi uid]
575 toGhcOptimisation :: OptimisationLevel -> Flag GhcOptimisation
576 toGhcOptimisation NoOptimisation = mempty -- TODO perhaps override?
577 toGhcOptimisation NormalOptimisation = toFlag GhcNormalOptimisation
578 toGhcOptimisation MaximumOptimisation = toFlag GhcMaximumOptimisation
580 componentCmmGhcOptions
581 :: Verbosity
582 -> LocalBuildInfo
583 -> BuildInfo
584 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
585 -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Artifacts)
586 -> SymbolicPath Pkg File
587 -> GhcOptions
588 componentCmmGhcOptions verbosity lbi bi clbi odir filename =
589 mempty
590 { -- Respect -v0, but don't crank up verbosity on GHC if
591 -- Cabal verbosity is requested. For that, use --ghc-option=-v instead!
592 ghcOptVerbosity = toFlag (min verbosity normal)
593 , ghcOptMode = toFlag GhcModeCompile
594 , ghcOptInputFiles = toNubListR [filename]
595 , ghcOptCppIncludePath = includePaths lbi bi clbi odir
596 , ghcOptCppOptions = cppOptions bi
597 , ghcOptCppIncludes =
598 toNubListR $
599 [autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> makeRelativePathEx cppHeaderName]
600 , ghcOptHideAllPackages = toFlag True
601 , ghcOptPackageDBs = withPackageDB lbi
602 , ghcOptPackages = toNubListR $ mkGhcOptPackages (promisedPkgs lbi) clbi
603 , ghcOptOptimisation = toGhcOptimisation (withOptimization lbi)
604 , ghcOptDebugInfo = toFlag (withDebugInfo lbi)
605 , ghcOptExtra = cmmOptions bi
606 , ghcOptObjDir = toFlag odir
609 -- | Strip out flags that are not supported in ghci
610 filterGhciFlags :: [String] -> [String]
611 filterGhciFlags = filter supported
612 where
613 supported ('-' : 'O' : _) = False
614 supported "-debug" = False
615 supported "-threaded" = False
616 supported "-ticky" = False
617 supported "-eventlog" = False
618 supported "-prof" = False
619 supported "-unreg" = False
620 supported _ = True
622 mkGHCiLibName :: UnitId -> String
623 mkGHCiLibName lib = getHSLibraryName lib <.> "o"
625 mkGHCiProfLibName :: UnitId -> String
626 mkGHCiProfLibName lib = getHSLibraryName lib <.> "p_o"
628 ghcLookupProperty :: String -> Compiler -> Bool
629 ghcLookupProperty prop comp =
630 case Map.lookup prop (compilerProperties comp) of
631 Just "YES" -> True
632 _ -> False
634 -- when using -split-objs, we need to search for object files in the
635 -- Module_split directory for each module.
636 getHaskellObjects
637 :: GhcImplInfo
638 -> Library
639 -> LocalBuildInfo
640 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
641 -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Artifacts)
642 -> String
643 -> Bool
644 -> IO [SymbolicPath Pkg File]
645 getHaskellObjects _implInfo lib lbi clbi pref wanted_obj_ext allow_split_objs
646 | splitObjs lbi && allow_split_objs = do
647 let splitSuffix = "_" ++ wanted_obj_ext ++ "_split"
648 dirs =
649 [ pref </> makeRelativePathEx (ModuleName.toFilePath x ++ splitSuffix)
650 | x <- allLibModules lib clbi
652 objss <- traverse (getDirectoryContents . i) dirs
653 let objs =
654 [ dir </> makeRelativePathEx obj
655 | (objs', dir) <- zip objss dirs
656 , obj <- objs'
657 , let obj_ext = takeExtension obj
658 , '.' : wanted_obj_ext == obj_ext
660 return objs
661 | otherwise =
662 return
663 [ pref </> makeRelativePathEx (ModuleName.toFilePath x <.> wanted_obj_ext)
664 | x <- allLibModules lib clbi
666 where
667 i = interpretSymbolicPathLBI lbi
669 -- | Create the required packaged arguments, but filtering out package arguments which
670 -- aren't yet built, but promised. This filtering is used when compiling C/Cxx/Asm files,
671 -- and is a hack to avoid passing bogus `-package` arguments to GHC. The assumption being that
672 -- in 99% of cases we will include the right `-package` so that the C file finds the right headers.
673 mkGhcOptPackages
674 :: Map (PackageName, ComponentName) PromisedComponent
675 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
676 -> [(OpenUnitId, ModuleRenaming)]
677 mkGhcOptPackages promisedPkgsMap clbi =
678 [ i | i@(uid, _) <- componentIncludes clbi, abstractUnitId uid `Set.notMember` promised_cids
680 where
681 -- Promised deps are going to be simple UnitIds
682 promised_cids = Set.fromList (map (newSimpleUnitId . promisedComponentId) (Map.elems promisedPkgsMap))
684 substTopDir :: FilePath -> IPI.InstalledPackageInfo -> IPI.InstalledPackageInfo
685 substTopDir topDir ipo =
687 { IPI.importDirs = map f (IPI.importDirs ipo)
688 , IPI.libraryDirs = map f (IPI.libraryDirs ipo)
689 , IPI.libraryDirsStatic = map f (IPI.libraryDirsStatic ipo)
690 , IPI.includeDirs = map f (IPI.includeDirs ipo)
691 , IPI.frameworkDirs = map f (IPI.frameworkDirs ipo)
692 , IPI.haddockInterfaces = map f (IPI.haddockInterfaces ipo)
693 , IPI.haddockHTMLs = map f (IPI.haddockHTMLs ipo)
695 where
696 f ('$' : 't' : 'o' : 'p' : 'd' : 'i' : 'r' : rest) = topDir ++ rest
697 f x = x
699 -- Cabal does not use the environment variable GHC{,JS}_PACKAGE_PATH; let
700 -- users know that this is the case. See ticket #335. Simply ignoring it is
701 -- not a good idea, since then ghc and cabal are looking at different sets
702 -- of package DBs and chaos is likely to ensue.
704 -- An exception to this is when running cabal from within a `cabal exec`
705 -- environment. In this case, `cabal exec` will set the
706 -- CABAL_SANDBOX_PACKAGE_PATH to the same value that it set
707 -- GHC{,JS}_PACKAGE_PATH to. If that is the case it is OK to allow
709 checkPackageDbEnvVar :: Verbosity -> String -> String -> IO ()
710 checkPackageDbEnvVar verbosity compilerName packagePathEnvVar = do
711 mPP <- lookupEnv packagePathEnvVar
712 when (isJust mPP) $ do
714 unless (mPP == mcsPP) abort
715 where
716 lookupEnv :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
717 lookupEnv name =
718 (Just `fmap` getEnv name)
719 `catchIO` const (return Nothing)
720 abort =
721 dieWithException verbosity $ IncompatibleWithCabal compilerName packagePathEnvVar
722 _ = callStack -- TODO: output stack when erroring
724 profDetailLevelFlag :: Bool -> ProfDetailLevel -> Flag GhcProfAuto
725 profDetailLevelFlag forLib mpl =
726 case mpl of
727 ProfDetailNone -> mempty
728 ProfDetailDefault
729 | forLib -> toFlag GhcProfAutoExported
730 | otherwise -> toFlag GhcProfAutoToplevel
731 ProfDetailExportedFunctions -> toFlag GhcProfAutoExported
732 ProfDetailToplevelFunctions -> toFlag GhcProfAutoToplevel
733 ProfDetailAllFunctions -> toFlag GhcProfAutoAll
734 ProfDetailTopLate -> toFlag GhcProfLate
735 ProfDetailOther _ -> mempty
737 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
738 -- GHC platform and version strings
740 -- | GHC's rendering of its host or target 'Arch' as used in its platform
741 -- strings and certain file locations (such as user package db location).
742 ghcArchString :: Arch -> String
743 ghcArchString PPC = "powerpc"
744 ghcArchString PPC64 = "powerpc64"
745 ghcArchString PPC64LE = "powerpc64le"
746 ghcArchString other = prettyShow other
748 -- | GHC's rendering of its host or target 'OS' as used in its platform
749 -- strings and certain file locations (such as user package db location).
750 ghcOsString :: OS -> String
751 ghcOsString Windows = "mingw32"
752 ghcOsString OSX = "darwin"
753 ghcOsString Solaris = "solaris2"
754 ghcOsString Hurd = "gnu"
755 ghcOsString other = prettyShow other
757 -- | GHC's rendering of its platform and compiler version string as used in
758 -- certain file locations (such as user package db location).
759 -- For example @x86_64-linux-7.10.4@
760 ghcPlatformAndVersionString :: Platform -> Version -> String
761 ghcPlatformAndVersionString (Platform arch os) version =
762 intercalate "-" [ghcArchString arch, ghcOsString os, prettyShow version]
764 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
765 -- Constructing GHC environment files
767 -- | The kinds of entries we can stick in a @.ghc.environment@ file.
768 data GhcEnvironmentFileEntry fp
769 = -- | @-- a comment@
770 GhcEnvFileComment String
771 | -- | @package-id foo-1.0-4fe301a...@
772 GhcEnvFilePackageId UnitId
773 | -- | @global-package-db@,
774 -- @user-package-db@ or
775 -- @package-db blah/package.conf.d/@
776 GhcEnvFilePackageDb (PackageDBX fp)
777 | -- | @clear-package-db@
778 GhcEnvFileClearPackageDbStack
779 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
781 -- | Make entries for a GHC environment file based on a 'PackageDBStack' and
782 -- a bunch of package (unit) ids.
784 -- If you need to do anything more complicated then either use this as a basis
785 -- and add more entries, or just make all the entries directly.
786 simpleGhcEnvironmentFile
787 :: PackageDBStackX fp
788 -> [UnitId]
789 -> [GhcEnvironmentFileEntry fp]
790 simpleGhcEnvironmentFile packageDBs pkgids =
791 GhcEnvFileClearPackageDbStack
792 : map GhcEnvFilePackageDb packageDBs
793 ++ map GhcEnvFilePackageId pkgids
795 -- | Write a @.ghc.environment-$arch-$os-$ver@ file in the given directory.
797 -- The 'Platform' and GHC 'Version' are needed as part of the file name.
799 -- Returns the name of the file written.
800 writeGhcEnvironmentFile
801 :: FilePath
802 -- ^ directory in which to put it
803 -> Platform
804 -- ^ the GHC target platform
805 -> Version
806 -- ^ the GHC version
807 -> [GhcEnvironmentFileEntry FilePath]
808 -- ^ the content
809 -> IO FilePath
810 writeGhcEnvironmentFile directory platform ghcversion entries = do
811 writeFileAtomic envfile . BS.pack . renderGhcEnvironmentFile $ entries
812 return envfile
813 where
814 envfile = directory </> ghcEnvironmentFileName platform ghcversion
816 -- | The @.ghc.environment-$arch-$os-$ver@ file name
817 ghcEnvironmentFileName :: Platform -> Version -> FilePath
818 ghcEnvironmentFileName platform ghcversion =
819 ".ghc.environment." ++ ghcPlatformAndVersionString platform ghcversion
821 -- | Render a bunch of GHC environment file entries
822 renderGhcEnvironmentFile :: [GhcEnvironmentFileEntry FilePath] -> String
823 renderGhcEnvironmentFile =
824 unlines . map renderGhcEnvironmentFileEntry
826 -- | Render an individual GHC environment file entry
827 renderGhcEnvironmentFileEntry :: GhcEnvironmentFileEntry FilePath -> String
828 renderGhcEnvironmentFileEntry entry = case entry of
829 GhcEnvFileComment comment -> format comment
830 where
831 format = intercalate "\n" . map ("--" <++>) . lines
832 pref <++> "" = pref
833 pref <++> str = pref ++ " " ++ str
834 GhcEnvFilePackageId pkgid -> "package-id " ++ prettyShow pkgid
835 GhcEnvFilePackageDb pkgdb ->
836 case pkgdb of
837 GlobalPackageDB -> "global-package-db"
838 UserPackageDB -> "user-package-db"
839 SpecificPackageDB dbfile -> "package-db " ++ dbfile
840 GhcEnvFileClearPackageDbStack -> "clear-package-db"