Merge pull request #10546 from cabalism/fix/dedup-using-config-from
[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / Assignment.hs
1 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Assignment
2 ( Assignment(..)
3 , PAssignment
4 , FAssignment
5 , SAssignment
6 , toCPs
7 ) where
9 import Prelude ()
10 import Distribution.Solver.Compat.Prelude hiding (pi)
12 import qualified Data.Array as A
13 import qualified Data.List as L
14 import qualified Data.Map as M
16 import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
18 import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagAssignment, mkFlagAssignment) -- from Cabal
20 import Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps (ComponentDeps, Component)
21 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps as CD
22 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
23 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
25 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Configured
26 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
27 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag
28 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.LabeledGraph
29 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
31 -- | A (partial) package assignment. Qualified package names
32 -- are associated with instances.
33 type PAssignment = Map QPN I
35 type FAssignment = Map QFN Bool
36 type SAssignment = Map QSN Bool
38 -- | A (partial) assignment of variables.
39 data Assignment = A PAssignment FAssignment SAssignment
40 deriving (Show, Eq)
42 -- | Delivers an ordered list of fully configured packages.
44 -- TODO: This function is (sort of) ok. However, there's an open bug
45 -- w.r.t. unqualification. There might be several different instances
46 -- of one package version chosen by the solver, which will lead to
47 -- clashes.
48 toCPs :: Assignment -> RevDepMap -> [CP QPN]
49 toCPs (A pa fa sa) rdm =
50 let
51 -- get hold of the graph
52 g :: Graph Component
53 vm :: Vertex -> ((), QPN, [(Component, QPN)])
54 cvm :: QPN -> Maybe Vertex
55 -- Note that the RevDepMap contains duplicate dependencies. Therefore the nub.
56 (g, vm, cvm) = graphFromEdges ( (\ (x, xs) -> ((), x, nub xs))
57 (M.toList rdm))
58 tg :: Graph Component
59 tg = transposeG g
60 -- Topsort the dependency graph, yielding a list of pkgs in the right order.
61 -- The graph will still contain all the installed packages, and it might
62 -- contain duplicates, because several variables might actually resolve to
63 -- the same package in the presence of qualified package names.
64 ps :: [PI QPN]
65 ps = ((\ (_, x, _) -> PI x (pa M.! x)) . vm) $
66 topSort g
67 -- Determine the flags per package, by walking over and regrouping the
68 -- complete flag assignment by package.
69 fapp :: Map QPN FlagAssignment
70 fapp = M.fromListWith mappend $
71 (\ ((FN qpn fn), b) -> (qpn, mkFlagAssignment [(fn, b)])) $
72 M.toList $
74 -- Stanzas per package.
75 sapp :: Map QPN OptionalStanzaSet
76 sapp = M.fromListWith mappend
77 $ (\ ((SN qpn sn), b) -> (qpn, if b then optStanzaSetSingleton sn else mempty))
78 $ M.toList sa
79 -- Dependencies per package.
80 depp :: QPN -> [(Component, PI QPN)]
81 depp qpn = let v :: Vertex
82 v = fromJust (cvm qpn) -- TODO: why this is safe?
83 dvs :: [(Component, Vertex)]
84 dvs = tg A.! v
85 in (\ (comp, dv) -> case vm dv of (_, x, _) -> (comp, PI x (pa M.! x))) dvs
86 -- Translated to PackageDeps
87 depp' :: QPN -> ComponentDeps [PI QPN]
88 depp' = CD.fromList . (\(comp, d) -> (comp, [d])) . depp
90 (\ pi@(PI qpn _) -> CP pi
91 (M.findWithDefault mempty qpn fapp)
92 (M.findWithDefault mempty qpn sapp)
93 (depp' qpn))