Merge pull request #10646 from cabalism/fix/path-sep-duplicates
[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / Cycles.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
2 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Cycles (
3 detectCyclesPhase
4 ) where
6 import Prelude hiding (cycle)
7 import qualified Data.Map as M
8 import qualified Data.Set as S
10 import qualified Distribution.Compat.Graph as G
11 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (ordNub)
12 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
13 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag
14 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Tree
15 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
16 import Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps (Component)
17 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
19 -- | Find and reject any nodes with cyclic dependencies
20 detectCyclesPhase :: Tree d c -> Tree d c
21 detectCyclesPhase = go
22 where
23 -- Only check children of choice nodes.
24 go :: Tree d c -> Tree d c
25 go (PChoice qpn rdm gr cs) =
26 PChoice qpn rdm gr $ fmap (checkChild qpn) (fmap go cs)
27 go (FChoice qfn@(FN qpn _) rdm gr w m d cs) =
28 FChoice qfn rdm gr w m d $ fmap (checkChild qpn) (fmap go cs)
29 go (SChoice qsn@(SN qpn _) rdm gr w cs) =
30 SChoice qsn rdm gr w $ fmap (checkChild qpn) (fmap go cs)
31 go (GoalChoice rdm cs) = GoalChoice rdm (fmap go cs)
32 go x@(Fail _ _) = x
33 go x@(Done _ _) = x
35 checkChild :: QPN -> Tree d c -> Tree d c
36 checkChild qpn x@(PChoice _ rdm _ _) = failIfCycle qpn rdm x
37 checkChild qpn x@(FChoice _ rdm _ _ _ _ _) = failIfCycle qpn rdm x
38 checkChild qpn x@(SChoice _ rdm _ _ _) = failIfCycle qpn rdm x
39 checkChild qpn x@(GoalChoice rdm _) = failIfCycle qpn rdm x
40 checkChild _ x@(Fail _ _) = x
41 checkChild qpn x@(Done rdm _) = failIfCycle qpn rdm x
43 failIfCycle :: QPN -> RevDepMap -> Tree d c -> Tree d c
44 failIfCycle qpn rdm x =
45 case findCycles qpn rdm of
46 Nothing -> x
47 Just relSet -> Fail relSet CyclicDependencies
49 -- | Given the reverse dependency map from a node in the tree, check
50 -- if the solution is cyclic. If it is, return the conflict set containing
51 -- all decisions that could potentially break the cycle.
53 -- TODO: The conflict set should also contain flag and stanza variables.
54 findCycles :: QPN -> RevDepMap -> Maybe ConflictSet
55 findCycles pkg rdm =
56 -- This function has two parts: a faster cycle check that is called at every
57 -- step and a slower calculation of the conflict set.
59 -- 'hasCycle' checks for cycles incrementally by only looking for cycles
60 -- containing the current package, 'pkg'. It searches for cycles in the
61 -- 'RevDepMap', which is the data structure used to store reverse
62 -- dependencies in the search tree. We store the reverse dependencies in a
63 -- map, because Data.Map is smaller and/or has better sharing than
64 -- Distribution.Compat.Graph.
66 -- If there is a cycle, we call G.cycles to find a strongly connected
67 -- component. Then we choose one cycle from the component to use for the
68 -- conflict set. Choosing only one cycle can lead to a smaller conflict set,
69 -- such as when a choice to enable testing introduces many cycles at once.
70 -- In that case, all cycles contain the current package and are in one large
71 -- strongly connected component.
73 if hasCycle
74 then let scc :: G.Graph RevDepMapNode
75 scc = case G.cycles $ revDepMapToGraph rdm of
76 [] -> findCyclesError "cannot find a strongly connected component"
77 c : _ -> G.fromDistinctList c
79 next :: QPN -> QPN
80 next p = case G.neighbors scc p of
81 Just (n : _) -> G.nodeKey n
82 _ -> findCyclesError "cannot find next node in the cycle"
84 -- This function also assumes that all cycles contain 'pkg'.
85 oneCycle :: [QPN]
86 oneCycle = case iterate next pkg of
87 [] -> findCyclesError "empty cycle"
88 x : xs -> x : takeWhile (/= x) xs
89 in Just $ CS.fromList $ map P oneCycle
90 else Nothing
91 where
92 hasCycle :: Bool
93 hasCycle = pkg `S.member` closure (neighbors pkg)
95 closure :: [QPN] -> S.Set QPN
96 closure = foldl go S.empty
97 where
98 go :: S.Set QPN -> QPN -> S.Set QPN
99 go s x =
100 if x `S.member` s
101 then s
102 else foldl go (S.insert x s) $ neighbors x
104 neighbors :: QPN -> [QPN]
105 neighbors x = case x `M.lookup` rdm of
106 Nothing -> findCyclesError "cannot find node"
107 Just xs -> map snd xs
109 findCyclesError = error . ("Distribution.Solver.Modular.Cycles.findCycles: " ++)
111 data RevDepMapNode = RevDepMapNode QPN [(Component, QPN)]
113 instance G.IsNode RevDepMapNode where
114 type Key RevDepMapNode = QPN
115 nodeKey (RevDepMapNode qpn _) = qpn
116 nodeNeighbors (RevDepMapNode _ ns) = ordNub $ map snd ns
118 revDepMapToGraph :: RevDepMap -> G.Graph RevDepMapNode
119 revDepMapToGraph rdm = G.fromDistinctList
120 [RevDepMapNode qpn ns | (qpn, ns) <- M.toList rdm]