Merge pull request #10546 from cabalism/fix/dedup-using-config-from
[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / Linking.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
4 -- TODO: remove this
5 {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
6 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Linking (
7 validateLinking
8 ) where
10 import Prelude ()
11 import Distribution.Solver.Compat.Prelude hiding (get,put)
13 import Control.Exception (assert)
14 import Control.Monad (forM_, zipWithM_)
15 import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, local, ask)
16 import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, StateT, get, put, modify, execStateT)
17 import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
18 import Data.Map ((!))
19 import qualified Data.Map as M
20 import qualified Data.Set as S
21 import qualified Data.Traversable as T
23 import Distribution.Client.Utils.Assertion
24 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Assignment
25 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
26 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag
27 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Index
28 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
29 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Tree
30 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
31 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.WeightedPSQ as W
33 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
34 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
35 import Distribution.Types.Flag (unFlagName)
37 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 Validation
40 Validation of links is a separate pass that's performed after normal
41 validation. Validation of links checks that if the tree indicates that a
42 package is linked, then everything underneath that choice really matches the
43 package we have linked to.
45 This is interesting because it isn't unidirectional. Consider that we've
46 chosen to be version 1 and later decide that should link to
47 Now foo depends on bar. Because and are linked, it's required that
48 and are also linked. However, it's not required that we actually
49 choose before Goal choice order is relatively free. It's possible
50 that we choose first, but also possible that we choose first. In
51 both cases, we have to recognize that we have freedom of choice for the first
52 of the two, but no freedom of choice for the second.
54 This is what LinkGroups are all about. Using LinkGroup, we can record (in the
55 situation above) that and need to be linked even if we haven't
56 chosen either of them yet.
57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
59 data ValidateState = VS {
60 vsIndex :: Index
61 , vsLinks :: Map QPN LinkGroup
62 , vsFlags :: FAssignment
63 , vsStanzas :: SAssignment
64 , vsQualifyOptions :: QualifyOptions
66 -- Saved qualified dependencies. Every time 'validateLinking' makes a
67 -- package choice, it qualifies the package's dependencies and saves them in
68 -- this map. Then the qualified dependencies are available for subsequent
69 -- flag and stanza choices for the same package.
70 , vsSaved :: Map QPN (FlaggedDeps QPN)
73 type Validate = Reader ValidateState
75 -- | Validate linked packages
77 -- Verify that linked packages have
79 -- * Linked dependencies,
80 -- * Equal flag assignments
81 -- * Equal stanza assignments
82 validateLinking :: Index -> Tree d c -> Tree d c
83 validateLinking index = (`runReader` initVS) . go
84 where
85 go :: Tree d c -> Validate (Tree d c)
87 go (PChoice qpn rdm gr cs) =
88 PChoice qpn rdm gr <$> W.traverseWithKey (goP qpn) (fmap go cs)
89 go (FChoice qfn rdm gr t m d cs) =
90 FChoice qfn rdm gr t m d <$> W.traverseWithKey (goF qfn) (fmap go cs)
91 go (SChoice qsn rdm gr t cs) =
92 SChoice qsn rdm gr t <$> W.traverseWithKey (goS qsn) (fmap go cs)
94 -- For the other nodes we just recurse
95 go (GoalChoice rdm cs) = GoalChoice rdm <$> T.traverse go cs
96 go (Done revDepMap s) = return $ Done revDepMap s
97 go (Fail conflictSet failReason) = return $ Fail conflictSet failReason
99 -- Package choices
100 goP :: QPN -> POption -> Validate (Tree d c) -> Validate (Tree d c)
101 goP qpn@(Q _pp pn) opt@(POption i _) r = do
102 vs <- ask
103 let PInfo deps _ _ _ = vsIndex vs ! pn ! i
104 qdeps = qualifyDeps (vsQualifyOptions vs) qpn deps
105 newSaved = M.insert qpn qdeps (vsSaved vs)
106 case execUpdateState (pickPOption qpn opt qdeps) vs of
107 Left (cs, err) -> return $ Fail cs (DependenciesNotLinked err)
108 Right vs' -> local (const vs' { vsSaved = newSaved }) r
110 -- Flag choices
111 goF :: QFN -> Bool -> Validate (Tree d c) -> Validate (Tree d c)
112 goF qfn b r = do
113 vs <- ask
114 case execUpdateState (pickFlag qfn b) vs of
115 Left (cs, err) -> return $ Fail cs (DependenciesNotLinked err)
116 Right vs' -> local (const vs') r
118 -- Stanza choices (much the same as flag choices)
119 goS :: QSN -> Bool -> Validate (Tree d c) -> Validate (Tree d c)
120 goS qsn b r = do
121 vs <- ask
122 case execUpdateState (pickStanza qsn b) vs of
123 Left (cs, err) -> return $ Fail cs (DependenciesNotLinked err)
124 Right vs' -> local (const vs') r
126 initVS :: ValidateState
127 initVS = VS {
128 vsIndex = index
129 , vsLinks = M.empty
130 , vsFlags = M.empty
131 , vsStanzas = M.empty
132 , vsQualifyOptions = defaultQualifyOptions index
133 , vsSaved = M.empty
136 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 Updating the validation state
138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
140 type Conflict = (ConflictSet, String)
142 newtype UpdateState a = UpdateState {
143 unUpdateState :: StateT ValidateState (Either Conflict) a
145 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
147 instance MonadState ValidateState UpdateState where
148 get = UpdateState $ get
149 put st = UpdateState $ do
150 expensiveAssert (lgInvariant $ vsLinks st) $ return ()
151 put st
153 lift' :: Either Conflict a -> UpdateState a
154 lift' = UpdateState . lift
156 conflict :: Conflict -> UpdateState a
157 conflict = lift' . Left
159 execUpdateState :: UpdateState () -> ValidateState -> Either Conflict ValidateState
160 execUpdateState = execStateT . unUpdateState
162 pickPOption :: QPN -> POption -> FlaggedDeps QPN -> UpdateState ()
163 pickPOption qpn (POption i Nothing) _deps = pickConcrete qpn i
164 pickPOption qpn (POption i (Just pp')) deps = pickLink qpn i pp' deps
166 pickConcrete :: QPN -> I -> UpdateState ()
167 pickConcrete qpn@(Q pp _) i = do
168 vs <- get
169 case M.lookup qpn (vsLinks vs) of
170 -- Package is not yet in a LinkGroup. Create a new singleton link group.
171 Nothing -> do
172 let lg = lgSingleton qpn (Just $ PI pp i)
173 updateLinkGroup lg
175 -- Package is already in a link group. Since we are picking a concrete
176 -- instance here, it must by definition be the canonical package.
177 Just lg ->
178 makeCanonical lg qpn i
180 pickLink :: QPN -> I -> PackagePath -> FlaggedDeps QPN -> UpdateState ()
181 pickLink qpn@(Q _pp pn) i pp' deps = do
182 vs <- get
184 -- The package might already be in a link group
185 -- (because one of its reverse dependencies is)
186 let lgSource = case M.lookup qpn (vsLinks vs) of
187 Nothing -> lgSingleton qpn Nothing
188 Just lg -> lg
190 -- Find the link group for the package we are linking to
192 -- Since the builder never links to a package without having first picked a
193 -- concrete instance for that package, and since we create singleton link
194 -- groups for concrete instances, this link group must exist (and must
195 -- in fact already have a canonical member).
196 let target = Q pp' pn
197 lgTarget = vsLinks vs ! target
199 -- Verify here that the member we add is in fact for the same package and
200 -- matches the version of the canonical instance. However, violations of
201 -- these checks would indicate a bug in the linker, not a true conflict.
202 let sanityCheck :: Maybe (PI PackagePath) -> Bool
203 sanityCheck Nothing = False
204 sanityCheck (Just (PI _ canonI)) = pn == lgPackage lgTarget && i == canonI
205 assert (sanityCheck (lgCanon lgTarget)) $ return ()
207 -- Merge the two link groups (updateLinkGroup will propagate the change)
208 lgTarget' <- lift' $ lgMerge CS.empty lgSource lgTarget
209 updateLinkGroup lgTarget'
211 -- Make sure all dependencies are linked as well
212 linkDeps target deps
214 makeCanonical :: LinkGroup -> QPN -> I -> UpdateState ()
215 makeCanonical lg qpn@(Q pp _) i =
216 case lgCanon lg of
217 -- There is already a canonical member. Fail.
218 Just _ ->
219 conflict ( CS.insert (P qpn) (lgConflictSet lg)
220 , "cannot make " ++ showQPN qpn
221 ++ " canonical member of " ++ showLinkGroup lg
223 Nothing -> do
224 let lg' = lg { lgCanon = Just (PI pp i) }
225 updateLinkGroup lg'
227 -- | Link the dependencies of linked parents.
229 -- When we decide to link one package against another we walk through the
230 -- package's direct dependencies and make sure that they're all linked to each
231 -- other by merging their link groups (or creating new singleton link groups if
232 -- they don't have link groups yet). We do not need to do this recursively,
233 -- because having the direct dependencies in a link group means that we must
234 -- have already made or will make sooner or later a link choice for one of these
235 -- as well, and cover their dependencies at that point.
236 linkDeps :: QPN -> FlaggedDeps QPN -> UpdateState ()
237 linkDeps target = \deps -> do
238 -- linkDeps is called in two places: when we first link one package to
239 -- another, and when we discover more dependencies of an already linked
240 -- package after doing some flag assignment. It is therefore important that
241 -- flag assignments cannot influence _how_ dependencies are qualified;
242 -- fortunately this is a documented property of 'qualifyDeps'.
243 rdeps <- requalify deps
244 go deps rdeps
245 where
246 go :: FlaggedDeps QPN -> FlaggedDeps QPN -> UpdateState ()
247 go = zipWithM_ go1
249 go1 :: FlaggedDep QPN -> FlaggedDep QPN -> UpdateState ()
250 go1 dep rdep = case (dep, rdep) of
251 (Simple (LDep dr1 (Dep (PkgComponent qpn _) _)) _, ~(Simple (LDep dr2 (Dep (PkgComponent qpn' _) _)) _)) -> do
252 vs <- get
253 let lg = M.findWithDefault (lgSingleton qpn Nothing) qpn $ vsLinks vs
254 lg' = M.findWithDefault (lgSingleton qpn' Nothing) qpn' $ vsLinks vs
255 lg'' <- lift' $ lgMerge ((CS.union `on` dependencyReasonToConflictSet) dr1 dr2) lg lg'
256 updateLinkGroup lg''
257 (Flagged fn _ t f, ~(Flagged _ _ t' f')) -> do
258 vs <- get
259 case M.lookup fn (vsFlags vs) of
260 Nothing -> return () -- flag assignment not yet known
261 Just True -> go t t'
262 Just False -> go f f'
263 (Stanza sn t, ~(Stanza _ t')) -> do
264 vs <- get
265 case M.lookup sn (vsStanzas vs) of
266 Nothing -> return () -- stanza assignment not yet known
267 Just True -> go t t'
268 Just False -> return () -- stanza not enabled; no new deps
269 -- For extensions and language dependencies, there is nothing to do.
270 -- No choice is involved, just checking, so there is nothing to link.
271 -- The same goes for pkg-config constraints.
272 (Simple (LDep _ (Ext _)) _, _) -> return ()
273 (Simple (LDep _ (Lang _)) _, _) -> return ()
274 (Simple (LDep _ (Pkg _ _)) _, _) -> return ()
276 requalify :: FlaggedDeps QPN -> UpdateState (FlaggedDeps QPN)
277 requalify deps = do
278 vs <- get
279 return $ qualifyDeps (vsQualifyOptions vs) target (unqualifyDeps deps)
281 pickFlag :: QFN -> Bool -> UpdateState ()
282 pickFlag qfn b = do
283 modify $ \vs -> vs { vsFlags = M.insert qfn b (vsFlags vs) }
284 verifyFlag qfn
285 linkNewDeps (F qfn) b
287 pickStanza :: QSN -> Bool -> UpdateState ()
288 pickStanza qsn b = do
289 modify $ \vs -> vs { vsStanzas = M.insert qsn b (vsStanzas vs) }
290 verifyStanza qsn
291 linkNewDeps (S qsn) b
293 -- | Link dependencies that we discover after making a flag or stanza choice.
295 -- When we make a flag choice for a package, then new dependencies for that
296 -- package might become available. If the package under consideration is in a
297 -- non-trivial link group, then these new dependencies have to be linked as
298 -- well. In linkNewDeps, we compute such new dependencies and make sure they are
299 -- linked.
300 linkNewDeps :: Var QPN -> Bool -> UpdateState ()
301 linkNewDeps var b = do
302 vs <- get
303 let qpn@(Q pp pn) = varPN var
304 qdeps = vsSaved vs ! qpn
305 lg = vsLinks vs ! qpn
306 newDeps = findNewDeps vs qdeps
307 linkedTo = S.delete pp (lgMembers lg)
308 forM_ (S.toList linkedTo) $ \pp' -> linkDeps (Q pp' pn) newDeps
309 where
310 findNewDeps :: ValidateState -> FlaggedDeps QPN -> FlaggedDeps QPN
311 findNewDeps vs = concatMap (findNewDeps' vs)
313 findNewDeps' :: ValidateState -> FlaggedDep QPN -> FlaggedDeps QPN
314 findNewDeps' _ (Simple _ _) = []
315 findNewDeps' vs (Flagged qfn _ t f) =
316 case (F qfn == var, M.lookup qfn (vsFlags vs)) of
317 (True, _) -> if b then t else f
318 (_, Nothing) -> [] -- not yet known
319 (_, Just b') -> findNewDeps vs (if b' then t else f)
320 findNewDeps' vs (Stanza qsn t) =
321 case (S qsn == var, M.lookup qsn (vsStanzas vs)) of
322 (True, _) -> if b then t else []
323 (_, Nothing) -> [] -- not yet known
324 (_, Just b') -> findNewDeps vs (if b' then t else [])
326 updateLinkGroup :: LinkGroup -> UpdateState ()
327 updateLinkGroup lg = do
328 verifyLinkGroup lg
329 modify $ \vs -> vs {
330 vsLinks = M.fromList (map aux (S.toList (lgMembers lg)))
331 `M.union` vsLinks vs
333 where
334 aux pp = (Q pp (lgPackage lg), lg)
336 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
337 Verification
338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
340 verifyLinkGroup :: LinkGroup -> UpdateState ()
341 verifyLinkGroup lg =
342 case lgInstance lg of
343 -- No instance picked yet. Nothing to verify
344 Nothing ->
345 return ()
347 -- We picked an instance. Verify flags and stanzas
348 -- TODO: The enumeration of OptionalStanza names is very brittle;
349 -- if a constructor is added to the datatype we won't notice it here
350 Just i -> do
351 vs <- get
352 let PInfo _deps _exes finfo _ = vsIndex vs ! lgPackage lg ! i
353 flags = M.keys finfo
354 stanzas = [TestStanzas, BenchStanzas]
355 forM_ flags $ \fn -> do
356 let flag = FN (lgPackage lg) fn
357 verifyFlag' flag lg
358 forM_ stanzas $ \sn -> do
359 let stanza = SN (lgPackage lg) sn
360 verifyStanza' stanza lg
362 verifyFlag :: QFN -> UpdateState ()
363 verifyFlag (FN qpn@(Q _pp pn) fn) = do
364 vs <- get
365 -- We can only pick a flag after picking an instance; link group must exist
366 verifyFlag' (FN pn fn) (vsLinks vs ! qpn)
368 verifyStanza :: QSN -> UpdateState ()
369 verifyStanza (SN qpn@(Q _pp pn) sn) = do
370 vs <- get
371 -- We can only pick a stanza after picking an instance; link group must exist
372 verifyStanza' (SN pn sn) (vsLinks vs ! qpn)
374 -- | Verify that all packages in the link group agree on flag assignments
376 -- For the given flag and the link group, obtain all assignments for the flag
377 -- that have already been made for link group members, and check that they are
378 -- equal.
379 verifyFlag' :: FN PN -> LinkGroup -> UpdateState ()
380 verifyFlag' (FN pn fn) lg = do
381 vs <- get
382 let flags = map (\pp' -> FN (Q pp' pn) fn) (S.toList (lgMembers lg))
383 vals = map (`M.lookup` vsFlags vs) flags
384 if allEqual (catMaybes vals) -- We ignore not-yet assigned flags
385 then return ()
386 else conflict ( CS.fromList (map F flags) `CS.union` lgConflictSet lg
387 , "flag \"" ++ unFlagName fn ++ "\" incompatible"
390 -- | Verify that all packages in the link group agree on stanza assignments
392 -- For the given stanza and the link group, obtain all assignments for the
393 -- stanza that have already been made for link group members, and check that
394 -- they are equal.
396 -- This function closely mirrors 'verifyFlag''.
397 verifyStanza' :: SN PN -> LinkGroup -> UpdateState ()
398 verifyStanza' (SN pn sn) lg = do
399 vs <- get
400 let stanzas = map (\pp' -> SN (Q pp' pn) sn) (S.toList (lgMembers lg))
401 vals = map (`M.lookup` vsStanzas vs) stanzas
402 if allEqual (catMaybes vals) -- We ignore not-yet assigned stanzas
403 then return ()
404 else conflict ( CS.fromList (map S stanzas) `CS.union` lgConflictSet lg
405 , "stanza \"" ++ showStanza sn ++ "\" incompatible"
408 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
409 Link groups
410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
412 -- | Set of packages that must be linked together
414 -- A LinkGroup is between several qualified package names. In the validation
415 -- state, we maintain a map vsLinks from qualified package names to link groups.
416 -- There is an invariant that for all members of a link group, vsLinks must map
417 -- to the same link group. The function updateLinkGroup can be used to
418 -- re-establish this invariant after creating or expanding a LinkGroup.
419 data LinkGroup = LinkGroup {
420 -- | The name of the package of this link group
421 lgPackage :: PN
423 -- | The canonical member of this link group (the one where we picked
424 -- a concrete instance). Once we have picked a canonical member, all
425 -- other packages must link to this one.
427 -- We may not know this yet (if we are constructing link groups
428 -- for dependencies)
429 , lgCanon :: Maybe (PI PackagePath)
431 -- | The members of the link group
432 , lgMembers :: Set PackagePath
434 -- | The set of variables that should be added to the conflict set if
435 -- something goes wrong with this link set (in addition to the members
436 -- of the link group itself)
437 , lgBlame :: ConflictSet
439 deriving (Show, Eq)
441 -- | Invariant for the set of link groups: every element in the link group
442 -- must be pointing to the /same/ link group
443 lgInvariant :: Map QPN LinkGroup -> Bool
444 lgInvariant links = all invGroup (M.elems links)
445 where
446 invGroup :: LinkGroup -> Bool
447 invGroup lg = allEqual $ map (`M.lookup` links) members
448 where
449 members :: [QPN]
450 members = map (`Q` lgPackage lg) $ S.toList (lgMembers lg)
452 -- | Package version of this group
454 -- This is only known once we have picked a canonical element.
455 lgInstance :: LinkGroup -> Maybe I
456 lgInstance = fmap (\(PI _ i) -> i) . lgCanon
458 showLinkGroup :: LinkGroup -> String
459 showLinkGroup lg =
460 "{" ++ intercalate "," (map showMember (S.toList (lgMembers lg))) ++ "}"
461 where
462 showMember :: PackagePath -> String
463 showMember pp = case lgCanon lg of
464 Just (PI pp' _i) | pp == pp' -> "*"
465 _otherwise -> ""
466 ++ case lgInstance lg of
467 Nothing -> showQPN (qpn pp)
468 Just i -> showPI (PI (qpn pp) i)
470 qpn :: PackagePath -> QPN
471 qpn pp = Q pp (lgPackage lg)
473 -- | Creates a link group that contains a single member.
474 lgSingleton :: QPN -> Maybe (PI PackagePath) -> LinkGroup
475 lgSingleton (Q pp pn) canon = LinkGroup {
476 lgPackage = pn
477 , lgCanon = canon
478 , lgMembers = S.singleton pp
479 , lgBlame = CS.empty
482 lgMerge :: ConflictSet -> LinkGroup -> LinkGroup -> Either Conflict LinkGroup
483 lgMerge blame lg lg' = do
484 canon <- pick (lgCanon lg) (lgCanon lg')
485 return LinkGroup {
486 lgPackage = lgPackage lg
487 , lgCanon = canon
488 , lgMembers = lgMembers lg `S.union` lgMembers lg'
489 , lgBlame = CS.unions [blame, lgBlame lg, lgBlame lg']
491 where
492 pick :: Eq a => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Either Conflict (Maybe a)
493 pick Nothing Nothing = Right Nothing
494 pick (Just x) Nothing = Right $ Just x
495 pick Nothing (Just y) = Right $ Just y
496 pick (Just x) (Just y) =
497 if x == y then Right $ Just x
498 else Left ( CS.unions [
499 blame
500 , lgConflictSet lg
501 , lgConflictSet lg'
503 , "cannot merge " ++ showLinkGroup lg
504 ++ " and " ++ showLinkGroup lg'
507 lgConflictSet :: LinkGroup -> ConflictSet
508 lgConflictSet lg =
509 CS.fromList (map aux (S.toList (lgMembers lg)))
510 `CS.union` lgBlame lg
511 where
512 aux pp = P (Q pp (lgPackage lg))
514 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
515 Auxiliary
516 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
518 allEqual :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
519 allEqual [] = True
520 allEqual [_] = True
521 allEqual (x:y:ys) = x == y && allEqual (y:ys)