Merge pull request #10593 from cabalism/typo/prexif-reseved
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / CmdHaddockProject.hs
1 module Distribution.Client.CmdHaddockProject
2 ( haddockProjectCommand
3 , haddockProjectAction
4 ) where
6 import Control.Monad (mapM)
7 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (get)
8 import Prelude ()
10 import qualified Distribution.Client.CmdBuild as CmdBuild
11 import qualified Distribution.Client.CmdHaddock as CmdHaddock
13 import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
14 ( CabalDirLayout (..)
15 , StoreDirLayout (..)
16 , distBuildDirectory
18 import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (foldPlanPackage)
19 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
20 import qualified Distribution.Client.NixStyleOptions as NixStyleOptions
21 import Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration
22 ( AvailableTarget (..)
23 , AvailableTargetStatus (..)
24 , CurrentCommand (..)
25 , ProjectBaseContext (..)
26 , ProjectBuildContext (..)
27 , TargetSelector (..)
28 , pruneInstallPlanToTargets
29 , resolveTargets
30 , runProjectPreBuildPhase
31 , selectComponentTargetBasic
33 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning
34 ( ElaboratedConfiguredPackage (..)
35 , ElaboratedInstallPlan
36 , ElaboratedSharedConfig (..)
37 , TargetAction (..)
39 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
40 ( elabDistDirParams
42 import Distribution.Client.ScriptUtils
43 ( AcceptNoTargets (..)
44 , TargetContext (..)
45 , updateContextAndWriteProjectFile
46 , withContextAndSelectors
48 import Distribution.Client.Setup
49 ( CommonSetupFlags (setupVerbosity)
50 , ConfigFlags (..)
51 , GlobalFlags (..)
53 import Distribution.Client.TargetProblem (TargetProblem (..))
55 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
56 ( haddockBenchmarkDirPath
57 , haddockDirName
58 , haddockLibraryDirPath
59 , haddockLibraryPath
60 , haddockPath
61 , haddockTestDirPath
63 import Distribution.Simple.Command
64 ( CommandUI (..)
66 import Distribution.Simple.Flag
67 ( Flag (..)
68 , fromFlag
69 , fromFlagOrDefault
71 import Distribution.Simple.Haddock (createHaddockIndex)
72 import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
73 ( toPathTemplate
75 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin
76 ( haddockProgram
78 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
79 ( addKnownProgram
80 , reconfigurePrograms
81 , requireProgramVersion
83 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
84 ( HaddockFlags (..)
85 , HaddockProjectFlags (..)
86 , HaddockTarget (..)
87 , Visibility (..)
88 , defaultHaddockFlags
89 , haddockProjectCommand
91 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
92 ( copyDirectoryRecursive
93 , createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose
94 , dieWithException
95 , info
96 , warn
98 import Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo (..))
99 import Distribution.Types.PackageDescription (PackageDescription (benchmarks, subLibraries, testSuites))
100 import Distribution.Types.PackageId (pkgName)
101 import Distribution.Types.PackageName (unPackageName)
102 import Distribution.Types.UnitId (unUnitId)
103 import Distribution.Types.Version (mkVersion)
104 import Distribution.Types.VersionRange (orLaterVersion)
105 import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity
106 ( normal
109 import Distribution.Client.Errors
110 import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
111 import System.FilePath (normalise, takeDirectory, (</>))
113 haddockProjectAction :: HaddockProjectFlags -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
114 haddockProjectAction flags _extraArgs globalFlags = do
115 -- create destination directory if it does not exist
116 let outputDir = normalise $ fromFlag (haddockProjectDir flags)
117 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True outputDir
119 warn verbosity "haddock-project command is experimental, it might break in the future"
122 -- Construct the build plan and infer the list of packages which haddocks
123 -- we need.
126 withContextAndSelectors
127 RejectNoTargets
128 Nothing
129 (commandDefaultFlags CmdBuild.buildCommand)
130 ["all"]
131 globalFlags
132 HaddockCommand
133 $ \targetCtx ctx targetSelectors -> do
134 baseCtx <- case targetCtx of
135 ProjectContext -> return ctx
136 GlobalContext -> return ctx
137 ScriptContext path exemeta -> updateContextAndWriteProjectFile ctx path exemeta
138 let distLayout = distDirLayout baseCtx
139 cabalLayout = cabalDirLayout baseCtx
140 buildCtx <-
141 runProjectPreBuildPhase verbosity baseCtx $ \elaboratedPlan -> do
142 -- Interpret the targets on the command line as build targets
143 -- (as opposed to say repl or haddock targets).
144 targets <-
145 either reportTargetProblems return $
146 resolveTargets
147 selectPackageTargets
148 selectComponentTargetBasic
149 elaboratedPlan
150 Nothing
151 targetSelectors
153 let elaboratedPlan' =
154 pruneInstallPlanToTargets
155 TargetActionBuild
156 targets
157 elaboratedPlan
158 return (elaboratedPlan', targets)
160 let elaboratedPlan :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
161 elaboratedPlan = elaboratedPlanOriginal buildCtx
163 sharedConfig :: ElaboratedSharedConfig
164 sharedConfig = elaboratedShared buildCtx
166 pkgs :: [Either InstalledPackageInfo ElaboratedConfiguredPackage]
167 pkgs = matchingPackages elaboratedPlan
169 progs <-
170 reconfigurePrograms
171 verbosity
172 (haddockProjectProgramPaths flags)
173 (haddockProjectProgramArgs flags)
174 -- we need to insert 'haddockProgram' before we reconfigure it,
175 -- otherwise 'set
176 . addKnownProgram haddockProgram
177 . pkgConfigCompilerProgs
178 $ sharedConfig
179 let sharedConfig' = sharedConfig{pkgConfigCompilerProgs = progs}
181 _ <-
182 requireProgramVersion
183 verbosity
184 haddockProgram
185 (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 26, 1]))
186 progs
189 -- Build project; we need to build dependencies.
190 -- Issue #8958.
193 when localStyle $
194 CmdBuild.buildAction
195 (commandDefaultFlags CmdBuild.buildCommand)
196 ["all"]
197 globalFlags
200 -- Build haddocks of each components
203 CmdHaddock.haddockAction
204 nixFlags
205 ["all"]
206 globalFlags
209 -- Copy haddocks to the destination folder
212 packageInfos <- fmap (nub . concat) $ for pkgs $ \pkg ->
213 case pkg of
214 Left package | localStyle -> do
215 let packageName = unPackageName (pkgName $ sourcePackageId package)
216 destDir = outputDir </> packageName
217 fmap catMaybes $ for (haddockInterfaces package) $ \interfacePath -> do
218 let docDir = takeDirectory interfacePath
219 a <- doesFileExist interfacePath
220 case a of
221 True -> do
222 copyDirectoryRecursive verbosity docDir destDir
223 return $ Just $ Right (packageName, interfacePath, Hidden)
224 False -> return Nothing
225 Left _ -> return []
226 Right package ->
227 case elabLocalToProject package of
228 True -> do
229 let distDirParams = elabDistDirParams sharedConfig' package
230 pkg_descr = elabPkgDescription package
232 packageName = pkgName $ elabPkgSourceId package
233 unitId = elabUnitId package
234 packageDir = haddockDirName ForDevelopment pkg_descr
235 destDir = outputDir </> packageDir
236 interfacePath = destDir </> haddockPath pkg_descr
238 buildDir = distBuildDirectory distLayout distDirParams
239 docDir =
240 buildDir
241 </> "doc"
242 </> "html"
243 </> packageDir
245 a <- doesDirectoryExist docDir
246 if a
247 then do
248 copyDirectoryRecursive verbosity docDir destDir
249 let infos :: [(String, FilePath, Visibility)]
250 infos =
251 (unPackageName packageName, interfacePath, Visible)
252 : [ (sublibDirPath, sublibInterfacePath, Visible)
253 | lib <- subLibraries pkg_descr
254 , let sublibDirPath = haddockLibraryDirPath ForDevelopment pkg_descr lib
255 sublibInterfacePath =
256 outputDir
257 </> sublibDirPath
258 </> haddockLibraryPath pkg_descr lib
260 ++ [ (testPath, testInterfacePath, Visible)
261 | test <- testSuites pkg_descr
262 , let testPath = haddockTestDirPath ForDevelopment pkg_descr test
263 testInterfacePath =
264 outputDir
265 </> testPath
266 </> haddockPath pkg_descr
268 ++ [ (benchPath, benchInterfacePath, Visible)
269 | bench <- benchmarks pkg_descr
270 , let benchPath = haddockBenchmarkDirPath ForDevelopment pkg_descr bench
271 benchInterfacePath =
272 outputDir
273 </> benchPath
274 </> haddockPath pkg_descr
276 infos' <-
277 mapM
278 ( \x@(_, path, _) -> do
279 e <- doesFileExist path
280 return $
281 if e
282 then Right x
283 else Left path
285 infos
286 return infos'
287 else do
288 warn
289 verbosity
290 ( "haddocks of "
291 ++ unUnitId unitId
292 ++ " not found in the store"
294 return []
295 False
296 | not localStyle ->
297 return []
298 False -> do
299 let pkg_descr = elabPkgDescription package
300 unitId = unUnitId (elabUnitId package)
301 packageDir =
302 storePackageDirectory
303 (cabalStoreDirLayout cabalLayout)
304 (pkgConfigCompiler sharedConfig')
305 (elabUnitId package)
306 -- TODO: use `InstallDirTemplates`
307 docDir = packageDir </> "share" </> "doc" </> "html"
308 destDir = outputDir </> haddockDirName ForDevelopment pkg_descr
309 interfacePath = destDir </> haddockPath pkg_descr
310 a <- doesDirectoryExist docDir
311 case a of
312 True -> do
313 copyDirectoryRecursive verbosity docDir destDir
314 -- non local packages will be hidden in haddock's
315 -- generated contents page
316 return [Right (unitId, interfacePath, Hidden)]
317 False -> do
318 return [Left unitId]
321 -- generate index, content, etc.
324 let (missingHaddocks, packageInfos') = partitionEithers packageInfos
325 when (not (null missingHaddocks)) $ do
326 warn verbosity "missing haddocks for some packages from the store"
327 -- Show the package list if `-v1` is passed; it's usually a long list.
328 -- One needs to add `package` stantza in `cabal.project` file for
329 -- `cabal` to include a version which has haddocks (or set
330 -- `documentation: True` in the global config).
331 info verbosity (intercalate "\n" missingHaddocks)
333 let flags' =
334 flags
335 { haddockProjectDir = Flag outputDir
336 , haddockProjectInterfaces =
337 Flag
338 [ ( interfacePath
339 , Just url
340 , Just url
341 , visibility
343 | (url, interfacePath, visibility) <- packageInfos'
345 , haddockProjectUseUnicode = NoFlag
347 createHaddockIndex
348 verbosity
349 (pkgConfigCompilerProgs sharedConfig')
350 (pkgConfigCompiler sharedConfig')
351 (pkgConfigPlatform sharedConfig')
352 Nothing
353 flags'
354 where
355 -- build all packages with appropriate haddock flags
356 commonFlags = haddockProjectCommonFlags flags
358 verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal (setupVerbosity commonFlags)
360 haddockFlags =
361 defaultHaddockFlags
362 { haddockCommonFlags = commonFlags
363 , haddockHtml = Flag True
364 , -- one can either use `--haddock-base-url` or
365 -- `--haddock-html-location`.
366 haddockBaseUrl =
367 if localStyle
368 then Flag ".."
369 else NoFlag
370 , haddockProgramPaths = haddockProjectProgramPaths flags
371 , haddockProgramArgs = haddockProjectProgramArgs flags
372 , haddockHtmlLocation =
373 if fromFlagOrDefault False (haddockProjectHackage flags)
374 then Flag "$pkg-$version/docs"
375 else haddockProjectHtmlLocation flags
376 , haddockHoogle = haddockProjectHoogle flags
377 , haddockExecutables = haddockProjectExecutables flags
378 , haddockTestSuites = haddockProjectTestSuites flags
379 , haddockBenchmarks = haddockProjectBenchmarks flags
380 , haddockForeignLibs = haddockProjectForeignLibs flags
381 , haddockInternal = haddockProjectInternal flags
382 , haddockCss = haddockProjectCss flags
383 , haddockLinkedSource = Flag True
384 , haddockQuickJump = Flag True
385 , haddockHscolourCss = haddockProjectHscolourCss flags
386 , haddockContents =
387 if localStyle
388 then Flag (toPathTemplate "../index.html")
389 else NoFlag
390 , haddockIndex =
391 if localStyle
392 then Flag (toPathTemplate "../doc-index.html")
393 else NoFlag
394 , haddockResourcesDir = haddockProjectResourcesDir flags
395 , haddockUseUnicode = haddockProjectUseUnicode flags
396 -- NOTE: we don't pass `haddockOutputDir`. If we do, we'll need to
397 -- make sure `InstalledPackageInfo` contains the right path to
398 -- haddock interfaces. Instead we build documentation inside
399 -- `dist-newstyle` directory and copy it to the output directory.
402 nixFlags =
403 (commandDefaultFlags CmdHaddock.haddockCommand)
404 { NixStyleOptions.haddockFlags = haddockFlags
405 , NixStyleOptions.configFlags =
406 (NixStyleOptions.configFlags (commandDefaultFlags CmdBuild.buildCommand))
407 { configCommonFlags = commonFlags
411 -- Build a self contained directory which contains haddocks of all
412 -- transitive dependencies; or depend on `--haddocks-html-location` to
413 -- provide location of the documentation of dependencies.
414 localStyle =
415 let hackage = fromFlagOrDefault False (haddockProjectHackage flags)
416 location = fromFlagOrDefault False (const True <$> haddockProjectHtmlLocation flags)
417 in not hackage && not location
419 reportTargetProblems :: Show x => [x] -> IO a
420 reportTargetProblems =
421 dieWithException verbosity . CmdHaddockReportTargetProblems . map show
423 -- TODO: this is just a sketch
424 selectPackageTargets
425 :: TargetSelector
426 -> [AvailableTarget k]
427 -> Either (TargetProblem ()) [k]
428 selectPackageTargets _ ts =
429 Right $
430 mapMaybe
431 ( \t -> case availableTargetStatus t of
432 TargetBuildable k _
433 | availableTargetLocalToProject t ->
434 Just k
435 _ -> Nothing
439 matchingPackages
440 :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
441 -> [Either InstalledPackageInfo ElaboratedConfiguredPackage]
442 matchingPackages =
443 fmap (foldPlanPackage Left Right)
444 . InstallPlan.toList