Merge pull request #10525 from 9999years/field-stanza-names
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / IndexUtils.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 -- |
16 -- Module : Distribution.Client.IndexUtils
17 -- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2008
18 -- License : BSD-like
20 -- Maintainer :
21 -- Stability : provisional
22 -- Portability : portable
24 -- Extra utils related to the package indexes.
25 module Distribution.Client.IndexUtils
26 ( getIndexFileAge
27 , getInstalledPackages
28 , indexBaseName
29 , Configure.getInstalledPackagesMonitorFiles
30 , getSourcePackages
31 , getSourcePackagesMonitorFiles
32 , TotalIndexState
33 , getSourcePackagesAtIndexState
34 , ActiveRepos
35 , filterSkippedActiveRepos
36 , Index (..)
37 , RepoIndexState (..)
38 , PackageEntry (..)
39 , parsePackageIndex
40 , updateRepoIndexCache
41 , updatePackageIndexCacheFile
42 , writeIndexTimestamp
43 , currentIndexTimestamp
44 , BuildTreeRefType (..)
45 , refTypeFromTypeCode
46 , typeCodeFromRefType
48 -- * preferred-versions utilities
49 , preferredVersions
50 , isPreferredVersions
51 , parsePreferredVersionsWarnings
52 , PreferredVersionsParseError (..)
53 ) where
55 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
56 import Prelude ()
58 import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
59 import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry as Tar
60 import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Index as Tar
61 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.ActiveRepos
62 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.IndexState
63 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.Timestamp
64 import qualified Distribution.Client.Tar as Tar
65 import Distribution.Client.Types
66 import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsecBS)
67 import Distribution.Verbosity
69 import Distribution.Client.Setup
70 ( RepoContext (..)
72 import Distribution.Package
73 ( Package (..)
74 , PackageId
75 , PackageIdentifier (..)
76 , mkPackageName
77 , packageName
78 , packageVersion
80 import Distribution.PackageDescription
81 ( GenericPackageDescription (..)
82 , PackageDescription (..)
83 , emptyPackageDescription
85 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
86 import qualified Distribution.Simple.Configure as Configure
87 ( getInstalledPackages
88 , getInstalledPackagesMonitorFiles
90 import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (InstalledPackageIndex)
91 import Distribution.Simple.Program
92 ( ProgramDb
94 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
95 ( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose
96 , dieWithException
97 , fromUTF8LBS
98 , info
99 , warn
101 import Distribution.Types.Dependency
102 import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName)
103 import Distribution.Version
104 ( Version
105 , VersionRange
106 , intersectVersionRanges
107 , mkVersion
110 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec
111 ( parseGenericPackageDescription
112 , parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe
114 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec as PackageDesc.Parse
116 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
117 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
118 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
120 import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip
121 import Control.Exception
122 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSS
123 import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
124 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
125 import Data.Either
126 ( rights
128 import Data.List (stripPrefix)
129 import qualified Data.Map as Map
130 import qualified Data.Set as Set
131 import Distribution.Client.GZipUtils (maybeDecompress)
132 import Distribution.Client.Utils
133 ( byteStringToFilePath
134 , tryReadAddSourcePackageDesc
136 import Distribution.Compat.Directory (listDirectory)
137 import Distribution.Compat.Time (getFileAge, getModTime)
138 import Distribution.Utils.Generic (fstOf3)
139 import Distribution.Utils.Structured (Structured (..), nominalStructure, structuredDecodeFileOrFail, structuredEncodeFile)
140 import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
141 import System.FilePath
142 ( normalise
143 , splitDirectories
144 , takeDirectory
145 , takeExtension
146 , takeFileName
147 , (<.>)
148 , (</>)
150 import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath
151 import System.IO
152 import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
153 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
155 import Distribution.Client.Errors
156 import qualified Hackage.Security.Client as Sec
157 import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Some as Sec
159 -- | Reduced-verbosity version of 'Configure.getInstalledPackages'
160 getInstalledPackages
161 :: Verbosity
162 -> Compiler
163 -> PackageDBStackCWD
164 -> ProgramDb
165 -> IO InstalledPackageIndex
166 getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDbs progdb =
167 Configure.getInstalledPackages verbosity' comp Nothing (coercePackageDBStack packageDbs) progdb
168 where
169 verbosity' = lessVerbose verbosity
171 -- | Get filename base (i.e. without file extension) for index-related files
173 -- /Secure/ cabal repositories use a new extended & incremental
174 -- @01-index.tar@. In order to avoid issues resulting from clobbering
175 -- new/old-style index data, we save them locally to different names.
177 -- Example: Use @indexBaseName repo <.> "tar.gz"@ to compute the 'FilePath' of the
178 -- @00-index.tar.gz@/@01-index.tar.gz@ file.
179 indexBaseName :: Repo -> FilePath
180 indexBaseName repo = repoLocalDir repo </> fn
181 where
182 fn = case repo of
183 RepoSecure{} -> "01-index"
184 RepoRemote{} -> "00-index"
185 RepoLocalNoIndex{} -> "noindex"
187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 -- Reading the source package index
191 -- Note: 'data IndexState' is defined in
192 -- "Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.Timestamp" to avoid import cycles
194 -- | 'IndexStateInfo' contains meta-information about the resulting
195 -- filtered 'Cache' 'after applying 'filterCache' according to a
196 -- requested 'IndexState'.
197 data IndexStateInfo = IndexStateInfo
198 { isiMaxTime :: !Timestamp
199 -- ^ 'Timestamp' of maximum/latest 'Timestamp' in the current
200 -- filtered view of the cache.
202 -- The following property holds
204 -- > filterCache (IndexState (isiMaxTime isi)) cache == (cache, isi)
205 , isiHeadTime :: !Timestamp
206 -- ^ 'Timestamp' equivalent to 'IndexStateHead', i.e. the latest
207 -- known 'Timestamp'; 'isiHeadTime' is always greater or equal to
208 -- 'isiMaxTime'.
211 emptyStateInfo :: IndexStateInfo
212 emptyStateInfo = IndexStateInfo NoTimestamp NoTimestamp
214 -- | Filters a 'Cache' according to an 'IndexState'
215 -- specification. Also returns 'IndexStateInfo' describing the
216 -- resulting index cache.
218 -- Note: 'filterCache' is idempotent in the 'Cache' value
219 filterCache :: RepoIndexState -> Cache -> (Cache, IndexStateInfo)
220 filterCache IndexStateHead cache = (cache, IndexStateInfo{..})
221 where
222 isiMaxTime = cacheHeadTs cache
223 isiHeadTime = cacheHeadTs cache
224 filterCache (IndexStateTime ts0) cache0 = (cache, IndexStateInfo{..})
225 where
226 cache = Cache{cacheEntries = ents, cacheHeadTs = isiMaxTime}
227 isiHeadTime = cacheHeadTs cache0
228 isiMaxTime = maximumTimestamp (map cacheEntryTimestamp ents)
229 ents = filter ((<= ts0) . cacheEntryTimestamp) (cacheEntries cache0)
231 -- | Read a repository index from disk, from the local files specified by
232 -- a list of 'Repo's.
234 -- All the 'SourcePackage's are marked as having come from the appropriate
235 -- 'Repo'.
237 -- This is a higher level wrapper used internally in cabal-install.
238 getSourcePackages :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> IO SourcePackageDb
239 getSourcePackages verbosity repoCtxt =
240 fstOf3 <$> getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt Nothing Nothing
242 -- | Variant of 'getSourcePackages' which allows getting the source
243 -- packages at a particular 'IndexState'.
245 -- Current choices are either the latest (aka HEAD), or the index as
246 -- it was at a particular time.
248 -- Returns also the total index where repositories'
249 -- RepoIndexState's are not HEAD. This is used in v2-freeze.
250 getSourcePackagesAtIndexState
251 :: Verbosity
252 -> RepoContext
253 -> Maybe TotalIndexState
254 -> Maybe ActiveRepos
255 -> IO (SourcePackageDb, TotalIndexState, ActiveRepos)
256 getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt _ _
257 | null (repoContextRepos repoCtxt) = do
258 -- In the test suite, we routinely don't have any remote package
259 -- servers, so don't bleat about it
260 warn (verboseUnmarkOutput verbosity) $
261 "No remote package servers have been specified. Usually "
262 ++ "you would have one specified in the config file."
263 return
264 ( SourcePackageDb
265 { packageIndex = mempty
266 , packagePreferences = mempty
268 , headTotalIndexState
269 , ActiveRepos []
271 getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt mb_idxState mb_activeRepos = do
272 let describeState IndexStateHead = "most recent state"
273 describeState (IndexStateTime time) = "historical state as of " ++ prettyShow time
275 pkgss <- for (repoContextRepos repoCtxt) $ \r -> do
276 let rname :: RepoName
277 rname = repoName r
279 info verbosity ("Reading available packages of " ++ unRepoName rname ++ "...")
281 idxState <- case mb_idxState of
282 Just totalIdxState -> do
283 let idxState = lookupIndexState rname totalIdxState
284 info verbosity $
285 "Using "
286 ++ describeState idxState
287 ++ " as explicitly requested (via command line / project configuration)"
288 return idxState
289 Nothing -> do
290 mb_idxState' <- readIndexTimestamp verbosity (RepoIndex repoCtxt r)
291 case mb_idxState' of
292 Nothing -> do
293 info verbosity "Using most recent state (could not read timestamp file)"
294 return IndexStateHead
295 Just idxState -> do
296 info verbosity $
297 "Using "
298 ++ describeState idxState
299 ++ " specified from most recent cabal update"
300 return idxState
302 unless (idxState == IndexStateHead) $
303 case r of
304 RepoLocalNoIndex{} -> warn verbosity "index-state ignored for file+noindex repositories"
305 RepoRemote{} -> warn verbosity ("index-state ignored for old-format (remote repository '" ++ unRepoName rname ++ "')")
306 RepoSecure{} -> pure ()
308 let idxState' = case r of
309 RepoSecure{} -> idxState
310 _ -> IndexStateHead
312 (pis, deps, isi) <- readRepoIndex verbosity repoCtxt r idxState'
314 case idxState' of
315 IndexStateHead -> do
316 info verbosity ("index-state(" ++ unRepoName rname ++ ") = " ++ prettyShow (isiHeadTime isi))
317 return ()
318 IndexStateTime ts0 ->
319 -- isiMaxTime is the latest timestamp in the filtered view returned by
320 -- `readRepoIndex` above. It is always true that isiMaxTime is less or
321 -- equal to a requested IndexStateTime. When `isiMaxTime isi /= ts0` (or
322 -- equivalently `isiMaxTime isi < ts0`) it means that ts0 falls between
323 -- two timestamps in the index.
324 when (isiMaxTime isi /= ts0) $
325 let commonMsg =
326 "There is no index-state for '"
327 ++ unRepoName rname
328 ++ "' exactly at the requested timestamp ("
329 ++ prettyShow ts0
330 ++ "). "
331 in if isNothing $ timestampToUTCTime (isiMaxTime isi)
332 then
333 warn verbosity $
334 commonMsg
335 ++ "Also, there are no index-states before the one requested, so the repository '"
336 ++ unRepoName rname
337 ++ "' will be empty."
338 else
339 info verbosity $
340 commonMsg
341 ++ "Falling back to the previous index-state that exists: "
342 ++ prettyShow (isiMaxTime isi)
343 pure
344 RepoData
345 { rdRepoName = rname
346 , rdTimeStamp = isiMaxTime isi
347 , rdIndex = pis
348 , rdPreferences = deps
351 let activeRepos :: ActiveRepos
352 activeRepos = fromMaybe defaultActiveRepos mb_activeRepos
354 pkgss' <- case organizeByRepos activeRepos rdRepoName pkgss of
355 Right x -> return x
356 Left err -> warn verbosity err >> return (map (\x -> (x, CombineStrategyMerge)) pkgss)
358 let activeRepos' :: ActiveRepos
359 activeRepos' =
360 ActiveRepos
361 [ ActiveRepo (rdRepoName rd) strategy
362 | (rd, strategy) <- pkgss'
365 let totalIndexState :: TotalIndexState
366 totalIndexState =
367 makeTotalIndexState IndexStateHead $
368 Map.fromList
369 [ (n, IndexStateTime ts)
370 | (RepoData n ts _idx _prefs, _strategy) <- pkgss'
371 , -- e.g. file+noindex have nullTimestamp as their timestamp
372 ts /= NoTimestamp
375 let addIndex
376 :: PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage
377 -> (RepoData, CombineStrategy)
378 -> PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage
379 addIndex acc (RepoData _ _ _ _, CombineStrategySkip) = acc
380 addIndex acc (RepoData _ _ idx _, CombineStrategyMerge) = PackageIndex.merge acc idx
381 addIndex acc (RepoData _ _ idx _, CombineStrategyOverride) = PackageIndex.override acc idx
383 let pkgs :: PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage
384 pkgs = foldl' addIndex mempty pkgss'
386 -- Note: preferences combined without using CombineStrategy
387 let prefs :: Map PackageName VersionRange
388 prefs =
389 Map.fromListWith
390 intersectVersionRanges
391 [ (name, range)
392 | (RepoData _n _ts _idx prefs', _strategy) <- pkgss'
393 , Dependency name range _ <- prefs'
396 _ <- evaluate pkgs
397 _ <- evaluate prefs
398 _ <- evaluate totalIndexState
399 return
400 ( SourcePackageDb
401 { packageIndex = pkgs
402 , packagePreferences = prefs
404 , totalIndexState
405 , activeRepos'
408 -- auxiliary data used in getSourcePackagesAtIndexState
409 data RepoData = RepoData
410 { rdRepoName :: RepoName
411 , rdTimeStamp :: Timestamp
412 , rdIndex :: PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage
413 , rdPreferences :: [Dependency]
416 -- | Read a repository index from disk, from the local file specified by
417 -- the 'Repo'.
419 -- All the 'SourcePackage's are marked as having come from the given 'Repo'.
421 -- This is a higher level wrapper used internally in cabal-install.
422 readRepoIndex
423 :: Verbosity
424 -> RepoContext
425 -> Repo
426 -> RepoIndexState
427 -> IO (PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage, [Dependency], IndexStateInfo)
428 readRepoIndex verbosity repoCtxt repo idxState =
429 handleNotFound $ do
430 ret@(_, _, isi) <-
431 readPackageIndexCacheFile
432 verbosity
433 mkAvailablePackage
434 (RepoIndex repoCtxt repo)
435 idxState
436 when (isRepoRemote repo) $ do
437 warnIfIndexIsOld =<< getIndexFileAge repo
438 dieIfRequestedIdxIsNewer isi
439 pure ret
440 where
441 mkAvailablePackage pkgEntry =
442 SourcePackage
443 { srcpkgPackageId = pkgid
444 , srcpkgDescription = pkgdesc
445 , srcpkgSource = case pkgEntry of
446 NormalPackage _ _ _ _ -> RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid Nothing
447 BuildTreeRef _ _ _ path _ -> LocalUnpackedPackage path
448 , srcpkgDescrOverride = case pkgEntry of
449 NormalPackage _ _ pkgtxt _ -> Just pkgtxt
450 _ -> Nothing
452 where
453 pkgdesc = packageDesc pkgEntry
454 pkgid = packageId pkgEntry
456 handleNotFound action = catchIO action $ \e ->
457 if isDoesNotExistError e
458 then do
459 case repo of
460 RepoRemote{..} -> warn verbosity $ exceptionMessageCabalInstall $ MissingPackageList repoRemote
461 RepoSecure{..} -> warn verbosity $ exceptionMessageCabalInstall $ MissingPackageList repoRemote
462 RepoLocalNoIndex local _ ->
463 warn verbosity $
464 "Error during construction of local+noindex "
465 ++ unRepoName (localRepoName local)
466 ++ " repository index: "
467 ++ show e
468 return (mempty, mempty, emptyStateInfo)
469 else ioError e
471 isOldThreshold :: Double
472 isOldThreshold = 15 -- days
473 warnIfIndexIsOld dt = do
474 when (dt >= isOldThreshold) $ case repo of
475 RepoRemote{..} -> warn verbosity $ warnOutdatedPackageList repoRemote dt
476 RepoSecure{..} -> warn verbosity $ warnOutdatedPackageList repoRemote dt
477 RepoLocalNoIndex{} -> return ()
479 dieIfRequestedIdxIsNewer isi =
480 let latestTime = isiHeadTime isi
481 in case idxState of
482 IndexStateTime t -> when (t > latestTime) $ case repo of
483 RepoSecure{..} ->
484 dieWithException verbosity $ UnusableIndexState repoRemote latestTime t
485 RepoRemote{} -> pure ()
486 RepoLocalNoIndex{} -> return ()
487 IndexStateHead -> pure ()
489 warnOutdatedPackageList repoRemote dt =
490 "The package list for '"
491 ++ unRepoName (remoteRepoName repoRemote)
492 ++ "' is "
493 ++ shows (floor dt :: Int) " days old.\nRun "
494 ++ "'cabal update' to get the latest list of available packages."
496 -- | Return the age of the index file in days (as a Double).
497 getIndexFileAge :: Repo -> IO Double
498 getIndexFileAge repo = getFileAge $ indexBaseName repo <.> "tar"
500 -- | A set of files (or directories) that can be monitored to detect when
501 -- there might have been a change in the source packages.
502 getSourcePackagesMonitorFiles :: [Repo] -> [FilePath]
503 getSourcePackagesMonitorFiles repos =
504 concat
505 [ [ indexBaseName repo <.> "cache"
506 , indexBaseName repo <.> "timestamp"
508 | repo <- repos
511 -- | It is not necessary to call this, as the cache will be updated when the
512 -- index is read normally. However you can do the work earlier if you like.
513 updateRepoIndexCache :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO ()
514 updateRepoIndexCache verbosity index =
515 whenCacheOutOfDate index $ updatePackageIndexCacheFile verbosity index
517 whenCacheOutOfDate :: Index -> IO () -> IO ()
518 whenCacheOutOfDate index action = do
519 exists <- doesFileExist $ cacheFile index
520 if not exists
521 then action
522 else
523 if localNoIndex index
524 then return () -- TODO: don't update cache for local+noindex repositories
525 else do
526 indexTime <- getModTime $ indexFile index
527 cacheTime <- getModTime $ cacheFile index
528 when (indexTime > cacheTime) action
530 localNoIndex :: Index -> Bool
531 localNoIndex (RepoIndex _ (RepoLocalNoIndex{})) = True
532 localNoIndex _ = False
534 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
535 -- Reading the index file
538 -- | An index entry is either a normal package, or a local build tree reference.
539 data PackageEntry
540 = NormalPackage PackageId GenericPackageDescription ByteString BlockNo
541 | BuildTreeRef
542 BuildTreeRefType
543 PackageId
544 GenericPackageDescription
545 FilePath
546 BlockNo
548 -- | A build tree reference is either a link or a snapshot.
549 data BuildTreeRefType = SnapshotRef | LinkRef
550 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
552 instance Binary BuildTreeRefType
553 instance Structured BuildTreeRefType
555 refTypeFromTypeCode :: Tar.TypeCode -> BuildTreeRefType
556 refTypeFromTypeCode t
557 | t == Tar.buildTreeRefTypeCode = LinkRef
558 | t == Tar.buildTreeSnapshotTypeCode = SnapshotRef
559 | otherwise =
560 error "Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.refTypeFromTypeCode: unknown type code"
562 typeCodeFromRefType :: BuildTreeRefType -> Tar.TypeCode
563 typeCodeFromRefType LinkRef = Tar.buildTreeRefTypeCode
564 typeCodeFromRefType SnapshotRef = Tar.buildTreeSnapshotTypeCode
566 instance Package PackageEntry where
567 packageId (NormalPackage pkgid _ _ _) = pkgid
568 packageId (BuildTreeRef _ pkgid _ _ _) = pkgid
570 packageDesc :: PackageEntry -> GenericPackageDescription
571 packageDesc (NormalPackage _ descr _ _) = descr
572 packageDesc (BuildTreeRef _ _ descr _ _) = descr
574 -- | Parse an uncompressed \"00-index.tar\" repository index file represented
575 -- as a 'ByteString'.
576 data PackageOrDep = Pkg PackageEntry | Dep Dependency
578 -- | Read @00-index.tar.gz@ and extract @.cabal@ and @preferred-versions@ files
580 -- We read the index using '', which gives us a lazily constructed
581 -- 'TarEntries'. We translate it to a list of entries using 'tarEntriesList',
582 -- which preserves the lazy nature of 'TarEntries', and finally 'concatMap' a
583 -- function over this to translate it to a list of IO actions returning
584 -- 'PackageOrDep's. We can use 'lazySequence' to turn this into a list of
585 -- 'PackageOrDep's, still maintaining the lazy nature of the original tar read.
586 parsePackageIndex :: Verbosity -> ByteString -> [IO (Maybe PackageOrDep)]
587 parsePackageIndex verbosity = concatMap (uncurry extract) . tarEntriesList .
588 where
589 extract :: BlockNo -> Tar.Entry -> [IO (Maybe PackageOrDep)]
590 extract blockNo entry = tryExtractPkg ++ tryExtractPrefs
591 where
592 tryExtractPkg = do
593 mkPkgEntry <- maybeToList $ extractPkg verbosity entry blockNo
594 return $ fmap (fmap Pkg) mkPkgEntry
596 tryExtractPrefs = do
597 prefs' <- maybeToList $ extractPrefs entry
598 fmap (return . Just . Dep) prefs'
600 -- | Turn the 'Entries' data structure from the @tar@ package into a list,
601 -- and pair each entry with its block number.
603 -- NOTE: This preserves the lazy nature of 'Entries': the tar file is only read
604 -- as far as the list is evaluated.
605 tarEntriesList :: Show e => Tar.Entries e -> [(BlockNo, Tar.Entry)]
606 tarEntriesList = go 0
607 where
608 go !_ Tar.Done = []
609 go !_ (Tar.Fail e) = error ("tarEntriesList: " ++ show e)
610 go !n (Tar.Next e es') = (n, e) : go (Tar.nextEntryOffset e n) es'
612 extractPkg :: Verbosity -> Tar.Entry -> BlockNo -> Maybe (IO (Maybe PackageEntry))
613 extractPkg verbosity entry blockNo = case Tar.entryContent entry of
614 Tar.NormalFile content _
615 | takeExtension fileName == ".cabal" ->
616 case splitDirectories (normalise fileName) of
617 [pkgname, vers, _] -> case simpleParsec vers of
618 Just ver -> Just . return $ Just (NormalPackage pkgid descr content blockNo)
619 where
620 pkgid = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName pkgname) ver
621 parsed = parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe (BS.toStrict content)
622 descr = case parsed of
623 Just d -> d
624 Nothing ->
625 error $
626 "Couldn't read cabal file "
627 ++ show fileName
628 _ -> Nothing
629 _ -> Nothing
630 Tar.OtherEntryType typeCode content _
631 | Tar.isBuildTreeRefTypeCode typeCode ->
632 Just $ do
633 let path = byteStringToFilePath content
634 dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist path
635 if not dirExists
636 then return Nothing
637 else do
638 descr <- tryReadAddSourcePackageDesc verbosity path "Error reading package index."
639 return . Just $
640 BuildTreeRef
641 (refTypeFromTypeCode typeCode)
642 (packageId descr)
643 descr
644 path
645 blockNo
646 _ -> Nothing
647 where
648 fileName = Tar.entryPath entry
650 extractPrefs :: Tar.Entry -> Maybe [Dependency]
651 extractPrefs entry = case Tar.entryContent entry of
652 Tar.NormalFile content _
653 | isPreferredVersions entrypath ->
654 Just prefs
655 where
656 entrypath = Tar.entryPath entry
657 prefs = parsePreferredVersions content
658 _ -> Nothing
660 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
661 -- Filename and parsers for 'preferred-versions' file.
664 -- | Expected name of the 'preferred-versions' file.
666 -- Contains special constraints, such as a preferred version of a package
667 -- or deprecations of certain package versions.
669 -- Expected format:
671 -- @
672 -- binary > || <
673 -- text ==
674 -- @
675 preferredVersions :: FilePath
676 preferredVersions = "preferred-versions"
678 -- | Does the given filename match with the expected name of 'preferred-versions'?
679 isPreferredVersions :: FilePath -> Bool
680 isPreferredVersions = (== preferredVersions) . takeFileName
682 -- | Parse `preferred-versions` file, ignoring any parse failures.
684 -- To obtain parse errors, use 'parsePreferredVersionsWarnings'.
685 parsePreferredVersions :: ByteString -> [Dependency]
686 parsePreferredVersions = rights . parsePreferredVersionsWarnings
688 -- | Parser error of the `preferred-versions` file.
689 data PreferredVersionsParseError = PreferredVersionsParseError
690 { preferredVersionsParsecError :: String
691 -- ^ Parser error to show to a user.
692 , preferredVersionsOriginalDependency :: String
693 -- ^ Original input that produced the parser error.
695 deriving (Generic, Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
697 -- | Parse `preferred-versions` file, collecting parse errors that can be shown
698 -- in error messages.
699 parsePreferredVersionsWarnings
700 :: ByteString
701 -> [Either PreferredVersionsParseError Dependency]
702 parsePreferredVersionsWarnings =
703 map parsePreference
704 . filter (not . isPrefixOf "--")
705 . lines
706 . fromUTF8LBS
707 where
708 parsePreference :: String -> Either PreferredVersionsParseError Dependency
709 parsePreference s = case eitherParsec s of
710 Left err ->
711 Left $
712 PreferredVersionsParseError
713 { preferredVersionsParsecError = err
714 , preferredVersionsOriginalDependency = s
716 Right dep -> Right dep
718 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
719 -- Reading and updating the index cache
722 -- | Variation on 'sequence' which evaluates the actions lazily
724 -- Pattern matching on the result list will execute just the first action;
725 -- more generally pattern matching on the first @n@ '(:)' nodes will execute
726 -- the first @n@ actions.
727 lazySequence :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
728 lazySequence = unsafeInterleaveIO . go
729 where
730 go [] = return []
731 go (x : xs) = do
732 x' <- x
733 xs' <- lazySequence xs
734 return (x' : xs')
736 -- | A lazy unfolder for lookup operations which return the current
737 -- value and (possibly) the next key
738 lazyUnfold :: (k -> IO (v, Maybe k)) -> k -> IO [(k, v)]
739 lazyUnfold step = goLazy . Just
740 where
741 goLazy s = unsafeInterleaveIO (go s)
743 go Nothing = return []
744 go (Just k) = do
745 (v, mk') <- step k
746 vs' <- goLazy mk'
747 return ((k, v) : vs')
749 -- | Which index do we mean?
750 data Index
751 = -- | The main index for the specified repository
752 RepoIndex RepoContext Repo
754 indexFile :: Index -> FilePath
755 indexFile (RepoIndex _ctxt repo) = indexBaseName repo <.> "tar"
757 cacheFile :: Index -> FilePath
758 cacheFile (RepoIndex _ctxt repo) = indexBaseName repo <.> "cache"
760 timestampFile :: Index -> FilePath
761 timestampFile (RepoIndex _ctxt repo) = indexBaseName repo <.> "timestamp"
763 -- | Return 'True' if 'Index' uses 01-index format (aka secure repo)
764 is01Index :: Index -> Bool
765 is01Index (RepoIndex _ repo) = case repo of
766 RepoSecure{} -> True
767 RepoRemote{} -> False
768 RepoLocalNoIndex{} -> True
770 updatePackageIndexCacheFile :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO ()
771 updatePackageIndexCacheFile verbosity index = do
772 info verbosity ("Updating index cache file " ++ cacheFile index ++ " ...")
773 withIndexEntries verbosity index callback callbackNoIndex
774 where
775 callback entries = do
776 let !maxTs = maximumTimestamp (map cacheEntryTimestamp entries)
777 cache =
778 Cache
779 { cacheHeadTs = maxTs
780 , cacheEntries = entries
782 writeIndexCache index cache
783 info
784 verbosity
785 ( "Index cache updated to index-state "
786 ++ prettyShow (cacheHeadTs cache)
789 callbackNoIndex entries = do
790 writeNoIndexCache verbosity index $ NoIndexCache entries
791 info verbosity "Index cache updated"
793 -- | Read the index (for the purpose of building a cache)
795 -- The callback is provided with list of cache entries, which is guaranteed to
796 -- be lazily constructed. This list must ONLY be used in the scope of the
797 -- callback; when the callback is terminated the file handle to the index will
798 -- be closed and further attempts to read from the list will result in (pure)
799 -- I/O exceptions.
801 -- In the construction of the index for a secure repo we take advantage of the
802 -- index built by the @hackage-security@ library to avoid reading the @.tar@
803 -- file as much as possible (we need to read it only to extract preferred
804 -- versions). This helps performance, but is also required for correctness:
805 -- the new @01-index.tar.gz@ may have multiple versions of preferred-versions
806 -- files, and 'parsePackageIndex' does not correctly deal with that (see #2956);
807 -- by reading the already-built cache from the security library we will be sure
808 -- to only read the latest versions of all files.
810 -- TODO: It would be nicer if we actually incrementally updated @cabal@'s
811 -- cache, rather than reconstruct it from zero on each update. However, this
812 -- would require a change in the cache format.
813 withIndexEntries
814 :: Verbosity
815 -> Index
816 -> ([IndexCacheEntry] -> IO a)
817 -> ([NoIndexCacheEntry] -> IO a)
818 -> IO a
819 withIndexEntries _ (RepoIndex repoCtxt repo@RepoSecure{}) callback _ =
820 repoContextWithSecureRepo repoCtxt repo $ \repoSecure ->
821 Sec.withIndex repoSecure $ \Sec.IndexCallbacks{..} -> do
822 -- Incrementally (lazily) read all the entries in the tar file in order,
823 -- including all revisions, not just the last revision of each file
824 indexEntries <- lazyUnfold indexLookupEntry (Sec.directoryFirst indexDirectory)
825 callback
826 [ cacheEntry
827 | (dirEntry, indexEntry) <- indexEntries
828 , cacheEntry <- toCacheEntries dirEntry indexEntry
830 where
831 toCacheEntries
832 :: Sec.DirectoryEntry
833 -> Sec.Some Sec.IndexEntry
834 -> [IndexCacheEntry]
835 toCacheEntries dirEntry (Sec.Some sie) =
836 case Sec.indexEntryPathParsed sie of
837 Nothing -> [] -- skip unrecognized file
838 Just (Sec.IndexPkgMetadata _pkgId) -> [] -- skip metadata
839 Just (Sec.IndexPkgCabal pkgId) ->
840 force
841 [CachePackageId pkgId blockNo timestamp]
842 Just (Sec.IndexPkgPrefs _pkgName) ->
843 force
844 [ CachePreference dep blockNo timestamp
845 | dep <- parsePreferredVersions (Sec.indexEntryContent sie)
847 where
848 blockNo = Sec.directoryEntryBlockNo dirEntry
849 timestamp =
850 epochTimeToTimestamp $
851 Sec.indexEntryTime sie
852 withIndexEntries verbosity (RepoIndex _repoCtxt (RepoLocalNoIndex (LocalRepo name localDir _) _cacheDir)) _ callback = do
853 dirContents <- listDirectory localDir
854 let contentSet = Set.fromList dirContents
856 entries <- handle handler $ fmap catMaybes $ for dirContents $ \file -> do
857 case isTarGz file of
858 Nothing
859 | isPreferredVersions file -> do
860 contents <- BS.readFile (localDir </> file)
861 let versionPreferencesParsed = parsePreferredVersionsWarnings contents
862 let (warnings, versionPreferences) = partitionEithers versionPreferencesParsed
863 unless (null warnings) $ do
864 warn verbosity $
865 "withIndexEntries: failed to parse some entries of \"preferred-versions\" found at: "
866 ++ (localDir </> file)
867 for_ warnings $ \err -> do
868 warn verbosity $ "* \"" ++ preferredVersionsOriginalDependency err
869 warn verbosity $ "Parser Error: " ++ preferredVersionsParsecError err
870 return $ Just $ NoIndexCachePreference versionPreferences
871 | otherwise -> do
872 unless (takeFileName file == "noindex.cache" || ".cabal" `isSuffixOf` file) $
873 info verbosity $
874 "Skipping " ++ file
875 return Nothing
876 Just pkgid | cabalPath `Set.member` contentSet -> do
877 contents <- BSS.readFile (localDir </> cabalPath)
878 for (parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe contents) $ \gpd ->
879 return (CacheGPD gpd contents)
880 where
881 cabalPath = prettyShow pkgid ++ ".cabal"
882 Just pkgId -> do
883 -- check for the right named .cabal file in the compressed tarball
884 tarGz <- BS.readFile (localDir </> file)
885 let tar = GZip.decompress tarGz
886 entries = tar
888 case Tar.foldEntries (readCabalEntry pkgId) Nothing (const Nothing) entries of
889 Just ce -> return (Just ce)
890 Nothing -> dieWithException verbosity $ CannotReadCabalFile file
892 let (prefs, gpds) =
893 partitionEithers $
895 ( \case
896 NoIndexCachePreference deps -> Left deps
897 CacheGPD gpd _ -> Right gpd
899 entries
901 info verbosity $ "Entries in file+noindex repository " ++ unRepoName name
902 for_ gpds $ \gpd ->
903 info verbosity $ "- " ++ prettyShow (package $ Distribution.PackageDescription.packageDescription gpd)
904 unless (null prefs) $ do
905 info verbosity $ "Preferred versions in file+noindex repository " ++ unRepoName name
906 for_ (concat prefs) $ \pref ->
907 info verbosity ("* " ++ prettyShow pref)
909 callback entries
910 where
911 handler :: IOException -> IO a
912 handler e = dieWithException verbosity $ ErrorUpdatingIndex (unRepoName name) e
914 isTarGz :: FilePath -> Maybe PackageIdentifier
915 isTarGz fp = do
916 pfx <- stripSuffix ".tar.gz" fp
917 simpleParsec pfx
919 stripSuffix sfx str = fmap reverse (stripPrefix (reverse sfx) (reverse str))
921 -- look for <pkgid>/<pkgname>.cabal inside the tarball
922 readCabalEntry :: PackageIdentifier -> Tar.Entry -> Maybe NoIndexCacheEntry -> Maybe NoIndexCacheEntry
923 readCabalEntry pkgId entry Nothing
924 | filename == Tar.entryPath entry
925 , Tar.NormalFile contents _ <- Tar.entryContent entry =
926 let bs = BS.toStrict contents
927 in ((`CacheGPD` bs) <$> parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe bs)
928 where
929 filename = prettyShow pkgId FilePath.</> prettyShow (packageName pkgId) ++ ".cabal"
930 readCabalEntry _ _ x = x
931 withIndexEntries verbosity index callback _ = do
932 -- non-secure repositories
933 withFile (indexFile index) ReadMode $ \h -> do
934 bs <- maybeDecompress `fmap` BS.hGetContents h
935 pkgsOrPrefs <- lazySequence $ parsePackageIndex verbosity bs
936 callback $ map toCache (catMaybes pkgsOrPrefs)
937 where
938 toCache :: PackageOrDep -> IndexCacheEntry
939 toCache (Pkg (NormalPackage pkgid _ _ blockNo)) = CachePackageId pkgid blockNo NoTimestamp
940 toCache (Pkg (BuildTreeRef refType _ _ _ blockNo)) = CacheBuildTreeRef refType blockNo
941 toCache (Dep d) = CachePreference d 0 NoTimestamp
943 -- | Read package data from a repository.
944 -- Throws IOException if any arise while accessing the index
945 -- (unless the repo is local+no-index) and dies if the cache
946 -- is corrupted and cannot be regenerated correctly.
947 readPackageIndexCacheFile
948 :: Package pkg
949 => Verbosity
950 -> (PackageEntry -> pkg)
951 -> Index
952 -> RepoIndexState
953 -> IO (PackageIndex pkg, [Dependency], IndexStateInfo)
954 readPackageIndexCacheFile verbosity mkPkg index idxState
955 | localNoIndex index = do
956 cache0 <- readNoIndexCache verbosity index
957 (pkgs, prefs) <- packageNoIndexFromCache verbosity mkPkg cache0
958 pure (pkgs, prefs, emptyStateInfo)
959 | otherwise = do
960 (cache, isi) <- getIndexCache verbosity index idxState
961 indexHnd <- openFile (indexFile index) ReadMode
962 (pkgs, deps) <- packageIndexFromCache verbosity mkPkg indexHnd cache
963 pure (pkgs, deps, isi)
965 -- | Read 'Cache' and 'IndexStateInfo' from the repository index file.
966 -- Throws IOException if any arise (e.g. the index or its cache are missing).
967 -- Dies if the index cache is corrupted and cannot be regenerated correctly.
968 getIndexCache :: Verbosity -> Index -> RepoIndexState -> IO (Cache, IndexStateInfo)
969 getIndexCache verbosity index idxState =
970 filterCache idxState <$> readIndexCache verbosity index
972 packageIndexFromCache
973 :: Package pkg
974 => Verbosity
975 -> (PackageEntry -> pkg)
976 -> Handle
977 -> Cache
978 -> IO (PackageIndex pkg, [Dependency])
979 packageIndexFromCache verbosity mkPkg hnd cache = do
980 (pkgs, prefs) <- packageListFromCache verbosity mkPkg hnd cache
981 pkgIndex <- evaluate $ PackageIndex.fromList pkgs
982 return (pkgIndex, prefs)
984 packageNoIndexFromCache
985 :: forall pkg
986 . Package pkg
987 => Verbosity
988 -> (PackageEntry -> pkg)
989 -> NoIndexCache
990 -> IO (PackageIndex pkg, [Dependency])
991 packageNoIndexFromCache _verbosity mkPkg cache = do
992 let (pkgs, prefs) = packageListFromNoIndexCache
993 pkgIndex <- evaluate $ PackageIndex.fromList pkgs
994 pure (pkgIndex, prefs)
995 where
996 packageListFromNoIndexCache :: ([pkg], [Dependency])
997 packageListFromNoIndexCache = foldr go mempty (noIndexCacheEntries cache)
999 go :: NoIndexCacheEntry -> ([pkg], [Dependency]) -> ([pkg], [Dependency])
1000 go (CacheGPD gpd bs) (pkgs, prefs) =
1001 let pkgId = package $ Distribution.PackageDescription.packageDescription gpd
1002 in (mkPkg (NormalPackage pkgId gpd (BS.fromStrict bs) 0) : pkgs, prefs)
1003 go (NoIndexCachePreference deps) (pkgs, prefs) =
1004 (pkgs, deps ++ prefs)
1006 -- | Read package list
1008 -- The result package releases and preference entries are guaranteed
1009 -- to be unique.
1011 -- Note: 01-index.tar is an append-only index and therefore contains
1012 -- all .cabal edits and preference-updates. The masking happens
1013 -- here, i.e. the semantics that later entries in a tar file mask
1014 -- earlier ones is resolved in this function.
1015 packageListFromCache
1016 :: Verbosity
1017 -> (PackageEntry -> pkg)
1018 -> Handle
1019 -> Cache
1020 -> IO ([pkg], [Dependency])
1021 packageListFromCache verbosity mkPkg hnd Cache{..} = accum mempty [] mempty cacheEntries
1022 where
1023 accum !srcpkgs btrs !prefs [] = return (Map.elems srcpkgs ++ btrs, Map.elems prefs)
1024 accum srcpkgs btrs prefs (CachePackageId pkgid blockno _ : entries) = do
1025 -- Given the cache entry, make a package index entry.
1026 -- The magic here is that we use lazy IO to read the .cabal file
1027 -- from the index tarball if it turns out that we need it.
1028 -- Most of the time we only need the package id.
1029 ~(pkg, pkgtxt) <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
1030 pkgtxt <- getEntryContent blockno
1031 pkg <- readPackageDescription pkgid pkgtxt
1032 return (pkg, pkgtxt)
1034 let srcpkg = mkPkg (NormalPackage pkgid pkg pkgtxt blockno)
1035 accum (Map.insert pkgid srcpkg srcpkgs) btrs prefs entries
1036 accum srcpkgs btrs prefs (CacheBuildTreeRef refType blockno : entries) = do
1037 -- We have to read the .cabal file eagerly here because we can't cache the
1038 -- package id for build tree references - the user might edit the .cabal
1039 -- file after the reference was added to the index.
1040 path <- fmap byteStringToFilePath . getEntryContent $ blockno
1041 pkg <- do
1042 let err = "Error reading package index from cache."
1043 tryReadAddSourcePackageDesc verbosity path err
1044 let srcpkg = mkPkg (BuildTreeRef refType (packageId pkg) pkg path blockno)
1045 accum srcpkgs (srcpkg : btrs) prefs entries
1046 accum srcpkgs btrs prefs (CachePreference pref@(Dependency pn _ _) _ _ : entries) =
1047 accum srcpkgs btrs (Map.insert pn pref prefs) entries
1049 getEntryContent :: BlockNo -> IO ByteString
1050 getEntryContent blockno = do
1051 entry <- Tar.hReadEntry hnd blockno
1052 case Tar.entryContent entry of
1053 Tar.NormalFile content _size -> return content
1054 Tar.OtherEntryType typecode content _size
1055 | Tar.isBuildTreeRefTypeCode typecode ->
1056 return content
1057 _ -> interror "unexpected tar entry type"
1059 readPackageDescription :: PackageIdentifier -> ByteString -> IO GenericPackageDescription
1060 readPackageDescription pkgid content =
1061 case snd $ PackageDesc.Parse.runParseResult $ parseGenericPackageDescription $ BS.toStrict content of
1062 Right gpd -> return gpd
1063 Left (Just specVer, _) | specVer >= mkVersion [2, 2] -> return (dummyPackageDescription specVer)
1064 Left _ -> interror "failed to parse .cabal file"
1065 where
1066 dummyPackageDescription :: Version -> GenericPackageDescription
1067 dummyPackageDescription specVer =
1068 GenericPackageDescription
1069 { packageDescription =
1070 emptyPackageDescription
1071 { package = pkgid
1072 , synopsis = dummySynopsis
1074 , gpdScannedVersion = Just specVer -- tells index scanner to skip this file.
1075 , genPackageFlags = []
1076 , condLibrary = Nothing
1077 , condSubLibraries = []
1078 , condForeignLibs = []
1079 , condExecutables = []
1080 , condTestSuites = []
1081 , condBenchmarks = []
1084 dummySynopsis = "<could not be parsed due to unsupported CABAL spec-version>"
1086 interror :: String -> IO a
1087 interror msg =
1088 dieWithException verbosity $ InternalError msg
1090 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1091 -- Index cache data structure --
1093 -- | Read a repository cache from the filesystem
1095 -- If a corrupted index cache is detected this function regenerates
1096 -- the index cache and then reattempt to read the index once (and
1097 -- 'dieWithException's if it fails again).
1098 readIndexCache :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO Cache
1099 readIndexCache verbosity index = do
1100 cacheOrFail <- readIndexCache' index
1101 case cacheOrFail of
1102 Left msg -> do
1103 warn verbosity $
1104 concat
1105 [ "Parsing the index cache failed ("
1106 , msg
1107 , "). "
1108 , "Trying to regenerate the index cache..."
1111 updatePackageIndexCacheFile verbosity index
1113 either (dieWithException verbosity . CorruptedIndexCache) (return . hashConsCache) =<< readIndexCache' index
1114 Right res -> return (hashConsCache res)
1116 -- | Read a no-index repository cache from the filesystem
1118 -- If a corrupted index cache is detected this function regenerates
1119 -- the index cache and then reattempts to read the index once (and
1120 -- 'dieWithException's if it fails again). Throws IOException if any arise.
1121 readNoIndexCache :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO NoIndexCache
1122 readNoIndexCache verbosity index = do
1123 cacheOrFail <- readNoIndexCache' index
1124 case cacheOrFail of
1125 Left msg -> do
1126 warn verbosity $
1127 concat
1128 [ "Parsing the index cache failed ("
1129 , msg
1130 , "). "
1131 , "Trying to regenerate the index cache..."
1134 updatePackageIndexCacheFile verbosity index
1136 either (dieWithException verbosity . CorruptedIndexCache) return =<< readNoIndexCache' index
1138 -- we don't hash cons local repository cache, they are hopefully small
1139 Right res -> return res
1141 -- | Read the 'Index' cache from the filesystem. Throws IO exceptions
1142 -- if any arise and returns Left on invalid input.
1143 readIndexCache' :: Index -> IO (Either String Cache)
1144 readIndexCache' index
1145 | is01Index index =
1146 structuredDecodeFileOrFail (cacheFile index)
1147 | otherwise =
1148 Right . read00IndexCache <$> BSS.readFile (cacheFile index)
1150 readNoIndexCache' :: Index -> IO (Either String NoIndexCache)
1151 readNoIndexCache' index = structuredDecodeFileOrFail (cacheFile index)
1153 -- | Write the 'Index' cache to the filesystem
1154 writeIndexCache :: Index -> Cache -> IO ()
1155 writeIndexCache index cache
1156 | is01Index index = structuredEncodeFile (cacheFile index) cache
1157 | otherwise = writeFile (cacheFile index) (show00IndexCache cache)
1159 writeNoIndexCache :: Verbosity -> Index -> NoIndexCache -> IO ()
1160 writeNoIndexCache verbosity index cache = do
1161 let path = cacheFile index
1162 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (takeDirectory path)
1163 structuredEncodeFile path cache
1165 -- | Write the 'IndexState' to the filesystem
1166 writeIndexTimestamp :: Index -> RepoIndexState -> IO ()
1167 writeIndexTimestamp index st =
1168 writeFile (timestampFile index) (prettyShow st)
1170 -- | Read out the "current" index timestamp, i.e., what
1171 -- timestamp you would use to revert to this version.
1173 -- Note: this is not the same as 'readIndexTimestamp'!
1174 -- This resolves HEAD to the index's 'isiHeadTime', i.e.
1175 -- the index latest known timestamp.
1177 -- Return NoTimestamp if the index has never been updated.
1178 currentIndexTimestamp :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO Timestamp
1179 currentIndexTimestamp verbosity index = do
1180 mb_is <- readIndexTimestamp verbosity index
1181 case mb_is of
1182 -- If the index timestamp file specifies an index state time, use that
1183 Just (IndexStateTime ts) ->
1184 return ts
1185 -- Otherwise used the head time as stored in the index cache
1186 _otherwise ->
1187 fmap (isiHeadTime . snd) (getIndexCache verbosity index IndexStateHead)
1188 `catchIO` \e ->
1189 if isDoesNotExistError e
1190 then return NoTimestamp
1191 else ioError e
1193 -- | Read the 'IndexState' from the filesystem
1194 readIndexTimestamp :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO (Maybe RepoIndexState)
1195 readIndexTimestamp verbosity index =
1196 fmap simpleParsec (readFile (timestampFile index))
1197 `catchIO` \e ->
1198 if isDoesNotExistError e
1199 then return Nothing
1200 else do
1201 warn verbosity $ "Warning: could not read current index timestamp: " ++ displayException e
1202 return Nothing
1204 -- | Optimise sharing of equal values inside 'Cache'
1206 -- c.f.
1207 hashConsCache :: Cache -> Cache
1208 hashConsCache cache0 =
1209 cache0{cacheEntries = go mempty mempty (cacheEntries cache0)}
1210 where
1211 -- TODO/NOTE:
1213 -- If/when we redo the binary serialisation via e.g. CBOR and we
1214 -- are able to use incremental decoding, we may want to move the
1215 -- hash-consing into the incremental deserialisation, or
1216 -- alternatively even do something like
1217 --
1219 go _ _ [] = []
1220 -- for now we only optimise only CachePackageIds since those
1221 -- represent the vast majority
1222 go !pns !pvs (CachePackageId pid bno ts : rest) =
1223 CachePackageId pid' bno ts : go pns' pvs' rest
1224 where
1225 !pid' = PackageIdentifier pn' pv'
1226 (!pn', !pns') = mapIntern pn pns
1227 (!pv', !pvs') = mapIntern pv pvs
1228 PackageIdentifier pn pv = pid
1229 go pns pvs (x : xs) = x : go pns pvs xs
1231 mapIntern :: Ord k => k -> Map.Map k k -> (k, Map.Map k k)
1232 mapIntern k m = maybe (k, Map.insert k k m) (\k' -> (k', m)) (Map.lookup k m)
1234 -- | Cabal caches various information about the Hackage index
1235 data Cache = Cache
1236 { cacheHeadTs :: Timestamp
1237 -- ^ maximum/latest 'Timestamp' among 'cacheEntries'; unless the
1238 -- invariant of 'cacheEntries' being in chronological order is
1239 -- violated, this corresponds to the last (seen) 'Timestamp' in
1240 -- 'cacheEntries'
1241 , cacheEntries :: [IndexCacheEntry]
1243 deriving (Show, Generic)
1245 instance NFData Cache where
1246 rnf = rnf . cacheEntries
1248 -- | Cache format for 'file+noindex' repositories
1249 newtype NoIndexCache = NoIndexCache
1250 { noIndexCacheEntries :: [NoIndexCacheEntry]
1252 deriving (Show, Generic)
1254 instance NFData NoIndexCache where
1255 rnf = rnf . noIndexCacheEntries
1257 -- | Tar files are block structured with 512 byte blocks. Every header and file
1258 -- content starts on a block boundary.
1259 type BlockNo = Word32 -- Tar.TarEntryOffset
1261 data IndexCacheEntry
1262 = CachePackageId PackageId !BlockNo !Timestamp
1263 | CachePreference Dependency !BlockNo !Timestamp
1264 | CacheBuildTreeRef !BuildTreeRefType !BlockNo
1265 -- NB: CacheBuildTreeRef is irrelevant for 01-index & v2-build
1266 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
1268 data NoIndexCacheEntry
1269 = CacheGPD GenericPackageDescription !BSS.ByteString
1270 | NoIndexCachePreference [Dependency]
1271 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
1273 instance NFData IndexCacheEntry where
1274 rnf (CachePackageId pkgid _ _) = rnf pkgid
1275 rnf (CachePreference dep _ _) = rnf dep
1276 rnf (CacheBuildTreeRef _ _) = ()
1278 instance NFData NoIndexCacheEntry where
1279 rnf (CacheGPD gpd bs) = rnf gpd `seq` rnf bs
1280 rnf (NoIndexCachePreference dep) = rnf dep
1282 cacheEntryTimestamp :: IndexCacheEntry -> Timestamp
1283 cacheEntryTimestamp (CacheBuildTreeRef _ _) = NoTimestamp
1284 cacheEntryTimestamp (CachePreference _ _ ts) = ts
1285 cacheEntryTimestamp (CachePackageId _ _ ts) = ts
1287 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1288 -- new binary 01-index.cache format
1290 instance Binary Cache
1291 instance Binary IndexCacheEntry
1292 instance Binary NoIndexCache
1294 instance Structured Cache
1295 instance Structured IndexCacheEntry
1296 instance Structured NoIndexCache
1298 -- | We need to save only .cabal file contents
1299 instance Binary NoIndexCacheEntry where
1300 put (CacheGPD _ bs) = do
1301 put (0 :: Word8)
1302 put bs
1303 put (NoIndexCachePreference dep) = do
1304 put (1 :: Word8)
1305 put dep
1307 get = do
1308 t :: Word8 <- get
1309 case t of
1310 0 -> do
1311 bs <- get
1312 case parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe bs of
1313 Just gpd -> return (CacheGPD gpd bs)
1314 Nothing -> fail "Failed to parse GPD"
1315 1 -> do
1316 NoIndexCachePreference <$> get
1317 _ -> fail "Failed to parse NoIndexCacheEntry"
1319 instance Structured NoIndexCacheEntry where
1320 structure = nominalStructure
1322 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1323 -- legacy 00-index.cache format
1325 packageKey, blocknoKey, buildTreeRefKey, preferredVersionKey :: String
1326 packageKey = "pkg:"
1327 blocknoKey = "b#"
1328 buildTreeRefKey = "build-tree-ref:"
1329 preferredVersionKey = "pref-ver:"
1331 -- legacy 00-index.cache format
1332 read00IndexCache :: BSS.ByteString -> Cache
1333 read00IndexCache bs =
1334 Cache
1335 { cacheHeadTs = NoTimestamp
1336 , cacheEntries = mapMaybe read00IndexCacheEntry $ BSS.lines bs
1339 read00IndexCacheEntry :: BSS.ByteString -> Maybe IndexCacheEntry
1340 read00IndexCacheEntry = \line ->
1341 case BSS.words line of
1342 [key, pkgnamestr, pkgverstr, sep, blocknostr]
1343 | key == BSS.pack packageKey && sep == BSS.pack blocknoKey ->
1344 case ( parseName pkgnamestr
1345 , parseVer pkgverstr []
1346 , parseBlockNo blocknostr
1347 ) of
1348 (Just pkgname, Just pkgver, Just blockno) ->
1349 Just
1350 ( CachePackageId
1351 (PackageIdentifier pkgname pkgver)
1352 blockno
1353 NoTimestamp
1355 _ -> Nothing
1356 [key, typecodestr, blocknostr] | key == BSS.pack buildTreeRefKey ->
1357 case (parseRefType typecodestr, parseBlockNo blocknostr) of
1358 (Just refType, Just blockno) ->
1359 Just (CacheBuildTreeRef refType blockno)
1360 _ -> Nothing
1361 (key : remainder) | key == BSS.pack preferredVersionKey -> do
1362 pref <- simpleParsecBS (BSS.unwords remainder)
1363 return $ CachePreference pref 0 NoTimestamp
1364 _ -> Nothing
1365 where
1366 parseName str
1367 | BSS.all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '-') str =
1368 Just (mkPackageName (BSS.unpack str))
1369 | otherwise = Nothing
1371 parseVer str vs =
1372 case BSS.readInt str of
1373 Nothing -> Nothing
1374 Just (v, str') -> case BSS.uncons str' of
1375 Just ('.', str'') -> parseVer str'' (v : vs)
1376 Just _ -> Nothing
1377 Nothing -> Just (mkVersion (reverse (v : vs)))
1379 parseBlockNo str =
1380 case BSS.readInt str of
1381 Just (blockno, remainder)
1382 | BSS.null remainder -> Just (fromIntegral blockno)
1383 _ -> Nothing
1385 parseRefType str =
1386 case BSS.uncons str of
1387 Just (typeCode, remainder)
1388 | BSS.null remainder && Tar.isBuildTreeRefTypeCode typeCode ->
1389 Just (refTypeFromTypeCode typeCode)
1390 _ -> Nothing
1392 -- legacy 00-index.cache format
1393 show00IndexCache :: Cache -> String
1394 show00IndexCache Cache{..} = unlines $ map show00IndexCacheEntry cacheEntries
1396 show00IndexCacheEntry :: IndexCacheEntry -> String
1397 show00IndexCacheEntry entry = unwords $ case entry of
1398 CachePackageId pkgid b _ ->
1399 [ packageKey
1400 , prettyShow (packageName pkgid)
1401 , prettyShow (packageVersion pkgid)
1402 , blocknoKey
1403 , show b
1405 CacheBuildTreeRef tr b ->
1406 [ buildTreeRefKey
1407 , [typeCodeFromRefType tr]
1408 , show b
1410 CachePreference dep _ _ ->
1411 [ preferredVersionKey
1412 , prettyShow dep