Merge pull request #10771 from alt-romes/wip/romes/10686
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / IndexUtils / IndexState.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- |
7 -- Module : Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.IndexUtils
8 -- Copyright : (c) 2016 Herbert Valerio Riedel
9 -- License : BSD3
11 -- Package repositories index state.
12 module Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.IndexState
13 ( RepoIndexState (..)
14 , TotalIndexState
15 , headTotalIndexState
16 , makeTotalIndexState
17 , lookupIndexState
18 , insertIndexState
19 ) where
21 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
22 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.Timestamp (Timestamp)
23 import Distribution.Client.Types.RepoName (RepoName (..))
25 import Distribution.Parsec (parsecLeadingCommaNonEmpty)
27 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
28 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
29 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
31 -- $setup
32 -- >>> import Distribution.Parsec
34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 -- Total index state
36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 -- | Index state of multiple repositories
39 data TotalIndexState = TIS RepoIndexState (Map RepoName RepoIndexState)
40 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
42 instance Binary TotalIndexState
43 instance Structured TotalIndexState
44 instance NFData TotalIndexState
46 instance Pretty TotalIndexState where
47 pretty (TIS IndexStateHead m)
48 | not (Map.null m) =
49 Disp.hsep $
50 Disp.punctuate
51 Disp.comma
52 [ pretty rn Disp.<+> pretty idx
53 | (rn, idx) <- Map.toList m
55 pretty (TIS def m) = foldl' go (pretty def) (Map.toList m)
56 where
57 go doc (rn, idx) = doc <<>> Disp.comma Disp.<+> pretty rn Disp.<+> pretty idx
59 -- |
61 -- >>> simpleParsec "HEAD" :: Maybe TotalIndexState
62 -- Just (TIS IndexStateHead (fromList []))
64 -- >>> simpleParsec "" :: Maybe TotalIndexState
65 -- Nothing
67 -- >>> simpleParsec " HEAD" :: Maybe TotalIndexState
68 -- Just (TIS IndexStateHead (fromList []))
70 -- >>> simpleParsec "2020-02-04T12:34:56Z, HEAD" :: Maybe TotalIndexState
71 -- Just (TIS (IndexStateTime (TS 1580819696)) (fromList [(RepoName {unRepoName = ""},IndexStateHead)]))
73 -- >>> simpleParsec " 2020-02-04T12:34:56Z" :: Maybe TotalIndexState
74 -- Just (TIS IndexStateHead (fromList [(RepoName {unRepoName = ""},IndexStateTime (TS 1580819696))]))
75 instance Parsec TotalIndexState where
76 parsec = normalise . foldl' add headTotalIndexState <$> parsecLeadingCommaNonEmpty single0
77 where
78 single0 = startsWithRepoName <|> TokTimestamp <$> parsec
79 startsWithRepoName = do
80 reponame <- parsec
81 -- the "HEAD" is technically a valid reponame...
82 if reponame == RepoName "HEAD"
83 then return TokHead
84 else do
85 P.spaces
86 TokRepo reponame <$> parsec
88 add :: TotalIndexState -> Tok -> TotalIndexState
89 add _ TokHead = headTotalIndexState
90 add _ (TokTimestamp ts) = TIS (IndexStateTime ts) Map.empty
91 add (TIS def m) (TokRepo rn idx) = TIS def (Map.insert rn idx m)
93 -- used in Parsec TotalIndexState implementation
94 data Tok
95 = TokRepo RepoName RepoIndexState
96 | TokTimestamp Timestamp
97 | TokHead
99 -- | Remove non-default values from 'TotalIndexState'.
100 normalise :: TotalIndexState -> TotalIndexState
101 normalise (TIS def m) = TIS def (Map.filter (/= def) m)
103 -- | 'TotalIndexState' where all repositories are at @HEAD@ index state.
104 headTotalIndexState :: TotalIndexState
105 headTotalIndexState = TIS IndexStateHead Map.empty
107 -- | Create 'TotalIndexState'.
108 makeTotalIndexState :: RepoIndexState -> Map RepoName RepoIndexState -> TotalIndexState
109 makeTotalIndexState def m = normalise (TIS def m)
111 -- | Lookup a 'RepoIndexState' for an individual repository from 'TotalIndexState'.
112 lookupIndexState :: RepoName -> TotalIndexState -> RepoIndexState
113 lookupIndexState rn (TIS def m) = Map.findWithDefault def rn m
115 -- | Insert a 'RepoIndexState' to 'TotalIndexState'.
116 insertIndexState :: RepoName -> RepoIndexState -> TotalIndexState -> TotalIndexState
117 insertIndexState rn idx (TIS def m)
118 | idx == def = TIS def (Map.delete rn m)
119 | otherwise = TIS def (Map.insert rn idx m)
121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 -- Repository index state
123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 -- | Specification of the state of a specific repo package index
126 data RepoIndexState
127 = -- | Use all available entries
128 IndexStateHead
129 | -- | Use all entries that existed at the specified time
130 IndexStateTime !Timestamp
131 deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
133 instance Binary RepoIndexState
134 instance Structured RepoIndexState
135 instance NFData RepoIndexState
137 instance Pretty RepoIndexState where
138 pretty IndexStateHead = Disp.text "HEAD"
139 pretty (IndexStateTime ts) = pretty ts
141 instance Parsec RepoIndexState where
142 parsec = parseHead <|> parseTime
143 where
144 parseHead = IndexStateHead <$ P.string "HEAD"
145 parseTime = IndexStateTime <$> parsec