Merge pull request #10771 from alt-romes/wip/romes/10686
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Init / NonInteractive / Heuristics.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.Client.Init.NonInteractive.Heuristics
9 -- Copyright : (c) Benedikt Huber 2009
10 -- License : BSD-like
12 -- Maintainer :
13 -- Stability : provisional
14 -- Portability : portable
16 -- Heuristics for creating initial cabal files.
17 module Distribution.Client.Init.NonInteractive.Heuristics
18 ( guessPackageName
19 , guessMainFile
20 , guessLicense
21 , guessExtraDocFiles
22 , guessAuthorName
23 , guessAuthorEmail
24 , guessCabalSpecVersion
25 , guessLanguage
26 , guessPackageType
27 , guessSourceDirectories
28 , guessApplicationDirectories
29 ) where
31 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (many, readFile, (<|>))
33 import Distribution.Simple.Setup (fromFlagOrDefault)
35 import qualified Data.List as L
36 import qualified Data.Set as Set
37 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
38 import Distribution.Client.Init.Defaults
39 import Distribution.Client.Init.FlagExtractors (getCabalVersionNoPrompt)
40 import Distribution.Client.Init.Types
41 import Distribution.Client.Init.Utils
42 import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Newtypes
43 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
44 import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName)
45 import Distribution.Version
46 import Language.Haskell.Extension
47 import System.FilePath
49 -- | Guess the main file, returns a default value if none is found.
50 guessMainFile :: Interactive m => FilePath -> m HsFilePath
51 guessMainFile pkgDir = do
52 exists <- doesDirectoryExist pkgDir
53 if exists
54 then do
55 files <- filter isMain <$> listFilesRecursive pkgDir
56 return $
57 case files of
58 [] -> defaultMainIs
59 (f : _) -> toHsFilePath f
60 else return defaultMainIs
62 -- | Juggling characters around to guess the desired cabal version based on
63 -- the system's cabal version.
64 guessCabalSpecVersion :: Interactive m => m CabalSpecVersion
65 guessCabalSpecVersion = do
66 (_, verString, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "cabal" ["--version"] ""
67 case simpleParsec $ takeWhile (not . isSpace) $ dropWhile (not . isDigit) verString of
68 Just v -> pure $ fromMaybe defaultCabalVersion $ case versionNumbers v of
69 [x, y, _, _] -> cabalSpecFromVersionDigits [x, y]
70 [x, y, _] -> cabalSpecFromVersionDigits [x, y]
71 _ -> Just defaultCabalVersion
72 Nothing -> pure defaultCabalVersion
74 -- | Guess the language specification based on the GHC version
75 guessLanguage :: Interactive m => Compiler -> m Language
76 guessLanguage Compiler{compilerId = CompilerId GHC ver} =
77 return $
78 if ver < mkVersion [7, 0, 1]
79 then Haskell98
80 else Haskell2010
81 guessLanguage _ = return defaultLanguage
83 -- | Guess the package name based on the given root directory.
84 guessPackageName :: Interactive m => FilePath -> m PackageName
85 guessPackageName = filePathToPkgName
87 -- | Try to guess the license from an already existing @LICENSE@ file in
88 -- the package directory, comparing the file contents with the ones
89 -- listed in @Licenses.hs@, for now it only returns a default value.
90 guessLicense :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m SpecLicense
91 guessLicense flags = return . defaultLicense $ getCabalVersionNoPrompt flags
93 guessExtraDocFiles :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m (Maybe (Set FilePath))
94 guessExtraDocFiles flags = do
95 pkgDir <- fromFlagOrDefault getCurrentDirectory $ return <$> packageDir flags
96 files <- getDirectoryContents pkgDir
98 let extraDocCandidates = ["CHANGES", "CHANGELOG", "README"]
99 extraDocs = [y | x <- extraDocCandidates, y <- files, x == map toUpper (takeBaseName y)]
101 return $
102 Just $
103 if null extraDocs
104 then Set.singleton defaultChangelog
105 else Set.fromList extraDocs
107 -- | Try to guess the package type from the files in the package directory,
108 -- looking for unique characteristics from each type, defaults to Executable.
109 guessPackageType :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m PackageType
110 guessPackageType flags = do
111 if fromFlagOrDefault False (initializeTestSuite flags)
112 then return TestSuite
113 else do
114 let lastDir dirs = L.last . splitDirectories $ dirs
115 srcCandidates = [defaultSourceDir, "src", "source"]
116 testCandidates = [defaultTestDir, "test", "tests"]
118 pkgDir <- fromFlagOrDefault getCurrentDirectory $ return <$> packageDir flags
119 files <- listFilesInside (\x -> return $ lastDir x `notElem` testCandidates) pkgDir
120 files' <-
121 filter (not . null . map (`elem` testCandidates) . splitDirectories)
122 <$> listFilesRecursive pkgDir
124 let hasExe = not $ null [f | f <- files, isMain $ takeFileName f]
125 hasLib = not $ null [f | f <- files, lastDir f `elem` srcCandidates]
126 hasTest = not $ null [f | f <- files', isMain $ takeFileName f]
128 return $ case (hasLib, hasExe, hasTest) of
129 (True, True, _) -> LibraryAndExecutable
130 (True, False, _) -> Library
131 (False, False, True) -> TestSuite
132 _ -> Executable
134 -- | Try to guess the application directories from the package directory,
135 -- using a default value as fallback.
136 guessApplicationDirectories :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m [FilePath]
137 guessApplicationDirectories flags = do
138 pkgDirs <-
139 fromFlagOrDefault
140 getCurrentDirectory
141 (return <$> packageDir flags)
142 pkgDirsContents <- listDirectory pkgDirs
144 let candidates = [defaultApplicationDir, "app", "src-exe"]
145 in return $ case [y | x <- candidates, y <- pkgDirsContents, x == y] of
146 [] -> [defaultApplicationDir]
147 x -> map (</> pkgDirs) . nub $ x
149 -- | Try to guess the source directories, using a default value as fallback.
150 guessSourceDirectories :: Interactive m => InitFlags -> m [FilePath]
151 guessSourceDirectories flags = do
152 pkgDir <- fromFlagOrDefault getCurrentDirectory $ return <$> packageDir flags
154 doesDirectoryExist (pkgDir </> "src")
155 >>= return . \case
156 False -> [defaultSourceDir]
157 True -> ["src"]
159 -- | Guess author and email using git configuration options.
160 guessAuthorName :: Interactive m => m (Maybe String)
161 guessAuthorName = guessGitInfo ""
163 guessAuthorEmail :: Interactive m => m (Maybe String)
164 guessAuthorEmail = guessGitInfo ""
166 guessGitInfo :: Interactive m => String -> m (Maybe String)
167 guessGitInfo target = do
168 localInfo <- maybeReadProcessWithExitCode "git" ["config", "--local", target] ""
169 case localInfo of
170 Nothing -> return Nothing
171 Just (_, localStdout, _) ->
172 if null localStdout
173 then do
174 globalInfo <- maybeReadProcessWithExitCode "git" ["config", "--global", target] ""
175 case globalInfo of
176 Just (ExitSuccess, globalStdout, _) -> return $ Just (trim globalStdout)
177 _ -> return Nothing
178 else return $ Just (trim localStdout)