Merge pull request #10593 from cabalism/typo/prexif-reseved
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Utils.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 module Distribution.Client.Utils
6 ( MergeResult (..)
7 , mergeBy
8 , duplicates
9 , duplicatesBy
10 , readMaybe
11 , withEnv
12 , withEnvOverrides
13 , logDirChange
14 , withExtraPathEnv
15 , determineNumJobs
16 , numberOfProcessors
17 , removeExistingFile
18 , withTempFileName
19 , makeAbsoluteToCwd
20 , makeRelativeToCwd
21 , makeRelativeToDir
22 , makeRelativeToDirS
23 , makeRelativeCanonical
24 , filePathToByteString
25 , byteStringToFilePath
26 , tryCanonicalizePath
27 , canonicalizePathNoThrow
28 , moreRecentFile
29 , existsAndIsMoreRecentThan
30 , tryReadAddSourcePackageDesc
31 , tryReadGenericPackageDesc
32 , relaxEncodingErrors
33 , ProgressPhase (..)
34 , progressMessage
35 , pvpize
36 , incVersion
37 , getCurrentYear
38 , listFilesRecursive
39 , listFilesInside
40 , safeRead
41 , hasElem
42 , concatMapM
43 , occursOnlyOrBefore
44 , giveRTSWarning
45 ) where
47 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
48 import Prelude ()
50 import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
51 ( finally
53 import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Safe
54 ( bracket
56 import Control.Monad
57 ( zipWithM_
59 import Data.Bits
60 ( shiftL
61 , shiftR
62 , (.|.)
64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
65 import Data.List
66 ( elemIndex
67 , groupBy
69 import Distribution.Client.Errors
70 import Distribution.Compat.Environment
71 import Distribution.Compat.Time (getModTime)
72 import Distribution.Simple.Setup (Flag (..))
73 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (dieWithException, findPackageDesc, noticeNoWrap)
74 import Distribution.Utils.Path
75 ( CWD
76 , FileOrDir (..)
77 , Pkg
78 , RelativePath
79 , SymbolicPath
80 , getSymbolicPath
81 , makeSymbolicPath
82 , relativeSymbolicPath
83 , sameDirectory
84 , symbolicPathRelative_maybe
86 import Distribution.Version
88 import System.Directory
89 ( canonicalizePath
90 , doesDirectoryExist
91 , doesFileExist
92 , getDirectoryContents
93 , removeFile
95 import qualified System.Directory as Directory
96 import System.FilePath
97 import System.IO
98 ( Handle
99 , hClose
100 , hGetEncoding
101 , hSetEncoding
102 , openTempFile
104 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
106 import Data.Time (utcToLocalTime)
107 import Data.Time.Calendar (toGregorian)
108 import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getCurrentTime)
109 import Data.Time.LocalTime (getCurrentTimeZone, localDay)
110 import GHC.Conc.Sync (getNumProcessors)
111 import GHC.IO.Encoding
112 ( TextEncoding (TextEncoding)
113 , recover
115 import GHC.IO.Encoding.Failure
116 ( CodingFailureMode (TransliterateCodingFailure)
117 , recoverEncode
119 #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,3)
120 import qualified System.Directory as Dir
121 import qualified System.IO.Error as IOError
122 #endif
123 import qualified Data.Set as Set
124 import Distribution.Simple.PackageDescription (readGenericPackageDescription)
125 import Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription)
127 -- | Generic merging utility. For sorted input lists this is a full outer join.
128 mergeBy :: forall a b. (a -> b -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [b] -> [MergeResult a b]
129 mergeBy cmp = merge
130 where
131 merge :: [a] -> [b] -> [MergeResult a b]
132 merge [] ys = [OnlyInRight y | y <- ys]
133 merge xs [] = [OnlyInLeft x | x <- xs]
134 merge (x : xs) (y : ys) =
135 case x `cmp` y of
136 GT -> OnlyInRight y : merge (x : xs) ys
137 EQ -> InBoth x y : merge xs ys
138 LT -> OnlyInLeft x : merge xs (y : ys)
140 data MergeResult a b = OnlyInLeft a | InBoth a b | OnlyInRight b
142 duplicates :: Ord a => [a] -> [[a]]
143 duplicates = duplicatesBy compare
145 duplicatesBy :: forall a. (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [[a]]
146 duplicatesBy cmp = filter moreThanOne . groupBy eq . sortBy cmp
147 where
148 eq :: a -> a -> Bool
149 eq a b = case cmp a b of
150 EQ -> True
151 _ -> False
152 moreThanOne (_ : _ : _) = True
153 moreThanOne _ = False
155 -- | Like 'removeFile', but does not throw an exception when the file does not
156 -- exist.
157 removeExistingFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
158 removeExistingFile path = do
159 exists <- doesFileExist path
160 when exists $
161 removeFile path
163 -- | A variant of 'withTempFile' that only gives us the file name, and while
164 -- it will clean up the file afterwards, it's lenient if the file is
165 -- moved\/deleted.
166 withTempFileName
167 :: FilePath
168 -> String
169 -> (FilePath -> IO a)
170 -> IO a
171 withTempFileName tmpDir template action =
172 Safe.bracket
173 (openTempFile tmpDir template)
174 (\(name, _) -> removeExistingFile name)
175 (\(name, h) -> hClose h >> action name)
177 -- | Executes the action with an environment variable set to some
178 -- value.
180 -- Warning: This operation is NOT thread-safe, because current
181 -- environment is a process-global concept.
182 withEnv :: String -> String -> IO a -> IO a
183 withEnv k v m = do
184 mb_old <- lookupEnv k
185 setEnv k v
186 m `Exception.finally` setOrUnsetEnv k mb_old
188 -- | Executes the action with a list of environment variables and
189 -- corresponding overrides, where
191 -- * @'Just' v@ means \"set the environment variable's value to @v@\".
192 -- * 'Nothing' means \"unset the environment variable\".
194 -- Warning: This operation is NOT thread-safe, because current
195 -- environment is a process-global concept.
196 withEnvOverrides :: [(String, Maybe FilePath)] -> IO a -> IO a
197 withEnvOverrides overrides m = do
198 mb_olds <- traverse lookupEnv envVars
199 traverse_ (uncurry setOrUnsetEnv) overrides
200 m `Exception.finally` zipWithM_ setOrUnsetEnv envVars mb_olds
201 where
202 envVars :: [String]
203 envVars = map fst overrides
205 setOrUnsetEnv :: String -> Maybe String -> IO ()
206 setOrUnsetEnv var Nothing = unsetEnv var
207 setOrUnsetEnv var (Just val) = setEnv var val
209 -- | Executes the action, increasing the PATH environment
210 -- in some way
212 -- Warning: This operation is NOT thread-safe, because the
213 -- environment variables are a process-global concept.
214 withExtraPathEnv :: [FilePath] -> IO a -> IO a
215 withExtraPathEnv paths m = do
216 oldPathSplit <- getSearchPath
217 let newPath :: String
218 newPath = mungePath $ intercalate [searchPathSeparator] (paths ++ oldPathSplit)
219 oldPath :: String
220 oldPath = mungePath $ intercalate [searchPathSeparator] oldPathSplit
221 -- TODO: This is a horrible hack to work around the fact that
222 -- setEnv can't take empty values as an argument
223 mungePath p
224 | p == "" = "/dev/null"
225 | otherwise = p
226 setEnv "PATH" newPath
227 m `Exception.finally` setEnv "PATH" oldPath
229 -- | Log directory change in 'make' compatible syntax
230 logDirChange :: (String -> IO ()) -> Maybe FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
231 logDirChange _ Nothing m = m
232 logDirChange l (Just d) m = do
233 l $ "cabal: Entering directory '" ++ d ++ "'\n"
235 `Exception.finally` l ("cabal: Leaving directory '" ++ d ++ "'\n")
237 -- The number of processors is not going to change during the duration of the
238 -- program, so unsafePerformIO is safe here.
239 numberOfProcessors :: Int
240 numberOfProcessors = unsafePerformIO getNumProcessors
242 -- | Determine the number of jobs to use given the value of the '-j' flag.
243 determineNumJobs :: Flag (Maybe Int) -> Int
244 determineNumJobs numJobsFlag =
245 case numJobsFlag of
246 NoFlag -> 1
247 Flag Nothing -> numberOfProcessors
248 Flag (Just n) -> n
250 -- | Given a relative path, make it absolute relative to the current
251 -- directory. Absolute paths are returned unmodified.
252 makeAbsoluteToCwd :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
253 makeAbsoluteToCwd path
254 | isAbsolute path = return path
255 | otherwise = do
256 cwd <- Directory.getCurrentDirectory
257 return $! cwd </> path
259 -- | Given a path (relative or absolute), make it relative to the current
260 -- directory, including using @../..@ if necessary.
261 makeRelativeToCwd :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
262 makeRelativeToCwd path =
263 makeRelativeCanonical <$> canonicalizePath path <*> Directory.getCurrentDirectory
265 -- | Given a path (relative or absolute), make it relative to the given
266 -- directory, including using @../..@ if necessary.
267 makeRelativeToDir :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
268 makeRelativeToDir path dir =
269 makeRelativeCanonical <$> canonicalizePath path <*> canonicalizePath dir
271 -- | makeRelativeToDir for SymbolicPath
272 makeRelativeToDirS :: Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir dir)) -> SymbolicPath CWD to -> IO (SymbolicPath dir to)
273 makeRelativeToDirS Nothing s = makeRelativeToDirS (Just sameDirectory) s
274 makeRelativeToDirS (Just root) p =
275 case symbolicPathRelative_maybe p of
276 -- TODO: Use AbsolutePath
277 Nothing -> return $ makeSymbolicPath (getSymbolicPath p)
278 Just rel_path ->
279 makeSymbolicPath <$> makeRelativeToDir (getSymbolicPath root) (getSymbolicPath rel_path)
281 -- | Given a canonical absolute path and canonical absolute dir, make the path
282 -- relative to the directory, including using @../..@ if necessary. Returns
283 -- the original absolute path if it is not on the same drive as the given dir.
284 makeRelativeCanonical :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
285 makeRelativeCanonical path dir
286 | takeDrive path /= takeDrive dir = path
287 | otherwise = go (splitPath path) (splitPath dir)
288 where
289 go (p : ps) (d : ds) | p' == d' = go ps ds
290 where
291 (p', d') = (dropTrailingPathSeparator p, dropTrailingPathSeparator d)
292 go [] [] = "./"
293 go ps ds = joinPath (replicate (length ds) ".." ++ ps)
295 -- | Convert a 'FilePath' to a lazy 'ByteString'. Each 'Char' is
296 -- encoded as a little-endian 'Word32'.
297 filePathToByteString :: FilePath -> BS.ByteString
298 filePathToByteString p =
299 BS.pack $ foldr conv [] codepts
300 where
301 codepts :: [Word32]
302 codepts = map (fromIntegral . ord) p
304 conv :: Word32 -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
305 conv w32 rest = b0 : b1 : b2 : b3 : rest
306 where
307 b0 = fromIntegral $ w32
308 b1 = fromIntegral $ w32 `shiftR` 8
309 b2 = fromIntegral $ w32 `shiftR` 16
310 b3 = fromIntegral $ w32 `shiftR` 24
312 -- | Reverse operation to 'filePathToByteString'.
313 byteStringToFilePath :: BS.ByteString -> FilePath
314 byteStringToFilePath bs
315 | bslen `mod` 4 /= 0 = unexpected
316 | otherwise = go 0
317 where
318 unexpected = "Distribution.Client.Utils.byteStringToFilePath: unexpected"
319 bslen = BS.length bs
321 go i
322 | i == bslen = []
323 | otherwise = (chr . fromIntegral $ w32) : go (i + 4)
324 where
325 w32 :: Word32
326 w32 = b0 .|. (b1 `shiftL` 8) .|. (b2 `shiftL` 16) .|. (b3 `shiftL` 24)
327 b0 = fromIntegral $ BS.index bs i
328 b1 = fromIntegral $ BS.index bs (i + 1)
329 b2 = fromIntegral $ BS.index bs (i + 2)
330 b3 = fromIntegral $ BS.index bs (i + 3)
332 -- | Workaround for the inconsistent behaviour of 'canonicalizePath'. Always
333 -- throws an error if the path refers to a non-existent file.
335 tryCanonicalizePath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
336 tryCanonicalizePath path = do
337 ret <- canonicalizePath path
338 #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,3)
339 exists <- liftM2 (||) (doesFileExist ret) (Dir.doesDirectoryExist ret)
340 unless exists $
341 IOError.ioError $ IOError.mkIOError IOError.doesNotExistErrorType "canonicalizePath"
342 Nothing (Just ret)
343 #endif
344 return ret
347 -- | A non-throwing wrapper for 'canonicalizePath'. If 'canonicalizePath' throws
348 -- an exception, returns the path argument unmodified.
349 canonicalizePathNoThrow :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
350 canonicalizePathNoThrow path = do
351 canonicalizePath path `catchIO` (\_ -> return path)
353 --------------------
354 -- Modification time
356 -- | Like Distribution.Simple.Utils.moreRecentFile, but uses getModTime instead
357 -- of getModificationTime for higher precision. We can't merge the two because
358 -- Distribution.Client.Time uses MIN_VERSION macros.
359 moreRecentFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool
360 moreRecentFile a b = do
361 exists <- doesFileExist b
362 if not exists
363 then return True
364 else do
365 tb <- getModTime b
366 ta <- getModTime a
367 return (ta > tb)
369 -- | Like 'moreRecentFile', but also checks that the first file exists.
370 existsAndIsMoreRecentThan :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool
371 existsAndIsMoreRecentThan a b = do
372 exists <- doesFileExist a
373 if not exists
374 then return False
375 else a `moreRecentFile` b
377 -- | Sets the handler for encoding errors to one that transliterates invalid
378 -- characters into one present in the encoding (i.e., \'?\').
379 -- This is opposed to the default behavior, which is to throw an exception on
380 -- error. This function will ignore file handles that have a Unicode encoding
381 -- set. It's a no-op for versions of `base` less than 4.4.
382 relaxEncodingErrors :: Handle -> IO ()
383 relaxEncodingErrors handle = do
384 maybeEncoding <- hGetEncoding handle
385 case maybeEncoding of
386 Just (TextEncoding name decoder encoder)
387 | not ("UTF" `isPrefixOf` name) ->
388 let relax x = x{recover = recoverEncode TransliterateCodingFailure}
389 in hSetEncoding handle (TextEncoding name decoder (fmap relax encoder))
390 _ ->
391 return ()
393 -- | Like 'tryFindPackageDesc', but with error specific to add-source deps.
394 tryReadAddSourcePackageDesc
395 :: Verbosity
396 -> FilePath
397 -> String
398 -> IO GenericPackageDescription
399 tryReadAddSourcePackageDesc verbosity depPath err = do
400 let pkgDir = makeSymbolicPath depPath
401 pkgDescPath <-
402 try_find_package_desc verbosity pkgDir $
404 ++ "\n"
405 ++ "Failed to read cabal file of add-source dependency: "
406 ++ depPath
407 readGenericPackageDescription verbosity (Just pkgDir) (relativeSymbolicPath pkgDescPath)
409 -- | Try to read a @.cabal@ file, in directory @depPath@. Fails if one cannot be
410 -- found, with @err@ prefixing the error message. This function simply allows
411 -- us to give a more descriptive error than that provided by @findPackageDesc@.
412 tryReadGenericPackageDesc
413 :: Verbosity
414 -> SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg)
415 -> String
416 -> IO GenericPackageDescription
417 tryReadGenericPackageDesc verbosity pkgDir err = do
418 pkgDescPath <- try_find_package_desc verbosity pkgDir err
419 readGenericPackageDescription verbosity (Just pkgDir) (relativeSymbolicPath pkgDescPath)
421 -- | Internal helper function for 'tryReadAddSourcePackageDesc' and 'tryReadGenericPackageDesc'.
422 try_find_package_desc
423 :: Verbosity
424 -> SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg)
425 -> String
426 -> IO (RelativePath Pkg File)
427 try_find_package_desc verbosity pkgDir err = do
428 errOrCabalFile <- findPackageDesc (Just pkgDir)
429 case errOrCabalFile of
430 Right file -> return file
431 Left _ -> dieWithException verbosity $ TryFindPackageDescErr err
433 -- | Phase of building a dependency. Represents current status of package
434 -- dependency processing. See #4040 for details.
435 data ProgressPhase
436 = ProgressDownloading
437 | ProgressDownloaded
438 | ProgressStarting
439 | ProgressBuilding
440 | ProgressHaddock
441 | ProgressInstalling
442 | ProgressCompleted
444 progressMessage :: Verbosity -> ProgressPhase -> String -> IO ()
445 progressMessage verbosity phase subject = do
446 noticeNoWrap verbosity $ phaseStr ++ subject ++ "\n"
447 where
448 phaseStr = case phase of
449 ProgressDownloading ->
450 "Downloading "
451 ProgressDownloaded ->
452 "Downloaded "
453 ProgressStarting ->
454 "Starting "
455 ProgressBuilding ->
456 "Building "
457 ProgressHaddock ->
458 "Haddock "
459 ProgressInstalling ->
460 "Installing "
461 ProgressCompleted ->
462 "Completed "
464 -- | Given a version, return an API-compatible (according to PVP) version range.
466 -- If the boolean argument denotes whether to use a desugared
467 -- representation (if 'True') or the new-style @^>=@-form (if
468 -- 'False').
470 -- Example: @pvpize True (mkVersion [0,4,1])@ produces the version range @>= 0.4 && < 0.5@ (which is the
471 -- same as @0.4.*@).
472 pvpize :: Bool -> Version -> VersionRange
473 pvpize False v = majorBoundVersion v
474 pvpize True v =
475 orLaterVersion v'
476 `intersectVersionRanges` earlierVersion (incVersion 1 v')
477 where
478 v' = alterVersion (take 2) v
480 -- | Increment the nth version component (counting from 0).
481 incVersion :: Int -> Version -> Version
482 incVersion n = alterVersion (incVersion' n)
483 where
484 incVersion' 0 [] = [1]
485 incVersion' 0 (v : _) = [v + 1]
486 incVersion' m [] = replicate m 0 ++ [1]
487 incVersion' m (v : vs) = v : incVersion' (m - 1) vs
489 -- | Returns the current calendar year.
490 getCurrentYear :: IO Integer
491 getCurrentYear = do
492 u <- getCurrentTime
493 z <- getCurrentTimeZone
494 let l = utcToLocalTime z u
495 (y, _, _) = toGregorian $ localDay l
496 return y
498 -- | From System.Directory.Extra
499 --
500 listFilesInside :: (FilePath -> IO Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
501 listFilesInside test dir = ifNotM (test $ dropTrailingPathSeparator dir) (pure []) $ do
502 (dirs, files) <- partitionM doesDirectoryExist =<< listContents dir
503 rest <- concatMapM (listFilesInside test) dirs
504 pure $ files ++ rest
506 -- | From System.Directory.Extra
507 --
508 listFilesRecursive :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
509 listFilesRecursive = listFilesInside (const $ pure True)
511 -- | From System.Directory.Extra
512 --
513 listContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
514 listContents dir = do
515 xs <- getDirectoryContents dir
516 pure $ sort [dir </> x | x <- xs, not $ all (== '.') x]
518 -- | From Control.Monad.Extra
519 --
520 ifM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a
521 ifM b t f = do b' <- b; if b' then t else f
523 -- | 'ifM' with swapped branches:
524 -- @ifNotM b t f = ifM (not <$> b) t f@
525 ifNotM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a
526 ifNotM = flip . ifM
528 -- | From Control.Monad.Extra
529 --
530 concatMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
531 {-# INLINE concatMapM #-}
532 concatMapM op = foldr f (pure [])
533 where
534 f x xs = do x' <- op x; if null x' then xs else do { xs' <- xs; pure $ x' ++ xs' }
536 -- | From Control.Monad.Extra
537 --
538 partitionM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m ([a], [a])
539 partitionM _ [] = pure ([], [])
540 partitionM f (x : xs) = do
541 res <- f x
542 (as, bs) <- partitionM f xs
543 pure ([x | res] ++ as, [x | not res] ++ bs)
545 safeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
546 safeRead s
547 | [(x, "")] <- reads s = Just x
548 | otherwise = Nothing
550 -- | @hasElem xs x = elem x xs@ except that @xs@ is turned into a 'Set' first.
551 -- Use underapplied to speed up subsequent lookups, e.g. @filter (hasElem xs) ys@.
552 -- Only amortized when used several times!
554 -- Time complexity \(O((n+m) \log(n))\) for \(m\) lookups in a list of length \(n\).
555 -- (Compare this to 'elem''s \(O(nm)\).)
557 -- This is [Agda.Utils.List.hasElem](
558 hasElem :: Ord a => [a] -> a -> Bool
559 hasElem xs = (`Set.member` Set.fromList xs)
561 -- True if x occurs before y
562 occursOnlyOrBefore :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> a -> Bool
563 occursOnlyOrBefore xs x y = case (elemIndex x xs, elemIndex y xs) of
564 (Just i, Just j) -> i < j
565 (Just _, _) -> True
566 _ -> False
568 giveRTSWarning :: String -> String
569 giveRTSWarning "run" =
570 "Your RTS options are applied to cabal, not the "
571 ++ "executable. Use '--' to separate cabal options from your "
572 ++ "executable options. For example, use 'cabal run -- +RTS -N "
573 ++ "to pass the '-N' RTS option to your executable."
574 giveRTSWarning "test" =
575 "Some RTS options were found standalone, "
576 ++ "which affect cabal and not the binary. "
577 ++ "Please note that +RTS inside the --test-options argument "
578 ++ "suffices if your goal is to affect the tested binary. "
579 ++ "For example, use \"cabal test --test-options='+RTS -N'\" "
580 ++ "to pass the '-N' RTS option to your binary."
581 giveRTSWarning "bench" =
582 "Some RTS options were found standalone, "
583 ++ "which affect cabal and not the binary. Please note "
584 ++ "that +RTS inside the --benchmark-options argument "
585 ++ "suffices if your goal is to affect the benchmarked "
586 ++ "binary. For example, use \"cabal test --benchmark-options="
587 ++ "'+RTS -N'\" to pass the '-N' RTS option to your binary."
588 giveRTSWarning _ =
589 "Your RTS options are applied to cabal, not the "
590 ++ "binary."