Merge pull request #10716 from jimbob88/fix-cabal-hooks-readme
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Deprecated / ReadP.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- |
9 --
10 -- Module : Distribution.Deprecated.ReadP
11 -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
12 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
14 -- Maintainer :
15 -- Portability : portable
17 -- This is a library of parser combinators, originally written by Koen Claessen.
18 -- It parses all alternatives in parallel, so it never keeps hold of
19 -- the beginning of the input string, a common source of space leaks with
20 -- other parsers. The '(+++)' choice combinator is genuinely commutative;
21 -- it makes no difference which branch is \"shorter\".
23 -- See also Koen's paper /Parallel Parsing Processes/
24 -- (<>).
26 -- This version of ReadP has been locally hacked to make it H98, by
27 -- Martin Sj&#xF6;gren <>
29 -- The unit tests have been moved to UnitTest.Distribution.Deprecated.ReadP, by
30 -- Mark Lentczner <>
31 module Distribution.Deprecated.ReadP
32 ( -- * The 'ReadP' type
33 ReadP -- :: * -> *; instance Functor, Monad, MonadPlus
35 -- * Primitive operations
36 , get -- :: ReadP Char
37 , look -- :: ReadP String
38 , (+++) -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP a -> ReadP a
39 , (<++) -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP a -> ReadP a
40 , gather -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP (String, a)
42 -- * Other operations
43 , pfail -- :: ReadP a
44 , eof -- :: ReadP ()
45 , satisfy -- :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP Char
46 , char -- :: Char -> ReadP Char
47 , string -- :: String -> ReadP String
48 , munch -- :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP String
49 , munch1 -- :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP String
50 , skipSpaces -- :: ReadP ()
51 , skipSpaces1 -- :: ReadP ()
52 , choice -- :: [ReadP a] -> ReadP a
53 , count -- :: Int -> ReadP a -> ReadP [a]
54 , between -- :: ReadP open -> ReadP close -> ReadP a -> ReadP a
55 , option -- :: a -> ReadP a -> ReadP a
56 , optional -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP ()
57 , many -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP [a]
58 , many1 -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP [a]
59 , skipMany -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP ()
60 , skipMany1 -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP ()
61 , sepBy -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP sep -> ReadP [a]
62 , sepBy1 -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP sep -> ReadP [a]
63 , endBy -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP sep -> ReadP [a]
64 , endBy1 -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP sep -> ReadP [a]
65 , chainr -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP (a -> a -> a) -> a -> ReadP a
66 , chainl -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP (a -> a -> a) -> a -> ReadP a
67 , chainl1 -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP (a -> a -> a) -> ReadP a
68 , chainr1 -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP (a -> a -> a) -> ReadP a
69 , manyTill -- :: ReadP a -> ReadP end -> ReadP [a]
71 -- * Running a parser
72 , ReadS -- :: *; = String -> [(a,String)]
73 , readP_to_S -- :: ReadP a -> ReadS a
74 , readS_to_P -- :: ReadS a -> ReadP a
75 , readP_to_E
77 -- ** Internal
78 , Parser
80 where
82 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (get, many)
83 import Prelude ()
85 import Control.Monad (replicateM, (>=>))
87 import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
89 import Distribution.ReadE (ReadE (..))
91 infixr 5 +++, <++
93 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 -- The P type
95 -- is representation type -- should be kept abstract
97 data P s a
98 = Get (s -> P s a)
99 | Look ([s] -> P s a)
100 | Fail
101 | Result a (P s a)
102 | Final [(a, [s])] -- invariant: list is non-empty!
104 -- Monad, MonadPlus
106 instance Functor (P s) where
107 fmap = liftM
109 instance Applicative (P s) where
110 pure x = Result x Fail
111 (<*>) = ap
113 instance Monad (P s) where
114 return = pure
116 (Get f) >>= k = Get (f >=> k)
117 (Look f) >>= k = Look (f >=> k)
118 Fail >>= _ = Fail
119 (Result x p) >>= k = k x `mplus` (p >>= k)
120 (Final r) >>= k = final [ys' | (x, s) <- r, ys' <- run (k x) s]
122 instance Fail.MonadFail (P s) where
123 fail _ = Fail
125 instance Alternative (P s) where
126 empty = mzero
127 (<|>) = mplus
129 instance MonadPlus (P s) where
130 mzero = Fail
132 -- most common case: two gets are combined
133 Get f1 `mplus` Get f2 = Get (\c -> f1 c `mplus` f2 c)
134 -- results are delivered as soon as possible
135 Result x p `mplus` q = Result x (p `mplus` q)
136 p `mplus` Result x q = Result x (p `mplus` q)
137 -- fail disappears
138 Fail `mplus` p = p
139 p `mplus` Fail = p
140 -- two finals are combined
141 -- final + look becomes one look and one final (=optimization)
142 -- final + sthg else becomes one look and one final
143 Final r `mplus` Final t = Final (r ++ t)
144 Final r `mplus` Look f = Look (\s -> Final (r ++ run (f s) s))
145 Final r `mplus` p = Look (\s -> Final (r ++ run p s))
146 Look f `mplus` Final r = Look (\s -> Final (run (f s) s ++ r))
147 p `mplus` Final r = Look (\s -> Final (run p s ++ r))
148 -- two looks are combined (=optimization)
149 -- look + sthg else floats upwards
150 Look f `mplus` Look g = Look (\s -> f s `mplus` g s)
151 Look f `mplus` p = Look (\s -> f s `mplus` p)
152 p `mplus` Look f = Look (\s -> p `mplus` f s)
154 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
155 -- The ReadP type
157 newtype Parser r s a = R ((a -> P s r) -> P s r)
158 type ReadP r a = Parser r Char a
160 -- Functor, Monad, MonadPlus
162 instance Functor (Parser r s) where
163 fmap h (R f) = R (\k -> f (k . h))
165 instance Applicative (Parser r s) where
166 pure x = R (\k -> k x)
167 (<*>) = ap
169 instance s ~ Char => Alternative (Parser r s) where
170 empty = pfail
171 (<|>) = (+++)
173 instance Monad (Parser r s) where
174 return = pure
175 R m >>= f = R (\k -> m (\a -> let R m' = f a in m' k))
177 instance Fail.MonadFail (Parser r s) where
178 fail _ = R (const Fail)
180 instance s ~ Char => MonadPlus (Parser r s) where
181 mzero = pfail
182 mplus = (+++)
184 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 -- Operations over P
187 final :: [(a, [s])] -> P s a
188 -- Maintains invariant for Final constructor
189 final [] = Fail
190 final r = Final r
192 run :: P c a -> ([c] -> [(a, [c])])
193 run (Get f) (c : s) = run (f c) s
194 run (Look f) s = run (f s) s
195 run (Result x p) s = (x, s) : run p s
196 run (Final r) _ = r
197 run _ _ = []
199 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 -- Operations over ReadP
202 get :: ReadP r Char
203 -- ^ Consumes and returns the next character.
204 -- Fails if there is no input left.
205 get = R Get
207 look :: ReadP r String
208 -- ^ Look-ahead: returns the part of the input that is left, without
209 -- consuming it.
210 look = R Look
212 pfail :: ReadP r a
213 -- ^ Always fails.
214 pfail = R (const Fail)
216 eof :: ReadP r ()
217 -- ^ Succeeds iff we are at the end of input
218 eof = do
219 s <- look
220 if null s
221 then return ()
222 else pfail
224 (+++) :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r a -> ReadP r a
225 -- ^ Symmetric choice.
226 R f1 +++ R f2 = R (\k -> f1 k `mplus` f2 k)
228 (<++) :: ReadP a a -> ReadP r a -> ReadP r a
229 -- ^ Local, exclusive, left-biased choice: If left parser
230 -- locally produces any result at all, then right parser is
231 -- not used.
232 R f <++ q =
234 s <- look
235 probe (f return) s 0
236 where
237 probe (Get f') (c : s) n = probe (f' c) s (n + 1 :: Int)
238 probe (Look f') s n = probe (f' s) s n
239 probe p@(Result _ _) _ n = discard n >> R (p >>=)
240 probe (Final r) _ _ = R (Final r >>=)
241 probe _ _ _ = q
243 discard 0 = return ()
244 discard n = get >> discard (n - 1 :: Int)
246 gather :: ReadP (String -> P Char r) a -> ReadP r (String, a)
247 -- ^ Transforms a parser into one that does the same, but
248 -- in addition returns the exact characters read.
249 -- IMPORTANT NOTE: 'gather' gives a runtime error if its first argument
250 -- is built using any occurrences of readS_to_P.
251 gather (R m) =
252 R (\k -> gath id (m (\a -> return (\s -> k (s, a)))))
253 where
254 gath l (Get f) = Get (\c -> gath (l . (c :)) (f c))
255 gath _ Fail = Fail
256 gath l (Look f) = Look (gath l . f)
257 gath l (Result k p) = k (l []) `mplus` gath l p
258 gath _ (Final _) = error "do not use readS_to_P in gather!"
260 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
261 -- Derived operations
263 satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP r Char
264 -- ^ Consumes and returns the next character, if it satisfies the
265 -- specified predicate.
266 satisfy p = do c <- get; if p c then return c else pfail
268 char :: Char -> ReadP r Char
269 -- ^ Parses and returns the specified character.
270 char c = satisfy (c ==)
272 string :: String -> ReadP r String
273 -- ^ Parses and returns the specified string.
274 string this = do s <- look; scan this s
275 where
276 scan [] _ = return this
277 scan (x : xs) (y : ys) | x == y = get >> scan xs ys
278 scan _ _ = pfail
280 munch :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP r String
281 -- ^ Parses the first zero or more characters satisfying the predicate.
282 munch p =
284 s <- look
285 scan s
286 where
287 scan (c : cs) | p c = do _ <- get; s <- scan cs; return (c : s)
288 scan _ = do return ""
290 munch1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP r String
291 -- ^ Parses the first one or more characters satisfying the predicate.
292 munch1 p =
294 c <- get
295 if p c
296 then do s <- munch p; return (c : s)
297 else pfail
299 choice :: [ReadP r a] -> ReadP r a
300 -- ^ Combines all parsers in the specified list.
301 choice [] = pfail
302 choice [p] = p
303 choice (p : ps) = p +++ choice ps
305 skipSpaces :: ReadP r ()
306 -- ^ Skips all whitespace.
307 skipSpaces =
309 s <- look
310 skip s
311 where
312 skip (c : s) | isSpace c = do _ <- get; skip s
313 skip _ = do return ()
315 skipSpaces1 :: ReadP r ()
316 -- ^ Like 'skipSpaces' but succeeds only if there is at least one
317 -- whitespace character to skip.
318 skipSpaces1 = satisfy isSpace >> skipSpaces
320 count :: Int -> ReadP r a -> ReadP r [a]
321 -- ^ @ count n p @ parses @n@ occurrences of @p@ in sequence. A list of
322 -- results is returned.
323 count n p = replicateM n p
325 between :: ReadP r open -> ReadP r close -> ReadP r a -> ReadP r a
326 -- ^ @ between open close p @ parses @open@, followed by @p@ and finally
327 -- @close@. Only the value of @p@ is returned.
328 between open close p = do
329 _ <- open
330 x <- p
331 _ <- close
332 return x
334 option :: a -> ReadP r a -> ReadP r a
335 -- ^ @option x p@ will either parse @p@ or return @x@ without consuming
336 -- any input.
337 option x p = p +++ return x
339 optional :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r ()
340 -- ^ @optional p@ optionally parses @p@ and always returns @()@.
341 optional p = (p >> return ()) +++ return ()
343 many :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r [a]
344 -- ^ Parses zero or more occurrences of the given parser.
345 many p = return [] +++ many1 p
347 many1 :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r [a]
348 -- ^ Parses one or more occurrences of the given parser.
349 many1 p = liftM2 (:) p (many p)
351 skipMany :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r ()
352 -- ^ Like 'many', but discards the result.
353 skipMany p = many p >> return ()
355 skipMany1 :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r ()
356 -- ^ Like 'many1', but discards the result.
357 skipMany1 p = p >> skipMany p
359 sepBy :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r sep -> ReadP r [a]
360 -- ^ @sepBy p sep@ parses zero or more occurrences of @p@, separated by @sep@.
361 -- Returns a list of values returned by @p@.
362 sepBy p sep = sepBy1 p sep +++ return []
364 sepBy1 :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r sep -> ReadP r [a]
365 -- ^ @sepBy1 p sep@ parses one or more occurrences of @p@, separated by @sep@.
366 -- Returns a list of values returned by @p@.
367 sepBy1 p sep = liftM2 (:) p (many (sep >> p))
369 endBy :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r sep -> ReadP r [a]
370 -- ^ @endBy p sep@ parses zero or more occurrences of @p@, separated and ended
371 -- by @sep@.
372 endBy p sep = many (do x <- p; _ <- sep; return x)
374 endBy1 :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r sep -> ReadP r [a]
375 -- ^ @endBy p sep@ parses one or more occurrences of @p@, separated and ended
376 -- by @sep@.
377 endBy1 p sep = many1 (do x <- p; _ <- sep; return x)
379 chainr :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r (a -> a -> a) -> a -> ReadP r a
380 -- ^ @chainr p op x@ parses zero or more occurrences of @p@, separated by @op@.
381 -- Returns a value produced by a /right/ associative application of all
382 -- functions returned by @op@. If there are no occurrences of @p@, @x@ is
383 -- returned.
384 chainr p op x = chainr1 p op +++ return x
386 chainl :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r (a -> a -> a) -> a -> ReadP r a
387 -- ^ @chainl p op x@ parses zero or more occurrences of @p@, separated by @op@.
388 -- Returns a value produced by a /left/ associative application of all
389 -- functions returned by @op@. If there are no occurrences of @p@, @x@ is
390 -- returned.
391 chainl p op x = chainl1 p op +++ return x
393 chainr1 :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r (a -> a -> a) -> ReadP r a
394 -- ^ Like 'chainr', but parses one or more occurrences of @p@.
395 chainr1 p op = scan
396 where
397 scan = p >>= rest
398 rest x =
400 f <- op
401 y <- scan
402 return (f x y)
403 +++ return x
405 chainl1 :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r (a -> a -> a) -> ReadP r a
406 -- ^ Like 'chainl', but parses one or more occurrences of @p@.
407 chainl1 p op = p >>= rest
408 where
409 rest x =
411 f <- op
412 y <- p
413 rest (f x y)
414 +++ return x
416 manyTill :: ReadP r a -> ReadP [a] end -> ReadP r [a]
417 -- ^ @manyTill p end@ parses zero or more occurrences of @p@, until @end@
418 -- succeeds. Returns a list of values returned by @p@.
419 manyTill p end = scan
420 where
421 scan = (end >> return []) <++ (liftM2 (:) p scan)
423 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
424 -- Converting between ReadP and Read
426 readP_to_S :: ReadP a a -> ReadS a
427 -- ^ Converts a parser into a Haskell ReadS-style function.
428 -- This is the main way in which you can \"run\" a 'ReadP' parser:
429 -- the expanded type is
430 -- @ readP_to_S :: ReadP a -> String -> [(a,String)] @
431 readP_to_S (R f) = run (f return)
433 readS_to_P :: ReadS a -> ReadP r a
434 -- ^ Converts a Haskell ReadS-style function into a parser.
435 -- Warning: This introduces local backtracking in the resulting
436 -- parser, and therefore a possible inefficiency.
437 readS_to_P r =
438 R (\k -> Look (\s -> final [bs'' | (a, s') <- r s, bs'' <- run (k a) s']))
440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
441 -- ReadE
442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
444 readP_to_E :: (String -> String) -> ReadP a a -> ReadE a
445 readP_to_E err r =
446 ReadE $ \txt -> case [ p | (p, s) <- readP_to_S r txt, all isSpace s
447 ] of
448 [] -> Left (err txt)
449 (p : _) -> Right p