Merge pull request #10587 from 9999years/git-quiet
[cabal.git] / cabal-testsuite / PackageTests / NewBuild / CmdRun / Terminate / cabal.test.hs
1 import Test.Cabal.Prelude
2 import qualified System.Process as Process
3 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
4 import System.Directory (removeFile)
5 import Control.Exception (catch, throwIO)
6 import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
7 import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
8 import qualified Data.Time.Format as Time
11 This test verifies that 'cabal run' terminates its
12 child when it is killed. More generally, while we
13 use the same code path for all child processes, this
14 ensure that cabal-install cleans up after all children.
15 (That might change if 'cabal run' is changed to exec(3)
16 without forking in the future.)
19 main :: IO ()
20 main = do
21 skipIfWindows "depends on `unix`"
22 cabalTest $ do
23 -- timestamped logging to aid with #8416
24 let logIO msg = do
25 ts <- Time.getCurrentTime
26 let tsfmt = Time.formatTime Time.defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S.%q" ts
27 putStrLn $ tsfmt <> " [cabal.test] " <> msg
28 log = liftIO . logIO
30 dir <- fmap testCurrentDir getTestEnv
31 let runFile = dir </> ""
32 liftIO $ removeFile runFile `catchNoExist` return ()
34 log "about to v2-build"
35 cabal_raw_action ["v2-build", "exe"] (\_ -> return ())
36 log "about to v2-run"
37 r <- fails $ cabal_raw_action ["v2-run", "exe"] $ \cabalHandle -> do
38 -- wait for "cabal run" to have started "exe"
39 logIO "about to wait for file"
40 waitFile total runFile
41 -- then kill "cabal run"
42 logIO "about to terminate cabal"
43 Process.terminateProcess cabalHandle
44 log "v2-run done"
46 -- "exe" should exit, and should have been interrupted before
47 -- finishing its sleep
48 assertOutputContains "exiting" r
49 assertOutputDoesNotContain "done sleeping" r
51 where
52 catchNoExist action handle =
53 action `catch`
54 (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then handle else throwIO e)
55 waitFile totalWait f
56 | totalWait <= 0 = error "waitFile timed out"
57 | otherwise = readFile f `catchNoExist` do
58 threadDelay delta
59 waitFile (totalWait - delta) f
60 delta = 50000 -- 0.05s
61 total = 10000000 -- 10s
63 cabal_raw_action :: [String] -> (Process.ProcessHandle -> IO ()) -> TestM Result
64 cabal_raw_action args action = do
65 configured_prog <- requireProgramM cabalProgram
66 env <- getTestEnv
67 r <- liftIO $ runAction (testVerbosity env)
68 (Just $ testCurrentDir env)
69 (testEnvironment env)
70 (programPath configured_prog)
71 args
72 Nothing
73 action
74 recordLog r
75 requireSuccess r