Merge pull request #10776 from cabalism/fix/Cabal-hooks-casing
[cabal.git] / cabal-testsuite / PackageTests / Outdated / repo / base- / base.cabal
1 name:           base
2 version:
3 license:        BSD3
4 license-file:   LICENSE
5 maintainer:
6 synopsis:       Basic libraries (backwards-compatibility version)
7 description:
8     This is a backwards-compatible version of the base package.
9     It depends on a later version of base, and was probably supplied
10     with your compiler when it was installed.
12 cabal-version:  >=1.2
13 build-type: Simple
15 Library {
16     build-depends: base       >= 4.0 && < 4.2,
17                    syb        >= 0.1 && < 0.2
18     extensions: PackageImports
20     if impl(ghc < 6.9) {
21         buildable: False
22     }
24     if impl(ghc) {
25         exposed-modules:
26             Data.Generics,
27             Data.Generics.Aliases,
28             Data.Generics.Basics,
29             Data.Generics.Instances,
30             Data.Generics.Schemes,
31             Data.Generics.Text,
32             Data.Generics.Twins,
33             Foreign.Concurrent,
34             GHC.Arr,
35             GHC.Base,
36             GHC.Conc,
37             GHC.ConsoleHandler,
38             GHC.Desugar,
39             GHC.Dotnet,
40             GHC.Enum,
41             GHC.Environment,
42             GHC.Err,
43             GHC.Exception,
44             GHC.Exts,
45             GHC.Float,
46             GHC.ForeignPtr,
47             GHC.Handle,
48             GHC.IO,
49             GHC.IOBase,
50             GHC.Int,
51             GHC.List,
52             GHC.Num,
53             GHC.PArr,
54             GHC.Pack,
55             GHC.Ptr,
56             GHC.Read,
57             GHC.Real,
58             GHC.ST,
59             GHC.STRef,
60             GHC.Show,
61             GHC.Stable,
62             GHC.Storable,
63             GHC.TopHandler,
64             GHC.Unicode,
65             GHC.Weak,
66             GHC.Word,
67             System.Timeout
68     }
69     exposed-modules:
70         Control.Applicative,
71         Control.Arrow,
72         Control.Category,
73         Control.Concurrent,
74         Control.Concurrent.Chan,
75         Control.Concurrent.MVar,
76         Control.Concurrent.QSem,
77         Control.Concurrent.QSemN,
78         Control.Concurrent.SampleVar,
79         Control.Exception,
80         Control.Monad,
81         Control.Monad.Fix,
82         Control.Monad.Instances,
83         Control.Monad.ST,
84         Control.Monad.ST.Lazy,
85         Control.Monad.ST.Strict,
86         Data.Bits,
87         Data.Bool,
88         Data.Char,
89         Data.Complex,
90         Data.Dynamic,
91         Data.Either,
92         Data.Eq,
93         Data.Fixed,
94         Data.Foldable
95         Data.Function,
96         Data.HashTable,
97         Data.IORef,
98         Data.Int,
99         Data.Ix,
100         Data.List,
101         Data.Maybe,
102         Data.Monoid,
103         Data.Ord,
104         Data.Ratio,
105         Data.STRef,
106         Data.STRef.Lazy,
107         Data.STRef.Strict,
108         Data.String,
109         Data.Traversable
110         Data.Tuple,
111         Data.Typeable,
112         Data.Unique,
113         Data.Version,
114         Data.Word,
115         Debug.Trace,
116         Foreign,
117         Foreign.C,
118         Foreign.C.Error,
119         Foreign.C.String,
120         Foreign.C.Types,
121         Foreign.ForeignPtr,
122         Foreign.Marshal,
123         Foreign.Marshal.Alloc,
124         Foreign.Marshal.Array,
125         Foreign.Marshal.Error,
126         Foreign.Marshal.Pool,
127         Foreign.Marshal.Utils,
128         Foreign.Ptr,
129         Foreign.StablePtr,
130         Foreign.Storable,
131         Numeric,
132         Prelude,
133         System.Console.GetOpt,
134         System.CPUTime,
135         System.Environment,
136         System.Exit,
137         System.IO,
138         System.IO.Error,
139         System.IO.Unsafe,
140         System.Info,
141         System.Mem,
142         System.Mem.StableName,
143         System.Mem.Weak,
144         System.Posix.Internals,
145         System.Posix.Types,
146         Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP,
147         Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec,
148         Text.Printf,
149         Text.Read,
150         Text.Read.Lex,
151         Text.Show,
152         Text.Show.Functions
153         Unsafe.Coerce