Fix recomp bug by invalidating cache on build exception
[cabal.git] / cabal-benchmarks / cabal-benchmarks.cabal
1 cabal-version:      2.2
2 name:               cabal-benchmarks
3 version:            3
4 copyright:          2003-2024, Cabal Development Team (see AUTHORS file)
5 license:            BSD-3-Clause
6 license-file:       LICENSE
7 author:             Cabal Development Team <>
8 maintainer:
9 homepage: 
10 bug-reports:
11 synopsis:           Benchmarks for the cabal dependency solver
12 description:
13   This package contains benchmarks that test cabal's dependency solver by running the cabal executable.
15 category:           Distribution
16 build-type:         Simple
17 extra-source-files:
19 source-repository head
20   type:     git
21   location:
22   subdir:   cabal-benchmarks
24 test-suite cabal-benchmarks
25   default-language: Haskell2010
26   type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
27   main-is:          CabalBenchmarks.hs
28   hs-source-dirs:   bench
29   ghc-options:      -threaded -Wall -fwarn-tabs
30   build-depends:
31       base
32     , bytestring
33     , Cabal-syntax
34     , tasty-bench >= 0.3.5 && < 0.4