Fix recomp bug by invalidating cache on build exception
[cabal.git] / editors / vim / example.cabal
1 cabal-version: 1.12
2 name:          example
3 version:       1
4 synopsis:      Synopsis is short, Example file for highlighting testing
5 author:        Oleg Grenrus
6 maintainer:    Oleg Grenrus <>
7 homepage:
8 category:      Example
9 license:       BSD-3-Clause
10 license-file:  LICENSE
11 build-type:    Simple
12 description:
13   description: Trying to fool highlighter, successfully?
14   Description is long and often written on multiple lines Haskell2010
15   type subdir extensions:, the colon could fool highlighter
16   DeriveFunctor
17   as if else elif should not be matched here
18 tested-with:
19   GHC (>=7.0.4 && <8)
20    || ==8.0.2
21    || ==8.2.2
22    || ==8.4.4
23    || ==8.6.5
24    || ==8.8.4
25    || ==8.10.2
27 flag some-flag
28   manual: True
30 common name
31   default-language: Haskell2010
32   build-depends:    base ^>=1.2.3
34 source-repository head
35   type:     git
36   location:
38 library
39   import:             deps
40   exposed-modules:    Foobar
41   build-depends:      base
43   buildable: True
45   if flag(some-flag)
46     build-depends: containers
47   elif !impl(ghc >=8.0) && True
48     build-depends: semigroups
49     if flag(some-flag)
50        build-depends: nested
51   else
52     build-depends: void
54   -- test empty lines
55   build-depends:
56     , containers >= && <0.6
57     , base ^>= || ^>=
59   -- Case insensitivity
60   default-extensions:
61     DeriveFoldable
62     DeriveFunctor
64   other-extensions:
65     ImpredicativeTypes
66     LinearTypes
68 executable my-executable
69   import:  deps
70   main-is: Executable.hs
72 test-suite my-tests
73   import:  deps
75   -- exitcode-stdio-1.0 or detailed-0.9
76   type:    exitcode-stdio-1.0
77   main-is: Tests.hs
79 benchmark my-benchmark
80   import:  deps
81   type:    exitcode-stdio-1.0
82   main-is: Bench.hs
84 foreign-library my-flib
85   import: deps
87   -- native-shared or native-static
88   type:   native-shared