Add a check of the current behaviour importing duplicates
[cabal.git] / cabal-validate / src / OutputUtil.hs
1 -- | Utilities for printing terminal output.
2 module OutputUtil
3 ( printHeader
4 , withTiming
5 ) where
7 import Control.Exception (catch)
8 import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as Terminal
9 import System.Process.Typed (ExitCodeException)
11 import ANSI (SGR (Bold, BrightCyan, BrightGreen, BrightRed, Reset), setSGR)
12 import ClockUtil (AbsoluteTime, diffAbsoluteTime, formatDiffTime, getAbsoluteTime)
13 import System.Exit (exitFailure)
15 -- | Get the width of the current terminal, or 80 if no width can be determined.
16 getTerminalWidth :: IO Int
17 getTerminalWidth = maybe 80 Terminal.width <$> Terminal.size @Int
19 -- | Print a header for a given step.
21 -- This is colorful and hard to miss in the output.
22 printHeader
23 :: String
24 -- ^ Title to print.
25 -> IO ()
26 printHeader title = do
27 columns <- getTerminalWidth
28 let left = 3
29 right = columns - length title - left - 2
30 header =
31 setSGR [Bold, BrightCyan]
32 <> replicate left ''
33 <> " "
34 <> title
35 <> " "
36 <> replicate right ''
37 <> setSGR [Reset]
38 putStrLn header
40 -- | Run an `IO` action and print duration information after it finishes.
41 withTiming
42 :: AbsoluteTime
43 -- ^ Start time for the whole @cabal-validate@ run.
44 -> String
45 -- ^ Name for describing the action.
47 -- Used in a sentence like "@title@ finished after 16.34s".
48 -> IO a
49 -- ^ Action to time.
50 -> IO a
51 withTiming startTime title action = do
52 startTime' <- getAbsoluteTime
54 result <-
55 (Right <$> action)
56 `catch` (\exception -> pure (Left (exception :: ExitCodeException)))
58 endTime <- getAbsoluteTime
60 let duration = diffAbsoluteTime endTime startTime'
61 totalDuration = diffAbsoluteTime endTime startTime
63 case result of
64 Right inner -> do
65 putStrLn $
66 setSGR [Bold, BrightGreen]
67 <> title
68 <> " finished after "
69 <> formatDiffTime duration
70 <> "\nTotal time so far: "
71 <> formatDiffTime totalDuration
72 <> setSGR [Reset]
74 pure inner
75 Left _procFailed -> do
76 putStrLn $
77 setSGR [Bold, BrightRed]
78 <> title
79 <> " failed after "
80 <> formatDiffTime duration
81 <> "\nTotal time so far: "
82 <> formatDiffTime totalDuration
83 <> setSGR [Reset]
85 -- TODO: `--keep-going` mode.
86 exitFailure