Add skipping abbreviation unit tests
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Solver / Modular / Solver.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 -- | This is a set of unit tests for the dependency solver,
4 -- which uses the solver DSL ("UnitTests.Distribution.Solver.Modular.DSL")
5 -- to more conveniently create package databases to run the solver tests on.
6 module UnitTests.Distribution.Solver.Modular.Solver (tests)
7 where
9 -- base
10 import Data.List (isInfixOf)
12 import qualified Distribution.Version as V
14 -- test-framework
15 import Test.Tasty as TF
17 -- Cabal
18 import Language.Haskell.Extension
19 ( Extension (..)
20 , KnownExtension (..)
21 , Language (..)
24 -- cabal-install
25 import Distribution.Solver.Types.Flag
26 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
27 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
28 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath as P
29 import UnitTests.Distribution.Solver.Modular.DSL
30 import UnitTests.Distribution.Solver.Modular.DSL.TestCaseUtils
32 tests :: [TF.TestTree]
33 tests =
34 [ testGroup
35 "Simple dependencies"
36 [ runTest $ mkTest db1 "alreadyInstalled" ["A"] (solverSuccess [])
37 , runTest $ mkTest db1 "installLatest" ["B"] (solverSuccess [("B", 2)])
38 , runTest $
39 preferOldest $
40 mkTest db1 "installOldest" ["B"] (solverSuccess [("B", 1)])
41 , runTest $ mkTest db1 "simpleDep1" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
42 , runTest $ mkTest db1 "simpleDep2" ["D"] (solverSuccess [("B", 2), ("D", 1)])
43 , runTest $ mkTest db1 "failTwoVersions" ["C", "D"] anySolverFailure
44 , runTest $ indep $ mkTest db1 "indepTwoVersions" ["C", "D"] (solverSuccess [("B", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 1), ("D", 1)])
45 , runTest $ indep $ mkTest db1 "aliasWhenPossible1" ["C", "E"] (solverSuccess [("B", 1), ("C", 1), ("E", 1)])
46 , runTest $ indep $ mkTest db1 "aliasWhenPossible2" ["D", "E"] (solverSuccess [("B", 2), ("D", 1), ("E", 1)])
47 , runTest $ indep $ mkTest db2 "aliasWhenPossible3" ["C", "D"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("A", 2), ("B", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 1), ("D", 1)])
48 , runTest $ mkTest db1 "buildDepAgainstOld" ["F"] (solverSuccess [("B", 1), ("E", 1), ("F", 1)])
49 , runTest $ mkTest db1 "buildDepAgainstNew" ["G"] (solverSuccess [("B", 2), ("E", 1), ("G", 1)])
50 , runTest $ indep $ mkTest db1 "multipleInstances" ["F", "G"] anySolverFailure
51 , runTest $ mkTest db21 "unknownPackage1" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)])
52 , runTest $ mkTest db22 "unknownPackage2" ["A"] (solverFailure (isInfixOf "unknown package: C"))
53 , runTest $ mkTest db23 "unknownPackage3" ["A"] (solverFailure (isInfixOf "unknown package: B"))
54 , runTest $ mkTest [] "unknown target" ["A"] (solverFailure (isInfixOf "unknown package: A"))
56 , testGroup
57 "Flagged dependencies"
58 [ runTest $ mkTest db3 "forceFlagOn" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
59 , runTest $ mkTest db3 "forceFlagOff" ["D"] (solverSuccess [("A", 2), ("B", 1), ("D", 1)])
60 , runTest $ indep $ mkTest db3 "linkFlags1" ["C", "D"] anySolverFailure
61 , runTest $ indep $ mkTest db4 "linkFlags2" ["C", "D"] anySolverFailure
62 , runTest $ indep $ mkTest db18 "linkFlags3" ["A", "B"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1), ("D", 1), ("D", 2), ("F", 1)])
64 , testGroup
65 "Lifting dependencies out of conditionals"
66 [ runTest $ commonDependencyLogMessage "common dependency log message"
67 , runTest $ twoLevelDeepCommonDependencyLogMessage "two level deep common dependency log message"
68 , runTest $ testBackjumpingWithCommonDependency "backjumping with common dependency"
70 , testGroup
71 "Manual flags"
72 [ runTest $
73 mkTest dbManualFlags "Use default value for manual flag" ["pkg"] $
74 solverSuccess [("pkg", 1), ("true-dep", 1)]
75 , let checkFullLog =
76 any $ isInfixOf "rejecting: pkg:-flag (manual flag can only be changed explicitly)"
77 in runTest $
78 setVerbose $
79 constraints [ExVersionConstraint (ScopeAnyQualifier "true-dep") V.noVersion] $
80 mkTest dbManualFlags "Don't toggle manual flag to avoid conflict" ["pkg"] $
81 -- TODO: We should check the summarized log instead of the full log
82 -- for the manual flags error message, but it currently only
83 -- appears in the full log.
84 SolverResult checkFullLog (Left $ const True)
85 , let cs = [ExFlagConstraint (ScopeAnyQualifier "pkg") "flag" False]
86 in runTest $
87 constraints cs $
88 mkTest dbManualFlags "Toggle manual flag with flag constraint" ["pkg"] $
89 solverSuccess [("false-dep", 1), ("pkg", 1)]
91 , testGroup
92 "Qualified manual flag constraints"
93 [ let name = "Top-level flag constraint does not constrain setup dep's flag"
94 cs = [ExFlagConstraint (ScopeQualified P.QualToplevel "B") "flag" False]
95 in runTest $
96 constraints cs $
97 mkTest dbSetupDepWithManualFlag name ["A"] $
98 solverSuccess
99 [ ("A", 1)
100 , ("B", 1)
101 , ("B", 2)
102 , ("b-1-false-dep", 1)
103 , ("b-2-true-dep", 1)
105 , let name = "Solver can toggle setup dep's flag to match top-level constraint"
106 cs =
107 [ ExFlagConstraint (ScopeQualified P.QualToplevel "B") "flag" False
108 , ExVersionConstraint (ScopeAnyQualifier "b-2-true-dep") V.noVersion
110 in runTest $
111 constraints cs $
112 mkTest dbSetupDepWithManualFlag name ["A"] $
113 solverSuccess
114 [ ("A", 1)
115 , ("B", 1)
116 , ("B", 2)
117 , ("b-1-false-dep", 1)
118 , ("b-2-false-dep", 1)
120 , let name = "User can constrain flags separately with qualified constraints"
121 cs =
122 [ ExFlagConstraint (ScopeQualified P.QualToplevel "B") "flag" True
123 , ExFlagConstraint (ScopeQualified (P.QualSetup "A") "B") "flag" False
125 in runTest $
126 constraints cs $
127 mkTest dbSetupDepWithManualFlag name ["A"] $
128 solverSuccess
129 [ ("A", 1)
130 , ("B", 1)
131 , ("B", 2)
132 , ("b-1-true-dep", 1)
133 , ("b-2-false-dep", 1)
135 , -- Regression test for #4299
136 let name = "Solver can link deps when only one has constrained manual flag"
137 cs = [ExFlagConstraint (ScopeQualified P.QualToplevel "B") "flag" False]
138 in runTest $
139 constraints cs $
140 mkTest dbLinkedSetupDepWithManualFlag name ["A"] $
141 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("b-1-false-dep", 1)]
142 , let name = "Solver cannot link deps that have conflicting manual flag constraints"
143 cs =
144 [ ExFlagConstraint (ScopeQualified P.QualToplevel "B") "flag" True
145 , ExFlagConstraint (ScopeQualified (P.QualSetup "A") "B") "flag" False
147 failureReason = "(constraint from unknown source requires opposite flag selection)"
148 checkFullLog lns =
150 (\msg -> any (msg `isInfixOf`) lns)
151 [ "rejecting: B:-flag " ++ failureReason
152 , "rejecting: A:setup.B:+flag " ++ failureReason
154 in runTest $
155 constraints cs $
156 setVerbose $
157 mkTest dbLinkedSetupDepWithManualFlag name ["A"] $
158 SolverResult checkFullLog (Left $ const True)
160 , testGroup
161 "Stanzas"
162 [ runTest $ enableAllTests $ mkTest db5 "simpleTest1" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("A", 2), ("C", 1)])
163 , runTest $ enableAllTests $ mkTest db5 "simpleTest2" ["D"] anySolverFailure
164 , runTest $ enableAllTests $ mkTest db5 "simpleTest3" ["E"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("E", 1)])
165 , runTest $ enableAllTests $ mkTest db5 "simpleTest4" ["F"] anySolverFailure -- TODO
166 , runTest $ enableAllTests $ mkTest db5 "simpleTest5" ["G"] (solverSuccess [("A", 2), ("G", 1)])
167 , runTest $ enableAllTests $ mkTest db5 "simpleTest6" ["E", "G"] anySolverFailure
168 , runTest $ indep $ enableAllTests $ mkTest db5 "simpleTest7" ["E", "G"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("A", 2), ("E", 1), ("G", 1)])
169 , runTest $ enableAllTests $ mkTest db6 "depsWithTests1" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
170 , runTest $ indep $ enableAllTests $ mkTest db6 "depsWithTests2" ["C", "D"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1), ("D", 1)])
171 , runTest $ testTestSuiteWithFlag "test suite with flag"
173 , testGroup
174 "Setup dependencies"
175 [ runTest $ mkTest db7 "setupDeps1" ["B"] (solverSuccess [("A", 2), ("B", 1)])
176 , runTest $ mkTest db7 "setupDeps2" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("A", 2), ("C", 1)])
177 , runTest $ mkTest db7 "setupDeps3" ["D"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("D", 1)])
178 , runTest $ mkTest db7 "setupDeps4" ["E"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("A", 2), ("E", 1)])
179 , runTest $ mkTest db7 "setupDeps5" ["F"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("A", 2), ("F", 1)])
180 , runTest $ mkTest db8 "setupDeps6" ["C", "D"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 1), ("D", 1)])
181 , runTest $ mkTest db9 "setupDeps7" ["F", "G"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 1), ("D", 1), ("E", 1), ("E", 2), ("F", 1), ("G", 1)])
182 , runTest $ mkTest db10 "setupDeps8" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("C", 1)])
183 , runTest $ indep $ mkTest dbSetupDeps "setupDeps9" ["A", "B"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1), ("D", 1), ("D", 2)])
185 , testGroup
186 "Base shim"
187 [ runTest $ mkTest db11 "baseShim1" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
188 , runTest $ mkTest db12 "baseShim2" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
189 , runTest $ mkTest db12 "baseShim3" ["B"] (solverSuccess [("B", 1)])
190 , runTest $ mkTest db12 "baseShim4" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
191 , runTest $ mkTest db12 "baseShim5" ["D"] anySolverFailure
192 , runTest $ mkTest db12 "baseShim6" ["E"] (solverSuccess [("E", 1), ("syb", 2)])
194 , testGroup
195 "Base and non-reinstallable"
196 [ runTest $
197 mkTest dbBase "Refuse to install base without --allow-boot-library-installs" ["base"] $
198 solverFailure (isInfixOf "rejecting: base-1.0.0 (constraint from non-reinstallable package requires installed instance)")
199 , runTest $
200 allowBootLibInstalls $
201 mkTest dbBase "Install base with --allow-boot-library-installs" ["base"] $
202 solverSuccess [("base", 1), ("ghc-prim", 1), ("integer-gmp", 1), ("integer-simple", 1)]
203 , runTest $
204 mkTest dbNonupgrade "Refuse to install newer ghc requested by another library" ["A"] $
205 solverFailure (isInfixOf "rejecting: ghc-2.0.0 (constraint from non-reinstallable package requires installed instance)")
207 , testGroup
208 "reject-unconstrained"
209 [ runTest $
210 onlyConstrained $
211 mkTest db12 "missing syb" ["E"] $
212 solverFailure (isInfixOf "not a user-provided goal")
213 , runTest $
214 onlyConstrained $
215 mkTest db12 "all goals" ["E", "syb"] $
216 solverSuccess [("E", 1), ("syb", 2)]
217 , runTest $
218 onlyConstrained $
219 mkTest db17 "backtracking" ["A", "B"] $
220 solverSuccess [("A", 2), ("B", 1)]
221 , runTest $
222 onlyConstrained $
223 mkTest db17 "failure message" ["A"] $
224 solverFailure $
225 isInfixOf $
226 "Could not resolve dependencies:\n"
227 ++ "[__0] trying: A-3.0.0 (user goal)\n"
228 ++ "[__1] next goal: C (dependency of A)\n"
229 ++ "[__1] fail (not a user-provided goal nor mentioned as a constraint, "
230 ++ "but reject-unconstrained-dependencies was set)\n"
231 ++ "[__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, C)\n"
232 ++ "After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively, "
233 ++ "these were the goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: A, C, B"
235 , testGroup
236 "Cycles"
237 [ runTest $ mkTest db14 "simpleCycle1" ["A"] anySolverFailure
238 , runTest $ mkTest db14 "simpleCycle2" ["A", "B"] anySolverFailure
239 , runTest $ mkTest db14 "cycleWithFlagChoice1" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("C", 1), ("E", 1)])
240 , runTest $ mkTest db15 "cycleThroughSetupDep1" ["A"] anySolverFailure
241 , runTest $ mkTest db15 "cycleThroughSetupDep2" ["B"] anySolverFailure
242 , runTest $ mkTest db15 "cycleThroughSetupDep3" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("C", 2), ("D", 1)])
243 , runTest $ mkTest db15 "cycleThroughSetupDep4" ["D"] (solverSuccess [("D", 1)])
244 , runTest $ mkTest db15 "cycleThroughSetupDep5" ["E"] (solverSuccess [("C", 2), ("D", 1), ("E", 1)])
245 , runTest $ issue4161 "detect cycle between package and its setup script"
246 , runTest $ testCyclicDependencyErrorMessages "cyclic dependency error messages"
248 , testGroup
249 "Extensions"
250 [ runTest $ mkTestExts [EnableExtension CPP] dbExts1 "unsupported" ["A"] anySolverFailure
251 , runTest $ mkTestExts [EnableExtension CPP] dbExts1 "unsupportedIndirect" ["B"] anySolverFailure
252 , runTest $ mkTestExts [EnableExtension RankNTypes] dbExts1 "supported" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
253 , runTest $ mkTestExts (map EnableExtension [CPP, RankNTypes]) dbExts1 "supportedIndirect" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
254 , runTest $ mkTestExts [EnableExtension CPP] dbExts1 "disabledExtension" ["D"] anySolverFailure
255 , runTest $ mkTestExts (map EnableExtension [CPP, RankNTypes]) dbExts1 "disabledExtension" ["D"] anySolverFailure
256 , runTest $ mkTestExts (UnknownExtension "custom" : map EnableExtension [CPP, RankNTypes]) dbExts1 "supportedUnknown" ["E"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1), ("E", 1)])
258 , testGroup
259 "Languages"
260 [ runTest $ mkTestLangs [Haskell98] dbLangs1 "unsupported" ["A"] anySolverFailure
261 , runTest $ mkTestLangs [Haskell98, Haskell2010] dbLangs1 "supported" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
262 , runTest $ mkTestLangs [Haskell98] dbLangs1 "unsupportedIndirect" ["B"] anySolverFailure
263 , runTest $ mkTestLangs [Haskell98, Haskell2010, UnknownLanguage "Haskell3000"] dbLangs1 "supportedUnknown" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
265 , testGroup
266 "Qualified Package Constraints"
267 [ runTest $
268 mkTest dbConstraints "install latest versions without constraints" ["A", "B", "C"] $
269 solverSuccess [("A", 7), ("B", 8), ("C", 9), ("D", 7), ("D", 8), ("D", 9)]
270 , let cs = [ExVersionConstraint (ScopeAnyQualifier "D") $ mkVersionRange 1 4]
271 in runTest $
272 constraints cs $
273 mkTest dbConstraints "force older versions with unqualified constraint" ["A", "B", "C"] $
274 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 3), ("D", 1), ("D", 2), ("D", 3)]
275 , let cs =
276 [ ExVersionConstraint (ScopeQualified P.QualToplevel "D") $ mkVersionRange 1 4
277 , ExVersionConstraint (ScopeQualified (P.QualSetup "B") "D") $ mkVersionRange 4 7
279 in runTest $
280 constraints cs $
281 mkTest dbConstraints "force multiple versions with qualified constraints" ["A", "B", "C"] $
282 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 5), ("C", 9), ("D", 1), ("D", 5), ("D", 9)]
283 , let cs = [ExVersionConstraint (ScopeAnySetupQualifier "D") $ mkVersionRange 1 4]
284 in runTest $
285 constraints cs $
286 mkTest dbConstraints "constrain package across setup scripts" ["A", "B", "C"] $
287 solverSuccess [("A", 7), ("B", 2), ("C", 3), ("D", 2), ("D", 3), ("D", 7)]
289 , testGroup
290 "Package Preferences"
291 [ runTest $ preferences [ExPkgPref "A" $ mkvrThis 1] $ mkTest db13 "selectPreferredVersionSimple" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
292 , runTest $ preferences [ExPkgPref "A" $ mkvrOrEarlier 2] $ mkTest db13 "selectPreferredVersionSimple2" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 2)])
293 , runTest
294 $ preferences
295 [ ExPkgPref "A" $ mkvrOrEarlier 2
296 , ExPkgPref "A" $ mkvrOrEarlier 1
298 $ mkTest db13 "selectPreferredVersionMultiple" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
299 , runTest
300 $ preferences
301 [ ExPkgPref "A" $ mkvrOrEarlier 1
302 , ExPkgPref "A" $ mkvrOrEarlier 2
304 $ mkTest db13 "selectPreferredVersionMultiple2" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
305 , runTest
306 $ preferences
307 [ ExPkgPref "A" $ mkvrThis 1
308 , ExPkgPref "A" $ mkvrThis 2
310 $ mkTest db13 "selectPreferredVersionMultiple3" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 2)])
311 , runTest
312 $ preferences
313 [ ExPkgPref "A" $ mkvrThis 1
314 , ExPkgPref "A" $ mkvrOrEarlier 2
316 $ mkTest db13 "selectPreferredVersionMultiple4" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
318 , testGroup
319 "Stanza Preferences"
320 [ runTest $
321 mkTest dbStanzaPreferences1 "disable tests by default" ["pkg"] $
322 solverSuccess [("pkg", 1)]
323 , runTest $
324 preferences [ExStanzaPref "pkg" [TestStanzas]] $
325 mkTest dbStanzaPreferences1 "enable tests with testing preference" ["pkg"] $
326 solverSuccess [("pkg", 1), ("test-dep", 1)]
327 , runTest $
328 preferences [ExStanzaPref "pkg" [TestStanzas]] $
329 mkTest dbStanzaPreferences2 "disable testing when it's not possible" ["pkg"] $
330 solverSuccess [("pkg", 1)]
331 , testStanzaPreference "test stanza preference"
333 , testGroup
334 "Buildable Field"
335 [ testBuildable "avoid building component with unknown dependency" (ExAny "unknown")
336 , testBuildable "avoid building component with unknown extension" (ExExt (UnknownExtension "unknown"))
337 , testBuildable "avoid building component with unknown language" (ExLang (UnknownLanguage "unknown"))
338 , runTest $ mkTest dbBuildable1 "choose flags that set buildable to false" ["pkg"] (solverSuccess [("flag1-false", 1), ("flag2-true", 1), ("pkg", 1)])
339 , runTest $ mkTest dbBuildable2 "choose version that sets buildable to false" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 2)])
341 , testGroup
342 "Pkg-config dependencies"
343 [ runTest $ mkTestPCDepends (Just []) dbPC1 "noPkgs" ["A"] anySolverFailure
344 , runTest $ mkTestPCDepends (Just [("pkgA", "0")]) dbPC1 "tooOld" ["A"] anySolverFailure
345 , runTest $ mkTestPCDepends (Just [("pkgA", "1.0.0"), ("pkgB", "1.0.0")]) dbPC1 "pruneNotFound" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
346 , runTest $ mkTestPCDepends (Just [("pkgA", "1.0.0"), ("pkgB", "2.0.0")]) dbPC1 "chooseNewest" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 1)])
347 , runTest $ mkTestPCDepends Nothing dbPC1 "noPkgConfigFailure" ["A"] anySolverFailure
348 , runTest $ mkTestPCDepends Nothing dbPC1 "noPkgConfigSuccess" ["D"] (solverSuccess [("D", 1)])
350 , testGroup
351 "Independent goals"
352 [ runTest $ indep $ mkTest db16 "indepGoals1" ["A", "B"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1), ("D", 1), ("D", 2), ("E", 1)])
353 , runTest $ testIndepGoals2 "indepGoals2"
354 , runTest $ testIndepGoals3 "indepGoals3"
355 , runTest $ testIndepGoals4 "indepGoals4"
356 , runTest $ testIndepGoals5 "indepGoals5 - fixed goal order" FixedGoalOrder
357 , runTest $ testIndepGoals5 "indepGoals5 - default goal order" DefaultGoalOrder
358 , runTest $ testIndepGoals6 "indepGoals6 - fixed goal order" FixedGoalOrder
359 , runTest $ testIndepGoals6 "indepGoals6 - default goal order" DefaultGoalOrder
361 , -- Tests designed for the backjumping blog post
362 testGroup
363 "Backjumping"
364 [ runTest $ mkTest dbBJ1a "bj1a" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)])
365 , runTest $ mkTest dbBJ1b "bj1b" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)])
366 , runTest $ mkTest dbBJ1c "bj1c" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)])
367 , runTest $ mkTest dbBJ2 "bj2" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
368 , runTest $ mkTest dbBJ3 "bj3" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("Ba", 1), ("C", 1)])
369 , runTest $ mkTest dbBJ4 "bj4" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
370 , runTest $ mkTest dbBJ5 "bj5" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("D", 1)])
371 , runTest $ mkTest dbBJ6 "bj6" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)])
372 , runTest $ mkTest dbBJ7 "bj7" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
373 , runTest $ indep $ mkTest dbBJ8 "bj8" ["A", "B"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1)])
375 , testGroup
376 "main library dependencies"
377 [ let db = [Right $ exAvNoLibrary "A" 1 `withExe` exExe "exe" []]
378 in runTest $
379 mkTest db "install build target without a library" ["A"] $
380 solverSuccess [("A", 1)]
381 , let db =
382 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
383 , Right $ exAvNoLibrary "B" 1 `withExe` exExe "exe" []
385 in runTest $
386 mkTest db "reject build-depends dependency with no library" ["A"] $
387 solverFailure (isInfixOf "rejecting: B-1.0.0 (does not contain library, which is required by A)")
388 , let exe = exExe "exe" []
389 db =
390 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
391 , Right $ exAvNoLibrary "B" 2 `withExe` exe
392 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [] `withExe` exe
394 in runTest $
395 mkTest db "choose version of build-depends dependency that has a library" ["A"] $
396 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
398 , testGroup
399 "sub-library dependencies"
400 [ let db =
401 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExSubLibAny "B" "sub-lib"]
402 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
404 in runTest $
405 mkTest db "reject package that is missing required sub-library" ["A"] $
406 solverFailure $
407 isInfixOf $
408 "rejecting: B-1.0.0 (does not contain library 'sub-lib', which is required by A)"
409 , let db =
410 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExSubLibAny "B" "sub-lib"]
411 , Right $ exAvNoLibrary "B" 1 `withSubLibrary` exSubLib "sub-lib" []
413 in runTest $
414 mkTest db "reject package with private but required sub-library" ["A"] $
415 solverFailure $
416 isInfixOf $
417 "rejecting: B-1.0.0 (library 'sub-lib' is private, but it is required by A)"
418 , let db =
419 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExSubLibAny "B" "sub-lib"]
420 , Right $
421 exAvNoLibrary "B" 1
422 `withSubLibrary` exSubLib "sub-lib" [ExFlagged "make-lib-private" (dependencies []) publicDependencies]
424 in runTest $
425 constraints [ExFlagConstraint (ScopeAnyQualifier "B") "make-lib-private" True] $
426 mkTest db "reject package with sub-library made private by flag constraint" ["A"] $
427 solverFailure $
428 isInfixOf $
429 "rejecting: B-1.0.0 (library 'sub-lib' is private, but it is required by A)"
430 , let db =
431 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExSubLibAny "B" "sub-lib"]
432 , Right $
433 exAvNoLibrary "B" 1
434 `withSubLibrary` exSubLib "sub-lib" [ExFlagged "make-lib-private" (dependencies []) publicDependencies]
436 in runTest $
437 mkTest db "treat sub-library as visible even though flag choice could make it private" ["A"] $
438 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
439 , let db =
440 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
441 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [] `withSubLibrary` exSubLib "sub-lib" []
442 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExSubLibAny "B" "sub-lib"]
444 goals :: [ExampleVar]
445 goals =
446 [ P QualNone "A"
447 , P QualNone "B"
448 , P QualNone "C"
450 in runTest $
451 goalOrder goals $
452 mkTest db "reject package that requires a private sub-library" ["A", "C"] $
453 solverFailure $
454 isInfixOf $
455 "rejecting: C-1.0.0 (requires library 'sub-lib' from B, but the component is private)"
456 , let db =
457 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExSubLibAny "B" "sub-lib-v1"]
458 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [] `withSubLibrary` ExSubLib "sub-lib-v2" publicDependencies
459 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [] `withSubLibrary` ExSubLib "sub-lib-v1" publicDependencies
461 in runTest $
462 mkTest db "choose version of package containing correct sub-library" ["A"] $
463 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
464 , let db =
465 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExSubLibAny "B" "sub-lib"]
466 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [] `withSubLibrary` ExSubLib "sub-lib" (dependencies [])
467 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [] `withSubLibrary` ExSubLib "sub-lib" publicDependencies
469 in runTest $
470 mkTest db "choose version of package with public sub-library" ["A"] $
471 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
473 , -- build-tool-depends dependencies
474 testGroup
475 "build-tool-depends"
476 [ runTest $ mkTest dbBuildTools "simple exe dependency" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("bt-pkg", 2)])
477 , runTest $
478 disableSolveExecutables $
479 mkTest dbBuildTools "don't install build tool packages in legacy mode" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
480 , runTest $ mkTest dbBuildTools "flagged exe dependency" ["B"] (solverSuccess [("B", 1), ("bt-pkg", 2)])
481 , runTest $
482 enableAllTests $
483 mkTest dbBuildTools "test suite exe dependency" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("C", 1), ("bt-pkg", 2)])
484 , runTest $
485 mkTest dbBuildTools "unknown exe" ["D"] $
486 solverFailure (isInfixOf "does not contain executable 'unknown-exe', which is required by D")
487 , runTest $
488 disableSolveExecutables $
489 mkTest dbBuildTools "don't check for build tool executables in legacy mode" ["D"] $
490 solverSuccess [("D", 1)]
491 , runTest $
492 mkTest dbBuildTools "unknown build tools package error mentions package, not exe" ["E"] $
493 solverFailure (isInfixOf "unknown package: E:unknown-pkg:exe.unknown-pkg (dependency of E)")
494 , runTest $
495 mkTest dbBuildTools "unknown flagged exe" ["F"] $
496 solverFailure (isInfixOf "does not contain executable 'unknown-exe', which is required by F +flagF")
497 , runTest $
498 enableAllTests $
499 mkTest dbBuildTools "unknown test suite exe" ["G"] $
500 solverFailure (isInfixOf "does not contain executable 'unknown-exe', which is required by G *test")
501 , runTest $
502 mkTest dbBuildTools "wrong exe for build tool package version" ["H"] $
503 solverFailure $
504 isInfixOf $
505 -- The solver reports the version conflict when a version conflict
506 -- and an executable conflict apply to the same package version.
507 "[__1] rejecting: (conflict: H => (exe exe1)==3.0.0)\n"
508 ++ "[__1] rejecting: (does not contain executable 'exe1', which is required by H)\n"
509 ++ "[__1] rejecting: (conflict: H => (exe exe1)==3.0.0)"
510 , runTest $ chooseExeAfterBuildToolsPackage True "choose exe after choosing its package - success"
511 , runTest $ chooseExeAfterBuildToolsPackage False "choose exe after choosing its package - failure"
512 , runTest $ rejectInstalledBuildToolPackage "reject installed package for build-tool dependency"
513 , runTest $ requireConsistentBuildToolVersions "build tool versions must be consistent within one package"
515 , -- build-tools dependencies
516 testGroup
517 "legacy build-tools"
518 [ runTest $ mkTest dbLegacyBuildTools1 "bt1" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("alex", 1)])
519 , runTest $
520 disableSolveExecutables $
521 mkTest dbLegacyBuildTools1 "bt1 - don't install build tool packages in legacy mode" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
522 , runTest $
523 mkTest dbLegacyBuildTools2 "bt2" ["A"] $
524 solverFailure (isInfixOf "does not contain executable 'alex', which is required by A")
525 , runTest $
526 disableSolveExecutables $
527 mkTest dbLegacyBuildTools2 "bt2 - don't check for build tool executables in legacy mode" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
528 , runTest $ mkTest dbLegacyBuildTools3 "bt3" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1)])
529 , runTest $ mkTest dbLegacyBuildTools4 "bt4" ["C"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1), ("alex", 1), ("alex", 2)])
530 , runTest $ mkTest dbLegacyBuildTools5 "bt5" ["B"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("A", 2), ("B", 1), ("alex", 1)])
531 , runTest $ mkTest dbLegacyBuildTools6 "bt6" ["A"] (solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("alex", 1), ("happy", 1)])
533 , -- internal dependencies
534 testGroup
535 "internal dependencies"
536 [ runTest $ mkTest dbIssue3775 "issue #3775" ["B"] (solverSuccess [("A", 2), ("B", 2), ("warp", 1)])
538 , -- tests for partial fix for issue #5325
539 testGroup "Components that are unbuildable in the current environment" $
540 let flagConstraint = ExFlagConstraint . ScopeAnyQualifier
541 in [ let db = [Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFlagged "build-lib" (dependencies []) unbuildableDependencies]]
542 in runTest $
543 constraints [flagConstraint "A" "build-lib" False] $
544 mkTest db "install unbuildable library" ["A"] $
545 solverSuccess [("A", 1)]
546 , let db =
547 [ Right $
548 exAvNoLibrary "A" 1
549 `withExe` exExe "exe" [ExFlagged "build-exe" (dependencies []) unbuildableDependencies]
551 in runTest $
552 constraints [flagConstraint "A" "build-exe" False] $
553 mkTest db "install unbuildable exe" ["A"] $
554 solverSuccess [("A", 1)]
555 , let db =
556 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
557 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExFlagged "build-lib" (dependencies []) unbuildableDependencies]
559 in runTest $
560 constraints [flagConstraint "B" "build-lib" False] $
561 mkTest db "reject library dependency with unbuildable library" ["A"] $
562 solverFailure $
563 isInfixOf $
564 "rejecting: B-1.0.0 (library is not buildable in the "
565 ++ "current environment, but it is required by A)"
566 , let db =
567 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExBuildToolAny "B" "bt"]
568 , Right $
569 exAv "B" 1 [ExFlagged "build-lib" (dependencies []) unbuildableDependencies]
570 `withExe` exExe "bt" []
572 in runTest $
573 constraints [flagConstraint "B" "build-lib" False] $
574 mkTest db "allow build-tool dependency with unbuildable library" ["A"] $
575 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
576 , let db =
577 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExBuildToolAny "B" "bt"]
578 , Right $
579 exAv "B" 1 []
580 `withExe` exExe "bt" [ExFlagged "build-exe" (dependencies []) unbuildableDependencies]
582 in runTest $
583 constraints [flagConstraint "B" "build-exe" False] $
584 mkTest db "reject build-tool dependency with unbuildable exe" ["A"] $
585 solverFailure $
586 isInfixOf $
587 "rejecting: A:B:exe.B-1.0.0 (executable 'bt' is not "
588 ++ "buildable in the current environment, but it is required by A)"
589 , runTest $
590 chooseUnbuildableExeAfterBuildToolsPackage
591 "choose unbuildable exe after choosing its package"
593 , testGroup
594 "--fine-grained-conflicts"
595 [ -- Skipping a version because of a problematic dependency:
597 -- When the solver explores A-4, it finds that it cannot satisfy B's
598 -- dependencies. This allows the solver to skip the subsequent
599 -- versions of A that also depend on B.
600 runTest $
601 let db =
602 [ Right $ exAv "A" 4 [ExAny "B"]
603 , Right $ exAv "A" 3 [ExAny "B"]
604 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExAny "B"]
605 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
606 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [ExAny "unknown1"]
607 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "unknown2"]
609 msg =
610 [ "[__0] trying: A-4.0.0 (user goal)"
611 , "[__1] trying: B-2.0.0 (dependency of A)"
612 , "[__2] unknown package: unknown1 (dependency of B)"
613 , "[__2] fail (backjumping, conflict set: B, unknown1)"
614 , "[__1] trying: B-1.0.0"
615 , "[__2] unknown package: unknown2 (dependency of B)"
616 , "[__2] fail (backjumping, conflict set: B, unknown2)"
617 , "[__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, B, unknown1, unknown2)"
618 , "[__0] skipping: A; 3.0.0, 2.0.0 (has the same characteristics that "
619 ++ "caused the previous version to fail: depends on 'B')"
620 , "[__0] trying: A-1.0.0"
621 , "[__1] done"
623 in setVerbose $
624 mkTest db "skip version due to problematic dependency" ["A"] $
625 SolverResult (isInfixOf msg) $
626 Right [("A", 1)]
627 , -- Skipping a version because of a restrictive constraint on a
628 -- dependency:
630 -- The solver rejects A-4 because its constraint on B excludes B-1.
631 -- Then the solver is able to skip A-3 and A-2 because they also
632 -- exclude B-1, even though they don't have the exact same constraints
633 -- on B.
634 runTest $
635 let db =
636 [ Right $ exAv "A" 4 [ExFix "B" 14]
637 , Right $ exAv "A" 3 [ExFix "B" 13]
638 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExFix "B" 12]
639 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "B" 11]
640 , Right $ exAv "B" 11 []
642 msg =
643 [ "[__0] trying: A-4.0.0 (user goal)"
644 , "[__1] next goal: B (dependency of A)"
645 , "[__1] rejecting: B-11.0.0 (conflict: A => B==14.0.0)"
646 , "[__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, B)"
647 , "[__0] skipping: A; 3.0.0, 2.0.0 (has the same characteristics that "
648 ++ "caused the previous version to fail: depends on 'B' but excludes "
649 ++ "version 11.0.0)"
650 , "[__0] trying: A-1.0.0"
651 , "[__1] next goal: B (dependency of A)"
652 , "[__1] trying: B-11.0.0"
653 , "[__2] done"
655 in setVerbose $
656 mkTest db "skip version due to restrictive constraint on its dependency" ["A"] $
657 SolverResult (isInfixOf msg) $
658 Right [("A", 1), ("B", 11)]
659 , -- This test tests the case where the solver chooses a version for one
660 -- package, B, before choosing a version for one of its reverse
661 -- dependencies, C. While the solver is exploring the subtree rooted
662 -- at B-3, it finds that C-2's dependency on B conflicts with B-3.
663 -- Then the solver is able to skip C-1, because it also excludes B-3.
665 -- --fine-grained-conflicts could have a benefit in this case even
666 -- though the solver would have found the conflict between B-3 and C-1
667 -- immediately after trying C-1 anyway. It prevents C-1 from
668 -- introducing any other conflicts which could increase the size of
669 -- the conflict set.
670 runTest $
671 let db =
672 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B", ExAny "C"]
673 , Right $ exAv "B" 3 []
674 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 []
675 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
676 , Right $ exAv "C" 2 [ExFix "B" 2]
677 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExFix "B" 1]
679 goals = [P QualNone pkg | pkg <- ["A", "B", "C"]]
680 expectedMsg =
681 [ "[__0] trying: A-1.0.0 (user goal)"
682 , "[__1] trying: B-3.0.0 (dependency of A)"
683 , "[__2] next goal: C (dependency of A)"
684 , "[__2] rejecting: C-2.0.0 (conflict: B==3.0.0, C => B==2.0.0)"
685 , "[__2] skipping: C-1.0.0 (has the same characteristics that caused the "
686 ++ "previous version to fail: excludes 'B' version 3.0.0)"
687 , "[__2] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, B, C)"
688 , "[__1] trying: B-2.0.0"
689 , "[__2] next goal: C (dependency of A)"
690 , "[__2] trying: C-2.0.0"
691 , "[__3] done"
693 in setVerbose $
694 goalOrder goals $
695 mkTest db "skip version that excludes dependency that was already chosen" ["A"] $
696 SolverResult (isInfixOf expectedMsg) $
697 Right [("A", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 2)]
698 , -- This test tests how the solver merges conflicts when it has
699 -- multiple reasons to add a variable to the conflict set. In this
700 -- case, package A conflicts with B and C. The solver should take the
701 -- union of the conflicts and then only skip a version if it does not
702 -- resolve any of the conflicts.
704 -- The solver rejects A-3 because it can't find consistent versions for
705 -- its two dependencies, B and C. Then it skips A-2 because A-2 also
706 -- depends on B and C. This test ensures that the solver considers
707 -- A-1 even though A-1 only resolves one of the conflicts (A-1 removes
708 -- the dependency on C).
709 runTest $
710 let db =
711 [ Right $ exAv "A" 3 [ExAny "B", ExAny "C"]
712 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExAny "B", ExAny "C"]
713 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
714 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExFix "D" 1]
715 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExFix "D" 2]
716 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 []
717 , Right $ exAv "D" 2 []
719 goals = [P QualNone pkg | pkg <- ["A", "B", "C", "D"]]
720 msg =
721 [ "[__0] trying: A-3.0.0 (user goal)"
722 , "[__1] trying: B-1.0.0 (dependency of A)"
723 , "[__2] trying: C-1.0.0 (dependency of A)"
724 , "[__3] next goal: D (dependency of B)"
725 , "[__3] rejecting: D-2.0.0 (conflict: B => D==1.0.0)"
726 , "[__3] rejecting: D-1.0.0 (conflict: C => D==2.0.0)"
727 , "[__3] fail (backjumping, conflict set: B, C, D)"
728 , "[__2] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, B, C, D)"
729 , "[__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, B, C, D)"
730 , "[__0] skipping: A-2.0.0 (has the same characteristics that caused the "
731 ++ "previous version to fail: depends on 'B'; depends on 'C')"
732 , "[__0] trying: A-1.0.0"
733 , "[__1] trying: B-1.0.0 (dependency of A)"
734 , "[__2] next goal: D (dependency of B)"
735 , "[__2] rejecting: D-2.0.0 (conflict: B => D==1.0.0)"
736 , "[__2] trying: D-1.0.0"
737 , "[__3] done"
739 in setVerbose $
740 goalOrder goals $
741 mkTest db "only skip a version if it resolves none of the previous conflicts" ["A"] $
742 SolverResult (isInfixOf msg) $
743 Right [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("D", 1)]
744 , -- This test ensures that the solver log doesn't show all conflicts
745 -- that the solver encountered in a subtree. The solver should only
746 -- show the conflicts that are contained in the current conflict set.
748 -- The goal order forces the solver to try A-4, encounter a conflict
749 -- with B-2, try B-1, and then try C. A-4 conflicts with the only
750 -- version of C, so the solver backjumps with a conflict set of
751 -- {A, C}. When the solver skips the next version of A, the log should
752 -- mention the conflict with C but not B.
753 runTest $
754 let db =
755 [ Right $ exAv "A" 4 [ExFix "B" 1, ExFix "C" 1]
756 , Right $ exAv "A" 3 [ExFix "B" 1, ExFix "C" 1]
757 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExFix "C" 1]
758 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "C" 2]
759 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 []
760 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
761 , Right $ exAv "C" 2 []
763 goals = [P QualNone pkg | pkg <- ["A", "B", "C"]]
764 msg =
765 [ "[__0] trying: A-4.0.0 (user goal)"
766 , "[__1] next goal: B (dependency of A)"
767 , "[__1] rejecting: B-2.0.0 (conflict: A => B==1.0.0)"
768 , "[__1] trying: B-1.0.0"
769 , "[__2] next goal: C (dependency of A)"
770 , "[__2] rejecting: C-2.0.0 (conflict: A => C==1.0.0)"
771 , "[__2] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, C)"
772 , "[__0] skipping: A; 3.0.0, 2.0.0 (has the same characteristics that caused the "
773 ++ "previous version to fail: depends on 'C' but excludes version 2.0.0)"
774 , "[__0] trying: A-1.0.0"
775 , "[__1] next goal: C (dependency of A)"
776 , "[__1] trying: C-2.0.0"
777 , "[__2] done"
779 in setVerbose $
780 goalOrder goals $
781 mkTest db "don't show conflicts that aren't part of the conflict set" ["A"] $
782 SolverResult (isInfixOf msg) $
783 Right [("A", 1), ("C", 2)]
784 , -- Tests that the conflict set is properly updated when a version is
785 -- skipped due to being excluded by one of its reverse dependencies'
786 -- constraints.
787 runTest $
788 let db =
789 [ Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExFix "B" 3]
790 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "B" 1]
791 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 []
792 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
794 msg =
795 [ "[__0] trying: A-2.0.0 (user goal)"
796 , "[__1] next goal: B (dependency of A)"
797 , -- During this step, the solver adds A and B to the
798 -- conflict set, with the details of each package's
799 -- conflict:
801 -- A: A's constraint rejected B-2.
802 -- B: B was rejected by A's B==3 constraint
803 "[__1] rejecting: B-2.0.0 (conflict: A => B==3.0.0)"
804 , -- When the solver skips B-1, it cannot simply reuse the
805 -- previous conflict set. It also needs to update A's
806 -- entry to say that A also rejected B-1. Otherwise, the
807 -- solver wouldn't know that A-1 could resolve one of
808 -- the conflicts encountered while exploring A-2. The
809 -- solver would skip A-1, even though it leads to the
810 -- solution.
811 "[__1] skipping: B-1.0.0 (has the same characteristics that caused "
812 ++ "the previous version to fail: excluded by constraint '==3.0.0' from 'A')"
813 , "[__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, B)"
814 , "[__0] trying: A-1.0.0"
815 , "[__1] next goal: B (dependency of A)"
816 , "[__1] rejecting: B-2.0.0 (conflict: A => B==1.0.0)"
817 , "[__1] trying: B-1.0.0"
818 , "[__2] done"
820 in setVerbose $
821 mkTest db "update conflict set after skipping version - 1" ["A"] $
822 SolverResult (isInfixOf msg) $
823 Right [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
824 , -- Tests that the conflict set is properly updated when a version is
825 -- skipped due to excluding a version of one of its dependencies.
826 -- This test is similar the previous one, with the goal order reversed.
827 runTest $
828 let db =
829 [ Right $ exAv "A" 2 []
830 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
831 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [ExFix "A" 3]
832 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExFix "A" 1]
834 goals = [P QualNone pkg | pkg <- ["A", "B"]]
835 msg =
836 [ "[__0] trying: A-2.0.0 (user goal)"
837 , "[__1] next goal: B (user goal)"
838 , "[__1] rejecting: B-2.0.0 (conflict: A==2.0.0, B => A==3.0.0)"
839 , "[__1] skipping: B-1.0.0 (has the same characteristics that caused "
840 ++ "the previous version to fail: excludes 'A' version 2.0.0)"
841 , "[__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, B)"
842 , "[__0] trying: A-1.0.0"
843 , "[__1] next goal: B (user goal)"
844 , "[__1] rejecting: B-2.0.0 (conflict: A==1.0.0, B => A==3.0.0)"
845 , "[__1] trying: B-1.0.0"
846 , "[__2] done"
848 in setVerbose $
849 goalOrder goals $
850 mkTest db "update conflict set after skipping version - 2" ["A", "B"] $
851 SolverResult (isInfixOf msg) $
852 Right [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
854 , -- Tests for the contents of the solver's log
855 testGroup
856 "Solver log"
857 [ -- See issue #3203. The solver should only choose a version for A once.
858 runTest $
859 let db = [Right $ exAv "A" 1 []]
861 p :: [String] -> Bool
862 p lg =
863 elem "targets: A" lg
864 && length (filter ("trying: A" `isInfixOf`) lg) == 1
865 in setVerbose $
866 mkTest db "deduplicate targets" ["A", "A"] $
867 SolverResult p $
868 Right [("A", 1)]
869 , runTest $
870 let db = [Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]]
871 msg =
872 "After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively, "
873 ++ "these were the goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: A, B"
874 in mkTest db "exhaustive search failure message" ["A"] $
875 solverFailure (isInfixOf msg)
876 , testSummarizedLog "show conflicts from final conflict set after exhaustive search" Nothing $
877 "Could not resolve dependencies:\n"
878 ++ "[__0] trying: A-1.0.0 (user goal)\n"
879 ++ "[__1] unknown package: F (dependency of A)\n"
880 ++ "[__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, F)\n"
881 ++ "After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively, "
882 ++ "these were the goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: A, F"
883 , testSummarizedLog "show first conflicts after inexhaustive search" (Just 3) $
884 "Could not resolve dependencies:\n"
885 ++ "[__0] trying: A-1.0.0 (user goal)\n"
886 ++ "[__1] trying: B-3.0.0 (dependency of A)\n"
887 ++ "[__2] unknown package: C (dependency of B)\n"
888 ++ "[__2] fail (backjumping, conflict set: B, C)\n"
889 ++ "Backjump limit reached (currently 3, change with --max-backjumps "
890 ++ "or try to run with --reorder-goals).\n"
891 , testSummarizedLog "don't show summarized log when backjump limit is too low" (Just 1) $
892 "Backjump limit reached (currently 1, change with --max-backjumps "
893 ++ "or try to run with --reorder-goals).\n"
894 ++ "Failed to generate a summarized dependency solver log due to low backjump limit."
895 , testMinimizeConflictSet
896 "minimize conflict set with --minimize-conflict-set"
897 , testNoMinimizeConflictSet
898 "show original conflict set with --no-minimize-conflict-set"
899 , runTest $
900 let db =
901 [ Right $ exAv "my-package" 1 [ExFix "other-package" 3]
902 , Left $ exInst "other-package" 2 "other-package-2.0.0" []
904 msg = "rejecting: other-package-2.0.0/installed-2.0.0"
905 in mkTest db "show full installed package version (issue #5892)" ["my-package"] $
906 solverFailure (isInfixOf msg)
907 , runTest $
908 let db =
909 [ Right $ exAv "my-package" 1 [ExFix "other-package" 3]
910 , Left $ exInst "other-package" 2 "other-package-AbCdEfGhIj0123456789" []
912 msg = "rejecting: other-package-2.0.0/installed-AbCdEfGhIj0123456789"
913 in mkTest db "show full installed package ABI hash (issue #5892)" ["my-package"] $
914 solverFailure (isInfixOf msg)
915 , testGroup
916 "package versions abbreviation (issue #9559.)"
917 [ runTest $
918 let db =
919 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
920 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 []
921 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExFix "A" 3]
923 rejecting = "rejecting: A-2.0.0"
924 skipping = "skipping: A-1.0.0"
925 in mkTest db "show skipping singleton" ["B"] $
926 solverFailure (\msg -> rejecting `isInfixOf` msg && skipping `isInfixOf` msg)
927 , runTest $
928 let db =
929 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
930 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 []
931 , Right $ exAv "A" 3 []
932 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExFix "A" 4]
934 rejecting = "rejecting: A-3.0.0"
935 skipping = "skipping: A; 2.0.0, 1.0.0"
936 in mkTest db "show skipping versions list" ["B"] $
937 solverFailure (\msg -> rejecting `isInfixOf` msg && skipping `isInfixOf` msg)
941 where
942 indep = independentGoals
943 mkvrThis = V.thisVersion . makeV
944 mkvrOrEarlier = V.orEarlierVersion . makeV
945 makeV v = V.mkVersion [v, 0, 0]
947 data GoalOrder = FixedGoalOrder | DefaultGoalOrder
949 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
950 Specific example database for the tests
951 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
953 db1 :: ExampleDb
954 db1 =
955 let a = exInst "A" 1 "A-1" []
956 in [ Left a
957 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "A"]
958 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [ExAny "A"]
959 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExFix "B" 1]
960 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExFix "B" 2]
961 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 [ExAny "B"]
962 , Right $ exAv "F" 1 [ExFix "B" 1, ExAny "E"]
963 , Right $ exAv "G" 1 [ExFix "B" 2, ExAny "E"]
964 , Right $ exAv "Z" 1 []
967 -- In this example, we _can_ install C and D as independent goals, but we have
968 -- to pick two different versions for B (arbitrarily)
969 db2 :: ExampleDb
970 db2 =
971 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
972 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 []
973 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "A"]
974 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [ExAny "A"]
975 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "B", ExFix "A" 1]
976 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExAny "B", ExFix "A" 2]
979 db3 :: ExampleDb
980 db3 =
981 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
982 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 []
983 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [exFlagged "flagB" [ExFix "A" 1] [ExFix "A" 2]]
984 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExFix "A" 1, ExAny "B"]
985 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExFix "A" 2, ExAny "B"]
988 -- | Like db3, but the flag picks a different package rather than a
989 -- different package version
991 -- In db3 we cannot install C and D as independent goals because:
993 -- * The multiple instance restriction says C and D _must_ share B
994 -- * Since C relies on A-1, C needs B to be compiled with flagB on
995 -- * Since D relies on A-2, D needs B to be compiled with flagB off
996 -- * Hence C and D have incompatible requirements on B's flags.
998 -- However, _even_ if we don't check explicitly that we pick the same flag
999 -- assignment for 0.B and 1.B, we will still detect the problem because
1000 -- 0.B depends on 0.A-1, 1.B depends on 1.A-2, hence we cannot link 0.A to
1001 -- 1.A and therefore we cannot link 0.B to 1.B.
1003 -- In db4 the situation however is trickier. We again cannot install
1004 -- packages C and D as independent goals because:
1006 -- * As above, the multiple instance restriction says that C and D _must_ share B
1007 -- * Since C relies on Ax-2, it requires B to be compiled with flagB off
1008 -- * Since D relies on Ay-2, it requires B to be compiled with flagB on
1009 -- * Hence C and D have incompatible requirements on B's flags.
1011 -- But now this requirement is more indirect. If we only check dependencies
1012 -- we don't see the problem:
1014 -- * We link 0.B to 1.B
1015 -- * 0.B relies on Ay-1
1016 -- * 1.B relies on Ax-1
1018 -- We will insist that 0.Ay will be linked to 1.Ay, and 0.Ax to 1.Ax, but since
1019 -- we only ever assign to one of these, these constraints are never broken.
1020 db4 :: ExampleDb
1021 db4 =
1022 [ Right $ exAv "Ax" 1 []
1023 , Right $ exAv "Ax" 2 []
1024 , Right $ exAv "Ay" 1 []
1025 , Right $ exAv "Ay" 2 []
1026 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [exFlagged "flagB" [ExFix "Ax" 1] [ExFix "Ay" 1]]
1027 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExFix "Ax" 2, ExAny "B"]
1028 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExFix "Ay" 2, ExAny "B"]
1031 -- | Simple database containing one package with a manual flag.
1032 dbManualFlags :: ExampleDb
1033 dbManualFlags =
1034 [ Right $
1035 declareFlags [ExFlag "flag" True Manual] $
1036 exAv "pkg" 1 [exFlagged "flag" [ExAny "true-dep"] [ExAny "false-dep"]]
1037 , Right $ exAv "true-dep" 1 []
1038 , Right $ exAv "false-dep" 1 []
1041 -- | Database containing a setup dependency with a manual flag. A's library and
1042 -- setup script depend on two different versions of B. B's manual flag can be
1043 -- set to different values in the two places where it is used.
1044 dbSetupDepWithManualFlag :: ExampleDb
1045 dbSetupDepWithManualFlag =
1046 let bFlags = [ExFlag "flag" True Manual]
1047 in [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "B" 1] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "B" 2]
1048 , Right $
1049 declareFlags bFlags $
1050 exAv
1053 [ exFlagged
1054 "flag"
1055 [ExAny "b-1-true-dep"]
1056 [ExAny "b-1-false-dep"]
1058 , Right $
1059 declareFlags bFlags $
1060 exAv
1063 [ exFlagged
1064 "flag"
1065 [ExAny "b-2-true-dep"]
1066 [ExAny "b-2-false-dep"]
1068 , Right $ exAv "b-1-true-dep" 1 []
1069 , Right $ exAv "b-1-false-dep" 1 []
1070 , Right $ exAv "b-2-true-dep" 1 []
1071 , Right $ exAv "b-2-false-dep" 1 []
1074 -- | A database similar to 'dbSetupDepWithManualFlag', except that the library
1075 -- and setup script both depend on B-1. B must be linked because of the Single
1076 -- Instance Restriction, and its flag can only have one value.
1077 dbLinkedSetupDepWithManualFlag :: ExampleDb
1078 dbLinkedSetupDepWithManualFlag =
1079 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "B" 1] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "B" 1]
1080 , Right $
1081 declareFlags [ExFlag "flag" True Manual] $
1082 exAv
1085 [ exFlagged
1086 "flag"
1087 [ExAny "b-1-true-dep"]
1088 [ExAny "b-1-false-dep"]
1090 , Right $ exAv "b-1-true-dep" 1 []
1091 , Right $ exAv "b-1-false-dep" 1 []
1094 -- | Some tests involving testsuites
1096 -- Note that in this test framework test suites are always enabled; if you
1097 -- want to test without test suites just set up a test database without
1098 -- test suites.
1100 -- * C depends on A (through its test suite)
1101 -- * D depends on B-2 (through its test suite), but B-2 is unavailable
1102 -- * E depends on A-1 directly and on A through its test suite. We prefer
1103 -- to use A-1 for the test suite in this case.
1104 -- * F depends on A-1 directly and on A-2 through its test suite. In this
1105 -- case we currently fail to install F, although strictly speaking
1106 -- test suites should be considered independent goals.
1107 -- * G is like E, but for version A-2. This means that if we cannot install
1108 -- E and G together, unless we regard them as independent goals.
1109 db5 :: ExampleDb
1110 db5 =
1111 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
1112 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 []
1113 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
1114 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [] `withTest` exTest "testC" [ExAny "A"]
1115 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [] `withTest` exTest "testD" [ExFix "B" 2]
1116 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 [ExFix "A" 1] `withTest` exTest "testE" [ExAny "A"]
1117 , Right $ exAv "F" 1 [ExFix "A" 1] `withTest` exTest "testF" [ExFix "A" 2]
1118 , Right $ exAv "G" 1 [ExFix "A" 2] `withTest` exTest "testG" [ExAny "A"]
1121 -- Now the _dependencies_ have test suites
1124 -- * Installing C is a simple example. C wants version 1 of A, but depends on
1126 -- B, and B's testsuite depends on an any version of A. In this case we prefer
1127 -- to link (if we don't regard test suites as independent goals then of course
1128 -- linking here doesn't even come into it).
1130 -- * Installing [C, D] means that we prefer to link B -- depending on how we
1132 -- set things up, this means that we should also link their test suites.
1133 db6 :: ExampleDb
1134 db6 =
1135 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
1136 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 []
1137 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [] `withTest` exTest "testA" [ExAny "A"]
1138 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExFix "A" 1, ExAny "B"]
1139 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExAny "B"]
1142 -- | This test checks that the solver can backjump to disable a flag, even if
1143 -- the problematic dependency is also under a test suite. (issue #4390)
1145 -- The goal order forces the solver to choose the flag before enabling testing.
1146 -- Previously, the solver couldn't handle this case, because it only tried to
1147 -- disable testing, and when that failed, it backjumped past the flag choice.
1148 -- The solver should also try to set the flag to false, because that avoids the
1149 -- dependency on B.
1150 testTestSuiteWithFlag :: String -> SolverTest
1151 testTestSuiteWithFlag name =
1152 goalOrder goals $
1153 enableAllTests $
1154 mkTest db name ["A", "B"] $
1155 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
1156 where
1157 db :: ExampleDb
1158 db =
1159 [ Right $
1160 exAv "A" 1 []
1161 `withTest` exTest "test" [exFlagged "flag" [ExFix "B" 2] []]
1162 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
1165 goals :: [ExampleVar]
1166 goals =
1167 [ P QualNone "B"
1168 , P QualNone "A"
1169 , F QualNone "A" "flag"
1170 , S QualNone "A" TestStanzas
1173 -- Packages with setup dependencies
1175 -- Install..
1177 -- * B: Simple example, just make sure setup deps are taken into account at all
1179 -- * C: Both the package and the setup script depend on any version of A.
1181 -- In this case we prefer to link
1183 -- * D: Variation on C.1 where the package requires a specific (not latest)
1185 -- version but the setup dependency is not fixed. Again, we prefer to
1186 -- link (picking the older version)
1188 -- * E: Variation on C.2 with the setup dependency the more inflexible.
1190 -- Currently, in this case we do not see the opportunity to link because
1191 -- we consider setup dependencies after normal dependencies; we will
1192 -- pick A.2 for E, then realize we cannot link E.setup.A to A.2, and pick
1193 -- A.1 instead. This isn't so easy to fix (if we want to fix it at all);
1194 -- in particular, considering setup dependencies _before_ other deps is
1195 -- not an improvement, because in general we would prefer to link setup
1196 -- setups to package deps, rather than the other way around. (For example,
1197 -- if we change this ordering then the test for D would start to install
1198 -- two versions of A).
1200 -- * F: The package and the setup script depend on different versions of A.
1202 -- This will only work if setup dependencies are considered independent.
1203 db7 :: ExampleDb
1204 db7 =
1205 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
1206 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 []
1207 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [] `withSetupDeps` [ExAny "A"]
1208 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "A"] `withSetupDeps` [ExAny "A"]
1209 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExFix "A" 1] `withSetupDeps` [ExAny "A"]
1210 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 [ExAny "A"] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "A" 1]
1211 , Right $ exAv "F" 1 [ExFix "A" 2] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "A" 1]
1214 -- If we install C and D together (not as independent goals), we need to build
1215 -- both B.1 and B.2, both of which depend on A.
1216 db8 :: ExampleDb
1217 db8 =
1218 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
1219 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "A"]
1220 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [ExAny "A"]
1221 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "B" 1]
1222 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "B" 2]
1225 -- Extended version of `db8` so that we have nested setup dependencies
1226 db9 :: ExampleDb
1227 db9 =
1229 ++ [ Right $ exAv "E" 1 [ExAny "C"]
1230 , Right $ exAv "E" 2 [ExAny "D"]
1231 , Right $ exAv "F" 1 [] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "E" 1]
1232 , Right $ exAv "G" 1 [] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "E" 2]
1235 -- Multiple already-installed packages with inter-dependencies, and one package
1236 -- (C) that depends on package A-1 for its setup script and package A-2 as a
1237 -- library dependency.
1238 db10 :: ExampleDb
1239 db10 =
1240 let rts = exInst "rts" 1 "rts-inst" []
1241 ghc_prim = exInst "ghc-prim" 1 "ghc-prim-inst" [rts]
1242 base = exInst "base" 1 "base-inst" [rts, ghc_prim]
1243 a1 = exInst "A" 1 "A1-inst" [base]
1244 a2 = exInst "A" 2 "A2-inst" [base]
1245 in [ Left rts
1246 , Left ghc_prim
1247 , Left base
1248 , Left a1
1249 , Left a2
1250 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExFix "A" 2] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "A" 1]
1253 -- | This database tests that a package's setup dependencies are correctly
1254 -- linked when the package is linked. See pull request #3268.
1256 -- When A and B are installed as independent goals, their dependencies on C must
1257 -- be linked, due to the single instance restriction. Since C depends on D, 0.D
1258 -- and 1.D must be linked. C also has a setup dependency on D, so 0.C-setup.D
1259 -- and 1.C-setup.D must be linked. However, D's two link groups must remain
1260 -- independent. The solver should be able to choose D-1 for C's library and D-2
1261 -- for C's setup script.
1262 dbSetupDeps :: ExampleDb
1263 dbSetupDeps =
1264 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "C"]
1265 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "C"]
1266 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExFix "D" 1] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "D" 2]
1267 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 []
1268 , Right $ exAv "D" 2 []
1271 -- | Tests for dealing with base shims
1272 db11 :: ExampleDb
1273 db11 =
1274 let base3 = exInst "base" 3 "base-3-inst" [base4]
1275 base4 = exInst "base" 4 "base-4-inst" []
1276 in [ Left base3
1277 , Left base4
1278 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "base" 3]
1281 -- | Slightly more realistic version of db11 where base-3 depends on syb
1282 -- This means that if a package depends on base-3 and on syb, then they MUST
1283 -- share the version of syb
1285 -- * Package A relies on base-3 (which relies on base-4)
1286 -- * Package B relies on base-4
1287 -- * Package C relies on both A and B
1288 -- * Package D relies on base-3 and on syb-2, which is not possible because
1289 -- base-3 has a dependency on syb-1 (non-inheritance of the Base qualifier)
1290 -- * Package E relies on base-4 and on syb-2, which is fine.
1291 db12 :: ExampleDb
1292 db12 =
1293 let base3 = exInst "base" 3 "base-3-inst" [base4, syb1]
1294 base4 = exInst "base" 4 "base-4-inst" []
1295 syb1 = exInst "syb" 1 "syb-1-inst" [base4]
1296 in [ Left base3
1297 , Left base4
1298 , Left syb1
1299 , Right $ exAv "syb" 2 [ExFix "base" 4]
1300 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "base" 3, ExAny "syb"]
1301 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExFix "base" 4, ExAny "syb"]
1302 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "A", ExAny "B"]
1303 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExFix "base" 3, ExFix "syb" 2]
1304 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 [ExFix "base" 4, ExFix "syb" 2]
1307 dbBase :: ExampleDb
1308 dbBase =
1309 [ Right $
1310 exAv
1311 "base"
1313 [ExAny "ghc-prim", ExAny "integer-simple", ExAny "integer-gmp"]
1314 , Right $ exAv "ghc-prim" 1 []
1315 , Right $ exAv "integer-simple" 1 []
1316 , Right $ exAv "integer-gmp" 1 []
1319 dbNonupgrade :: ExampleDb
1320 dbNonupgrade =
1321 [ Left $ exInst "ghc" 1 "ghc-1" []
1322 , Right $ exAv "ghc" 2 []
1323 , Right $ exAv "ghci" 2 []
1324 , Right $ exAv "ghc-boot" 2 []
1325 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "ghc" 2]
1326 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExFix "ghci" 2]
1327 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExFix "ghc-boot" 2]
1330 db13 :: ExampleDb
1331 db13 =
1332 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
1333 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 []
1334 , Right $ exAv "A" 3 []
1337 -- | A, B, and C have three different dependencies on D that can be set to
1338 -- different versions with qualified constraints. Each version of D can only
1339 -- be depended upon by one version of A, B, or C, so that the versions of A, B,
1340 -- and C in the install plan indicate which version of D was chosen for each
1341 -- dependency. The one-to-one correspondence between versions of A, B, and C and
1342 -- versions of D also prevents linking, which would complicate the solver's
1343 -- behavior.
1344 dbConstraints :: ExampleDb
1345 dbConstraints =
1346 [Right $ exAv "A" v [ExFix "D" v] | v <- [1, 4, 7]]
1347 ++ [Right $ exAv "B" v [] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "D" v] | v <- [2, 5, 8]]
1348 ++ [Right $ exAv "C" v [] `withSetupDeps` [ExFix "D" v] | v <- [3, 6, 9]]
1349 ++ [Right $ exAv "D" v [] | v <- [1 .. 9]]
1351 dbStanzaPreferences1 :: ExampleDb
1352 dbStanzaPreferences1 =
1353 [ Right $ exAv "pkg" 1 [] `withTest` exTest "test" [ExAny "test-dep"]
1354 , Right $ exAv "test-dep" 1 []
1357 dbStanzaPreferences2 :: ExampleDb
1358 dbStanzaPreferences2 =
1359 [ Right $ exAv "pkg" 1 [] `withTest` exTest "test" [ExAny "unknown"]
1362 -- | This is a test case for a bug in stanza preferences (#3930). The solver
1363 -- should be able to install 'A' by enabling 'flag' and disabling testing. When
1364 -- it tries goals in the specified order and prefers testing, it encounters
1365 -- 'unknown-pkg2'. 'unknown-pkg2' is only introduced by testing and 'flag', so
1366 -- the conflict set should contain both of those variables. Before the fix, it
1367 -- only contained 'flag'. The solver backjumped past the choice to disable
1368 -- testing and failed to find the solution.
1369 testStanzaPreference :: String -> TestTree
1370 testStanzaPreference name =
1371 let pkg =
1372 exAv
1375 [ exFlagged
1376 "flag"
1378 [ExAny "unknown-pkg1"]
1380 `withTest` exTest
1381 "test"
1382 [ exFlagged
1383 "flag"
1384 [ExAny "unknown-pkg2"]
1387 goals =
1388 [ P QualNone "A"
1389 , F QualNone "A" "flag"
1390 , S QualNone "A" TestStanzas
1392 in runTest $
1393 goalOrder goals $
1394 preferences [ExStanzaPref "A" [TestStanzas]] $
1395 mkTest [Right pkg] name ["A"] $
1396 solverSuccess [("A", 1)]
1398 -- | Database with some cycles
1400 -- * Simplest non-trivial cycle: A -> B and B -> A
1401 -- * There is a cycle C -> D -> C, but it can be broken by picking the
1402 -- right flag assignment.
1403 db14 :: ExampleDb
1404 db14 =
1405 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
1406 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "A"]
1407 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [exFlagged "flagC" [ExAny "D"] [ExAny "E"]]
1408 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExAny "C"]
1409 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 []
1412 -- | Cycles through setup dependencies
1414 -- The first cycle is unsolvable: package A has a setup dependency on B,
1415 -- B has a regular dependency on A, and we only have a single version available
1416 -- for both.
1418 -- The second cycle can be broken by picking different versions: package C-2.0
1419 -- has a setup dependency on D, and D has a regular dependency on C-*. However,
1420 -- version C-1.0 is already available (perhaps it didn't have this setup dep).
1421 -- Thus, we should be able to break this cycle even if we are installing package
1422 -- E, which explicitly depends on C-2.0.
1423 db15 :: ExampleDb
1424 db15 =
1425 [ -- First example (real cycle, no solution)
1426 Right $ exAv "A" 1 [] `withSetupDeps` [ExAny "B"]
1427 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "A"]
1428 , -- Second example (cycle can be broken by picking versions carefully)
1429 Left $ exInst "C" 1 "C-1-inst" []
1430 , Right $ exAv "C" 2 [] `withSetupDeps` [ExAny "D"]
1431 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExAny "C"]
1432 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 [ExFix "C" 2]
1435 -- | Detect a cycle between a package and its setup script.
1437 -- This type of cycle can easily occur when v2-build adds default setup
1438 -- dependencies to packages without custom-setup stanzas. For example, cabal
1439 -- adds 'time' as a setup dependency for 'time'. The solver should detect the
1440 -- cycle when it attempts to link the setup and non-setup instances of the
1441 -- package and then choose a different version for the setup dependency.
1442 issue4161 :: String -> SolverTest
1443 issue4161 name =
1444 setVerbose $
1445 mkTest db name ["target"] $
1446 SolverResult checkFullLog $
1447 Right [("target", 1), ("time", 1), ("time", 2)]
1448 where
1449 db :: ExampleDb
1450 db =
1451 [ Right $ exAv "target" 1 [ExFix "time" 2]
1452 , Right $ exAv "time" 2 [] `withSetupDeps` [ExAny "time"]
1453 , Right $ exAv "time" 1 []
1456 checkFullLog :: [String] -> Bool
1457 checkFullLog =
1458 any $
1459 isInfixOf $
1460 "rejecting: time:setup.time~>time-2.0.0 (cyclic dependencies; "
1461 ++ "conflict set: time:setup.time)"
1463 -- | Packages pkg-A, pkg-B, and pkg-C form a cycle. The solver should backtrack
1464 -- as soon as it chooses the last package in the cycle, to avoid searching parts
1465 -- of the tree that have no solution. Since there is no way to break the cycle,
1466 -- it should fail with an error message describing the cycle.
1467 testCyclicDependencyErrorMessages :: String -> SolverTest
1468 testCyclicDependencyErrorMessages name =
1469 goalOrder goals $
1470 mkTest db name ["pkg-A"] $
1471 SolverResult checkFullLog $
1472 Left checkSummarizedLog
1473 where
1474 db :: ExampleDb
1475 db =
1476 [ Right $ exAv "pkg-A" 1 [ExAny "pkg-B"]
1477 , Right $ exAv "pkg-B" 1 [ExAny "pkg-C"]
1478 , Right $ exAv "pkg-C" 1 [ExAny "pkg-A", ExAny "pkg-D"]
1479 , Right $ exAv "pkg-D" 1 [ExAny "pkg-E"]
1480 , Right $ exAv "pkg-E" 1 []
1483 -- The solver should backtrack as soon as pkg-A, pkg-B, and pkg-C form a
1484 -- cycle. It shouldn't try pkg-D or pkg-E.
1485 checkFullLog :: [String] -> Bool
1486 checkFullLog =
1487 not . any (\l -> "pkg-D" `isInfixOf` l || "pkg-E" `isInfixOf` l)
1489 checkSummarizedLog :: String -> Bool
1490 checkSummarizedLog =
1491 isInfixOf "rejecting: pkg-C-1.0.0 (cyclic dependencies; conflict set: pkg-A, pkg-B, pkg-C)"
1493 -- Solve for pkg-D and pkg-E last.
1494 goals :: [ExampleVar]
1495 goals = [P QualNone ("pkg-" ++ [c]) | c <- ['A' .. 'E']]
1497 -- | Check that the solver can backtrack after encountering the SIR (issue #2843)
1499 -- When A and B are installed as independent goals, the single instance
1500 -- restriction prevents B from depending on C. This database tests that the
1501 -- solver can backtrack after encountering the single instance restriction and
1502 -- choose the only valid flag assignment (-flagA +flagB):
1504 -- > flagA flagB B depends on
1505 -- > On _ C-*
1506 -- > Off On E-* <-- only valid flag assignment
1507 -- > Off Off D-2.0, C-*
1509 -- Since A depends on C-* and D-1.0, and C-1.0 depends on any version of D,
1510 -- we must build C-1.0 against D-1.0. Since B depends on D-2.0, we cannot have
1511 -- C in the transitive closure of B's dependencies, because that would mean we
1512 -- would need two instances of C: one built against D-1.0 and one built against
1513 -- D-2.0.
1514 db16 :: ExampleDb
1515 db16 =
1516 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "C", ExFix "D" 1]
1517 , Right $
1518 exAv
1521 [ ExFix "D" 2
1522 , exFlagged
1523 "flagA"
1524 [ExAny "C"]
1525 [ exFlagged
1526 "flagB"
1527 [ExAny "E"]
1528 [ExAny "C"]
1531 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "D"]
1532 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 []
1533 , Right $ exAv "D" 2 []
1534 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 []
1537 -- Try to get the solver to backtrack while satisfying
1538 -- reject-unconstrained-dependencies: both the first and last versions of A
1539 -- require packages outside the closed set, so it will have to try the
1540 -- middle one.
1541 db17 :: ExampleDb
1542 db17 =
1543 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "C"]
1544 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExAny "B"]
1545 , Right $ exAv "A" 3 [ExAny "C"]
1546 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
1547 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "B"]
1550 -- | This test checks that when the solver discovers a constraint on a
1551 -- package's version after choosing to link that package, it can backtrack to
1552 -- try alternative versions for the linked-to package. See pull request #3327.
1554 -- When A and B are installed as independent goals, their dependencies on C
1555 -- must be linked. Since C depends on D, A and B's dependencies on D must also
1556 -- be linked. This test fixes the goal order so that the solver chooses D-2 for
1557 -- both 0.D and 1.D before it encounters the test suites' constraints. The
1558 -- solver must backtrack to try D-1 for both 0.D and 1.D.
1559 testIndepGoals2 :: String -> SolverTest
1560 testIndepGoals2 name =
1561 goalOrder goals $
1562 independentGoals $
1563 enableAllTests $
1564 mkTest db name ["A", "B"] $
1565 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1), ("D", 1)]
1566 where
1567 db :: ExampleDb
1568 db =
1569 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "C"] `withTest` exTest "test" [ExFix "D" 1]
1570 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "C"] `withTest` exTest "test" [ExFix "D" 1]
1571 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "D"]
1572 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 []
1573 , Right $ exAv "D" 2 []
1576 goals :: [ExampleVar]
1577 goals =
1578 [ P (QualIndep "A") "A"
1579 , P (QualIndep "A") "C"
1580 , P (QualIndep "A") "D"
1581 , P (QualIndep "B") "B"
1582 , P (QualIndep "B") "C"
1583 , P (QualIndep "B") "D"
1584 , S (QualIndep "B") "B" TestStanzas
1585 , S (QualIndep "A") "A" TestStanzas
1588 -- | Issue #2834
1589 -- When both A and B are installed as independent goals, their dependencies on
1590 -- C must be linked. The only combination of C's flags that is consistent with
1591 -- A and B's dependencies on D is -flagA +flagB. This database tests that the
1592 -- solver can backtrack to find the right combination of flags (requiring F, but
1593 -- not E or G) and apply it to both 0.C and 1.C.
1595 -- > flagA flagB C depends on
1596 -- > On _ D-1, E-*
1597 -- > Off On F-* <-- Only valid choice
1598 -- > Off Off D-2, G-*
1600 -- The single instance restriction means we cannot have one instance of C
1601 -- built against D-1 and one instance built against D-2; since A depends on
1602 -- D-1, and B depends on C-2, it is therefore important that C cannot depend
1603 -- on any version of D.
1604 db18 :: ExampleDb
1605 db18 =
1606 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "C", ExFix "D" 1]
1607 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "C", ExFix "D" 2]
1608 , Right $
1609 exAv
1612 [ exFlagged
1613 "flagA"
1614 [ExFix "D" 1, ExAny "E"]
1615 [ exFlagged
1616 "flagB"
1617 [ExAny "F"]
1618 [ExFix "D" 2, ExAny "G"]
1621 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 []
1622 , Right $ exAv "D" 2 []
1623 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 []
1624 , Right $ exAv "F" 1 []
1625 , Right $ exAv "G" 1 []
1628 -- | When both values for flagA introduce package B, the solver should be able
1629 -- to choose B before choosing a value for flagA. It should try to choose a
1630 -- version for B that is in the union of the version ranges required by +flagA
1631 -- and -flagA.
1632 commonDependencyLogMessage :: String -> SolverTest
1633 commonDependencyLogMessage name =
1634 mkTest db name ["A"] $
1635 solverFailure $
1636 isInfixOf $
1637 "[__0] trying: A-1.0.0 (user goal)\n"
1638 ++ "[__1] next goal: B (dependency of A +/-flagA)\n"
1639 ++ "[__1] rejecting: B-2.0.0 (conflict: A +/-flagA => B==1.0.0 || ==3.0.0)"
1640 where
1641 db :: ExampleDb
1642 db =
1643 [ Right $
1644 exAv
1647 [ exFlagged
1648 "flagA"
1649 [ExFix "B" 1]
1650 [ExFix "B" 3]
1652 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 []
1655 -- | Test lifting dependencies out of multiple levels of conditionals.
1656 twoLevelDeepCommonDependencyLogMessage :: String -> SolverTest
1657 twoLevelDeepCommonDependencyLogMessage name =
1658 mkTest db name ["A"] $
1659 solverFailure $
1660 isInfixOf $
1661 "unknown package: B (dependency of A +/-flagA +/-flagB)"
1662 where
1663 db :: ExampleDb
1664 db =
1665 [ Right $
1666 exAv
1669 [ exFlagged
1670 "flagA"
1671 [ exFlagged
1672 "flagB"
1673 [ExAny "B"]
1674 [ExAny "B"]
1676 [ exFlagged
1677 "flagB"
1678 [ExAny "B"]
1679 [ExAny "B"]
1684 -- | Test handling nested conditionals that are controlled by the same flag.
1685 -- The solver should treat flagA as introducing 'unknown' with value true, not
1686 -- both true and false. That means that when +flagA causes a conflict, the
1687 -- solver should try flipping flagA to false to resolve the conflict, rather
1688 -- than backjumping past flagA.
1689 testBackjumpingWithCommonDependency :: String -> SolverTest
1690 testBackjumpingWithCommonDependency name =
1691 mkTest db name ["A"] $ solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
1692 where
1693 db :: ExampleDb
1694 db =
1695 [ Right $
1696 exAv
1699 [ exFlagged
1700 "flagA"
1701 [ exFlagged
1702 "flagA"
1703 [ExAny "unknown"]
1704 [ExAny "unknown"]
1706 [ExAny "B"]
1708 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
1711 -- | Tricky test case with independent goals (issue #2842)
1713 -- Suppose we are installing D, E, and F as independent goals:
1715 -- * D depends on A-* and C-1, requiring A-1 to be built against C-1
1716 -- * E depends on B-* and C-2, requiring B-1 to be built against C-2
1717 -- * F depends on A-* and B-*; this means we need A-1 and B-1 both to be built
1718 -- against the same version of C, violating the single instance restriction.
1720 -- We can visualize this DB as:
1722 -- > C-1 C-2
1723 -- > /|\ /|\
1724 -- > / | \ / | \
1725 -- > / | X | \
1726 -- > | | / \ | |
1727 -- > | |/ \| |
1728 -- > | + + |
1729 -- > | | | |
1730 -- > | A B |
1731 -- > \ |\ /| /
1732 -- > \ | \ / | /
1733 -- > \| V |/
1734 -- > D F E
1735 testIndepGoals3 :: String -> SolverTest
1736 testIndepGoals3 name =
1737 goalOrder goals $
1738 independentGoals $
1739 mkTest db name ["D", "E", "F"] anySolverFailure
1740 where
1741 db :: ExampleDb
1742 db =
1743 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "C"]
1744 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "C"]
1745 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 []
1746 , Right $ exAv "C" 2 []
1747 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExAny "A", ExFix "C" 1]
1748 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 [ExAny "B", ExFix "C" 2]
1749 , Right $ exAv "F" 1 [ExAny "A", ExAny "B"]
1752 goals :: [ExampleVar]
1753 goals =
1754 [ P (QualIndep "D") "D"
1755 , P (QualIndep "D") "C"
1756 , P (QualIndep "D") "A"
1757 , P (QualIndep "E") "E"
1758 , P (QualIndep "E") "C"
1759 , P (QualIndep "E") "B"
1760 , P (QualIndep "F") "F"
1761 , P (QualIndep "F") "B"
1762 , P (QualIndep "F") "C"
1763 , P (QualIndep "F") "A"
1766 -- | This test checks that the solver correctly backjumps when dependencies
1767 -- of linked packages are not linked. It is an example where the conflict set
1768 -- from enforcing the single instance restriction is not sufficient. See pull
1769 -- request #3327.
1771 -- When A, B, and C are installed as independent goals with the specified goal
1772 -- order, the first choice that the solver makes for E is 0.E-2. Then, when it
1773 -- chooses dependencies for B and C, it links both 1.E and 2.E to 0.E. Finally,
1774 -- the solver discovers C's test's constraint on E. It must backtrack to try
1775 -- 1.E-1 and then link 2.E to 1.E. Backjumping all the way to 0.E does not lead
1776 -- to a solution, because 0.E's version is constrained by A and cannot be
1777 -- changed.
1778 testIndepGoals4 :: String -> SolverTest
1779 testIndepGoals4 name =
1780 goalOrder goals $
1781 independentGoals $
1782 enableAllTests $
1783 mkTest db name ["A", "B", "C"] $
1784 solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1), ("C", 1), ("D", 1), ("E", 1), ("E", 2)]
1785 where
1786 db :: ExampleDb
1787 db =
1788 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "E" 2]
1789 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "D"]
1790 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "D"] `withTest` exTest "test" [ExFix "E" 1]
1791 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExAny "E"]
1792 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 []
1793 , Right $ exAv "E" 2 []
1796 goals :: [ExampleVar]
1797 goals =
1798 [ P (QualIndep "A") "A"
1799 , P (QualIndep "A") "E"
1800 , P (QualIndep "B") "B"
1801 , P (QualIndep "B") "D"
1802 , P (QualIndep "B") "E"
1803 , P (QualIndep "C") "C"
1804 , P (QualIndep "C") "D"
1805 , P (QualIndep "C") "E"
1806 , S (QualIndep "C") "C" TestStanzas
1809 -- | Test the trace messages that we get when a package refers to an unknown pkg
1811 -- TODO: Currently we don't actually test the trace messages, and this particular
1812 -- test still succeeds. The trace can only be verified by hand.
1813 db21 :: ExampleDb
1814 db21 =
1815 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
1816 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExAny "C"] -- A-2.0 will be tried first, but C unknown
1817 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
1820 -- | A variant of 'db21', which actually fails.
1821 db22 :: ExampleDb
1822 db22 =
1823 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
1824 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExAny "C"]
1827 -- | Another test for the unknown package message. This database tests that
1828 -- filtering out redundant conflict set messages in the solver log doesn't
1829 -- interfere with generating a message about a missing package (part of issue
1830 -- #3617). The conflict set for the missing package is {A, B}. That conflict set
1831 -- is propagated up the tree to the level of A. Since the conflict set is the
1832 -- same at both levels, the solver only keeps one of the backjumping messages.
1833 db23 :: ExampleDb
1834 db23 =
1835 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
1838 -- | Database for (unsuccessfully) trying to expose a bug in the handling
1839 -- of implied linking constraints. The question is whether an implied linking
1840 -- constraint should only have the introducing package in its conflict set,
1841 -- or also its link target.
1843 -- It turns out that as long as the Single Instance Restriction is in place,
1844 -- it does not matter, because there will always be an option that is failing
1845 -- due to the SIR, which contains the link target in its conflict set.
1847 -- Even if the SIR is not in place, if there is a solution, one will always
1848 -- be found, because without the SIR, linking is always optional, but never
1849 -- necessary.
1850 testIndepGoals5 :: String -> GoalOrder -> SolverTest
1851 testIndepGoals5 name fixGoalOrder =
1852 case fixGoalOrder of
1853 FixedGoalOrder -> goalOrder goals test
1854 DefaultGoalOrder -> test
1855 where
1856 test :: SolverTest
1857 test =
1858 independentGoals $
1859 mkTest db name ["X", "Y"] $
1860 solverSuccess
1861 [("A", 1), ("A", 2), ("B", 1), ("C", 1), ("C", 2), ("X", 1), ("Y", 1)]
1863 db :: ExampleDb
1864 db =
1865 [ Right $ exAv "X" 1 [ExFix "C" 2, ExAny "A"]
1866 , Right $ exAv "Y" 1 [ExFix "C" 1, ExFix "A" 2]
1867 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
1868 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExAny "B"]
1869 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "C"]
1870 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 []
1871 , Right $ exAv "C" 2 []
1874 goals :: [ExampleVar]
1875 goals =
1876 [ P (QualIndep "X") "X"
1877 , P (QualIndep "X") "A"
1878 , P (QualIndep "X") "B"
1879 , P (QualIndep "X") "C"
1880 , P (QualIndep "Y") "Y"
1881 , P (QualIndep "Y") "A"
1882 , P (QualIndep "Y") "B"
1883 , P (QualIndep "Y") "C"
1886 -- | A simplified version of 'testIndepGoals5'.
1887 testIndepGoals6 :: String -> GoalOrder -> SolverTest
1888 testIndepGoals6 name fixGoalOrder =
1889 case fixGoalOrder of
1890 FixedGoalOrder -> goalOrder goals test
1891 DefaultGoalOrder -> test
1892 where
1893 test :: SolverTest
1894 test =
1895 independentGoals $
1896 mkTest db name ["X", "Y"] $
1897 solverSuccess
1898 [("A", 1), ("A", 2), ("B", 1), ("B", 2), ("X", 1), ("Y", 1)]
1900 db :: ExampleDb
1901 db =
1902 [ Right $ exAv "X" 1 [ExFix "B" 2, ExAny "A"]
1903 , Right $ exAv "Y" 1 [ExFix "B" 1, ExFix "A" 2]
1904 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
1905 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExAny "B"]
1906 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
1907 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 []
1910 goals :: [ExampleVar]
1911 goals =
1912 [ P (QualIndep "X") "X"
1913 , P (QualIndep "X") "A"
1914 , P (QualIndep "X") "B"
1915 , P (QualIndep "Y") "Y"
1916 , P (QualIndep "Y") "A"
1917 , P (QualIndep "Y") "B"
1920 dbExts1 :: ExampleDb
1921 dbExts1 =
1922 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExExt (EnableExtension RankNTypes)]
1923 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExExt (EnableExtension CPP), ExAny "A"]
1924 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "B"]
1925 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExExt (DisableExtension CPP), ExAny "B"]
1926 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 [ExExt (UnknownExtension "custom"), ExAny "C"]
1929 dbLangs1 :: ExampleDb
1930 dbLangs1 =
1931 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExLang Haskell2010]
1932 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExLang Haskell98, ExAny "A"]
1933 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExLang (UnknownLanguage "Haskell3000"), ExAny "B"]
1936 -- | cabal must set enable-exe to false in order to avoid the unavailable
1937 -- dependency. Flags are true by default. The flag choice causes "pkg" to
1938 -- depend on "false-dep".
1939 testBuildable :: String -> ExampleDependency -> TestTree
1940 testBuildable testName unavailableDep =
1941 runTest $
1942 mkTestExtLangPC (Just []) (Just [Haskell98]) (Just []) db testName ["pkg"] expected
1943 where
1944 expected = solverSuccess [("false-dep", 1), ("pkg", 1)]
1945 db =
1946 [ Right $
1947 exAv
1948 "pkg"
1950 [ exFlagged
1951 "enable-exe"
1952 [ExAny "true-dep"]
1953 [ExAny "false-dep"]
1955 `withExe` exExe
1956 "exe"
1957 [ unavailableDep
1958 , ExFlagged "enable-exe" (dependencies []) unbuildableDependencies
1960 , Right $ exAv "true-dep" 1 []
1961 , Right $ exAv "false-dep" 1 []
1964 -- | cabal must choose -flag1 +flag2 for "pkg", which requires packages
1965 -- "flag1-false" and "flag2-true".
1966 dbBuildable1 :: ExampleDb
1967 dbBuildable1 =
1968 [ Right $
1969 exAv
1970 "pkg"
1972 [ exFlagged "flag1" [ExAny "flag1-true"] [ExAny "flag1-false"]
1973 , exFlagged "flag2" [ExAny "flag2-true"] [ExAny "flag2-false"]
1975 `withExes` [ exExe
1976 "exe1"
1977 [ ExAny "unknown"
1978 , ExFlagged "flag1" (dependencies []) unbuildableDependencies
1979 , ExFlagged "flag2" (dependencies []) unbuildableDependencies
1981 , exExe
1982 "exe2"
1983 [ ExAny "unknown"
1984 , ExFlagged
1985 "flag1"
1986 (dependencies [])
1987 (dependencies [ExFlagged "flag2" unbuildableDependencies (dependencies [])])
1990 , Right $ exAv "flag1-true" 1 []
1991 , Right $ exAv "flag1-false" 1 []
1992 , Right $ exAv "flag2-true" 1 []
1993 , Right $ exAv "flag2-false" 1 []
1996 -- | cabal must pick B-2 to avoid the unknown dependency.
1997 dbBuildable2 :: ExampleDb
1998 dbBuildable2 =
1999 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
2000 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "unknown"]
2001 , Right $
2002 exAv "B" 2 []
2003 `withExe` exExe
2004 "exe"
2005 [ ExAny "unknown"
2006 , ExFlagged "disable-exe" unbuildableDependencies (dependencies [])
2008 , Right $ exAv "B" 3 [ExAny "unknown"]
2011 -- | Package databases for testing @pkg-config@ dependencies.
2012 -- when no pkgconfig db is present, cabal must pick flag1 false and flag2 true to avoid the pkg dependency.
2013 dbPC1 :: ExampleDb
2014 dbPC1 =
2015 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExPkg ("pkgA", 1)]
2016 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExPkg ("pkgB", 1), ExAny "A"]
2017 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [ExPkg ("pkgB", 2), ExAny "A"]
2018 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "B"]
2019 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [exFlagged "flag1" [ExAny "A"] [], exFlagged "flag2" [] [ExAny "A"]]
2022 -- | Test for the solver's summarized log. The final conflict set is {A, F},
2023 -- though the goal order forces the solver to find the (avoidable) conflict
2024 -- between B and C first. When the solver reaches the backjump limit, it should
2025 -- only show the log to the first conflict. When the backjump limit is high
2026 -- enough to allow an exhaustive search, the solver should make use of the final
2027 -- conflict set to only show the conflict between A and F in the summarized log.
2028 testSummarizedLog :: String -> Maybe Int -> String -> TestTree
2029 testSummarizedLog testName mbj expectedMsg =
2030 runTest $
2031 maxBackjumps mbj $
2032 goalOrder goals $
2033 mkTest db testName ["A"] $
2034 solverFailure (== expectedMsg)
2035 where
2036 db =
2037 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B", ExAny "F"]
2038 , Right $ exAv "B" 3 [ExAny "C"]
2039 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [ExAny "D"]
2040 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "E"]
2041 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 []
2044 goals :: [ExampleVar]
2045 goals = [P QualNone pkg | pkg <- ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]]
2047 dbMinimizeConflictSet :: ExampleDb
2048 dbMinimizeConflictSet =
2049 [ Right $ exAv "A" 3 [ExFix "B" 2, ExFix "C" 1, ExFix "D" 2]
2050 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExFix "B" 1, ExFix "C" 2, ExFix "D" 2]
2051 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "B" 1, ExFix "C" 1, ExFix "D" 2]
2052 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
2053 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 []
2054 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 []
2057 -- | Test that the solver can find a minimal conflict set with
2058 -- --minimize-conflict-set. In the first run, the goal order causes the solver
2059 -- to find that A-3 conflicts with B, A-2 conflicts with C, and A-1 conflicts
2060 -- with D. The full log should show that the original final conflict set is
2061 -- {A, B, C, D}. Then the solver should be able to reduce the conflict set to
2062 -- {A, D}, since all versions of A conflict with D. The summarized log should
2063 -- only mention A and D.
2064 testMinimizeConflictSet :: String -> TestTree
2065 testMinimizeConflictSet testName =
2066 runTest $
2067 minimizeConflictSet $
2068 goalOrder goals $
2069 setVerbose $
2070 mkTest dbMinimizeConflictSet testName ["A"] $
2071 SolverResult checkFullLog (Left (== expectedMsg))
2072 where
2073 checkFullLog :: [String] -> Bool
2074 checkFullLog =
2075 containsInOrder
2076 [ "[__0] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, B, C, D)"
2077 , "Found no solution after exhaustively searching the dependency tree. "
2078 ++ "Rerunning the dependency solver to minimize the conflict set ({A, B, C, D})."
2079 , "Trying to remove variable \"A\" from the conflict set."
2080 , "Failed to remove \"A\" from the conflict set. Continuing with {A, B, C, D}."
2081 , "Trying to remove variable \"B\" from the conflict set."
2082 , "Successfully removed \"B\" from the conflict set. Continuing with {A, D}."
2083 , "Trying to remove variable \"D\" from the conflict set."
2084 , "Failed to remove \"D\" from the conflict set. Continuing with {A, D}."
2087 expectedMsg =
2088 "Could not resolve dependencies:\n"
2089 ++ "[__0] trying: A-3.0.0 (user goal)\n"
2090 ++ "[__1] next goal: D (dependency of A)\n"
2091 ++ "[__1] rejecting: D-1.0.0 (conflict: A => D==2.0.0)\n"
2092 ++ "[__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, D)\n"
2093 ++ "After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively, these "
2094 ++ "were the goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: A (5), D (4)"
2096 goals :: [ExampleVar]
2097 goals = [P QualNone pkg | pkg <- ["A", "B", "C", "D"]]
2099 -- | This test uses the same packages and goal order as testMinimizeConflictSet,
2100 -- but it doesn't set --minimize-conflict-set. The solver should print the
2101 -- original final conflict set and the conflict between A and B. It should also
2102 -- suggest rerunning with --minimize-conflict-set.
2103 testNoMinimizeConflictSet :: String -> TestTree
2104 testNoMinimizeConflictSet testName =
2105 runTest $
2106 goalOrder goals $
2107 setVerbose $
2108 mkTest dbMinimizeConflictSet testName ["A"] $
2109 solverFailure (== expectedMsg)
2110 where
2111 expectedMsg =
2112 "Could not resolve dependencies:\n"
2113 ++ "[__0] trying: A-3.0.0 (user goal)\n"
2114 ++ "[__1] next goal: B (dependency of A)\n"
2115 ++ "[__1] rejecting: B-1.0.0 (conflict: A => B==2.0.0)\n"
2116 ++ "[__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: A, B)\n"
2117 ++ "After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively, "
2118 ++ "these were the goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: "
2119 ++ "A (7), B (2), C (2), D (2)\n"
2120 ++ "Try running with --minimize-conflict-set to improve the error message."
2122 goals :: [ExampleVar]
2123 goals = [P QualNone pkg | pkg <- ["A", "B", "C", "D"]]
2125 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2126 Simple databases for the illustrations for the backjumping blog post
2127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
2129 -- | Motivate conflict sets
2130 dbBJ1a :: ExampleDb
2131 dbBJ1a =
2132 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "B" 1]
2133 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExFix "B" 2]
2134 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
2137 -- | Show that we can skip some decisions
2138 dbBJ1b :: ExampleDb
2139 dbBJ1b =
2140 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "B" 1]
2141 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExFix "B" 2, ExAny "C"]
2142 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
2143 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 []
2144 , Right $ exAv "C" 2 []
2147 -- | Motivate why both A and B need to be in the conflict set
2148 dbBJ1c :: ExampleDb
2149 dbBJ1c =
2150 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "B" 1]
2151 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
2152 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 []
2155 -- | Motivate the need for accumulating conflict sets while we walk the tree
2156 dbBJ2 :: ExampleDb
2157 dbBJ2 =
2158 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExFix "B" 1]
2159 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExFix "B" 2]
2160 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExFix "C" 1]
2161 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [ExFix "C" 2]
2162 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 []
2165 -- | Motivate the need for `QGoalReason`
2166 dbBJ3 :: ExampleDb
2167 dbBJ3 =
2168 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "Ba"]
2169 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExAny "Bb"]
2170 , Right $ exAv "Ba" 1 [ExFix "C" 1]
2171 , Right $ exAv "Bb" 1 [ExFix "C" 2]
2172 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 []
2175 -- | `QGOalReason` not unique
2176 dbBJ4 :: ExampleDb
2177 dbBJ4 =
2178 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B", ExAny "C"]
2179 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "C"]
2180 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 []
2183 -- | Flags are represented somewhat strangely in the tree
2185 -- This example probably won't be in the blog post itself but as a separate
2186 -- bug report (#3409)
2187 dbBJ5 :: ExampleDb
2188 dbBJ5 =
2189 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [exFlagged "flagA" [ExFix "B" 1] [ExFix "C" 1]]
2190 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExFix "D" 1]
2191 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExFix "D" 2]
2192 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 []
2195 -- | Conflict sets for cycles
2196 dbBJ6 :: ExampleDb
2197 dbBJ6 =
2198 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B"]
2199 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 []
2200 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [ExAny "C"]
2201 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "A"]
2204 -- | Conflicts not unique
2205 dbBJ7 :: ExampleDb
2206 dbBJ7 =
2207 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "B", ExFix "C" 1]
2208 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExFix "C" 1]
2209 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 []
2210 , Right $ exAv "C" 2 []
2213 -- | Conflict sets for SIR (C shared subgoal of independent goals A, B)
2214 dbBJ8 :: ExampleDb
2215 dbBJ8 =
2216 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExAny "C"]
2217 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExAny "C"]
2218 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 []
2221 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2222 Databases for build-tool-depends
2223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
2225 -- | Multiple packages depending on exes from 'bt-pkg'.
2226 dbBuildTools :: ExampleDb
2227 dbBuildTools =
2228 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExBuildToolAny "bt-pkg" "exe1"]
2229 , Right $
2230 exAv
2233 [ exFlagged
2234 "flagB"
2235 [ExAny "unknown"]
2236 [ExBuildToolAny "bt-pkg" "exe1"]
2238 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [] `withTest` exTest "testC" [ExBuildToolAny "bt-pkg" "exe1"]
2239 , Right $ exAv "D" 1 [ExBuildToolAny "bt-pkg" "unknown-exe"]
2240 , Right $ exAv "E" 1 [ExBuildToolAny "unknown-pkg" "exe1"]
2241 , Right $
2242 exAv
2245 [ exFlagged
2246 "flagF"
2247 [ExBuildToolAny "bt-pkg" "unknown-exe"]
2248 [ExAny "unknown"]
2250 , Right $ exAv "G" 1 [] `withTest` exTest "testG" [ExBuildToolAny "bt-pkg" "unknown-exe"]
2251 , Right $ exAv "H" 1 [ExBuildToolFix "bt-pkg" "exe1" 3]
2252 , Right $ exAv "bt-pkg" 4 []
2253 , Right $ exAv "bt-pkg" 3 [] `withExe` exExe "exe2" []
2254 , Right $ exAv "bt-pkg" 2 [] `withExe` exExe "exe1" []
2255 , Right $ exAv "bt-pkg" 1 []
2258 -- The solver should never choose an installed package for a build tool
2259 -- dependency.
2260 rejectInstalledBuildToolPackage :: String -> SolverTest
2261 rejectInstalledBuildToolPackage name =
2262 mkTest db name ["A"] $
2263 solverFailure $
2264 isInfixOf $
2265 "rejecting: A:B:exe.B-1.0.0/installed-1 "
2266 ++ "(does not contain executable 'exe', which is required by A)"
2267 where
2268 db :: ExampleDb
2269 db =
2270 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExBuildToolAny "B" "exe"]
2271 , Left $ exInst "B" 1 "B-1" []
2274 -- | This test forces the solver to choose B as a build-tool dependency before
2275 -- it sees the dependency on executable exe2 from B. The solver needs to check
2276 -- that the version that it already chose for B contains the necessary
2277 -- executable. This order causes a different "missing executable" error message
2278 -- than when the solver checks for the executable in the same step that it
2279 -- chooses the build-tool package.
2281 -- This case may become impossible if we ever add the executable name to the
2282 -- build-tool goal qualifier. Then this test would involve two qualified goals
2283 -- for B, one for exe1 and another for exe2.
2284 chooseExeAfterBuildToolsPackage :: Bool -> String -> SolverTest
2285 chooseExeAfterBuildToolsPackage shouldSucceed name =
2286 goalOrder goals $
2287 mkTest db name ["A"] $
2288 if shouldSucceed
2289 then solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
2290 else
2291 solverFailure $
2292 isInfixOf $
2293 "rejecting: A:+flagA (requires executable 'exe2' from A:B:exe.B, "
2294 ++ "but the component does not exist)"
2295 where
2296 db :: ExampleDb
2297 db =
2298 [ Right $
2299 exAv
2302 [ ExBuildToolAny "B" "exe1"
2303 , exFlagged
2304 "flagA"
2305 [ExBuildToolAny "B" "exe2"]
2306 [ExAny "unknown"]
2308 , Right $
2309 exAv "B" 1 []
2310 `withExes` [exExe exe [] | exe <- if shouldSucceed then ["exe1", "exe2"] else ["exe1"]]
2313 goals :: [ExampleVar]
2314 goals =
2315 [ P QualNone "A"
2316 , P (QualExe "A" "B") "B"
2317 , F QualNone "A" "flagA"
2320 -- | Test that when one package depends on two executables from another package,
2321 -- both executables must come from the same instance of that package. We could
2322 -- lift this restriction in the future by adding the executable name to the goal
2323 -- qualifier.
2324 requireConsistentBuildToolVersions :: String -> SolverTest
2325 requireConsistentBuildToolVersions name =
2326 mkTest db name ["A"] $
2327 solverFailure $
2328 isInfixOf $
2329 "[__1] rejecting: A:B:exe.B-2.0.0 (conflict: A => A:B:exe.B (exe exe1)==1.0.0)\n"
2330 ++ "[__1] rejecting: A:B:exe.B-1.0.0 (conflict: A => A:B:exe.B (exe exe2)==2.0.0)"
2331 where
2332 db :: ExampleDb
2333 db =
2334 [ Right $
2335 exAv
2338 [ ExBuildToolFix "B" "exe1" 1
2339 , ExBuildToolFix "B" "exe2" 2
2341 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [] `withExes` exes
2342 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [] `withExes` exes
2345 exes = [exExe "exe1" [], exExe "exe2" []]
2347 -- | This test is similar to the failure case for
2348 -- chooseExeAfterBuildToolsPackage, except that the build tool is unbuildable
2349 -- instead of missing.
2350 chooseUnbuildableExeAfterBuildToolsPackage :: String -> SolverTest
2351 chooseUnbuildableExeAfterBuildToolsPackage name =
2352 constraints [ExFlagConstraint (ScopeAnyQualifier "B") "build-bt2" False] $
2353 goalOrder goals $
2354 mkTest db name ["A"] $
2355 solverFailure $
2356 isInfixOf $
2357 "rejecting: A:+use-bt2 (requires executable 'bt2' from A:B:exe.B, but "
2358 ++ "the component is not buildable in the current environment)"
2359 where
2360 db :: ExampleDb
2361 db =
2362 [ Right $
2363 exAv
2366 [ ExBuildToolAny "B" "bt1"
2367 , exFlagged
2368 "use-bt2"
2369 [ExBuildToolAny "B" "bt2"]
2370 [ExAny "unknown"]
2372 , Right $
2373 exAvNoLibrary "B" 1
2374 `withExes` [ exExe "bt1" []
2375 , exExe "bt2" [ExFlagged "build-bt2" (dependencies []) unbuildableDependencies]
2379 goals :: [ExampleVar]
2380 goals =
2381 [ P QualNone "A"
2382 , P (QualExe "A" "B") "B"
2383 , F QualNone "A" "use-bt2"
2386 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2387 Databases for legacy build-tools
2388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
2389 dbLegacyBuildTools1 :: ExampleDb
2390 dbLegacyBuildTools1 =
2391 [ Right $ exAv "alex" 1 [] `withExe` exExe "alex" []
2392 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExLegacyBuildToolAny "alex"]
2395 -- Test that a recognized build tool dependency specifies the name of both the
2396 -- package and the executable. This db has no solution.
2397 dbLegacyBuildTools2 :: ExampleDb
2398 dbLegacyBuildTools2 =
2399 [ Right $ exAv "alex" 1 [] `withExe` exExe "other-exe" []
2400 , Right $ exAv "other-package" 1 [] `withExe` exExe "alex" []
2401 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExLegacyBuildToolAny "alex"]
2404 -- Test that build-tools on a random thing doesn't matter (only
2405 -- the ones we recognize need to be in db)
2406 dbLegacyBuildTools3 :: ExampleDb
2407 dbLegacyBuildTools3 =
2408 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExLegacyBuildToolAny "otherdude"]
2411 -- Test that we can solve for different versions of executables
2412 dbLegacyBuildTools4 :: ExampleDb
2413 dbLegacyBuildTools4 =
2414 [ Right $ exAv "alex" 1 [] `withExe` exExe "alex" []
2415 , Right $ exAv "alex" 2 [] `withExe` exExe "alex" []
2416 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExLegacyBuildToolFix "alex" 1]
2417 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExLegacyBuildToolFix "alex" 2]
2418 , Right $ exAv "C" 1 [ExAny "A", ExAny "B"]
2421 -- Test that exe is not related to library choices
2422 dbLegacyBuildTools5 :: ExampleDb
2423 dbLegacyBuildTools5 =
2424 [ Right $ exAv "alex" 1 [ExFix "A" 1] `withExe` exExe "alex" []
2425 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 []
2426 , Right $ exAv "A" 2 []
2427 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [ExLegacyBuildToolFix "alex" 1, ExFix "A" 2]
2430 -- Test that build-tools on build-tools works
2431 dbLegacyBuildTools6 :: ExampleDb
2432 dbLegacyBuildTools6 =
2433 [ Right $ exAv "alex" 1 [] `withExe` exExe "alex" []
2434 , Right $ exAv "happy" 1 [ExLegacyBuildToolAny "alex"] `withExe` exExe "happy" []
2435 , Right $ exAv "A" 1 [ExLegacyBuildToolAny "happy"]
2438 -- Test that build-depends on library/executable package works.
2439 -- Extracted from
2440 dbIssue3775 :: ExampleDb
2441 dbIssue3775 =
2442 [ Right $ exAv "warp" 1 []
2443 , -- NB: the warp build-depends refers to the package, not the internal
2444 -- executable!
2445 Right $ exAv "A" 2 [ExFix "warp" 1] `withExe` exExe "warp" [ExAny "A"]
2446 , Right $ exAv "B" 2 [ExAny "A", ExAny "warp"]
2449 -- | Returns true if the second list contains all elements of the first list, in
2450 -- order.
2451 containsInOrder :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
2452 containsInOrder [] _ = True
2453 containsInOrder _ [] = False
2454 containsInOrder (x : xs) (y : ys)
2455 | x == y = containsInOrder xs ys
2456 | otherwise = containsInOrder (x : xs) ys