2 Warning: The following warnings are likely to affect your build negatively:
3 Warning: 'ghc-shared-options: -hide-package' is never needed. Cabal hides all packages.
4 Warning: The following errors will cause portability problems on other environments:
5 Warning: 'ghc-options: -fasm' is unnecessary and will not work on CPU architectures other than x86, x86-64, ppc or sparc.
6 Warning: 'ghc-prof-options: -fhpc' is not necessary. Use the configure flag --enable-coverage instead.
7 Warning: 'ghc-shared-options: -Wall -Werror' makes the package very easy to break with future GHC versions because new GHC versions often add new warnings. Use just 'ghc-shared-options: -Wall' instead. Alternatively, if you want to use this, make it conditional based on a Cabal configuration flag (with 'manual: True' and 'default: False') and enable that flag during development.
8 Warning: Hackage would reject this package.