Merge pull request #9047 from haskell/dependabot/github_actions/actions/download...
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / tests / UnitTests / TempTestDir.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
3 module UnitTests.TempTestDir
4 ( withTestDir
5 , removeDirectoryRecursiveHack
6 ) where
8 import Distribution.Compat.Internal.TempFile (createTempDirectory)
9 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (warn)
10 import Distribution.Verbosity
12 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
13 import Control.Exception (bracket, throwIO, try)
14 import Control.Monad (when)
16 import System.Directory
17 import System.IO.Error
18 #if !(MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,7))
19 import System.FilePath ((</>))
20 #endif
21 import qualified System.Info (os)
23 -- | Much like 'withTemporaryDirectory' but with a number of hacks to make
24 -- sure on windows that we can clean up the directory at the end.
25 withTestDir :: Verbosity -> String -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
26 withTestDir verbosity template action = do
27 systmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
28 bracket
29 (createTempDirectory systmpdir template)
30 (removeDirectoryRecursiveHack verbosity)
31 action
33 -- | On Windows, file locks held by programs we run (in this case VCSs)
34 -- are not always released prior to completing process termination!
35 -- <>
36 -- This means we run into stale locks when trying to delete the test
37 -- directory. There is no sane way to wait on those locks being released,
38 -- we just have to wait, try again and hope.
40 -- In addition, on Windows a file that is not writable also cannot be deleted,
41 -- so we must try setting the permissions to readable before deleting files.
42 -- Some VCS tools on Windows create files with read-only attributes.
43 removeDirectoryRecursiveHack :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO ()
44 removeDirectoryRecursiveHack verbosity dir | isWindows = go 1
45 where
46 isWindows = System.Info.os == "mingw32"
47 limit = 3
49 go :: Int -> IO ()
50 go n = do
51 res <- try $ removePathForcibly dir
52 case res of
53 Left e
54 -- wait a second and try again
55 | isPermissionError e && n < limit -> do
56 threadDelay 1000000
57 go (n + 1)
59 -- but if we hit the limt warn and fail.
60 | isPermissionError e -> do
61 warn verbosity $
62 "Windows file locking hack: hit the retry limit "
63 ++ show limit
64 ++ " while trying to remove "
65 ++ dir
66 throwIO e
68 -- or it's a different error fail.
69 | otherwise -> throwIO e
70 Right () ->
71 when (n > 1) $
72 warn verbosity $
73 "Windows file locking hack: had to try "
74 ++ show n
75 ++ " times to remove "
76 ++ dir
77 removeDirectoryRecursiveHack _ dir = removeDirectoryRecursive dir
79 #if !(MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,7))
80 -- A simplified version that ought to work for our use case here, and does
81 -- not rely on directory internals.
82 removePathForcibly :: FilePath -> IO ()
83 removePathForcibly path = do
84 makeRemovable path `catchIOError` \ _ -> pure ()
85 isDir <- doesDirectoryExist path
86 if isDir
87 then do
88 entries <- getDirectoryContents path
89 sequence_
90 [ removePathForcibly (path </> entry)
91 | entry <- entries, entry /= ".", entry /= ".." ]
92 removeDirectory path
93 else
94 removeFile path
95 where
96 makeRemovable :: FilePath -> IO ()
97 makeRemovable p =
98 setPermissions p emptyPermissions {
99 readable = True,
100 searchable = True,
101 writable = True
103 #endif