Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Compat / Async.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
4 -- | 'Async', yet using 'MVar's.
5 --
6 -- Adopted from @async@ library
7 -- Copyright (c) 2012, Simon Marlow
8 -- Licensed under BSD-3-Clause
9 --
10 -- @since
11 module Distribution.Compat.Async
12 ( AsyncM
13 , withAsync
14 , waitCatch
15 , wait
16 , asyncThreadId
17 , cancel
18 , uninterruptibleCancel
19 , AsyncCancelled (..)
21 -- * Cabal extras
22 , withAsyncNF
23 ) where
25 import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO)
26 import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, readMVar)
27 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, force)
28 import Control.Exception
29 ( BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar (..)
30 , Exception (..)
31 , SomeException (..)
32 , catch
33 , evaluate
34 , mask
35 , throwIO
36 , throwTo
37 , try
38 , uninterruptibleMask_
40 import Control.Monad (void)
41 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
42 import GHC.Exts (inline)
44 #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
45 import Control.Exception (asyncExceptionFromException, asyncExceptionToException)
46 #endif
48 -- | Async, but based on 'MVar', as we don't depend on @stm@.
49 data AsyncM a = Async
50 { asyncThreadId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ThreadId
51 -- ^ Returns the 'ThreadId' of the thread running
52 -- the given 'Async'.
53 , _asyncMVar :: MVar (Either SomeException a)
56 -- | Spawn an asynchronous action in a separate thread, and pass its
57 -- @Async@ handle to the supplied function. When the function returns
58 -- or throws an exception, 'uninterruptibleCancel' is called on the @Async@.
60 -- > withAsync action inner = mask $ \restore -> do
61 -- > a <- async (restore action)
62 -- > restore (inner a) `finally` uninterruptibleCancel a
64 -- This is a useful variant of 'async' that ensures an @Async@ is
65 -- never left running unintentionally.
67 -- Note: a reference to the child thread is kept alive until the call
68 -- to `withAsync` returns, so nesting many `withAsync` calls requires
69 -- linear memory.
70 withAsync :: IO a -> (AsyncM a -> IO b) -> IO b
71 withAsync = inline withAsyncUsing forkIO
73 withAsyncNF :: NFData a => IO a -> (AsyncM a -> IO b) -> IO b
74 withAsyncNF m = inline withAsyncUsing forkIO (m >>= evaluateNF)
75 where
76 evaluateNF = evaluate . force
78 withAsyncUsing :: (IO () -> IO ThreadId) -> IO a -> (AsyncM a -> IO b) -> IO b
79 -- The bracket version works, but is slow. We can do better by
80 -- hand-coding it:
81 withAsyncUsing doFork = \action inner -> do
82 var <- newEmptyMVar
83 mask $ \restore -> do
84 t <- doFork $ try (restore action) >>= putMVar var
85 let a = Async t var
86 r <-
87 restore (inner a) `catchAll` \e -> do
88 uninterruptibleCancel a
89 throwIO e
90 uninterruptibleCancel a
91 return r
93 -- | Wait for an asynchronous action to complete, and return its
94 -- value. If the asynchronous action threw an exception, then the
95 -- exception is re-thrown by 'wait'.
97 -- > wait = atomically . waitSTM
98 {-# INLINE wait #-}
99 wait :: AsyncM a -> IO a
100 wait a = do
101 res <- waitCatch a
102 case res of
103 Left (SomeException e) -> throwIO e
104 Right x -> return x
106 -- | Wait for an asynchronous action to complete, and return either
107 -- @Left e@ if the action raised an exception @e@, or @Right a@ if it
108 -- returned a value @a@.
110 -- > waitCatch = atomically . waitCatchSTM
111 {-# INLINE waitCatch #-}
112 waitCatch :: AsyncM a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
113 waitCatch (Async _ var) = tryAgain (readMVar var)
114 where
115 -- See:
116 tryAgain f = f `catch` \BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar -> f
118 catchAll :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
119 catchAll = catch
121 -- | Cancel an asynchronous action by throwing the @AsyncCancelled@
122 -- exception to it, and waiting for the `Async` thread to quit.
123 -- Has no effect if the 'Async' has already completed.
125 -- > cancel a = throwTo (asyncThreadId a) AsyncCancelled <* waitCatch a
127 -- Note that 'cancel' will not terminate until the thread the 'Async'
128 -- refers to has terminated. This means that 'cancel' will block for
129 -- as long said thread blocks when receiving an asynchronous exception.
131 -- For example, it could block if:
133 -- * It's executing a foreign call, and thus cannot receive the asynchronous
134 -- exception;
135 -- * It's executing some cleanup handler after having received the exception,
136 -- and the handler is blocking.
137 {-# INLINE cancel #-}
138 cancel :: AsyncM a -> IO ()
139 cancel a@(Async t _) = do
140 throwTo t AsyncCancelled
141 void (waitCatch a)
143 -- | The exception thrown by `cancel` to terminate a thread.
144 data AsyncCancelled = AsyncCancelled
145 deriving
146 ( Show
147 , Eq
148 , Typeable
152 instance Exception AsyncCancelled where
153 #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
154 -- wraps in SomeAsyncException
155 -- See
156 fromException = asyncExceptionFromException
157 toException = asyncExceptionToException
158 #endif
161 -- | Cancel an asynchronous action
163 -- This is a variant of `cancel`, but it is not interruptible.
164 {-# INLINE uninterruptibleCancel #-}
165 uninterruptibleCancel :: AsyncM a -> IO ()
166 uninterruptibleCancel = uninterruptibleMask_ . cancel