Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Compat / Internal / TempFile.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
4 module Distribution.Compat.Internal.TempFile
5 ( openTempFile
6 , openBinaryTempFile
7 , openNewBinaryFile
8 , createTempDirectory
9 ) where
11 import Distribution.Compat.Exception
13 import System.FilePath ((</>))
15 import System.IO (Handle, openBinaryTempFile, openTempFile)
16 #if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__)
17 import System.IO (openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions)
18 #else
19 import Control.Exception (onException)
20 import Data.Bits ((.|.))
21 import Foreign.C (CInt, eEXIST, getErrno, errnoToIOError)
22 import GHC.IO.Handle.FD (fdToHandle)
23 import System.Posix.Internals (c_open, c_close, o_EXCL, o_BINARY, withFilePath,
25 #endif
27 import System.IO.Error (isAlreadyExistsError)
28 import System.Posix.Internals (c_getpid)
30 #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS)
31 import System.Directory ( createDirectory )
32 #else
33 import qualified System.Posix
34 #endif
36 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
38 -- * temporary files
40 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
42 -- This is here for Haskell implementations that do not come with
43 -- System.IO.openTempFile. This includes nhc-1.20, hugs-2006.9.
44 -- TODO: This file should probably be removed.
46 -- This is a copy/paste of the openBinaryTempFile definition, but
47 -- it uses 666 rather than 600 for the permissions. Newer versions
48 -- of base have a new function with this behavior which we use on
49 -- Windows when the new IO manager is used.
50 openNewBinaryFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
51 openNewBinaryFile dir template = do
53 -- This method can't be used under WINIO. Also the current implementation has
54 -- thread safety issues depending on which GHC is used. On newer GHC's let's
55 -- use the built in one.
56 #if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__)
57 openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions dir template
58 #else
59 pid <- c_getpid
60 findTempName pid
61 where
62 -- We split off the last extension, so we can use .foo.ext files
63 -- for temporary files (hidden on Unix OSes). Unfortunately we're
64 -- below file path in the hierarchy here.
65 (prefix,suffix) =
66 case break (== '.') $ reverse template of
67 -- First case: template contains no '.'s. Just re-reverse it.
68 (rev_suffix, "") -> (reverse rev_suffix, "")
69 -- Second case: template contains at least one '.'. Strip the
70 -- dot from the prefix and prepend it to the suffix (if we don't
71 -- do this, the unique number will get added after the '.' and
72 -- thus be part of the extension, which is wrong.)
73 (rev_suffix, '.':rest) -> (reverse rest, '.':reverse rev_suffix)
74 -- Otherwise, something is wrong, because (break (== '.')) should
75 -- always return a pair with either the empty string or a string
76 -- beginning with '.' as the second component.
77 _ -> error "bug in System.IO.openTempFile"
79 oflags = rw_flags .|. o_EXCL .|. o_BINARY
81 findTempName x = do
82 fd <- withFilePath filepath $ \ f ->
83 c_open f oflags 0o666
84 if fd < 0
85 then do
86 errno <- getErrno
87 if errno == eEXIST
88 then findTempName (x+1)
89 else ioError (errnoToIOError "openNewBinaryFile" errno Nothing (Just dir))
90 else do
91 -- TODO: We want to tell fdToHandle what the file path is,
92 -- as any exceptions etc will only be able to report the
93 -- FD currently
94 h <- fdToHandle fd `onException` c_close fd
95 return (filepath, h)
96 where
97 filename = prefix ++ show x ++ suffix
98 filepath = dir `combine` filename
100 -- FIXME: bits copied from System.FilePath
101 combine a b
102 | null b = a
103 | null a = b
104 | last a == pathSeparator = a ++ b
105 | otherwise = a ++ [pathSeparator] ++ b
107 -- FIXME: Copied from GHC.Handle
108 std_flags, output_flags, rw_flags :: CInt
109 std_flags = o_NONBLOCK .|. o_NOCTTY
110 output_flags = std_flags .|. o_CREAT
111 rw_flags = output_flags .|. o_RDWR
113 -- FIXME: Should use System.FilePath library
114 pathSeparator :: Char
115 #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
116 pathSeparator = '\\'
117 #else
118 pathSeparator = '/'
119 #endif
120 -- /* __IO_MANAGER_WINIO__ */
121 #endif
123 createTempDirectory :: FilePath -> String -> IO FilePath
124 createTempDirectory dir template = do
125 pid <- c_getpid
126 findTempName pid
127 where
128 findTempName x = do
129 let dirpath = dir </> template ++ "-" ++ show x
130 r <- tryIO $ mkPrivateDir dirpath
131 case r of
132 Right _ -> return dirpath
133 Left e
134 | isAlreadyExistsError e -> findTempName (x + 1)
135 | otherwise -> ioError e
137 mkPrivateDir :: String -> IO ()
138 #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS)
139 mkPrivateDir s = createDirectory s
140 #else
141 mkPrivateDir s = System.Posix.createDirectory s 0o700
142 #endif