Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Flag.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- |
9 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Flag
10 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2004
11 -- Duncan Coutts 2007
12 -- License : BSD3
14 -- Maintainer :
15 -- Portability : portable
17 -- Defines the 'Flag' type and it's 'Monoid' instance, see
18 -- <>
19 -- for an explanation.
21 -- Split off from "Distribution.Simple.Setup" to break import cycles.
22 module Distribution.Simple.Flag
23 ( Flag (..)
24 , allFlags
25 , toFlag
26 , fromFlag
27 , fromFlagOrDefault
28 , flagElim
29 , flagToMaybe
30 , flagToList
31 , maybeToFlag
32 , BooleanFlag (..)
33 ) where
35 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding (get)
36 import Distribution.Compat.Stack
37 import Prelude ()
39 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
41 -- * Flag type
43 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
45 -- | All flags are monoids, they come in two flavours:
47 -- 1. list flags eg
49 -- > --ghc-option=foo --ghc-option=bar
51 -- gives us all the values ["foo", "bar"]
53 -- 2. singular value flags, eg:
55 -- > --enable-foo --disable-foo
57 -- gives us Just False
59 -- So, this 'Flag' type is for the latter singular kind of flag.
60 -- Its monoid instance gives us the behaviour where it starts out as
61 -- 'NoFlag' and later flags override earlier ones.
63 -- Isomorphic to 'Maybe' a.
64 data Flag a = Flag a | NoFlag deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Read, Typeable, Foldable, Traversable)
66 instance Binary a => Binary (Flag a)
67 instance Structured a => Structured (Flag a)
69 instance Functor Flag where
70 fmap f (Flag x) = Flag (f x)
71 fmap _ NoFlag = NoFlag
73 instance Applicative Flag where
74 (Flag x) <*> y = x <$> y
75 NoFlag <*> _ = NoFlag
76 pure = Flag
78 instance Monoid (Flag a) where
79 mempty = NoFlag
80 mappend = (<>)
82 instance Semigroup (Flag a) where
83 _ <> f@(Flag _) = f
84 f <> NoFlag = f
86 instance Bounded a => Bounded (Flag a) where
87 minBound = toFlag minBound
88 maxBound = toFlag maxBound
90 instance Enum a => Enum (Flag a) where
91 fromEnum = fromEnum . fromFlag
92 toEnum = toFlag . toEnum
93 enumFrom (Flag a) = map toFlag . enumFrom $ a
94 enumFrom _ = []
95 enumFromThen (Flag a) (Flag b) = toFlag `map` enumFromThen a b
96 enumFromThen _ _ = []
97 enumFromTo (Flag a) (Flag b) = toFlag `map` enumFromTo a b
98 enumFromTo _ _ = []
99 enumFromThenTo (Flag a) (Flag b) (Flag c) = toFlag `map` enumFromThenTo a b c
100 enumFromThenTo _ _ _ = []
102 -- | Wraps a value in 'Flag'.
103 toFlag :: a -> Flag a
104 toFlag = Flag
106 -- | Extracts a value from a 'Flag', and throws an exception on 'NoFlag'.
107 fromFlag :: WithCallStack (Flag a -> a)
108 fromFlag (Flag x) = x
109 fromFlag NoFlag = error "fromFlag NoFlag. Use fromFlagOrDefault"
111 -- | Extracts a value from a 'Flag', and returns the default value on 'NoFlag'.
112 fromFlagOrDefault :: a -> Flag a -> a
113 fromFlagOrDefault _ (Flag x) = x
114 fromFlagOrDefault def NoFlag = def
116 -- | Converts a 'Flag' value to a 'Maybe' value.
117 flagToMaybe :: Flag a -> Maybe a
118 flagToMaybe (Flag x) = Just x
119 flagToMaybe NoFlag = Nothing
121 -- | Pushes a function through a 'Flag' value, and returns a default
122 -- if the 'Flag' value is 'NoFlag'.
124 -- @since
125 flagElim :: b -> (a -> b) -> Flag a -> b
126 flagElim n _ NoFlag = n
127 flagElim _ f (Flag x) = f x
129 -- | Converts a 'Flag' value to a list.
130 flagToList :: Flag a -> [a]
131 flagToList (Flag x) = [x]
132 flagToList NoFlag = []
134 -- | Returns 'True' only if every 'Flag' 'Bool' value is Flag True, else 'False'.
135 allFlags :: [Flag Bool] -> Flag Bool
136 allFlags flags =
137 if all (\f -> fromFlagOrDefault False f) flags
138 then Flag True
139 else NoFlag
141 -- | Converts a 'Maybe' value to a 'Flag' value.
142 maybeToFlag :: Maybe a -> Flag a
143 maybeToFlag Nothing = NoFlag
144 maybeToFlag (Just x) = Flag x
146 -- | Types that represent boolean flags.
147 class BooleanFlag a where
148 asBool :: a -> Bool
150 instance BooleanFlag Bool where
151 asBool = id