Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Haddock.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- |
9 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Haddock
10 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2005
11 -- License : BSD3
13 -- Maintainer :
14 -- Portability : portable
16 -- This module deals with the @haddock@ and @hscolour@ commands.
17 -- It uses information about installed packages (from @ghc-pkg@) to find the
18 -- locations of documentation for dependent packages, so it can create links.
20 -- The @hscolour@ support allows generating HTML versions of the original
21 -- source, with coloured syntax highlighting.
22 module Distribution.Simple.Haddock
23 ( haddock
24 , createHaddockIndex
25 , hscolour
26 , haddockPackagePaths
27 , Visibility (..)
28 ) where
30 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
31 import Prelude ()
33 import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHC as GHC
34 import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHCJS as GHCJS
36 -- local
38 import Distribution.Backpack (OpenModule)
39 import Distribution.Backpack.DescribeUnitId
40 import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo)
41 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as InstalledPackageInfo
42 import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
43 import Distribution.Package
44 import Distribution.PackageDescription
45 import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsec)
46 import Distribution.Pretty
47 import Distribution.Simple.Build
48 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
49 import Distribution.Simple.BuildTarget
50 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
51 import Distribution.Simple.Flag
52 import Distribution.Simple.Glob
53 import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
54 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo hiding (substPathTemplate)
55 import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
56 import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
57 import Distribution.Simple.Program
58 import Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC
59 import qualified Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg as HcPkg
60 import Distribution.Simple.Program.ResponseFile
61 import Distribution.Simple.Register
62 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Haddock
63 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Hscolour
64 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
65 import Distribution.System
66 import Distribution.Types.ComponentLocalBuildInfo
67 import Distribution.Types.ExposedModule
68 import Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo
69 import Distribution.Types.TargetInfo
70 import Distribution.Utils.NubList
71 import qualified Distribution.Utils.ShortText as ShortText
72 import Distribution.Version
74 import Distribution.Verbosity
75 import Language.Haskell.Extension
77 import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup (All (..), Any (..))
79 import Control.Monad
80 import Data.Either (rights)
82 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
83 import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory)
84 import System.FilePath (isAbsolute, normalise, (<.>), (</>))
85 import System.IO (hClose, hPutStrLn, hSetEncoding, utf8)
87 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 -- Types
90 -- | A record that represents the arguments to the haddock executable, a product
91 -- monoid.
92 data HaddockArgs = HaddockArgs
93 { argInterfaceFile :: Flag FilePath
94 -- ^ Path to the interface file, relative to argOutputDir, required.
95 , argPackageName :: Flag PackageIdentifier
96 -- ^ Package name, required.
97 , argHideModules :: (All, [ModuleName.ModuleName])
98 -- ^ (Hide modules ?, modules to hide)
99 , argIgnoreExports :: Any
100 -- ^ Ignore export lists in modules?
101 , argLinkSource :: Flag (Template, Template, Template)
102 -- ^ (Template for modules, template for symbols, template for lines).
103 , argLinkedSource :: Flag Bool
104 -- ^ Generate hyperlinked sources
105 , argQuickJump :: Flag Bool
106 -- ^ Generate quickjump index
107 , argCssFile :: Flag FilePath
108 -- ^ Optional custom CSS file.
109 , argContents :: Flag String
110 -- ^ Optional URL to contents page.
111 , argGenContents :: Flag Bool
112 -- ^ Generate contents
113 , argIndex :: Flag String
114 -- ^ Optional URL to index page.
115 , argGenIndex :: Flag Bool
116 -- ^ Generate index
117 , argBaseUrl :: Flag String
118 -- ^ Optional base url from which static files will be loaded.
119 , argVerbose :: Any
120 , argOutput :: Flag [Output]
121 -- ^ HTML or Hoogle doc or both? Required.
122 , argInterfaces :: [(FilePath, Maybe String, Maybe String, Visibility)]
123 -- ^ [(Interface file, URL to the HTML docs and hyperlinked-source for links)].
124 , argOutputDir :: Directory
125 -- ^ Where to generate the documentation.
126 , argTitle :: Flag String
127 -- ^ Page title, required.
128 , argPrologue :: Flag String
129 -- ^ Prologue text, required for 'haddock', ignored by 'haddocks'.
130 , argPrologueFile :: Flag FilePath
131 -- ^ Prologue file name, ignored by 'haddock', optional for 'haddocks'.
132 , argGhcOptions :: GhcOptions
133 -- ^ Additional flags to pass to GHC.
134 , argGhcLibDir :: Flag FilePath
135 -- ^ To find the correct GHC, required.
136 , argReexports :: [OpenModule]
137 -- ^ Re-exported modules
138 , argTargets :: [FilePath]
139 -- ^ Modules to process.
140 , argLib :: Flag String
141 -- ^ haddock's static \/ auxiliary files.
143 deriving (Generic)
145 -- | The FilePath of a directory, it's a monoid under '(</>)'.
146 newtype Directory = Dir {unDir' :: FilePath} deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
148 unDir :: Directory -> FilePath
149 unDir = normalise . unDir'
151 type Template = String
153 data Output = Html | Hoogle
154 deriving (Eq)
156 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 -- Haddock support
159 -- | Get Haddock program and check if it matches the request
160 getHaddockProg
161 :: Verbosity
162 -> ProgramDb
163 -> Compiler
164 -> HaddockArgs
165 -> Flag Bool
166 -- ^ quickjump feature
167 -> IO (ConfiguredProgram, Version)
168 getHaddockProg verbosity programDb comp args quickJumpFlag = do
169 let HaddockArgs
170 { argQuickJump
171 , argOutput
172 } = args
173 hoogle = Hoogle `elem` fromFlagOrDefault [] argOutput
175 (haddockProg, version, _) <-
176 requireProgramVersion
177 verbosity
178 haddockProgram
179 (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 0]))
180 programDb
182 -- various sanity checks
183 when (hoogle && version < mkVersion [2, 2]) $
184 dieWithException verbosity NoSupportForHoogle
186 when (fromFlag argQuickJump && version < mkVersion [2, 19]) $ do
187 let msg = "Haddock prior to 2.19 does not support the --quickjump flag."
188 alt = "The generated documentation won't have the QuickJump feature."
189 if Flag True == quickJumpFlag
190 then dieWithException verbosity NoSupportForQuickJumpFlag
191 else warn verbosity (msg ++ "\n" ++ alt)
193 haddockGhcVersionStr <-
194 getProgramOutput
195 verbosity
196 haddockProg
197 ["--ghc-version"]
198 case (simpleParsec haddockGhcVersionStr, compilerCompatVersion GHC comp) of
199 (Nothing, _) -> dieWithException verbosity NoGHCVersionFromHaddock
200 (_, Nothing) -> dieWithException verbosity NoGHCVersionFromCompiler
201 (Just haddockGhcVersion, Just ghcVersion)
202 | haddockGhcVersion == ghcVersion -> return ()
203 | otherwise -> dieWithException verbosity $ HaddockAndGHCVersionDoesntMatch ghcVersion haddockGhcVersion
205 return (haddockProg, version)
207 haddock
208 :: PackageDescription
209 -> LocalBuildInfo
210 -> [PPSuffixHandler]
211 -> HaddockFlags
212 -> IO ()
213 haddock pkg_descr _ _ haddockFlags
214 | not (hasLibs pkg_descr)
215 && not (fromFlag $ haddockExecutables haddockFlags)
216 && not (fromFlag $ haddockTestSuites haddockFlags)
217 && not (fromFlag $ haddockBenchmarks haddockFlags)
218 && not (fromFlag $ haddockForeignLibs haddockFlags) =
219 warn (fromFlag $ haddockVerbosity haddockFlags) $
220 "No documentation was generated as this package does not contain "
221 ++ "a library. Perhaps you want to use the --executables, --tests,"
222 ++ " --benchmarks or --foreign-libraries flags."
223 haddock pkg_descr lbi suffixes flags' = do
224 let verbosity = flag haddockVerbosity
225 comp = compiler lbi
226 platform = hostPlatform lbi
228 quickJmpFlag = haddockQuickJump flags'
229 flags = case haddockTarget of
230 ForDevelopment -> flags'
231 ForHackage ->
232 flags'
233 { haddockHoogle = Flag True
234 , haddockHtml = Flag True
235 , haddockHtmlLocation = Flag (pkg_url ++ "/docs")
236 , haddockContents = Flag (toPathTemplate pkg_url)
237 , haddockLinkedSource = Flag True
238 , haddockQuickJump = Flag True
240 pkg_url = "/package/$pkg-$version"
241 flag f = fromFlag $ f flags
243 tmpFileOpts =
244 defaultTempFileOptions
245 { optKeepTempFiles = flag haddockKeepTempFiles
247 htmlTemplate =
248 fmap toPathTemplate . flagToMaybe . haddockHtmlLocation $
249 flags
250 haddockTarget =
251 fromFlagOrDefault ForDevelopment (haddockForHackage flags')
253 libdirArgs <- getGhcLibDir verbosity lbi
254 -- The haddock-output-dir flag overrides any other documentation placement concerns.
255 -- The point is to give the user full freedom over the location if they need it.
256 let overrideWithOutputDir args = case haddockOutputDir flags of
257 NoFlag -> args
258 Flag dir -> args{argOutputDir = Dir dir}
259 let commonArgs =
260 overrideWithOutputDir $
261 mconcat
262 [ libdirArgs
263 , fromFlags (haddockTemplateEnv lbi (packageId pkg_descr)) flags
264 , fromPackageDescription haddockTarget pkg_descr
267 (haddockProg, version) <-
268 getHaddockProg verbosity (withPrograms lbi) comp commonArgs quickJmpFlag
270 -- We fall back to using HsColour only for versions of Haddock which don't
271 -- support '--hyperlinked-sources'.
272 when (flag haddockLinkedSource && version < mkVersion [2, 17]) $
273 hscolour'
274 (warn verbosity)
275 haddockTarget
276 pkg_descr
278 suffixes
279 (defaultHscolourFlags `mappend` haddockToHscolour flags)
281 targets <- readTargetInfos verbosity pkg_descr lbi (haddockArgs flags)
284 targets' =
285 case targets of
286 [] -> allTargetsInBuildOrder' pkg_descr lbi
287 _ -> targets
289 internalPackageDB <-
290 createInternalPackageDB verbosity lbi (flag haddockDistPref)
292 (\f -> foldM_ f (installedPkgs lbi) targets') $ \index target -> do
293 let component = targetComponent target
294 clbi = targetCLBI target
296 componentInitialBuildSteps (flag haddockDistPref) pkg_descr lbi clbi verbosity
299 lbi' =
301 { withPackageDB = withPackageDB lbi ++ [internalPackageDB]
302 , installedPkgs = index
305 preprocessComponent pkg_descr component lbi' clbi False verbosity suffixes
307 doExe com = case (compToExe com) of
308 Just exe -> do
309 withTempDirectoryEx verbosity tmpFileOpts (buildDir lbi') "tmp" $
310 \tmp -> do
311 exeArgs <-
312 fromExecutable
313 verbosity
315 lbi'
316 clbi
317 htmlTemplate
318 version
320 let exeArgs' = commonArgs `mappend` exeArgs
321 runHaddock
322 verbosity
323 tmpFileOpts
324 comp
325 platform
326 haddockProg
327 True
328 exeArgs'
329 Nothing -> do
330 warn
331 (fromFlag $ haddockVerbosity flags)
332 "Unsupported component, skipping..."
333 return ()
334 -- We define 'smsg' once and then reuse it inside the case, so that
335 -- we don't say we are running Haddock when we actually aren't
336 -- (e.g., Haddock is not run on non-libraries)
337 smsg :: IO ()
338 smsg =
339 setupMessage'
340 verbosity
341 "Running Haddock on"
342 (packageId pkg_descr)
343 (componentLocalName clbi)
344 (maybeComponentInstantiatedWith clbi)
345 case component of
346 CLib lib -> do
347 withTempDirectoryEx verbosity tmpFileOpts (buildDir lbi) "tmp" $
348 \tmp -> do
349 smsg
350 libArgs <-
351 fromLibrary
352 verbosity
354 lbi'
355 clbi
356 htmlTemplate
357 version
359 let libArgs' = commonArgs `mappend` libArgs
360 runHaddock verbosity tmpFileOpts comp platform haddockProg True libArgs'
362 pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
365 ipi =
366 inplaceInstalledPackageInfo
368 (flag haddockDistPref)
369 pkg_descr
370 (mkAbiHash "inplace")
372 lbi'
373 clbi
375 debug verbosity $
376 "Registering inplace:\n"
377 ++ (InstalledPackageInfo.showInstalledPackageInfo ipi)
379 registerPackage
380 verbosity
381 (compiler lbi')
382 (withPrograms lbi')
383 (withPackageDB lbi')
385 HcPkg.defaultRegisterOptions
386 { HcPkg.registerMultiInstance = True
389 return $ PackageIndex.insert ipi index
390 CFLib flib ->
391 when
392 (flag haddockForeignLibs)
393 ( do
394 withTempDirectoryEx verbosity tmpFileOpts (buildDir lbi') "tmp" $
395 \tmp -> do
396 smsg
397 flibArgs <-
398 fromForeignLib
399 verbosity
401 lbi'
402 clbi
403 htmlTemplate
404 version
405 flib
406 let libArgs' = commonArgs `mappend` flibArgs
407 runHaddock verbosity tmpFileOpts comp platform haddockProg True libArgs'
409 >> return index
410 CExe _ -> when (flag haddockExecutables) (smsg >> doExe component) >> return index
411 CTest _ -> when (flag haddockTestSuites) (smsg >> doExe component) >> return index
412 CBench _ -> when (flag haddockBenchmarks) (smsg >> doExe component) >> return index
414 for_ (extraDocFiles pkg_descr) $ \fpath -> do
415 files <- matchDirFileGlob verbosity (specVersion pkg_descr) "." fpath
416 for_ files $ copyFileTo verbosity (unDir $ argOutputDir commonArgs)
418 -- | Execute 'Haddock' configured with 'HaddocksFlags'. It is used to build
419 -- index and contents for documentation of multiple packages.
420 createHaddockIndex
421 :: Verbosity
422 -> ProgramDb
423 -> Compiler
424 -> Platform
425 -> HaddockProjectFlags
426 -> IO ()
427 createHaddockIndex verbosity programDb comp platform flags = do
428 let args = fromHaddockProjectFlags flags
429 (haddockProg, _version) <-
430 getHaddockProg verbosity programDb comp args (Flag True)
431 runHaddock verbosity defaultTempFileOptions comp platform haddockProg False args
433 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
434 -- Contributions to HaddockArgs (see also Doctest.hs for very similar code).
436 fromFlags :: PathTemplateEnv -> HaddockFlags -> HaddockArgs
437 fromFlags env flags =
438 mempty
439 { argHideModules =
440 ( maybe mempty (All . not) $
441 flagToMaybe (haddockInternal flags)
442 , mempty
444 , argLinkSource =
445 if fromFlag (haddockLinkedSource flags)
446 then
447 Flag
448 ( "src/%{MODULE/./-}.html"
449 , "src/%{MODULE/./-}.html#%{NAME}"
450 , "src/%{MODULE/./-}.html#line-%{LINE}"
452 else NoFlag
453 , argLinkedSource = haddockLinkedSource flags
454 , argQuickJump = haddockQuickJump flags
455 , argCssFile = haddockCss flags
456 , argContents =
457 fmap
458 (fromPathTemplate . substPathTemplate env)
459 (haddockContents flags)
460 , argGenContents = Flag False
461 , argIndex =
462 fmap
463 (fromPathTemplate . substPathTemplate env)
464 (haddockIndex flags)
465 , argGenIndex = Flag False
466 , argBaseUrl = haddockBaseUrl flags
467 , argLib = haddockLib flags
468 , argVerbose =
469 maybe mempty (Any . (>= deafening))
470 . flagToMaybe
471 $ haddockVerbosity flags
472 , argOutput =
473 Flag $ case [Html | Flag True <- [haddockHtml flags]]
474 ++ [Hoogle | Flag True <- [haddockHoogle flags]] of
475 [] -> [Html]
476 os -> os
477 , argOutputDir = maybe mempty Dir . flagToMaybe $ haddockDistPref flags
478 , argGhcOptions = mempty{ghcOptExtra = ghcArgs}
480 where
481 ghcArgs = fromMaybe [] . lookup "ghc" . haddockProgramArgs $ flags
483 fromHaddockProjectFlags :: HaddockProjectFlags -> HaddockArgs
484 fromHaddockProjectFlags flags =
485 mempty
486 { argOutputDir = Dir (fromFlag $ haddockProjectDir flags)
487 , argQuickJump = Flag True
488 , argGenContents = Flag True
489 , argGenIndex = Flag True
490 , argPrologueFile = haddockProjectPrologue flags
491 , argInterfaces = fromFlagOrDefault [] (haddockProjectInterfaces flags)
492 , argLinkedSource = Flag True
493 , argLib = haddockProjectLib flags
496 fromPackageDescription :: HaddockTarget -> PackageDescription -> HaddockArgs
497 fromPackageDescription haddockTarget pkg_descr =
498 mempty
499 { argInterfaceFile = Flag $ haddockName pkg_descr
500 , argPackageName = Flag $ packageId $ pkg_descr
501 , argOutputDir =
502 Dir $
503 "doc" </> "html" </> haddockDirName haddockTarget pkg_descr
504 , argPrologue =
505 Flag $
506 ShortText.fromShortText $
507 if ShortText.null desc
508 then synopsis pkg_descr
509 else desc
510 , argTitle = Flag $ showPkg ++ subtitle
512 where
513 desc = description pkg_descr
514 showPkg = prettyShow (packageId pkg_descr)
515 subtitle
516 | ShortText.null (synopsis pkg_descr) = ""
517 | otherwise = ": " ++ ShortText.fromShortText (synopsis pkg_descr)
519 componentGhcOptions
520 :: Verbosity
521 -> LocalBuildInfo
522 -> BuildInfo
523 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
524 -> FilePath
525 -> GhcOptions
526 componentGhcOptions verbosity lbi bi clbi odir =
527 let f = case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
528 GHC -> GHC.componentGhcOptions
529 GHCJS -> GHCJS.componentGhcOptions
530 _ ->
531 error $
532 "Distribution.Simple.Haddock.componentGhcOptions:"
533 ++ "haddock only supports GHC and GHCJS"
534 in f verbosity lbi bi clbi odir
536 mkHaddockArgs
537 :: Verbosity
538 -> FilePath
539 -> LocalBuildInfo
540 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
541 -> Maybe PathTemplate
542 -- ^ template for HTML location
543 -> Version
544 -> [FilePath]
545 -> BuildInfo
546 -> IO HaddockArgs
547 mkHaddockArgs verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate haddockVersion inFiles bi = do
548 ifaceArgs <- getInterfaces verbosity lbi clbi htmlTemplate
549 let vanillaOpts =
550 (componentGhcOptions normal lbi bi clbi (buildDir lbi))
551 { -- Noooooooooo!!!!!111
552 -- haddock stomps on our precious .hi
553 -- and .o files. Workaround by telling
554 -- haddock to write them elsewhere.
555 ghcOptObjDir = toFlag tmp
556 , ghcOptHiDir = toFlag tmp
557 , ghcOptStubDir = toFlag tmp
559 `mappend` getGhcCppOpts haddockVersion bi
560 sharedOpts =
561 vanillaOpts
562 { ghcOptDynLinkMode = toFlag GhcDynamicOnly
563 , ghcOptFPic = toFlag True
564 , ghcOptHiSuffix = toFlag "dyn_hi"
565 , ghcOptObjSuffix = toFlag "dyn_o"
566 , ghcOptExtra = hcSharedOptions GHC bi
568 opts <-
569 if withVanillaLib lbi
570 then return vanillaOpts
571 else
572 if withSharedLib lbi
573 then return sharedOpts
574 else dieWithException verbosity MustHaveSharedLibraries
576 return
577 ifaceArgs
578 { argGhcOptions = opts
579 , argTargets = inFiles
580 , argReexports = getReexports clbi
583 fromLibrary
584 :: Verbosity
585 -> FilePath
586 -> LocalBuildInfo
587 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
588 -> Maybe PathTemplate
589 -- ^ template for HTML location
590 -> Version
591 -> Library
592 -> IO HaddockArgs
593 fromLibrary verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate haddockVersion lib = do
594 inFiles <- map snd `fmap` getLibSourceFiles verbosity lbi lib clbi
595 args <-
596 mkHaddockArgs
597 verbosity
600 clbi
601 htmlTemplate
602 haddockVersion
603 inFiles
604 (libBuildInfo lib)
605 return
606 args
607 { argHideModules = (mempty, otherModules (libBuildInfo lib))
610 fromExecutable
611 :: Verbosity
612 -> FilePath
613 -> LocalBuildInfo
614 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
615 -> Maybe PathTemplate
616 -- ^ template for HTML location
617 -> Version
618 -> Executable
619 -> IO HaddockArgs
620 fromExecutable verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate haddockVersion exe = do
621 inFiles <- map snd `fmap` getExeSourceFiles verbosity lbi exe clbi
622 args <-
623 mkHaddockArgs
624 verbosity
627 clbi
628 htmlTemplate
629 haddockVersion
630 inFiles
631 (buildInfo exe)
632 return
633 args
634 { argOutputDir = Dir $ unUnqualComponentName $ exeName exe
635 , argTitle = Flag $ unUnqualComponentName $ exeName exe
638 fromForeignLib
639 :: Verbosity
640 -> FilePath
641 -> LocalBuildInfo
642 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
643 -> Maybe PathTemplate
644 -- ^ template for HTML location
645 -> Version
646 -> ForeignLib
647 -> IO HaddockArgs
648 fromForeignLib verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate haddockVersion flib = do
649 inFiles <- map snd `fmap` getFLibSourceFiles verbosity lbi flib clbi
650 args <-
651 mkHaddockArgs
652 verbosity
655 clbi
656 htmlTemplate
657 haddockVersion
658 inFiles
659 (foreignLibBuildInfo flib)
660 return
661 args
662 { argOutputDir = Dir $ unUnqualComponentName $ foreignLibName flib
663 , argTitle = Flag $ unUnqualComponentName $ foreignLibName flib
666 compToExe :: Component -> Maybe Executable
667 compToExe comp =
668 case comp of
669 CTest test@TestSuite{testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 _ f} ->
670 Just
671 Executable
672 { exeName = testName test
673 , modulePath = f
674 , exeScope = ExecutablePublic
675 , buildInfo = testBuildInfo test
677 CBench bench@Benchmark{benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 _ f} ->
678 Just
679 Executable
680 { exeName = benchmarkName bench
681 , modulePath = f
682 , exeScope = ExecutablePublic
683 , buildInfo = benchmarkBuildInfo bench
685 CExe exe -> Just exe
686 _ -> Nothing
688 getInterfaces
689 :: Verbosity
690 -> LocalBuildInfo
691 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
692 -> Maybe PathTemplate
693 -- ^ template for HTML location
694 -> IO HaddockArgs
695 getInterfaces verbosity lbi clbi htmlTemplate = do
696 (packageFlags, warnings) <- haddockPackageFlags verbosity lbi clbi htmlTemplate
697 traverse_ (warn (verboseUnmarkOutput verbosity)) warnings
698 return $
699 mempty
700 { argInterfaces = packageFlags
703 getReexports :: ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> [OpenModule]
704 getReexports LibComponentLocalBuildInfo{componentExposedModules = mods} =
705 mapMaybe exposedReexport mods
706 getReexports _ = []
708 getGhcCppOpts
709 :: Version
710 -> BuildInfo
711 -> GhcOptions
712 getGhcCppOpts haddockVersion bi =
713 mempty
714 { ghcOptExtensions = toNubListR [EnableExtension CPP | needsCpp]
715 , ghcOptCppOptions = defines
717 where
718 needsCpp = EnableExtension CPP `elem` usedExtensions bi
719 defines = [haddockVersionMacro]
720 haddockVersionMacro =
722 ++ show (v1 * 1000 + v2 * 10 + v3)
723 where
724 (v1, v2, v3) = case versionNumbers haddockVersion of
725 [] -> (0, 0, 0)
726 [x] -> (x, 0, 0)
727 [x, y] -> (x, y, 0)
728 (x : y : z : _) -> (x, y, z)
730 getGhcLibDir
731 :: Verbosity
732 -> LocalBuildInfo
733 -> IO HaddockArgs
734 getGhcLibDir verbosity lbi = do
735 l <- case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
736 GHC -> GHC.getLibDir verbosity lbi
737 GHCJS -> GHCJS.getLibDir verbosity lbi
738 _ -> error "haddock only supports GHC and GHCJS"
739 return $ mempty{argGhcLibDir = Flag l}
741 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
743 -- | Call haddock with the specified arguments.
744 runHaddock
745 :: Verbosity
746 -> TempFileOptions
747 -> Compiler
748 -> Platform
749 -> ConfiguredProgram
750 -> Bool
751 -- ^ require targets
752 -> HaddockArgs
753 -> IO ()
754 runHaddock verbosity tmpFileOpts comp platform haddockProg requireTargets args
755 | requireTargets && null (argTargets args) =
756 warn verbosity $
757 "Haddocks are being requested, but there aren't any modules given "
758 ++ "to create documentation for."
759 | otherwise = do
760 let haddockVersion =
761 fromMaybe
762 (error "unable to determine haddock version")
763 (programVersion haddockProg)
764 renderArgs verbosity tmpFileOpts haddockVersion comp platform args $
765 \(flags, result) -> do
766 runProgram verbosity haddockProg flags
768 notice verbosity $ "Documentation created: " ++ result
770 renderArgs
771 :: Verbosity
772 -> TempFileOptions
773 -> Version
774 -> Compiler
775 -> Platform
776 -> HaddockArgs
777 -> (([String], FilePath) -> IO a)
778 -> IO a
779 renderArgs verbosity tmpFileOpts version comp platform args k = do
780 let haddockSupportsUTF8 = version >= mkVersion [2, 14, 4]
781 haddockSupportsResponseFiles = version > mkVersion [2, 16, 2]
782 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True outputDir
783 case argPrologue args of
784 Flag prologueText ->
785 withTempFileEx tmpFileOpts outputDir "haddock-prologue.txt" $
786 \prologueFileName h -> do
788 when haddockSupportsUTF8 (hSetEncoding h utf8)
789 hPutStrLn h prologueText
790 hClose h
791 let pflag = "--prologue=" ++ prologueFileName
792 renderedArgs = pflag : renderPureArgs version comp platform args
793 if haddockSupportsResponseFiles
794 then
795 withResponseFile
796 verbosity
797 tmpFileOpts
798 outputDir
799 "haddock-response.txt"
800 (if haddockSupportsUTF8 then Just utf8 else Nothing)
801 renderedArgs
802 (\responseFileName -> k (["@" ++ responseFileName], result))
803 else k (renderedArgs, result)
804 _ -> do
805 let renderedArgs =
806 ( case argPrologueFile args of
807 Flag pfile -> ["--prologue=" ++ pfile]
808 _ -> []
810 <> renderPureArgs version comp platform args
811 if haddockSupportsResponseFiles
812 then
813 withResponseFile
814 verbosity
815 tmpFileOpts
816 outputDir
817 "haddock-response.txt"
818 (if haddockSupportsUTF8 then Just utf8 else Nothing)
819 renderedArgs
820 (\responseFileName -> k (["@" ++ responseFileName], result))
821 else k (renderedArgs, result)
822 where
823 outputDir = (unDir $ argOutputDir args)
824 isNotArgContents = isNothing (flagToMaybe $ argContents args)
825 isNotArgIndex = isNothing (flagToMaybe $ argIndex args)
826 isArgGenIndex = fromFlagOrDefault False (argGenIndex args)
827 -- Haddock, when generating HTML, does not generate an index if the options
828 -- --use-contents or --use-index are passed to it. See
829 --
830 isIndexGenerated = isArgGenIndex && isNotArgContents && isNotArgIndex
831 result =
832 intercalate ", "
833 . map
834 ( \o ->
835 outputDir
836 </> case o of
837 Html
838 | isIndexGenerated ->
839 "index.html"
840 Html
841 | otherwise ->
842 mempty
843 Hoogle -> pkgstr <.> "txt"
845 . fromFlagOrDefault [Html]
846 . argOutput
847 $ args
848 where
849 pkgstr = prettyShow $ packageName pkgid
850 pkgid = arg argPackageName
851 arg f = fromFlag $ f args
853 renderPureArgs :: Version -> Compiler -> Platform -> HaddockArgs -> [String]
854 renderPureArgs version comp platform args =
855 concat
856 [ map (\f -> "--dump-interface=" ++ unDir (argOutputDir args) </> f)
857 . flagToList
858 . argInterfaceFile
859 $ args
860 , if haddockSupportsPackageName
861 then
862 maybe
864 ( \pkg ->
865 [ "--package-name=" ++ prettyShow (pkgName pkg)
866 , "--package-version=" ++ prettyShow (pkgVersion pkg)
869 . flagToMaybe
870 . argPackageName
871 $ args
872 else []
873 , ["--since-qual=external" | isVersion 2 20]
874 , [ "--quickjump" | isVersion 2 19, True <- flagToList . argQuickJump $ args
876 , ["--hyperlinked-source" | isHyperlinkedSource]
877 , (\(All b, xs) -> bool (map (("--hide=" ++) . prettyShow) xs) [] b)
878 . argHideModules
879 $ args
880 , bool ["--ignore-all-exports"] [] . getAny . argIgnoreExports $ args
881 , -- Haddock's --source-* options are ignored once --hyperlinked-source is
882 -- set.
883 -- See
884 -- To avoid Haddock's warning, we only set --source-* options if
885 -- --hyperlinked-source is not set.
886 if isHyperlinkedSource
887 then []
888 else
889 maybe
891 ( \(m, e, l) ->
892 [ "--source-module=" ++ m
893 , "--source-entity=" ++ e
895 ++ if isVersion 2 14
896 then ["--source-entity-line=" ++ l]
897 else []
899 . flagToMaybe
900 . argLinkSource
901 $ args
902 , maybe [] ((: []) . ("--css=" ++)) . flagToMaybe . argCssFile $ args
903 , maybe [] ((: []) . ("--use-contents=" ++)) . flagToMaybe . argContents $ args
904 , bool ["--gen-contents"] [] . fromFlagOrDefault False . argGenContents $ args
905 , maybe [] ((: []) . ("--use-index=" ++)) . flagToMaybe . argIndex $ args
906 , bool ["--gen-index"] [] . fromFlagOrDefault False . argGenIndex $ args
907 , maybe [] ((: []) . ("--base-url=" ++)) . flagToMaybe . argBaseUrl $ args
908 , bool [] [verbosityFlag] . getAny . argVerbose $ args
909 , map (\o -> case o of Hoogle -> "--hoogle"; Html -> "--html")
910 . fromFlagOrDefault []
911 . argOutput
912 $ args
913 , renderInterfaces . argInterfaces $ args
914 , (: []) . ("--odir=" ++) . unDir . argOutputDir $ args
915 , maybe
917 ( (: [])
918 . ("--title=" ++)
919 . ( bool
920 (++ " (internal documentation)")
922 (getAny $ argIgnoreExports args)
925 . flagToMaybe
926 . argTitle
927 $ args
928 , [ "--optghc=" ++ opt | let opts = argGhcOptions args, opt <- renderGhcOptions comp platform opts
930 , maybe [] (\l -> ["-B" ++ l]) $
931 flagToMaybe (argGhcLibDir args) -- error if Nothing?
932 , --
933 [ "--reexport=" ++ prettyShow r
934 | r <- argReexports args
935 , isVersion 2 19
937 , argTargets $ args
938 , maybe [] ((: []) . ("--lib=" ++)) . flagToMaybe . argLib $ args
940 where
941 renderInterfaces = map renderInterface
943 renderInterface :: (FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Visibility) -> String
944 renderInterface (i, html, hypsrc, visibility) =
945 "--read-interface="
946 ++ intercalate
948 ( concat
949 [ [fromMaybe "" html]
950 , -- only render hypsrc path if html path
951 -- is given and hyperlinked-source is
952 -- enabled
954 [ case (html, hypsrc) of
955 (Nothing, _) -> ""
956 (_, Nothing) -> ""
957 (_, Just x)
958 | isVersion 2 17
959 , fromFlagOrDefault False . argLinkedSource $ args ->
961 | otherwise ->
964 , if haddockSupportsVisibility
965 then
966 [ case visibility of
967 Visible -> "visible"
968 Hidden -> "hidden"
970 else []
971 , [i]
975 bool a b c = if c then a else b
976 isVersion major minor = version >= mkVersion [major, minor]
977 verbosityFlag
978 | isVersion 2 5 = "--verbosity=1"
979 | otherwise = "--verbose"
980 haddockSupportsVisibility = version >= mkVersion [2, 26, 1]
981 haddockSupportsPackageName = version > mkVersion [2, 16]
982 haddockSupportsHyperlinkedSource = isVersion 2 17
983 isHyperlinkedSource =
984 haddockSupportsHyperlinkedSource
985 && fromFlagOrDefault False (argLinkedSource args)
987 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
989 -- | Given a list of 'InstalledPackageInfo's, return a list of interfaces and
990 -- HTML paths, and an optional warning for packages with missing documentation.
991 haddockPackagePaths
992 :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
993 -> Maybe (InstalledPackageInfo -> FilePath)
994 -> IO
995 ( [ ( FilePath -- path to interface
996 -- file
997 , Maybe FilePath -- url to html
998 -- documentation
999 , Maybe FilePath -- url to hyperlinked
1000 -- source
1001 , Visibility
1004 , Maybe String -- warning about
1005 -- missing documentation
1007 haddockPackagePaths ipkgs mkHtmlPath = do
1008 interfaces <-
1009 sequenceA
1010 [ case interfaceAndHtmlPath ipkg of
1011 Nothing -> return (Left (packageId ipkg))
1012 Just (interface, html) -> do
1013 (html', hypsrc') <-
1014 case html of
1015 Just htmlPath -> do
1016 let hypSrcPath = htmlPath </> defaultHyperlinkedSourceDirectory
1017 hypSrcExists <- doesDirectoryExist hypSrcPath
1018 return $
1019 ( Just (fixFileUrl htmlPath)
1020 , if hypSrcExists
1021 then Just (fixFileUrl hypSrcPath)
1022 else Nothing
1024 Nothing -> return (Nothing, Nothing)
1026 exists <- doesFileExist interface
1027 if exists
1028 then return (Right (interface, html', hypsrc', Visible))
1029 else return (Left pkgid)
1030 | ipkg <- ipkgs
1031 , let pkgid = packageId ipkg
1032 , pkgName pkgid `notElem` noHaddockWhitelist
1035 let missing = [pkgid | Left pkgid <- interfaces]
1036 warning =
1037 "The documentation for the following packages are not "
1038 ++ "installed. No links will be generated to these packages: "
1039 ++ intercalate ", " (map prettyShow missing)
1040 flags = rights interfaces
1042 return (flags, if null missing then Nothing else Just warning)
1043 where
1044 -- Don't warn about missing documentation for these packages. See #1231.
1045 noHaddockWhitelist = map mkPackageName ["rts"]
1047 -- Actually extract interface and HTML paths from an 'InstalledPackageInfo'.
1048 interfaceAndHtmlPath
1049 :: InstalledPackageInfo
1050 -> Maybe (FilePath, Maybe FilePath)
1051 interfaceAndHtmlPath pkg = do
1052 interface <- listToMaybe (InstalledPackageInfo.haddockInterfaces pkg)
1053 html <- case mkHtmlPath of
1054 Nothing -> listToMaybe (InstalledPackageInfo.haddockHTMLs pkg)
1055 Just mkPath -> Just (mkPath pkg)
1056 return (interface, if null html then Nothing else Just html)
1058 -- The 'haddock-html' field in the hc-pkg output is often set as a
1059 -- native path, but we need it as a URL. See #1064. Also don't "fix"
1060 -- the path if it is an interpolated one.
1061 fixFileUrl f
1062 | Nothing <- mkHtmlPath
1063 , isAbsolute f =
1064 "file://" ++ f
1065 | otherwise = f
1067 -- 'src' is the default hyperlinked source directory ever since. It is
1068 -- not possible to configure that directory in any way in haddock.
1069 defaultHyperlinkedSourceDirectory = "src"
1071 haddockPackageFlags
1072 :: Verbosity
1073 -> LocalBuildInfo
1074 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
1075 -> Maybe PathTemplate
1076 -> IO
1077 ( [ ( FilePath -- path to interface
1078 -- file
1079 , Maybe FilePath -- url to html
1080 -- documentation
1081 , Maybe FilePath -- url to hyperlinked
1082 -- source
1083 , Visibility
1086 , Maybe String -- warning about
1087 -- missing documentation
1089 haddockPackageFlags verbosity lbi clbi htmlTemplate = do
1090 let allPkgs = installedPkgs lbi
1091 directDeps = map fst (componentPackageDeps clbi)
1092 transitiveDeps <- case PackageIndex.dependencyClosure allPkgs directDeps of
1093 Left x -> return x
1094 Right inf ->
1095 dieWithException verbosity $ HaddockPackageFlags inf
1097 haddockPackagePaths (PackageIndex.allPackages transitiveDeps) mkHtmlPath
1098 where
1099 mkHtmlPath = fmap expandTemplateVars htmlTemplate
1100 expandTemplateVars tmpl pkg =
1101 fromPathTemplate . substPathTemplate (env pkg) $ tmpl
1102 env pkg = haddockTemplateEnv lbi (packageId pkg)
1104 haddockTemplateEnv :: LocalBuildInfo -> PackageIdentifier -> PathTemplateEnv
1105 haddockTemplateEnv lbi pkg_id =
1106 (PrefixVar, prefix (installDirTemplates lbi))
1107 -- We want the legacy unit ID here, because it gives us nice paths
1108 -- (Haddock people don't care about the dependencies)
1109 : initialPathTemplateEnv
1110 pkg_id
1111 (mkLegacyUnitId pkg_id)
1112 (compilerInfo (compiler lbi))
1113 (hostPlatform lbi)
1115 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1116 -- hscolour support.
1118 hscolour
1119 :: PackageDescription
1120 -> LocalBuildInfo
1121 -> [PPSuffixHandler]
1122 -> HscolourFlags
1123 -> IO ()
1124 hscolour = hscolour' dieNoVerbosity ForDevelopment
1126 hscolour'
1127 :: (String -> IO ())
1128 -- ^ Called when the 'hscolour' exe is not found.
1129 -> HaddockTarget
1130 -> PackageDescription
1131 -> LocalBuildInfo
1132 -> [PPSuffixHandler]
1133 -> HscolourFlags
1134 -> IO ()
1135 hscolour' onNoHsColour haddockTarget pkg_descr lbi suffixes flags =
1136 either (\excep -> onNoHsColour $ exceptionMessage excep) (\(hscolourProg, _, _) -> go hscolourProg)
1137 =<< lookupProgramVersion
1138 verbosity
1139 hscolourProgram
1140 (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 8]))
1141 (withPrograms lbi)
1142 where
1143 go :: ConfiguredProgram -> IO ()
1144 go hscolourProg = do
1145 warn verbosity $
1146 "the 'cabal hscolour' command is deprecated in favour of 'cabal "
1147 ++ "haddock --hyperlink-source' and will be removed in the next major "
1148 ++ "release."
1150 setupMessage verbosity "Running hscolour for" (packageId pkg_descr)
1151 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True $
1152 hscolourPref haddockTarget distPref pkg_descr
1154 withAllComponentsInBuildOrder pkg_descr lbi $ \comp clbi -> do
1155 componentInitialBuildSteps distPref pkg_descr lbi clbi verbosity
1156 preprocessComponent pkg_descr comp lbi clbi False verbosity suffixes
1158 doExe com = case (compToExe com) of
1159 Just exe -> do
1160 let outputDir =
1161 hscolourPref haddockTarget distPref pkg_descr
1162 </> unUnqualComponentName (exeName exe)
1163 </> "src"
1164 runHsColour hscolourProg outputDir =<< getExeSourceFiles verbosity lbi exe clbi
1165 Nothing -> do
1166 warn
1167 (fromFlag $ hscolourVerbosity flags)
1168 "Unsupported component, skipping..."
1169 return ()
1170 case comp of
1171 CLib lib -> do
1172 let outputDir = hscolourPref haddockTarget distPref pkg_descr </> "src"
1173 runHsColour hscolourProg outputDir =<< getLibSourceFiles verbosity lbi lib clbi
1174 CFLib flib -> do
1175 let outputDir =
1176 hscolourPref haddockTarget distPref pkg_descr
1177 </> unUnqualComponentName (foreignLibName flib)
1178 </> "src"
1179 runHsColour hscolourProg outputDir =<< getFLibSourceFiles verbosity lbi flib clbi
1180 CExe _ -> when (fromFlag (hscolourExecutables flags)) $ doExe comp
1181 CTest _ -> when (fromFlag (hscolourTestSuites flags)) $ doExe comp
1182 CBench _ -> when (fromFlag (hscolourBenchmarks flags)) $ doExe comp
1184 stylesheet = flagToMaybe (hscolourCSS flags)
1186 verbosity = fromFlag (hscolourVerbosity flags)
1187 distPref = fromFlag (hscolourDistPref flags)
1189 runHsColour prog outputDir moduleFiles = do
1190 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True outputDir
1192 case stylesheet of -- copy the CSS file
1193 Nothing
1194 | programVersion prog >= Just (mkVersion [1, 9]) ->
1195 runProgram
1196 verbosity
1197 prog
1198 ["-print-css", "-o" ++ outputDir </> "hscolour.css"]
1199 | otherwise -> return ()
1200 Just s -> copyFileVerbose verbosity s (outputDir </> "hscolour.css")
1202 for_ moduleFiles $ \(m, inFile) ->
1203 runProgram
1204 verbosity
1205 prog
1206 ["-css", "-anchor", "-o" ++ outFile m, inFile]
1207 where
1208 outFile m =
1209 outputDir
1210 </> intercalate "-" (ModuleName.components m) <.> "html"
1212 haddockToHscolour :: HaddockFlags -> HscolourFlags
1213 haddockToHscolour flags =
1214 HscolourFlags
1215 { hscolourCSS = haddockHscolourCss flags
1216 , hscolourExecutables = haddockExecutables flags
1217 , hscolourTestSuites = haddockTestSuites flags
1218 , hscolourBenchmarks = haddockBenchmarks flags
1219 , hscolourForeignLibs = haddockForeignLibs flags
1220 , hscolourVerbosity = haddockVerbosity flags
1221 , hscolourDistPref = haddockDistPref flags
1222 , hscolourCabalFilePath = haddockCabalFilePath flags
1225 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1226 -- Boilerplate Monoid instance.
1227 instance Monoid HaddockArgs where
1228 mempty = gmempty
1229 mappend = (<>)
1231 instance Semigroup HaddockArgs where
1232 (<>) = gmappend
1234 instance Monoid Directory where
1235 mempty = Dir "."
1236 mappend = (<>)
1238 instance Semigroup Directory where
1239 Dir m <> Dir n = Dir $ m </> n