Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / PackageIndex.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- |
9 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
10 -- Copyright : (c) David Himmelstrup 2005,
11 -- Bjorn Bringert 2007,
12 -- Duncan Coutts 2008-2009
14 -- Maintainer :
15 -- Portability : portable
17 -- An index of packages whose primary key is 'UnitId'. Public libraries
18 -- are additionally indexed by 'PackageName' and 'Version'.
19 -- Technically, these are an index of *units* (so we should eventually
20 -- rename it to 'UnitIndex'); but in the absence of internal libraries
21 -- or Backpack each unit is equivalent to a package.
23 -- While 'PackageIndex' is parametric over what it actually records,
24 -- it is in fact only ever instantiated with a single element:
25 -- The 'InstalledPackageIndex' (defined here) contains a graph of
26 -- 'InstalledPackageInfo's representing the packages in a
27 -- package database stack. It is used in a variety of ways:
29 -- * The primary use to let Cabal access the same installed
30 -- package database which is used by GHC during compilation.
31 -- For example, this data structure is used by 'ghc-pkg'
32 -- and 'Cabal' to do consistency checks on the database
33 -- (are the references closed).
35 -- * Given a set of dependencies, we can compute the transitive
36 -- closure of dependencies. This is to check if the versions
37 -- of packages are consistent, and also needed by multiple
38 -- tools (Haddock must be explicitly told about the every
39 -- transitive package to do cross-package linking;
40 -- preprocessors must know about the include paths of all
41 -- transitive dependencies.)
43 -- This 'PackageIndex' is NOT to be confused with
44 -- 'Distribution.Client.PackageIndex', which indexes packages only by
45 -- 'PackageName' (this makes it suitable for indexing source packages,
46 -- for which we don't know 'UnitId's.)
47 module Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
48 ( -- * Package index data type
49 InstalledPackageIndex
50 , PackageIndex
52 -- * Creating an index
53 , fromList
55 -- * Updates
56 , merge
57 , insert
58 , deleteUnitId
59 , deleteSourcePackageId
60 , deletePackageName
61 -- deleteDependency,
63 -- * Queries
65 -- ** Precise lookups
66 , lookupUnitId
67 , lookupComponentId
68 , lookupSourcePackageId
69 , lookupPackageId
70 , lookupPackageName
71 , lookupDependency
72 , lookupInternalDependency
74 -- ** Case-insensitive searches
75 , searchByName
76 , SearchResult (..)
77 , searchByNameSubstring
78 , searchWithPredicate
80 -- ** Bulk queries
81 , allPackages
82 , allPackagesByName
83 , allPackagesBySourcePackageId
84 , allPackagesBySourcePackageIdAndLibName
86 -- ** Special queries
87 , brokenPackages
88 , dependencyClosure
89 , reverseDependencyClosure
90 , topologicalOrder
91 , reverseTopologicalOrder
92 , dependencyInconsistencies
93 , dependencyCycles
94 , dependencyGraph
95 , moduleNameIndex
96 ) where
98 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
99 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding (lookup)
100 import Prelude ()
102 import Distribution.Backpack
103 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as IPI
104 import Distribution.ModuleName
105 import Distribution.Package
106 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
107 import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
108 import Distribution.Version
110 import Control.Exception (assert)
111 import Control.Monad
112 import Data.Array ((!))
113 import qualified Data.Array as Array
114 import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
115 import Data.List as List (deleteBy, deleteFirstsBy, groupBy)
116 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
117 import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
118 import Distribution.Compat.Stack
120 import qualified Prelude (foldr1)
122 -- | The collection of information about packages from one or more 'PackageDB's.
123 -- These packages generally should have an instance of 'PackageInstalled'
125 -- Packages are uniquely identified in by their 'UnitId', they can
126 -- also be efficiently looked up by package name or by name and version.
127 data PackageIndex a = PackageIndex
128 { -- The primary index. Each InstalledPackageInfo record is uniquely identified
129 -- by its UnitId.
131 unitIdIndex :: !(Map UnitId a)
132 , -- This auxiliary index maps package names (case-sensitively) to all the
133 -- versions and instances of that package. This allows us to find all
134 -- versions satisfying a dependency.
136 -- It is a three-level index. The first level is the package name,
137 -- the second is the package version and the final level is instances
138 -- of the same package version. These are unique by UnitId
139 -- and are kept in preference order.
141 -- FIXME: Clarify what "preference order" means. Check that this invariant is
142 -- preserved. See #1463 for discussion.
143 packageIdIndex :: !(Map (PackageName, LibraryName) (Map Version [a]))
145 deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Read, Typeable)
147 instance Binary a => Binary (PackageIndex a)
148 instance Structured a => Structured (PackageIndex a)
150 -- | The default package index which contains 'InstalledPackageInfo'. Normally
151 -- use this.
152 type InstalledPackageIndex = PackageIndex IPI.InstalledPackageInfo
154 instance Monoid (PackageIndex IPI.InstalledPackageInfo) where
155 mempty = PackageIndex Map.empty Map.empty
156 mappend = (<>)
158 -- save one mappend with empty in the common case:
159 mconcat [] = mempty
160 mconcat xs = Prelude.foldr1 mappend xs
162 instance Semigroup (PackageIndex IPI.InstalledPackageInfo) where
163 (<>) = merge
165 {-# NOINLINE invariant #-}
166 invariant :: WithCallStack (InstalledPackageIndex -> Bool)
167 invariant (PackageIndex pids pnames) =
168 -- trace (show pids' ++ "\n" ++ show pnames') $
169 pids' == pnames'
170 where
171 pids' = map installedUnitId (Map.elems pids)
172 pnames' =
173 sort
174 [ assert pinstOk (installedUnitId pinst)
175 | ((pname, plib), pvers) <- Map.toList pnames
176 , let pversOk = not (Map.null pvers)
177 , (pver, pinsts) <- assert pversOk $ Map.toList pvers
178 , let pinsts' = sortBy (comparing installedUnitId) pinsts
179 pinstsOk =
181 (\g -> length g == 1)
182 (groupBy (equating installedUnitId) pinsts')
183 , pinst <- assert pinstsOk $ pinsts'
184 , let pinstOk =
185 packageName pinst == pname
186 && packageVersion pinst == pver
187 && IPI.sourceLibName pinst == plib
190 -- If you see this invariant failing (ie the assert in mkPackageIndex below)
191 -- then one thing to check is if it is happening in fromList. Check if the
192 -- second list above (the sort [...] bit) is ending up with duplicates. This
193 -- has been observed in practice once due to a messed up ghc-pkg db. How/why
194 -- it became messed up was not discovered.
198 -- * Internal helpers
202 mkPackageIndex
203 :: WithCallStack
204 ( Map UnitId IPI.InstalledPackageInfo
205 -> Map
206 (PackageName, LibraryName)
207 (Map Version [IPI.InstalledPackageInfo])
208 -> InstalledPackageIndex
210 mkPackageIndex pids pnames = assert (invariant index) index
211 where
212 index = PackageIndex pids pnames
216 -- * Construction
220 -- | Build an index out of a bunch of packages.
222 -- If there are duplicates by 'UnitId' then later ones mask earlier
223 -- ones.
224 fromList :: [IPI.InstalledPackageInfo] -> InstalledPackageIndex
225 fromList pkgs = mkPackageIndex pids ((fmap . fmap) toList pnames)
226 where
227 pids = Map.fromList [(installedUnitId pkg, pkg) | pkg <- pkgs]
228 pnames =
229 Map.fromList
230 [ (liftM2 (,) packageName IPI.sourceLibName (NE.head pkgsN), pvers)
231 | pkgsN <-
232 NE.groupBy (equating (liftM2 (,) packageName IPI.sourceLibName))
233 . sortBy (comparing (liftM3 (,,) packageName IPI.sourceLibName packageVersion))
234 $ pkgs
235 , let pvers =
236 Map.fromList
237 [ ( packageVersion (NE.head pkgsNV)
238 , NE.nubBy (equating installedUnitId) (NE.reverse pkgsNV)
240 | pkgsNV <- NE.groupBy (equating packageVersion) pkgsN
246 -- * Updates
250 -- | Merge two indexes.
252 -- Packages from the second mask packages from the first if they have the exact
253 -- same 'UnitId'.
255 -- For packages with the same source 'PackageId', packages from the second are
256 -- \"preferred\" over those from the first. Being preferred means they are top
257 -- result when we do a lookup by source 'PackageId'. This is the mechanism we
258 -- use to prefer user packages over global packages.
259 merge
260 :: InstalledPackageIndex
261 -> InstalledPackageIndex
262 -> InstalledPackageIndex
263 merge (PackageIndex pids1 pnames1) (PackageIndex pids2 pnames2) =
264 mkPackageIndex
265 (Map.unionWith (\_ y -> y) pids1 pids2)
266 (Map.unionWith (Map.unionWith mergeBuckets) pnames1 pnames2)
267 where
268 -- Packages in the second list mask those in the first, however preferred
269 -- packages go first in the list.
270 mergeBuckets xs ys = ys ++ (xs \\ ys)
271 (\\) = deleteFirstsBy (equating installedUnitId)
273 -- | Inserts a single package into the index.
275 -- This is equivalent to (but slightly quicker than) using 'mappend' or
276 -- 'merge' with a singleton index.
277 insert :: IPI.InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageIndex -> InstalledPackageIndex
278 insert pkg (PackageIndex pids pnames) =
279 mkPackageIndex pids' pnames'
280 where
281 pids' = Map.insert (installedUnitId pkg) pkg pids
282 pnames' = insertPackageName pnames
283 insertPackageName =
284 Map.insertWith
285 (\_ -> insertPackageVersion)
286 (packageName pkg, IPI.sourceLibName pkg)
287 (Map.singleton (packageVersion pkg) [pkg])
289 insertPackageVersion =
290 Map.insertWith
291 (\_ -> insertPackageInstance)
292 (packageVersion pkg)
293 [pkg]
295 insertPackageInstance pkgs =
296 pkg : deleteBy (equating installedUnitId) pkg pkgs
298 -- | Removes a single installed package from the index.
299 deleteUnitId
300 :: UnitId
301 -> InstalledPackageIndex
302 -> InstalledPackageIndex
303 deleteUnitId ipkgid original@(PackageIndex pids pnames) =
304 case Map.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) ipkgid pids of
305 (Nothing, _) -> original
306 (Just spkgid, pids') ->
307 mkPackageIndex
308 pids'
309 (deletePkgName spkgid pnames)
310 where
311 deletePkgName spkgid =
312 Map.update (deletePkgVersion spkgid) (packageName spkgid, IPI.sourceLibName spkgid)
314 deletePkgVersion spkgid =
315 (\m -> if Map.null m then Nothing else Just m)
316 . Map.update deletePkgInstance (packageVersion spkgid)
318 deletePkgInstance =
319 (\xs -> if null xs then Nothing else Just xs)
320 . List.deleteBy (\_ pkg -> installedUnitId pkg == ipkgid) undefined
322 -- | Removes all packages with this source 'PackageId' from the index.
323 deleteSourcePackageId
324 :: PackageId
325 -> InstalledPackageIndex
326 -> InstalledPackageIndex
327 deleteSourcePackageId pkgid original@(PackageIndex pids pnames) =
328 -- NB: Doesn't delete internal packages
329 case Map.lookup (packageName pkgid, LMainLibName) pnames of
330 Nothing -> original
331 Just pvers -> case Map.lookup (packageVersion pkgid) pvers of
332 Nothing -> original
333 Just pkgs ->
334 mkPackageIndex
335 (foldl' (flip (Map.delete . installedUnitId)) pids pkgs)
336 (deletePkgName pnames)
337 where
338 deletePkgName =
339 Map.update deletePkgVersion (packageName pkgid, LMainLibName)
341 deletePkgVersion =
342 (\m -> if Map.null m then Nothing else Just m)
343 . Map.delete (packageVersion pkgid)
345 -- | Removes all packages with this (case-sensitive) name from the index.
347 -- NB: Does NOT delete internal libraries from this package.
348 deletePackageName
349 :: PackageName
350 -> InstalledPackageIndex
351 -> InstalledPackageIndex
352 deletePackageName name original@(PackageIndex pids pnames) =
353 case Map.lookup (name, LMainLibName) pnames of
354 Nothing -> original
355 Just pvers ->
356 mkPackageIndex
357 ( foldl'
358 (flip (Map.delete . installedUnitId))
359 pids
360 (concat (Map.elems pvers))
362 (Map.delete (name, LMainLibName) pnames)
365 -- | Removes all packages satisfying this dependency from the index.
367 deleteDependency :: Dependency -> PackageIndex -> PackageIndex
368 deleteDependency (Dependency name verstionRange) =
369 delete' name (\pkg -> packageVersion pkg `withinRange` verstionRange)
374 -- * Bulk queries
378 -- | Get all the packages from the index.
379 allPackages :: PackageIndex a -> [a]
380 allPackages = Map.elems . unitIdIndex
382 -- | Get all the packages from the index.
384 -- They are grouped by package name (case-sensitively).
386 -- (Doesn't include private libraries.)
387 allPackagesByName :: PackageIndex a -> [(PackageName, [a])]
388 allPackagesByName index =
389 [ (pkgname, concat (Map.elems pvers))
390 | ((pkgname, LMainLibName), pvers) <- Map.toList (packageIdIndex index)
393 -- | Get all the packages from the index.
395 -- They are grouped by source package id (package name and version).
397 -- (Doesn't include private libraries)
398 allPackagesBySourcePackageId
399 :: HasUnitId a
400 => PackageIndex a
401 -> [(PackageId, [a])]
402 allPackagesBySourcePackageId index =
403 [ (packageId ipkg, ipkgs)
404 | ((_, LMainLibName), pvers) <- Map.toList (packageIdIndex index)
405 , ipkgs@(ipkg : _) <- Map.elems pvers
408 -- | Get all the packages from the index.
410 -- They are grouped by source package id and library name.
412 -- This DOES include internal libraries.
413 allPackagesBySourcePackageIdAndLibName
414 :: HasUnitId a
415 => PackageIndex a
416 -> [((PackageId, LibraryName), [a])]
417 allPackagesBySourcePackageIdAndLibName index =
418 [ ((packageId ipkg, ln), ipkgs)
419 | ((_, ln), pvers) <- Map.toList (packageIdIndex index)
420 , ipkgs@(ipkg : _) <- Map.elems pvers
425 -- * Lookups
429 -- | Does a lookup by unit identifier.
431 -- Since multiple package DBs mask each other by 'UnitId',
432 -- then we get back at most one package.
433 lookupUnitId
434 :: PackageIndex a
435 -> UnitId
436 -> Maybe a
437 lookupUnitId index uid = Map.lookup uid (unitIdIndex index)
439 -- | Does a lookup by component identifier. In the absence
440 -- of Backpack, this is just a 'lookupUnitId'.
441 lookupComponentId
442 :: PackageIndex a
443 -> ComponentId
444 -> Maybe a
445 lookupComponentId index cid =
446 Map.lookup (newSimpleUnitId cid) (unitIdIndex index)
448 -- | Does a lookup by source package id (name & version).
450 -- There can be multiple installed packages with the same source 'PackageId'
451 -- but different 'UnitId'. They are returned in order of
452 -- preference, with the most preferred first.
453 lookupSourcePackageId :: PackageIndex a -> PackageId -> [a]
454 lookupSourcePackageId index pkgid =
455 -- Do not lookup internal libraries
456 case Map.lookup (packageName pkgid, LMainLibName) (packageIdIndex index) of
457 Nothing -> []
458 Just pvers -> case Map.lookup (packageVersion pkgid) pvers of
459 Nothing -> []
460 Just pkgs -> pkgs -- in preference order
462 -- | Convenient alias of 'lookupSourcePackageId', but assuming only
463 -- one package per package ID.
464 lookupPackageId :: PackageIndex a -> PackageId -> Maybe a
465 lookupPackageId index pkgid = case lookupSourcePackageId index pkgid of
466 [] -> Nothing
467 [pkg] -> Just pkg
468 _ -> error "Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex: multiple matches found"
470 -- | Does a lookup by source package name.
471 lookupPackageName
472 :: PackageIndex a
473 -> PackageName
474 -> [(Version, [a])]
475 lookupPackageName index name =
476 -- Do not match internal libraries
477 case Map.lookup (name, LMainLibName) (packageIdIndex index) of
478 Nothing -> []
479 Just pvers -> Map.toList pvers
481 -- | Does a lookup by source package name and a range of versions.
483 -- We get back any number of versions of the specified package name, all
484 -- satisfying the version range constraint.
486 -- This does NOT work for internal dependencies, DO NOT use this
487 -- function on those; use 'lookupInternalDependency' instead.
489 -- INVARIANT: List of eligible 'IPI.InstalledPackageInfo' is non-empty.
490 lookupDependency
491 :: InstalledPackageIndex
492 -> PackageName
493 -> VersionRange
494 -> [(Version, [IPI.InstalledPackageInfo])]
495 lookupDependency index pn vr =
496 -- Yes, a little bit of a misnomer here!
497 lookupInternalDependency index pn vr LMainLibName
499 -- | Does a lookup by source package name and a range of versions.
501 -- We get back any number of versions of the specified package name, all
502 -- satisfying the version range constraint.
504 -- INVARIANT: List of eligible 'IPI.InstalledPackageInfo' is non-empty.
505 lookupInternalDependency
506 :: InstalledPackageIndex
507 -> PackageName
508 -> VersionRange
509 -> LibraryName
510 -> [(Version, [IPI.InstalledPackageInfo])]
511 lookupInternalDependency index name versionRange libn =
512 case Map.lookup (name, libn) (packageIdIndex index) of
513 Nothing -> []
514 Just pvers ->
515 [ (ver, pkgs')
516 | (ver, pkgs) <- Map.toList pvers
517 , ver `withinRange` versionRange
518 , let pkgs' = filter eligible pkgs
519 , -- Enforce the invariant
520 not (null pkgs')
522 where
523 -- When we select for dependencies, we ONLY want to pick up indefinite
524 -- packages, or packages with no instantiations. We'll do mix-in
525 -- linking to improve any such package into an instantiated one
526 -- later.
527 eligible pkg = IPI.indefinite pkg || null (IPI.instantiatedWith pkg)
531 -- * Case insensitive name lookups
535 -- | Does a case-insensitive search by package name.
537 -- If there is only one package that compares case-insensitively to this name
538 -- then the search is unambiguous and we get back all versions of that package.
539 -- If several match case-insensitively but one matches exactly then it is also
540 -- unambiguous.
542 -- If however several match case-insensitively and none match exactly then we
543 -- have an ambiguous result, and we get back all the versions of all the
544 -- packages. The list of ambiguous results is split by exact package name. So
545 -- it is a non-empty list of non-empty lists.
546 searchByName :: PackageIndex a -> String -> SearchResult [a]
547 searchByName index name =
548 -- Don't match internal packages
549 case [ pkgs | pkgs@((pname, LMainLibName), _) <- Map.toList (packageIdIndex index), lowercase (unPackageName pname) == lname
550 ] of
551 [] -> None
552 [(_, pvers)] -> Unambiguous (concat (Map.elems pvers))
553 pkgss -> case find ((mkPackageName name ==) . fst . fst) pkgss of
554 Just (_, pvers) -> Unambiguous (concat (Map.elems pvers))
555 Nothing -> Ambiguous (map (concat . Map.elems . snd) pkgss)
556 where
557 lname = lowercase name
559 data SearchResult a = None | Unambiguous a | Ambiguous [a]
561 -- | Does a case-insensitive substring search by package name.
563 -- That is, all packages that contain the given string in their name.
564 searchByNameSubstring :: PackageIndex a -> String -> [a]
565 searchByNameSubstring index searchterm =
566 searchWithPredicate index (\n -> lsearchterm `isInfixOf` lowercase n)
567 where
568 lsearchterm = lowercase searchterm
570 -- | @since
571 searchWithPredicate :: PackageIndex a -> (String -> Bool) -> [a]
572 searchWithPredicate index predicate =
573 [ pkg
574 | -- Don't match internal packages
575 ((pname, LMainLibName), pvers) <- Map.toList (packageIdIndex index)
576 , predicate (unPackageName pname)
577 , pkgs <- Map.elems pvers
578 , pkg <- pkgs
583 -- * Special queries
587 -- None of the stuff below depends on the internal representation of the index.
590 -- | Find if there are any cycles in the dependency graph. If there are no
591 -- cycles the result is @[]@.
593 -- This actually computes the strongly connected components. So it gives us a
594 -- list of groups of packages where within each group they all depend on each
595 -- other, directly or indirectly.
596 dependencyCycles :: PackageInstalled a => PackageIndex a -> [[a]]
597 dependencyCycles index =
598 [vs | Graph.CyclicSCC vs <- Graph.stronglyConnComp adjacencyList]
599 where
600 adjacencyList =
601 [ (pkg, installedUnitId pkg, installedDepends pkg)
602 | pkg <- allPackages index
605 -- | All packages that have immediate dependencies that are not in the index.
607 -- Returns such packages along with the dependencies that they're missing.
608 brokenPackages
609 :: PackageInstalled a
610 => PackageIndex a
611 -> [(a, [UnitId])]
612 brokenPackages index =
613 [ (pkg, missing)
614 | pkg <- allPackages index
615 , let missing =
616 [ pkg' | pkg' <- installedDepends pkg, isNothing (lookupUnitId index pkg')
618 , not (null missing)
621 -- | Tries to take the transitive closure of the package dependencies.
623 -- If the transitive closure is complete then it returns that subset of the
624 -- index. Otherwise it returns the broken packages as in 'brokenPackages'.
626 -- * Note that if the result is @Right []@ it is because at least one of
627 -- the original given 'PackageId's do not occur in the index.
628 dependencyClosure
629 :: InstalledPackageIndex
630 -> [UnitId]
631 -> Either
632 (InstalledPackageIndex)
633 [(IPI.InstalledPackageInfo, [UnitId])]
634 dependencyClosure index pkgids0 = case closure mempty [] pkgids0 of
635 (completed, []) -> Left completed
636 (completed, _) -> Right (brokenPackages completed)
637 where
638 closure completed failed [] = (completed, failed)
639 closure completed failed (pkgid : pkgids) = case lookupUnitId index pkgid of
640 Nothing -> closure completed (pkgid : failed) pkgids
641 Just pkg -> case lookupUnitId completed (installedUnitId pkg) of
642 Just _ -> closure completed failed pkgids
643 Nothing -> closure completed' failed pkgids'
644 where
645 completed' = insert pkg completed
646 pkgids' = installedDepends pkg ++ pkgids
648 -- | Takes the transitive closure of the packages reverse dependencies.
650 -- * The given 'PackageId's must be in the index.
651 reverseDependencyClosure
652 :: PackageInstalled a
653 => PackageIndex a
654 -> [UnitId]
655 -> [a]
656 reverseDependencyClosure index =
657 map vertexToPkg
658 . concatMap Tree.flatten
659 . Graph.dfs reverseDepGraph
660 . map (fromMaybe noSuchPkgId . pkgIdToVertex)
661 where
662 (depGraph, vertexToPkg, pkgIdToVertex) = dependencyGraph index
663 reverseDepGraph = Graph.transposeG depGraph
664 noSuchPkgId = error "reverseDependencyClosure: package is not in the graph"
666 topologicalOrder :: PackageInstalled a => PackageIndex a -> [a]
667 topologicalOrder index =
668 map toPkgId
669 . Graph.topSort
670 $ graph
671 where
672 (graph, toPkgId, _) = dependencyGraph index
674 reverseTopologicalOrder :: PackageInstalled a => PackageIndex a -> [a]
675 reverseTopologicalOrder index =
676 map toPkgId
677 . Graph.topSort
678 . Graph.transposeG
679 $ graph
680 where
681 (graph, toPkgId, _) = dependencyGraph index
683 -- | Builds a graph of the package dependencies.
685 -- Dependencies on other packages that are not in the index are discarded.
686 -- You can check if there are any such dependencies with 'brokenPackages'.
687 dependencyGraph
688 :: PackageInstalled a
689 => PackageIndex a
690 -> ( Graph.Graph
691 , Graph.Vertex -> a
692 , UnitId -> Maybe Graph.Vertex
694 dependencyGraph index = (graph, vertex_to_pkg, id_to_vertex)
695 where
696 graph =
697 Array.listArray
698 bounds
699 [ [v | Just v <- map id_to_vertex (installedDepends pkg)]
700 | pkg <- pkgs
703 pkgs = sortBy (comparing packageId) (allPackages index)
704 vertices = zip (map installedUnitId pkgs) [0 ..]
705 vertex_map = Map.fromList vertices
706 id_to_vertex pid = Map.lookup pid vertex_map
708 vertex_to_pkg vertex = pkgTable ! vertex
710 pkgTable = Array.listArray bounds pkgs
711 topBound = length pkgs - 1
712 bounds = (0, topBound)
714 -- | We maintain the invariant that, for any 'DepUniqueKey', there
715 -- is only one instance of the package in our database.
716 type DepUniqueKey = (PackageName, LibraryName, Map ModuleName OpenModule)
718 -- | Given a package index where we assume we want to use all the packages
719 -- (use 'dependencyClosure' if you need to get such a index subset) find out
720 -- if the dependencies within it use consistent versions of each package.
721 -- Return all cases where multiple packages depend on different versions of
722 -- some other package.
724 -- Each element in the result is a package name along with the packages that
725 -- depend on it and the versions they require. These are guaranteed to be
726 -- distinct.
727 dependencyInconsistencies
728 :: InstalledPackageIndex
729 -- At DepUniqueKey...
730 -> [ ( DepUniqueKey
731 , -- There were multiple packages (BAD!)
732 [ ( UnitId
733 , -- And here are the packages which
734 -- immediately depended on it
735 [IPI.InstalledPackageInfo]
740 dependencyInconsistencies index = do
741 (dep_key, insts_map) <- Map.toList inverseIndex
742 let insts = Map.toList insts_map
743 guard (length insts >= 2)
744 return (dep_key, insts)
745 where
746 inverseIndex :: Map DepUniqueKey (Map UnitId [IPI.InstalledPackageInfo])
747 inverseIndex = Map.fromListWith (Map.unionWith (++)) $ do
748 pkg <- allPackages index
749 dep_ipid <- installedDepends pkg
750 Just dep <- [lookupUnitId index dep_ipid]
751 let dep_key =
752 ( packageName dep
753 , IPI.sourceLibName dep
754 , Map.fromList (IPI.instantiatedWith dep)
756 return (dep_key, Map.singleton dep_ipid [pkg])
758 -- | A rough approximation of GHC's module finder, takes a
759 -- 'InstalledPackageIndex' and turns it into a map from module names to their
760 -- source packages. It's used to initialize the @build-deps@ field in @cabal
761 -- init@.
762 moduleNameIndex :: InstalledPackageIndex -> Map ModuleName [IPI.InstalledPackageInfo]
763 moduleNameIndex index =
764 Map.fromListWith (++) $ do
765 pkg <- allPackages index
766 IPI.ExposedModule m reexport <- IPI.exposedModules pkg
767 case reexport of
768 Nothing -> return (m, [pkg])
769 Just (OpenModuleVar _) -> []
770 Just (OpenModule _ m')
771 | m == m' -> []
772 | otherwise -> return (m', [pkg])
774 -- The heuristic is this: we want to prefer the original package
775 -- which originally exported a module. However, if a reexport
776 -- also *renamed* the module (m /= m'), then we have to use the
777 -- downstream package, since the upstream package has the wrong
778 -- module name!