Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Program / Run.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
9 -- Copyright : Duncan Coutts 2009
11 -- Maintainer :
12 -- Portability : portable
14 -- This module provides a data type for program invocations and functions to
15 -- run them.
16 module Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
17 ( ProgramInvocation (..)
18 , IOEncoding (..)
19 , emptyProgramInvocation
20 , simpleProgramInvocation
21 , programInvocation
22 , multiStageProgramInvocation
23 , runProgramInvocation
24 , getProgramInvocationOutput
25 , getProgramInvocationLBS
26 , getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors
27 , getEffectiveEnvironment
28 ) where
30 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
31 import Prelude ()
33 import Distribution.Compat.Environment
34 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
35 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
36 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
37 import Distribution.Utils.Generic
38 import Distribution.Verbosity
39 import System.FilePath (searchPathSeparator)
41 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
42 import qualified Data.Map as Map
44 -- | Represents a specific invocation of a specific program.
46 -- This is used as an intermediate type between deciding how to call a program
47 -- and actually doing it. This provides the opportunity to the caller to
48 -- adjust how the program will be called. These invocations can either be run
49 -- directly or turned into shell or batch scripts.
50 data ProgramInvocation = ProgramInvocation
51 { progInvokePath :: FilePath
52 , progInvokeArgs :: [String]
53 , progInvokeEnv :: [(String, Maybe String)]
54 , -- Extra paths to add to PATH
55 progInvokePathEnv :: [FilePath]
56 , progInvokeCwd :: Maybe FilePath
57 , progInvokeInput :: Maybe IOData
58 , progInvokeInputEncoding :: IOEncoding
59 -- ^ TODO: remove this, make user decide when constructing 'progInvokeInput'.
60 , progInvokeOutputEncoding :: IOEncoding
63 data IOEncoding
64 = IOEncodingText -- locale mode text
65 | IOEncodingUTF8 -- always utf8
67 encodeToIOData :: IOEncoding -> IOData -> IOData
68 encodeToIOData _ iod@(IODataBinary _) = iod
69 encodeToIOData IOEncodingText iod@(IODataText _) = iod
70 encodeToIOData IOEncodingUTF8 (IODataText str) = IODataBinary (toUTF8LBS str)
72 emptyProgramInvocation :: ProgramInvocation
73 emptyProgramInvocation =
74 ProgramInvocation
75 { progInvokePath = ""
76 , progInvokeArgs = []
77 , progInvokeEnv = []
78 , progInvokePathEnv = []
79 , progInvokeCwd = Nothing
80 , progInvokeInput = Nothing
81 , progInvokeInputEncoding = IOEncodingText
82 , progInvokeOutputEncoding = IOEncodingText
85 simpleProgramInvocation :: FilePath -> [String] -> ProgramInvocation
86 simpleProgramInvocation path args =
87 emptyProgramInvocation
88 { progInvokePath = path
89 , progInvokeArgs = args
92 programInvocation :: ConfiguredProgram -> [String] -> ProgramInvocation
93 programInvocation prog args =
94 emptyProgramInvocation
95 { progInvokePath = programPath prog
96 , progInvokeArgs =
97 programDefaultArgs prog
98 ++ args
99 ++ programOverrideArgs prog
100 , progInvokeEnv = programOverrideEnv prog
103 runProgramInvocation :: Verbosity -> ProgramInvocation -> IO ()
104 runProgramInvocation
105 verbosity
106 ProgramInvocation
107 { progInvokePath = path
108 , progInvokeArgs = args
109 , progInvokeEnv = []
110 , progInvokePathEnv = []
111 , progInvokeCwd = Nothing
112 , progInvokeInput = Nothing
114 rawSystemExit verbosity path args
115 runProgramInvocation
116 verbosity
117 ProgramInvocation
118 { progInvokePath = path
119 , progInvokeArgs = args
120 , progInvokeEnv = envOverrides
121 , progInvokePathEnv = extraPath
122 , progInvokeCwd = mcwd
123 , progInvokeInput = Nothing
124 } = do
125 pathOverride <- getExtraPathEnv envOverrides extraPath
126 menv <- getEffectiveEnvironment (envOverrides ++ pathOverride)
127 maybeExit $
128 rawSystemIOWithEnv
129 verbosity
130 path
131 args
132 mcwd
133 menv
134 Nothing
135 Nothing
136 Nothing
137 runProgramInvocation
138 verbosity
139 ProgramInvocation
140 { progInvokePath = path
141 , progInvokeArgs = args
142 , progInvokeEnv = envOverrides
143 , progInvokePathEnv = extraPath
144 , progInvokeCwd = mcwd
145 , progInvokeInput = Just inputStr
146 , progInvokeInputEncoding = encoding
147 } = do
148 pathOverride <- getExtraPathEnv envOverrides extraPath
149 menv <- getEffectiveEnvironment (envOverrides ++ pathOverride)
150 (_, errors, exitCode) <-
151 rawSystemStdInOut
152 verbosity
153 path
154 args
155 mcwd
156 menv
157 (Just input)
158 IODataModeBinary
159 when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess) $
160 dieWithException verbosity $
161 RunProgramInvocationException path errors
162 where
163 input = encodeToIOData encoding inputStr
165 getProgramInvocationOutput :: Verbosity -> ProgramInvocation -> IO String
166 getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity inv = do
167 (output, errors, exitCode) <- getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors verbosity inv
168 when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess) $
169 die' verbosity $
170 "'" ++ progInvokePath inv ++ "' exited with an error:\n" ++ errors
171 return output
173 getProgramInvocationLBS :: Verbosity -> ProgramInvocation -> IO LBS.ByteString
174 getProgramInvocationLBS verbosity inv = do
175 (output, errors, exitCode) <- getProgramInvocationIODataAndErrors verbosity inv IODataModeBinary
176 when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess) $
177 dieWithException verbosity $
178 GetProgramInvocationLBSException (progInvokePath inv) errors
179 return output
181 getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors
182 :: Verbosity
183 -> ProgramInvocation
184 -> IO (String, String, ExitCode)
185 getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors verbosity inv = case progInvokeOutputEncoding inv of
186 IOEncodingText -> do
187 (output, errors, exitCode) <- getProgramInvocationIODataAndErrors verbosity inv IODataModeText
188 return (output, errors, exitCode)
189 IOEncodingUTF8 -> do
190 (output', errors, exitCode) <- getProgramInvocationIODataAndErrors verbosity inv IODataModeBinary
191 return (normaliseLineEndings (fromUTF8LBS output'), errors, exitCode)
193 getProgramInvocationIODataAndErrors
194 :: KnownIODataMode mode
195 => Verbosity
196 -> ProgramInvocation
197 -> IODataMode mode
198 -> IO (mode, String, ExitCode)
199 getProgramInvocationIODataAndErrors
200 verbosity
201 ProgramInvocation
202 { progInvokePath = path
203 , progInvokeArgs = args
204 , progInvokeEnv = envOverrides
205 , progInvokePathEnv = extraPath
206 , progInvokeCwd = mcwd
207 , progInvokeInput = minputStr
208 , progInvokeInputEncoding = encoding
210 mode = do
211 pathOverride <- getExtraPathEnv envOverrides extraPath
212 menv <- getEffectiveEnvironment (envOverrides ++ pathOverride)
213 rawSystemStdInOut verbosity path args mcwd menv input mode
214 where
215 input = encodeToIOData encoding <$> minputStr
217 getExtraPathEnv :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> [FilePath] -> IO [(String, Maybe String)]
218 getExtraPathEnv _ [] = return []
219 getExtraPathEnv env extras = do
220 mb_path <- case lookup "PATH" env of
221 Just x -> return x
222 Nothing -> lookupEnv "PATH"
223 let extra = intercalate [searchPathSeparator] extras
224 path' = case mb_path of
225 Nothing -> extra
226 Just path -> extra ++ searchPathSeparator : path
227 return [("PATH", Just path')]
229 -- | Return the current environment extended with the given overrides.
230 -- If an entry is specified twice in @overrides@, the second entry takes
231 -- precedence.
232 getEffectiveEnvironment
233 :: [(String, Maybe String)]
234 -> IO (Maybe [(String, String)])
235 getEffectiveEnvironment [] = return Nothing
236 getEffectiveEnvironment overrides =
237 fmap (Just . Map.toList . apply overrides . Map.fromList) getEnvironment
238 where
239 apply os env = foldl' (flip update) env os
240 update (var, Nothing) = Map.delete var
241 update (var, Just val) = Map.insert var val
243 -- | Like the unix xargs program. Useful for when we've got very long command
244 -- lines that might overflow an OS limit on command line length and so you
245 -- need to invoke a command multiple times to get all the args in.
247 -- It takes four template invocations corresponding to the simple, initial,
248 -- middle and last invocations. If the number of args given is small enough
249 -- that we can get away with just a single invocation then the simple one is
250 -- used:
252 -- > $ simple args
254 -- If the number of args given means that we need to use multiple invocations
255 -- then the templates for the initial, middle and last invocations are used:
257 -- > $ initial args_0
258 -- > $ middle args_1
259 -- > $ middle args_2
260 -- > ...
261 -- > $ final args_n
262 multiStageProgramInvocation
263 :: ProgramInvocation
264 -> (ProgramInvocation, ProgramInvocation, ProgramInvocation)
265 -> [String]
266 -> [ProgramInvocation]
267 multiStageProgramInvocation simple (initial, middle, final) args =
268 let argSize inv =
269 length (progInvokePath inv)
270 + foldl' (\s a -> length a + 1 + s) 1 (progInvokeArgs inv)
271 fixedArgSize = maximum (map argSize [simple, initial, middle, final])
272 chunkSize = maxCommandLineSize - fixedArgSize
273 in case splitChunks chunkSize args of
274 [] -> [simple]
275 [c] -> [simple `appendArgs` c]
276 (c : c2 : cs)
277 | (xs, x) <- unsnocNE (c2 :| cs) ->
278 [initial `appendArgs` c]
279 ++ [middle `appendArgs` c' | c' <- xs]
280 ++ [final `appendArgs` x]
281 where
282 appendArgs :: ProgramInvocation -> [String] -> ProgramInvocation
283 inv `appendArgs` as = inv{progInvokeArgs = progInvokeArgs inv ++ as}
285 splitChunks :: Int -> [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
286 splitChunks len = unfoldr $ \s ->
287 if null s
288 then Nothing
289 else Just (chunk len s)
291 chunk :: Int -> [[a]] -> ([[a]], [[a]])
292 chunk len (s : _) | length s >= len = error toolong
293 chunk len ss = chunk' [] len ss
295 chunk' :: [[a]] -> Int -> [[a]] -> ([[a]], [[a]])
296 chunk' acc len (s : ss)
297 | len' < len = chunk' (s : acc) (len - len' - 1) ss
298 where
299 len' = length s
300 chunk' acc _ ss = (reverse acc, ss)
302 toolong =
303 "multiStageProgramInvocation: a single program arg is larger "
304 ++ "than the maximum command line length!"
306 -- FIXME: discover this at configure time or runtime on unix
307 -- The value is 32k on Windows and posix specifies a minimum of 4k
308 -- but all sensible unixes use more than 4k.
309 -- we could use getSysVar ArgumentLimit but that's in the unix lib
311 maxCommandLineSize :: Int
312 maxCommandLineSize = 30 * 1024