Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Test.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- |
7 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Test
8 -- Copyright : Thomas Tuegel 2010
9 -- License : BSD3
11 -- Maintainer :
12 -- Portability : portable
14 -- This is the entry point into testing a built package. It performs the
15 -- \"@.\/setup test@\" action. It runs test suites designated in the package
16 -- description and reports on the results.
17 module Distribution.Simple.Test
18 ( test
19 ) where
21 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
22 import Prelude ()
24 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
25 import Distribution.Pretty
26 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
27 import Distribution.Simple.Flag (fromFlag)
28 import Distribution.Simple.Hpc
29 import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
30 import qualified Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo as LBI
31 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Test
32 import qualified Distribution.Simple.Test.ExeV10 as ExeV10
33 import qualified Distribution.Simple.Test.LibV09 as LibV09
34 import Distribution.Simple.Test.Log
35 import Distribution.Simple.UserHooks
36 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
37 import Distribution.TestSuite
38 import qualified Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo as LBI
39 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
41 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
42 import System.Directory
43 ( createDirectoryIfMissing
44 , doesFileExist
45 , getDirectoryContents
46 , removeFile
48 import System.FilePath ((</>))
50 -- | Perform the \"@.\/setup test@\" action.
51 test
52 :: Args
53 -- ^ positional command-line arguments
54 -> PD.PackageDescription
55 -- ^ information from the .cabal file
56 -> LBI.LocalBuildInfo
57 -- ^ information from the configure step
58 -> TestFlags
59 -- ^ flags sent to test
60 -> IO ()
61 test args pkg_descr lbi flags = do
62 let verbosity = fromFlag $ testVerbosity flags
63 machineTemplate = fromFlag $ testMachineLog flags
64 distPref = fromFlag $ testDistPref flags
65 testLogDir = distPref </> "test"
66 testNames = args
67 pkgTests = PD.testSuites pkg_descr
68 enabledTests = LBI.enabledTestLBIs pkg_descr lbi
70 doTest
71 :: ( (PD.TestSuite, LBI.ComponentLocalBuildInfo)
72 , Maybe TestSuiteLog
74 -> IO TestSuiteLog
75 doTest ((suite, clbi), _) =
76 case PD.testInterface suite of
77 PD.TestSuiteExeV10 _ _ ->
78 ExeV10.runTest pkg_descr lbi clbi flags suite
79 PD.TestSuiteLibV09 _ _ ->
80 LibV09.runTest pkg_descr lbi clbi flags suite
81 _ ->
82 return
83 TestSuiteLog
84 { testSuiteName = PD.testName suite
85 , testLogs =
86 TestLog
87 { testName = unUnqualComponentName $ PD.testName suite
88 , testOptionsReturned = []
89 , testResult =
90 Error $
91 "No support for running test suite type: "
92 ++ show (pretty $ PD.testType suite)
94 , logFile = ""
97 unless (PD.hasTests pkg_descr) $ do
98 notice verbosity "Package has no test suites."
99 exitSuccess
101 when (PD.hasTests pkg_descr && null enabledTests) $
102 dieWithException verbosity NoTestSuitesEnabled
104 testsToRun <- case testNames of
105 [] -> return $ zip enabledTests $ repeat Nothing
106 names -> for names $ \tName ->
107 let testMap = zip enabledNames enabledTests
108 enabledNames = map (PD.testName . fst) enabledTests
109 allNames = map PD.testName pkgTests
110 tCompName = mkUnqualComponentName tName
111 in case lookup tCompName testMap of
112 Just t -> return (t, Nothing)
114 | tCompName `elem` allNames ->
115 dieWithException verbosity $ TestNameDisabled tName
116 | otherwise -> dieWithException verbosity $ NoSuchTest tName
118 createDirectoryIfMissing True testLogDir
120 -- Delete ordinary files from test log directory.
121 getDirectoryContents testLogDir
122 >>= filterM doesFileExist . map (testLogDir </>)
123 >>= traverse_ removeFile
125 let totalSuites = length testsToRun
126 notice verbosity $ "Running " ++ show totalSuites ++ " test suites..."
127 suites <- traverse doTest testsToRun
128 let packageLog = (localPackageLog pkg_descr lbi){testSuites = suites}
129 packageLogFile =
130 (</>) testLogDir $
131 packageLogPath machineTemplate pkg_descr lbi
132 allOk <- summarizePackage verbosity packageLog
133 writeFile packageLogFile $ show packageLog
135 when (LBI.testCoverage lbi) $
136 markupPackage verbosity lbi distPref pkg_descr $
137 map (fst . fst) testsToRun
139 unless allOk exitFailure
141 packageLogPath
142 :: PathTemplate
143 -> PD.PackageDescription
144 -> LBI.LocalBuildInfo
145 -> FilePath
146 packageLogPath template pkg_descr lbi =
147 fromPathTemplate $ substPathTemplate env template
148 where
149 env =
150 initialPathTemplateEnv
151 (PD.package pkg_descr)
152 (LBI.localUnitId lbi)
153 (compilerInfo $ LBI.compiler lbi)
154 (LBI.hostPlatform lbi)