Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Test / Log.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4 module Distribution.Simple.Test.Log
5 ( PackageLog (..)
6 , TestLogs (..)
7 , TestSuiteLog (..)
8 , countTestResults
9 , localPackageLog
10 , summarizePackage
11 , summarizeSuiteFinish
12 , summarizeSuiteStart
13 , summarizeTest
14 , suiteError
15 , suiteFailed
16 , suitePassed
17 , testSuiteLogPath
18 ) where
20 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
21 import Prelude ()
23 import Distribution.Package
24 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
25 import Distribution.Pretty
26 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
27 import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
28 import qualified Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo as LBI
29 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Test (TestShowDetails (Always, Never))
30 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
31 import Distribution.System
32 import Distribution.TestSuite
33 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
34 import Distribution.Verbosity
36 import qualified Prelude (foldl1)
38 -- | Logs all test results for a package, broken down first by test suite and
39 -- then by test case.
40 data PackageLog = PackageLog
41 { package :: PackageId
42 , compiler :: CompilerId
43 , platform :: Platform
44 , testSuites :: [TestSuiteLog]
46 deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
48 -- | A 'PackageLog' with package and platform information specified.
49 localPackageLog :: PD.PackageDescription -> LBI.LocalBuildInfo -> PackageLog
50 localPackageLog pkg_descr lbi =
51 PackageLog
52 { package = PD.package pkg_descr
53 , compiler = compilerId $ LBI.compiler lbi
54 , platform = LBI.hostPlatform lbi
55 , testSuites = []
58 -- | Logs test suite results, itemized by test case.
59 data TestSuiteLog = TestSuiteLog
60 { testSuiteName :: UnqualComponentName
61 , testLogs :: TestLogs
62 , logFile :: FilePath -- path to human-readable log file
64 deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
66 data TestLogs
67 = TestLog
68 { testName :: String
69 , testOptionsReturned :: Options
70 , testResult :: Result
72 | GroupLogs String [TestLogs]
73 deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
75 -- | Count the number of pass, fail, and error test results in a 'TestLogs'
76 -- tree.
77 countTestResults
78 :: TestLogs
79 -> (Int, Int, Int)
80 -- ^ Passes, fails, and errors,
81 -- respectively.
82 countTestResults = go (0, 0, 0)
83 where
84 go (p, f, e) (TestLog{testResult = r}) =
85 case r of
86 Pass -> (p + 1, f, e)
87 Fail _ -> (p, f + 1, e)
88 Error _ -> (p, f, e + 1)
89 go (p, f, e) (GroupLogs _ ts) = foldl go (p, f, e) ts
91 -- | From a 'TestSuiteLog', determine if the test suite passed.
92 suitePassed :: TestLogs -> Bool
93 suitePassed l =
94 case countTestResults l of
95 (_, 0, 0) -> True
96 _ -> False
98 -- | From a 'TestSuiteLog', determine if the test suite failed.
99 suiteFailed :: TestLogs -> Bool
100 suiteFailed l =
101 case countTestResults l of
102 (_, 0, _) -> False
103 _ -> True
105 -- | From a 'TestSuiteLog', determine if the test suite encountered errors.
106 suiteError :: TestLogs -> Bool
107 suiteError l =
108 case countTestResults l of
109 (_, _, 0) -> False
110 _ -> True
112 resultString :: TestLogs -> String
113 resultString l
114 | suiteError l = "error"
115 | suiteFailed l = "fail"
116 | otherwise = "pass"
118 testSuiteLogPath
119 :: PathTemplate
120 -> PD.PackageDescription
121 -> LBI.LocalBuildInfo
122 -> String
123 -- ^ test suite name
124 -> TestLogs
125 -- ^ test suite results
126 -> FilePath
127 testSuiteLogPath template pkg_descr lbi test_name result =
128 fromPathTemplate $ substPathTemplate env template
129 where
130 env =
131 initialPathTemplateEnv
132 (PD.package pkg_descr)
133 (LBI.localUnitId lbi)
134 (compilerInfo $ LBI.compiler lbi)
135 (LBI.hostPlatform lbi)
136 ++ [ (TestSuiteNameVar, toPathTemplate test_name)
137 , (TestSuiteResultVar, toPathTemplate $ resultString result)
140 -- | Print a summary to the console after all test suites have been run
141 -- indicating the number of successful test suites and cases. Returns 'True' if
142 -- all test suites passed and 'False' otherwise.
143 summarizePackage :: Verbosity -> PackageLog -> IO Bool
144 summarizePackage verbosity packageLog = do
145 let counts = map (countTestResults . testLogs) $ testSuites packageLog
146 (passed, failed, errors) = Prelude.foldl1 addTriple counts
147 totalCases = passed + failed + errors
148 passedSuites =
149 length $
150 filter (suitePassed . testLogs) $
151 testSuites packageLog
152 totalSuites = length $ testSuites packageLog
153 notice verbosity $
154 show passedSuites
155 ++ " of "
156 ++ show totalSuites
157 ++ " test suites ("
158 ++ show passed
159 ++ " of "
160 ++ show totalCases
161 ++ " test cases) passed."
162 return $! passedSuites == totalSuites
163 where
164 addTriple (p1, f1, e1) (p2, f2, e2) = (p1 + p2, f1 + f2, e1 + e2)
166 -- | Print a summary of a single test case's result to the console, suppressing
167 -- output for certain verbosity or test filter levels.
168 summarizeTest :: Verbosity -> TestShowDetails -> TestLogs -> IO ()
169 summarizeTest _ _ (GroupLogs{}) = return ()
170 summarizeTest verbosity details t =
171 when shouldPrint $
172 notice verbosity $
173 "Test case "
174 ++ testName t
175 ++ ": "
176 ++ show (testResult t)
177 where
178 shouldPrint = (details > Never) && (notPassed || details == Always)
179 notPassed = testResult t /= Pass
181 -- | Print a summary of the test suite's results on the console, suppressing
182 -- output for certain verbosity or test filter levels.
183 summarizeSuiteFinish :: TestSuiteLog -> String
184 summarizeSuiteFinish testLog =
185 unlines
186 [ "Test suite " ++ prettyShow (testSuiteName testLog) ++ ": " ++ resStr
187 , "Test suite logged to: " ++ logFile testLog
189 where
190 resStr = map toUpper (resultString $ testLogs testLog)
192 summarizeSuiteStart :: String -> String
193 summarizeSuiteStart n = "Test suite " ++ n ++ ": RUNNING...\n"