Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Utils / IOData.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
5 -- | @since 2.2.0
6 module Distribution.Utils.IOData
7 ( -- * 'IOData' & 'IODataMode' type
8 IOData (..)
9 , IODataMode (..)
10 , KnownIODataMode (..)
11 , withIOData
12 , null
13 , hPutContents
14 ) where
16 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
17 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding (null)
18 import qualified System.IO
19 import qualified Prelude
21 -- | Represents either textual or binary data passed via I/O functions
22 -- which support binary/text mode
24 -- @since 2.2
25 data IOData
26 = -- | How Text gets encoded is usually locale-dependent.
27 IODataText String
28 | -- | Raw binary which gets read/written in binary mode.
29 IODataBinary LBS.ByteString
31 -- | Applies a function polymorphic over 'IODataMode' to an 'IOData' value.
32 withIOData :: IOData -> (forall mode. IODataMode mode -> mode -> r) -> r
33 withIOData (IODataText str) k = k IODataModeText str
34 withIOData (IODataBinary lbs) k = k IODataModeBinary lbs
36 -- | Test whether 'IOData' is empty
37 null :: IOData -> Bool
38 null (IODataText s) = Prelude.null s
39 null (IODataBinary b) = LBS.null b
41 instance NFData IOData where
42 rnf (IODataText s) = rnf s
43 rnf (IODataBinary lbs) = rnf lbs
45 -- | @since 2.2
46 class NFData mode => KnownIODataMode mode where
47 -- | 'IOData' Wrapper for 'System.IO.hGetContents'
49 -- __Note__: This operation uses lazy I/O. Use 'NFData' to force all
50 -- data to be read and consequently the internal file handle to be
51 -- closed.
52 hGetIODataContents :: System.IO.Handle -> Prelude.IO mode
54 toIOData :: mode -> IOData
55 iodataMode :: IODataMode mode
57 -- | Phantom-typed GADT representation of the mode of 'IOData', containing no
58 -- other data.
60 -- @since 3.2
61 data IODataMode mode where
62 IODataModeText :: IODataMode String
63 IODataModeBinary :: IODataMode LBS.ByteString
65 instance a ~ Char => KnownIODataMode [a] where
66 hGetIODataContents h = do
67 System.IO.hSetBinaryMode h False
68 System.IO.hGetContents h
70 toIOData = IODataText
71 iodataMode = IODataModeText
73 instance KnownIODataMode LBS.ByteString where
74 hGetIODataContents h = do
75 System.IO.hSetBinaryMode h True
76 LBS.hGetContents h
78 toIOData = IODataBinary
79 iodataMode = IODataModeBinary
81 -- | 'IOData' Wrapper for 'System.IO.hPutStr' and 'System.IO.hClose'
83 -- This is the dual operation ot 'hGetIODataContents',
84 -- and consequently the handle is closed with `hClose`.
86 -- /Note:/ this performs lazy-IO.
88 -- @since 2.2
89 hPutContents :: System.IO.Handle -> IOData -> Prelude.IO ()
90 hPutContents h (IODataText c) = do
91 System.IO.hSetBinaryMode h False
92 System.IO.hPutStr h c
93 System.IO.hClose h
94 hPutContents h (IODataBinary c) = do
95 System.IO.hSetBinaryMode h True
96 LBS.hPutStr h c
97 System.IO.hClose h