Convert display functions into `Pretty` instances
[cabal.git] / .hlint.yaml
1 # Warnings currently triggered by your code
2 - ignore: {name: "Avoid NonEmpty.unzip"} # 1 hint
3 - ignore: {name: "Avoid lambda"} # 47 hints
4 - ignore: {name: "Avoid lambda using `infix`"} # 22 hints
5 - ignore: {name: "Eta reduce"} # 124 hints
6 - ignore: {name: "Evaluate"} # 10 hints
7 - ignore: {name: "Functor law"} # 10 hints
8 - ignore: {name: "Fuse concatMap/map"} # 3 hints
9 - ignore: {name: "Fuse foldr/map"} # 3 hints
10 - ignore: {name: "Fuse mapMaybe/map"} # 1 hint
11 - ignore: {name: "Fuse traverse_/fmap"} # 1 hint
12 - ignore: {name: "Fuse traverse_/map"} # 1 hint
13 - ignore: {name: "Hoist not"} # 16 hints
14 - ignore: {name: "Missing NOINLINE pragma"} # 1 hint
15 - ignore: {name: "Monoid law, left identity"} # 3 hints
16 - ignore: {name: "Monoid law, right identity"} # 3 hints
17 - ignore: {name: "Move filter"} # 4 hints
18 - ignore: {name: "Move guards forward"} # 4 hints
19 - ignore: {name: "Redundant $"} # 179 hints
20 - ignore: {name: "Redundant $!"} # 1 hint
21 - ignore: {name: "Redundant <$>"} # 16 hints
22 - ignore: {name: "Redundant =="} # 1 hint
23 - ignore: {name: "Redundant bracket"} # 239 hints
24 - ignore: {name: "Redundant fmap"} # 1 hint
25 - ignore: {name: "Redundant guard"} # 2 hints
26 - ignore: {name: "Redundant if"} # 6 hints
27 - ignore: {name: "Redundant lambda"} # 19 hints
28 - ignore: {name: "Redundant multi-way if"} # 1 hint
29 - ignore: {name: "Redundant return"} # 9 hints
30 - ignore: {name: "Replace case with fromMaybe"} # 6 hints
31 - ignore: {name: "Replace case with maybe"} # 10 hints
32 - ignore: {name: "Use $>"} # 5 hints
33 - ignore: {name: "Use ++"} # 4 hints
34 - ignore: {name: "Use :"} # 30 hints
35 - ignore: {name: "Use <$"} # 2 hints
36 - ignore: {name: "Use <$>"} # 87 hints
37 - ignore: {name: "Use <&>"} # 14 hints
38 - ignore: {name: "Use <=<"} # 4 hints
39 - ignore: {name: "Use =<<"} # 7 hints
40 - ignore: {name: "Use =="} # 3 hints
41 - ignore: {name: "Use >=>"} # 3 hints
42 - ignore: {name: "Use ?~"} # 1 hint
43 - ignore: {name: "Use Down"} # 3 hints
44 - ignore: {name: "Use Just"} # 2 hints
45 - ignore: {name: "Use bimap"} # 7 hints
46 - ignore: {name: "Use camelCase"} # 98 hints
47 - ignore: {name: "Use catMaybes"} # 3 hints
48 - ignore: {name: "Use concatMap"} # 2 hints
49 - ignore: {name: "Use const"} # 36 hints
50 - ignore: {name: "Use elem"} # 2 hints
51 - ignore: {name: "Use fewer imports"} # 13 hints
52 - ignore: {name: "Use first"} # 4 hints
53 - ignore: {name: "Use fmap"} # 26 hints
54 - ignore: {name: "Use fold"} # 1 hint
55 - ignore: {name: "Use for"} # 1 hint
56 - ignore: {name: "Use forM_"} # 1 hint
57 - ignore: {name: "Use fromMaybe"} # 4 hints
58 - ignore: {name: "Use fromRight"} # 1 hint
59 - ignore: {name: "Use fst"} # 1 hint
60 - ignore: {name: "Use if"} # 2 hints
61 - ignore: {name: "Use infix"} # 20 hints
62 - ignore: {name: "Use isAsciiLower"} # 2 hints
63 - ignore: {name: "Use isAsciiUpper"} # 2 hints
64 - ignore: {name: "Use isDigit"} # 2 hints
65 - ignore: {name: "Use isJust"} # 1 hint
66 - ignore: {name: "Use isNothing"} # 1 hint
67 - ignore: {name: "Use lambda-case"} # 55 hints
68 - ignore: {name: "Use lefts"} # 1 hint
69 - ignore: {name: "Use list comprehension"} # 18 hints
70 - ignore: {name: "Use list literal"} # 3 hints
71 - ignore: {name: "Use list literal pattern"} # 11 hints
72 - ignore: {name: "Use map once"} # 7 hints
73 - ignore: {name: "Use map with tuple-section"} # 3 hints
74 - ignore: {name: "Use mapMaybe"} # 13 hints
75 - ignore: {name: "Use max"} # 2 hints
76 - ignore: {name: "Use maybe"} # 8 hints
77 - ignore: {name: "Use minimumBy"} # 1 hint
78 - ignore: {name: "Use newtype instead of data"} # 26 hints
79 - ignore: {name: "Use notElem"} # 9 hints
80 - ignore: {name: "Use null"} # 2 hints
81 - ignore: {name: "Use record patterns"} # 16 hints
82 - ignore: {name: "Use replicateM"} # 1 hint
83 - ignore: {name: "Use replicateM_"} # 2 hints
84 - ignore: {name: "Use rights"} # 2 hints
85 - ignore: {name: "Use second"} # 7 hints
86 - ignore: {name: "Use section"} # 17 hints
87 - ignore: {name: "Use traverse"} # 1 hint
88 - ignore: {name: "Use tuple-section"} # 28 hints
89 - ignore: {name: "Use typeRep"} # 2 hints
90 - ignore: {name: "Use uncurry"} # 1 hint
91 - ignore: {name: "Use unless"} # 22 hints
92 - ignore: {name: "Use unwords"} # 8 hints
93 - ignore: {name: "Use void"} # 23 hints
94 - ignore: {name: "Use when"} # 1 hint
96 - arguments:
97     - --ignore-glob=Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/Fields/Lexer.hs
98     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/BuildWays/q/app/Main.hs
99     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/CmmSources/src/Demo.hs
100     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/CmmSourcesDyn/src/Demo.hs
101     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/CmmSourcesExe/src/Demo.hs
102     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/NewBuild/CmdRun/Script/script.hs
103     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/NewBuild/CmdRun/ScriptLiterate/script.lhs
104     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/Regression/T5309/lib/Bio/Character/Exportable/Class.hs
105     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/SetupHooks/SetupHooksC2HsRules/SetupHooks.hs
106     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/SetupHooks/SetupHooksDuplicateRuleId/SetupHooks.hs
107     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/SetupHooks/SetupHooksInvalidRuleOutputIndex/SetupHooks.hs
108     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/SetupHooks/SetupHooksRuleOrdering/SetupHooks.hs
109     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/SetupHooks/SetupHooksUnusedRules/SetupHooks.hs
110     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TemplateHaskell/dynamic/TH.hs
111     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TemplateHaskell/profiling/TH.hs
112     - --ignore-glob=cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TemplateHaskell/vanilla/TH.hs
113     - --ignore-glob=templates/Paths_pkg.template.hs
114     - --ignore-glob=templates/SPDX.LicenseExceptionId.template.hs
115     - --ignore-glob=templates/SPDX.LicenseId.template.hs
116     - --ignore-glob=dist-*