Merge pull request #10371 from geekosaur/sdist-whoopsie
[cabal.git] / templates / SPDX.LicenseId.template.hs
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3 module Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId (
4 LicenseId (..),
5 licenseId,
6 licenseName,
7 licenseIsOsiApproved,
8 licenseIsFsfLibre,
9 mkLicenseId,
10 licenseIdList,
11 -- * Helpers
12 licenseIdMigrationMessage,
13 ) where
15 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
16 import Prelude ()
18 import Distribution.Compat.Lens (set)
19 import Distribution.Pretty
20 import Distribution.Parsec
21 import Distribution.Utils.Generic (isAsciiAlphaNum)
22 import Distribution.Utils.Structured (Structured (..), nominalStructure, typeVersion)
23 import Distribution.SPDX.LicenseListVersion
25 import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Binary
26 import qualified Data.Binary.Put as Binary
27 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
28 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
29 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 -- LicenseId
33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 -- | SPDX License identifiers list v3.25
36 data LicenseId
37 {{ licenseIds }}
38 deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read, Typeable, Data)
40 instance Binary LicenseId where
41 -- Word16 is encoded in big endianess
42 --
43 put = Binary.putWord16be . fromIntegral . fromEnum
44 get = do
45 i <- Binary.getWord16be
46 if i > fromIntegral (fromEnum (maxBound :: LicenseId))
47 then fail "Too large LicenseId tag"
48 else return (toEnum (fromIntegral i))
50 -- note: remember to bump version each time the definition changes
51 instance Structured LicenseId where
52 structure p = set typeVersion 306 $ nominalStructure p
54 instance Pretty LicenseId where
55 pretty = Disp.text . licenseId
57 -- |
58 -- >>> eitherParsec "BSD-3-Clause" :: Either String LicenseId
59 -- Right BSD_3_Clause
61 -- >>> eitherParsec "BSD3" :: Either String LicenseId
62 -- Left "...Unknown SPDX license identifier: 'BSD3' Do you mean BSD-3-Clause?"
64 instance Parsec LicenseId where
65 parsec = do
66 n <- some $ P.satisfy $ \c -> isAsciiAlphaNum c || c == '-' || c == '.'
67 v <- askCabalSpecVersion
68 maybe (fail $ "Unknown SPDX license identifier: '" ++ n ++ "' " ++ licenseIdMigrationMessage n) return $
69 mkLicenseId (cabalSpecVersionToSPDXListVersion v) n
71 instance NFData LicenseId where
72 rnf l = l `seq` ()
74 -- | Help message for migrating from non-SPDX license identifiers.
76 -- Old 'License' is almost SPDX, except for 'BSD2', 'BSD3'. This function
77 -- suggests SPDX variant:
79 -- >>> licenseIdMigrationMessage "BSD3"
80 -- "Do you mean BSD-3-Clause?"
82 -- Also 'OtherLicense', 'AllRightsReserved', and 'PublicDomain' aren't
83 -- valid SPDX identifiers
85 -- >>> traverse_ (print . licenseIdMigrationMessage) [ "OtherLicense", "AllRightsReserved", "PublicDomain" ]
86 -- "SPDX license list contains plenty of licenses. See Also they can be combined into complex expressions with AND and OR."
87 -- "You can use NONE as a value of license field."
88 -- "Public Domain is a complex matter. See Consider using a proper license."
90 -- SPDX License list version 3.0 introduced "-only" and "-or-later" variants for GNU family of licenses.
91 -- See <>
92 -- >>> licenseIdMigrationMessage "GPL-2.0"
93 -- "SPDX license list 3.0 deprecated suffixless variants of GNU family of licenses. Use GPL-2.0-only or GPL-2.0-or-later."
95 -- For other common licenses their old license format coincides with the SPDX identifiers:
97 -- >>> traverse eitherParsec ["GPL-2.0-only", "GPL-3.0-only", "LGPL-2.1-only", "MIT", "ISC", "MPL-2.0", "Apache-2.0"] :: Either String [LicenseId]
98 -- Right [GPL_2_0_only,GPL_3_0_only,LGPL_2_1_only,MIT,ISC,MPL_2_0,Apache_2_0]
100 licenseIdMigrationMessage :: String -> String
101 licenseIdMigrationMessage = go where
102 go l | gnuVariant l = "SPDX license list 3.0 deprecated suffixless variants of GNU family of licenses. Use " ++ l ++ "-only or " ++ l ++ "-or-later."
103 go "BSD3" = "Do you mean BSD-3-Clause?"
104 go "BSD2" = "Do you mean BSD-2-Clause?"
105 go "AllRightsReserved" = "You can use NONE as a value of license field."
106 go "OtherLicense" = "SPDX license list contains plenty of licenses. See Also they can be combined into complex expressions with AND and OR."
107 go "PublicDomain" = "Public Domain is a complex matter. See Consider using a proper license."
109 -- otherwise, we don't know
110 go _ = ""
112 gnuVariant = flip elem ["GPL-2.0", "GPL-3.0", "LGPL-2.1", "LGPL-3.0", "AGPL-3.0" ]
114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 -- License Data
116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 -- | License SPDX identifier, e.g. @"BSD-3-Clause"@.
119 licenseId :: LicenseId -> String
120 {% for l in licenses %}
121 licenseId {{l.constructor}} = {{}}
122 {% endfor %}
124 -- | License name, e.g. @"GNU General Public License v2.0 only"@
125 licenseName :: LicenseId -> String
126 {% for l in licenses %}
127 licenseName {{l.constructor}} = {{}}
128 {% endfor %}
130 -- | Whether the license is approved by Open Source Initiative (OSI).
132 -- See <>.
133 licenseIsOsiApproved :: LicenseId -> Bool
134 {% for l in licenses %}
135 {% if l.isOsiApproved %}
136 licenseIsOsiApproved {{l.constructor}} = True
137 {% endif %}
138 {% endfor %}
139 licenseIsOsiApproved _ = False
141 -- | Whether the license is considered libre by Free Software Foundation (FSF).
143 -- See <>
145 -- @since
147 licenseIsFsfLibre :: LicenseId -> Bool
148 {% for l in licenses %}
149 {% if l.isFsfLibre %}
150 licenseIsFsfLibre {{l.constructor}} = True
151 {% endif %}
152 {% endfor %}
153 licenseIsFsfLibre _ = False
155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 -- Creation
157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 licenseIdList :: LicenseListVersion -> [LicenseId]
160 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_0 =
161 {{licenseList_perv.v_3_0}}
162 ++ bulkOfLicenses
163 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_2 =
164 {{licenseList_perv.v_3_2}}
165 ++ bulkOfLicenses
166 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_6 =
167 {{licenseList_perv.v_3_6}}
168 ++ bulkOfLicenses
169 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_9 =
170 {{licenseList_perv.v_3_9}}
171 ++ bulkOfLicenses
172 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_10 =
173 {{licenseList_perv.v_3_10}}
174 ++ bulkOfLicenses
175 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_16 =
176 {{licenseList_perv.v_3_16}}
177 ++ bulkOfLicenses
178 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_23 =
179 {{licenseList_perv.v_3_23}}
180 ++ bulkOfLicenses
181 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_25 =
182 {{licenseList_perv.v_3_25}}
183 ++ bulkOfLicenses
185 -- | Create a 'LicenseId' from a 'String'.
186 mkLicenseId :: LicenseListVersion -> String -> Maybe LicenseId
187 mkLicenseId LicenseListVersion_3_0 s = Map.lookup s stringLookup_3_0
188 mkLicenseId LicenseListVersion_3_2 s = Map.lookup s stringLookup_3_2
189 mkLicenseId LicenseListVersion_3_6 s = Map.lookup s stringLookup_3_6
190 mkLicenseId LicenseListVersion_3_9 s = Map.lookup s stringLookup_3_9
191 mkLicenseId LicenseListVersion_3_10 s = Map.lookup s stringLookup_3_10
192 mkLicenseId LicenseListVersion_3_16 s = Map.lookup s stringLookup_3_16
193 mkLicenseId LicenseListVersion_3_23 s = Map.lookup s stringLookup_3_23
194 mkLicenseId LicenseListVersion_3_25 s = Map.lookup s stringLookup_3_25
196 stringLookup_3_0 :: Map String LicenseId
197 stringLookup_3_0 = Map.fromList $ map (\i -> (licenseId i, i)) $
198 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_0
200 stringLookup_3_2 :: Map String LicenseId
201 stringLookup_3_2 = Map.fromList $ map (\i -> (licenseId i, i)) $
202 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_2
204 stringLookup_3_6 :: Map String LicenseId
205 stringLookup_3_6 = Map.fromList $ map (\i -> (licenseId i, i)) $
206 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_6
208 stringLookup_3_9 :: Map String LicenseId
209 stringLookup_3_9 = Map.fromList $ map (\i -> (licenseId i, i)) $
210 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_9
212 stringLookup_3_10 :: Map String LicenseId
213 stringLookup_3_10 = Map.fromList $ map (\i -> (licenseId i, i)) $
214 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_10
216 stringLookup_3_16 :: Map String LicenseId
217 stringLookup_3_16 = Map.fromList $ map (\i -> (licenseId i, i)) $
218 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_16
220 stringLookup_3_23 :: Map String LicenseId
221 stringLookup_3_23 = Map.fromList $ map (\i -> (licenseId i, i)) $
222 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_23
224 stringLookup_3_25 :: Map String LicenseId
225 stringLookup_3_25 = Map.fromList $ map (\i -> (licenseId i, i)) $
226 licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_25
228 -- | Licenses in all SPDX License lists
229 bulkOfLicenses :: [LicenseId]
230 bulkOfLicenses =
231 {{licenseList_all}}