Clarify why we can't run .bat files
[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Compat / Graph.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
4 module UnitTests.Distribution.Compat.Graph
5 ( tests
6 , arbitraryGraph
7 ) where
9 import Distribution.Compat.Graph
11 import qualified Prelude
12 import Prelude hiding (null)
13 import Test.Tasty
14 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
15 import qualified Data.Set as Set
16 import Control.Monad
17 import qualified Data.Graph as G
18 import Data.Array ((!))
19 import Data.Maybe
20 import Data.List (sort)
22 tests :: [TestTree]
23 tests =
24 [ testProperty "arbitrary unbroken" (prop_arbitrary_unbroken :: Graph (Node Int ()) -> Bool)
25 , testProperty "nodes consistent" (prop_nodes_consistent :: Graph (Node Int ()) -> Bool)
26 , testProperty "edges consistent" (prop_edges_consistent :: Graph (Node Int ()) -> Property)
27 , testProperty "closure consistent" (prop_closure_consistent :: Graph (Node Int ()) -> Property)
30 -- Our arbitrary instance does not generate broken graphs
31 prop_arbitrary_unbroken :: Graph a -> Bool
32 prop_arbitrary_unbroken g = Prelude.null (broken g)
34 -- Every node from 'toList' maps to a vertex which
35 -- is present in the constructed graph, and maps back
36 -- to a node correctly.
37 prop_nodes_consistent :: (Eq a, IsNode a) => Graph a -> Bool
38 prop_nodes_consistent g = all p (toList g)
39 where
40 (_, vtn, ktv) = toGraph g
41 p n = case ktv (nodeKey n) of
42 Just v -> vtn v == n
43 Nothing -> False
45 -- A non-broken graph has the 'nodeNeighbors' of each node
46 -- equal the recorded adjacent edges in the node graph.
47 prop_edges_consistent :: IsNode a => Graph a -> Property
48 prop_edges_consistent g = Prelude.null (broken g) ==> all p (toList g)
49 where
50 (gr, vtn, ktv) = toGraph g
51 p n = sort (nodeNeighbors n)
52 == sort (map (nodeKey . vtn) (gr ! fromJust (ktv (nodeKey n))))
54 -- Closure is consistent with reachable
55 prop_closure_consistent :: (Show a, IsNode a) => Graph a -> Property
56 prop_closure_consistent g =
57 not (null g) ==>
58 forAll (elements (toList g)) $ \n ->
59 Set.fromList (map nodeKey (fromJust (closure g [nodeKey n])))
60 == Set.fromList (map (nodeKey . vtn) (G.reachable gr (fromJust (ktv (nodeKey n)))))
61 where
62 (gr, vtn, ktv) = toGraph g
64 hasNoDups :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
65 hasNoDups = loop Set.empty
66 where
67 loop _ [] = True
68 loop s (x:xs) | s' <- Set.insert x s, Set.size s' > Set.size s
69 = loop s' xs
70 | otherwise
71 = False
73 -- | Produces a graph of size @len@. We sample with 'suchThat'; if we
74 -- dropped duplicate entries our size could be smaller.
75 arbitraryGraph :: (Ord k, Show k, Arbitrary k, Arbitrary a)
76 => Int -> Gen (Graph (Node k a))
77 arbitraryGraph len = do
78 -- Careful! Assume k is much larger than size.
79 ks <- vectorOf len arbitrary `suchThat` hasNoDups
80 ns <- forM ks $ \k -> do
81 a <- arbitrary
82 ns <- listOf (elements ks)
83 -- Allow duplicates!
84 return (N a k ns)
85 return (fromDistinctList ns)
87 instance (Ord k, Show k, Arbitrary k, Arbitrary a)
88 => Arbitrary (Graph (Node k a)) where
89 arbitrary = sized $ \n -> do
90 len <- choose (0, n)
91 arbitraryGraph len