Clarify why we can't run .bat files
[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / SPDX.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-}
2 module UnitTests.Distribution.SPDX (spdxTests) where
4 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude.Internal
5 import Prelude ()
7 import Distribution.SPDX
8 import Distribution.Parsec (eitherParsec)
9 import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow)
11 import Test.Tasty
12 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
14 import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Cabal ()
16 spdxTests :: [TestTree]
17 spdxTests =
18 [ testProperty "LicenseId roundtrip" licenseIdRoundtrip
19 , testProperty "LicenseExceptionId roundtrip" licenseExceptionIdRoundtrip
20 , testProperty "LicenseRef roundtrip" licenseRefRoundtrip
21 , testProperty "SimpleLicenseExpression roundtrip" simpleLicenseExpressionRoundtrip
22 , testProperty "LicenseExpression roundtrip" licenseExpressionRoundtrip
23 , testProperty "isAcceptableLicense l = True" shouldAcceptProp
24 , testProperty "isAcceptableLicense l = False" shouldRejectProp
27 licenseIdRoundtrip :: LicenseId -> Property
28 licenseIdRoundtrip x =
29 counterexample (prettyShow x) $
30 Right x === eitherParsec (prettyShow x)
32 licenseExceptionIdRoundtrip :: LicenseExceptionId -> Property
33 licenseExceptionIdRoundtrip x =
34 counterexample (prettyShow x) $
35 Right x === eitherParsec (prettyShow x)
37 licenseRefRoundtrip :: LicenseRef -> Property
38 licenseRefRoundtrip x =
39 counterexample (prettyShow x) $
40 Right x === eitherParsec (prettyShow x)
42 simpleLicenseExpressionRoundtrip :: SimpleLicenseExpression -> Property
43 simpleLicenseExpressionRoundtrip x =
44 counterexample (prettyShow x) $
45 Right x === eitherParsec (prettyShow x)
47 licenseExpressionRoundtrip :: LicenseExpression -> Property
48 licenseExpressionRoundtrip x =
49 counterexample (prettyShow x) $
50 Right (reassoc x) === eitherParsec (prettyShow x)
52 -- Parser produces right biased trees of and/or expressions
53 reassoc :: LicenseExpression -> LicenseExpression
54 reassoc (EOr a b) = case reassoc a of
55 EOr x y -> EOr x (reassoc (EOr y b))
56 x -> EOr x (reassoc b)
57 reassoc (EAnd a b) = case reassoc a of
58 EAnd x y -> EAnd x (reassoc (EAnd y b))
59 x -> EAnd x (reassoc b)
60 reassoc l = l
62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 -- isAcceptableLicence
64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 shouldAccept :: [License]
67 shouldAccept = map License
68 [ simpleLicenseExpression GPL_2_0_only
69 , simpleLicenseExpression GPL_2_0_or_later
70 , simpleLicenseExpression BSD_2_Clause
71 , simpleLicenseExpression BSD_3_Clause
72 , simpleLicenseExpression MIT
73 , simpleLicenseExpression ISC
74 , simpleLicenseExpression MPL_2_0
75 , simpleLicenseExpression Apache_2_0
76 , simpleLicenseExpression CC0_1_0
77 , simpleLicenseExpression BSD_4_Clause `EOr` simpleLicenseExpression MIT
80 shouldReject :: [License]
81 shouldReject = map License
82 [ simpleLicenseExpression BSD_4_Clause
83 , simpleLicenseExpression BSD_4_Clause `EAnd` simpleLicenseExpression MIT
86 -- | A sketch of what Hackage could accept
88 -- * NONE is rejected
90 -- * "or later" syntax (+ postfix) is rejected
92 -- * "WITH exc" exceptions are rejected
94 -- * There should be a way to interpert license as (conjunction of)
95 -- OSI-accepted licenses or CC0
97 isAcceptableLicense :: License -> Bool
98 isAcceptableLicense NONE = False
99 isAcceptableLicense (License expr) = goExpr expr
100 where
101 goExpr (EAnd a b) = goExpr a && goExpr b
102 goExpr (EOr a b) = goExpr a || goExpr b
103 goExpr (ELicense _ (Just _)) = False -- Don't allow exceptions
104 goExpr (ELicense s Nothing) = goSimple s
106 goSimple (ELicenseRef _) = False -- don't allow referenced licenses
107 goSimple (ELicenseIdPlus _) = False -- don't allow + licenses (use GPL-3.0-or-later e.g.)
108 goSimple (ELicenseId CC0_1_0) = True -- CC0 isn't OSI approved, but we allow it as "PublicDomain", this is eg. PublicDomain in
109 goSimple (ELicenseId lid) = licenseIsOsiApproved lid -- allow only OSI approved licenses.
111 shouldAcceptProp :: Property
112 shouldAcceptProp = conjoin $
113 map (\l -> counterexample (prettyShow l) (isAcceptableLicense l)) shouldAccept
115 shouldRejectProp :: Property
116 shouldRejectProp = conjoin $
117 map (\l -> counterexample (prettyShow l) (not $ isAcceptableLicense l)) shouldReject