Clarify why we can't run .bat files
[cabal.git] / cabal-testsuite / src / Test / Cabal / Plan.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3 -- | Utilities for understanding @plan.json@.
4 module Test.Cabal.Plan (
5 Plan,
6 DistDirOrBinFile(..),
7 planDistDir,
8 buildInfoFile,
9 ) where
11 import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsec)
12 import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow)
13 import Distribution.Types.ComponentName
14 import Distribution.Package
15 import qualified Data.Text as Text
16 import Data.Aeson
17 import Data.Aeson.Types
18 import Control.Monad
20 -- TODO: index this
21 data Plan = Plan { planInstallPlan :: [InstallItem] }
22 deriving Show
24 data InstallItem
25 = APreExisting
26 | AConfiguredGlobal ConfiguredGlobal
27 | AConfiguredInplace ConfiguredInplace
28 deriving Show
30 -- local or inplace package
31 data ConfiguredInplace = ConfiguredInplace
32 { configuredInplaceDistDir :: FilePath
33 , configuredInplaceBuildInfo :: Maybe FilePath
34 , configuredInplacePackageName :: PackageName
35 , configuredInplaceComponentName :: Maybe ComponentName }
36 deriving Show
38 data ConfiguredGlobal = ConfiguredGlobal
39 { configuredGlobalBinFile :: Maybe FilePath
40 , configuredGlobalPackageName :: PackageName
41 , configuredGlobalComponentName :: Maybe ComponentName }
42 deriving Show
44 instance FromJSON Plan where
45 parseJSON (Object v) = fmap Plan (v .: "install-plan")
46 parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Plan" invalid
48 instance FromJSON InstallItem where
49 parseJSON obj@(Object v) = do
50 t <- v .: "type"
51 case t :: String of
52 "pre-existing" -> return APreExisting
53 "configured" -> do
54 s <- v .: "style"
55 case s :: String of
56 "global" -> AConfiguredGlobal `fmap` parseJSON obj
57 "inplace" -> AConfiguredInplace `fmap` parseJSON obj
58 "local" -> AConfiguredInplace `fmap` parseJSON obj
59 _ -> fail $ "unrecognized value of 'style' field: " ++ s
60 _ -> fail "unrecognized value of 'type' field"
61 parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "InstallItem" invalid
63 instance FromJSON ConfiguredInplace where
64 parseJSON (Object v) = do
65 dist_dir <- v .: "dist-dir"
66 build_info <- v .:? "build-info"
67 pkg_name <- v .: "pkg-name"
68 component_name <- v .:? "component-name"
69 return (ConfiguredInplace dist_dir build_info pkg_name component_name)
70 parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "ConfiguredInplace" invalid
72 instance FromJSON ConfiguredGlobal where
73 parseJSON (Object v) = do
74 bin_file <- v .:? "bin-file"
75 pkg_name <- v .: "pkg-name"
76 component_name <- v .:? "component-name"
77 return (ConfiguredGlobal bin_file pkg_name component_name)
78 parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "ConfiguredGlobal" invalid
80 instance FromJSON PackageName where
81 parseJSON (String t) = return (mkPackageName (Text.unpack t))
82 parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "PackageName" invalid
84 instance FromJSON ComponentName where
85 parseJSON (String t) =
86 case simpleParsec s of
87 Nothing -> fail ("could not parse component-name: " ++ s)
88 Just r -> return r
89 where s = Text.unpack t
90 parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "ComponentName" invalid
92 data DistDirOrBinFile = DistDir FilePath | BinFile FilePath
94 planDistDir :: Plan -> PackageName -> ComponentName -> DistDirOrBinFile
95 planDistDir plan pkg_name cname =
96 case concatMap p (planInstallPlan plan) of
97 [x] -> x
98 [] -> error $ "planDistDir: component " ++ prettyShow cname
99 ++ " of package " ++ prettyShow pkg_name ++ " either does not"
100 ++ " exist in the install plan or does not have a dist-dir nor bin-file"
101 _ -> error $ "planDistDir: found multiple copies of component " ++ prettyShow cname
102 ++ " of package " ++ prettyShow pkg_name ++ " in install plan"
103 where
104 p APreExisting = []
105 p (AConfiguredGlobal conf) = do
106 guard (configuredGlobalPackageName conf == pkg_name)
107 guard $ case configuredGlobalComponentName conf of
108 Nothing -> True
109 Just cname' -> cname == cname'
110 case configuredGlobalBinFile conf of
111 Nothing -> []
112 Just bin_file -> return $ BinFile bin_file
113 p (AConfiguredInplace conf) = do
114 guard (configuredInplacePackageName conf == pkg_name)
115 guard $ case configuredInplaceComponentName conf of
116 Nothing -> True
117 Just cname' -> cname == cname'
118 return $ DistDir $ configuredInplaceDistDir conf
120 buildInfoFile :: Plan -> PackageName -> ComponentName -> FilePath
121 buildInfoFile plan pkg_name cname =
122 case concatMap p (planInstallPlan plan) of
123 [Just x] -> x
124 [Nothing] -> error $ "buildInfoFile: component " ++ prettyShow cname
125 ++ " of package " ++ prettyShow pkg_name ++ " does not"
126 ++ " have a build info-file"
127 [] -> error $ "buildInfoFile: component " ++ prettyShow cname
128 ++ " of package " ++ prettyShow pkg_name ++ " either does not"
129 ++ " exist in the install plan or build info-file"
130 _ -> error $ "buildInfoFile: found multiple copies of component " ++ prettyShow cname
131 ++ " of package " ++ prettyShow pkg_name ++ " in install plan"
132 where
133 p APreExisting = []
134 p (AConfiguredGlobal _) = []
135 p (AConfiguredInplace conf) = do
136 guard (configuredInplacePackageName conf == pkg_name)
137 guard $ case configuredInplaceComponentName conf of
138 Nothing -> True
139 Just cname' -> cname == cname'
140 return $ configuredInplaceBuildInfo conf