cabal init -i should sanitize suggested package name (fix #8404) (#8561)
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / CmdFreeze.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, RecordWildCards #-}
3 -- | cabal-install CLI command: freeze
4 --
5 module Distribution.Client.CmdFreeze (
6 freezeCommand,
7 freezeAction,
8 ) where
10 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
11 import Prelude ()
13 import Distribution.Client.NixStyleOptions
14 ( NixStyleFlags (..), nixStyleOptions, defaultNixStyleFlags )
15 import Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration
16 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning
17 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig
18 ( ProjectConfig(..), ProjectConfigShared(..)
19 , writeProjectLocalFreezeConfig )
20 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils (TotalIndexState, ActiveRepos, filterSkippedActiveRepos)
21 import Distribution.Client.Targets
22 ( UserQualifier(..), UserConstraintScope(..), UserConstraint(..) )
23 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
24 ( PackageProperty(..) )
25 import Distribution.Solver.Types.ConstraintSource
26 ( ConstraintSource(..) )
27 import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
28 ( DistDirLayout(distProjectFile) )
29 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
32 import Distribution.Package
33 ( PackageName, packageName, packageVersion )
34 import Distribution.Version
35 ( VersionRange, thisVersion
36 , unionVersionRanges, simplifyVersionRange )
37 import Distribution.PackageDescription
38 ( FlagAssignment, nullFlagAssignment )
39 import Distribution.Client.Setup
40 ( GlobalFlags, ConfigFlags(..) )
41 import Distribution.Simple.Flag
42 ( fromFlagOrDefault )
43 import Distribution.Simple.Flag (Flag (..))
44 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
45 ( die', notice, wrapText )
46 import Distribution.Verbosity
47 ( normal )
49 import qualified Data.Map as Map
51 import Distribution.Simple.Command
52 ( CommandUI(..), usageAlternatives )
54 freezeCommand :: CommandUI (NixStyleFlags ())
55 freezeCommand = CommandUI {
56 commandName = "v2-freeze",
57 commandSynopsis = "Freeze dependencies.",
58 commandUsage = usageAlternatives "v2-freeze" [ "[FLAGS]" ],
59 commandDescription = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
60 "The project configuration is frozen so that it will be reproducible "
61 ++ "in future.\n\n"
63 ++ "The precise dependency configuration for the project is written to "
64 ++ "the 'cabal.project.freeze' file (or '$project_file.freeze' if "
65 ++ "'--project-file' is specified). This file extends the configuration "
66 ++ "from the 'cabal.project' file and thus is used as the project "
67 ++ "configuration for all other commands (such as 'v2-build', "
68 ++ "'v2-repl' etc).\n\n"
70 ++ "The freeze file can be kept in source control. To make small "
71 ++ "adjustments it may be edited manually, or to make bigger changes "
72 ++ "you may wish to delete the file and re-freeze. For more control, "
73 ++ "one approach is to try variations using 'v2-build --dry-run' with "
74 ++ "solver flags such as '--constraint=\"pkg < 1.2\"' and once you have "
75 ++ "a satisfactory solution to freeze it using the 'v2-freeze' command "
76 ++ "with the same set of flags.",
78 commandNotes = Just $ \pname ->
79 "Examples:\n"
80 ++ " " ++ pname ++ " v2-freeze\n"
81 ++ " Freeze the configuration of the current project\n\n"
82 ++ " " ++ pname ++ " v2-build --dry-run --constraint=\"aeson < 1\"\n"
83 ++ " Check what a solution with the given constraints would look like\n"
84 ++ " " ++ pname ++ " v2-freeze --constraint=\"aeson < 1\"\n"
85 ++ " Freeze a solution using the given constraints\n"
87 , commandDefaultFlags = defaultNixStyleFlags ()
88 , commandOptions = nixStyleOptions (const [])
91 -- | To a first approximation, the @freeze@ command runs the first phase of
92 -- the @build@ command where we bring the install plan up to date, and then
93 -- based on the install plan we write out a @cabal.project.freeze@ config file.
95 -- For more details on how this works, see the module
96 -- "Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration"
98 freezeAction :: NixStyleFlags () -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
99 freezeAction flags@NixStyleFlags {..} extraArgs globalFlags = do
101 unless (null extraArgs) $
102 die' verbosity $ "'freeze' doesn't take any extra arguments: "
103 ++ unwords extraArgs
105 ProjectBaseContext {
106 distDirLayout,
107 cabalDirLayout,
108 projectConfig,
109 localPackages,
110 buildSettings
111 } <- establishProjectBaseContext verbosity cliConfig OtherCommand
113 (_, elaboratedPlan, _, totalIndexState, activeRepos) <-
114 rebuildInstallPlan verbosity
115 distDirLayout cabalDirLayout
116 projectConfig
117 localPackages
119 let freezeConfig = projectFreezeConfig elaboratedPlan totalIndexState activeRepos
120 dryRun = buildSettingDryRun buildSettings
121 || buildSettingOnlyDownload buildSettings
123 if dryRun
124 then notice verbosity "Freeze file not written due to flag(s)"
125 else do
126 writeProjectLocalFreezeConfig distDirLayout freezeConfig
127 notice verbosity $
128 "Wrote freeze file: " ++ distProjectFile distDirLayout "freeze"
130 where
131 verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal (configVerbosity configFlags)
132 cliConfig = commandLineFlagsToProjectConfig globalFlags flags
133 mempty -- ClientInstallFlags, not needed here
135 -- | Given the install plan, produce a config value with constraints that
136 -- freezes the versions of packages used in the plan.
138 projectFreezeConfig
139 :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
140 -> TotalIndexState
141 -> ActiveRepos
142 -> ProjectConfig
143 projectFreezeConfig elaboratedPlan totalIndexState activeRepos0 = mempty
144 { projectConfigShared = mempty
145 { projectConfigConstraints =
146 concat (Map.elems (projectFreezeConstraints elaboratedPlan))
147 , projectConfigIndexState = Flag totalIndexState
148 , projectConfigActiveRepos = Flag activeRepos
151 where
152 activeRepos :: ActiveRepos
153 activeRepos = filterSkippedActiveRepos activeRepos0
155 -- | Given the install plan, produce solver constraints that will ensure the
156 -- solver picks the same solution again in future in different environments.
158 projectFreezeConstraints :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
159 -> Map PackageName [(UserConstraint, ConstraintSource)]
160 projectFreezeConstraints plan =
162 -- TODO: [required eventually] this is currently an underapproximation
163 -- since the constraints language is not expressive enough to specify the
164 -- precise solution. See
166 -- For the moment we deal with multiple versions in the solution by using
167 -- constraints that allow either version. Also, we do not include any
168 -- /version/ constraints for packages that are local to the project (e.g.
169 -- if the solution has two instances of Cabal, one from the local project
170 -- and one pulled in as a setup deps then we exclude all constraints on
171 -- Cabal, not just the constraint for the local instance since any
172 -- constraint would apply to both instances). We do however keep flag
173 -- constraints of local packages.
175 deleteLocalPackagesVersionConstraints
176 (Map.unionWith (++) versionConstraints flagConstraints)
177 where
178 versionConstraints :: Map PackageName [(UserConstraint, ConstraintSource)]
179 versionConstraints =
180 Map.mapWithKey
181 (\p v -> [(UserConstraint (UserAnyQualifier p) (PackagePropertyVersion v),
182 ConstraintSourceFreeze)])
183 versionRanges
185 versionRanges :: Map PackageName VersionRange
186 versionRanges =
187 simplifyVersionRange $
188 Map.fromListWith unionVersionRanges $
189 [ (packageName pkg, thisVersion (packageVersion pkg))
190 | InstallPlan.PreExisting pkg <- InstallPlan.toList plan
192 ++ [ (packageName pkg, thisVersion (packageVersion pkg))
193 | InstallPlan.Configured pkg <- InstallPlan.toList plan
196 flagConstraints :: Map PackageName [(UserConstraint, ConstraintSource)]
197 flagConstraints =
198 Map.mapWithKey
199 (\p f -> [(UserConstraint (UserQualified UserQualToplevel p) (PackagePropertyFlags f),
200 ConstraintSourceFreeze)])
201 flagAssignments
203 flagAssignments :: Map PackageName FlagAssignment
204 flagAssignments =
205 Map.fromList
206 [ (pkgname, flags)
207 | InstallPlan.Configured elab <- InstallPlan.toList plan
208 , let flags = elabFlagAssignment elab
209 pkgname = packageName elab
210 , not (nullFlagAssignment flags) ]
212 -- As described above, remove the version constraints on local packages,
213 -- but leave any flag constraints.
214 deleteLocalPackagesVersionConstraints
215 :: Map PackageName [(UserConstraint, ConstraintSource)]
216 -> Map PackageName [(UserConstraint, ConstraintSource)]
217 deleteLocalPackagesVersionConstraints =
218 Map.mergeWithKey
219 (\_pkgname () constraints ->
220 case filter (not . isVersionConstraint . fst) constraints of
221 [] -> Nothing
222 constraints' -> Just constraints')
223 (const Map.empty) id
224 localPackages
226 isVersionConstraint (UserConstraint _ (PackagePropertyVersion _)) = True
227 isVersionConstraint _ = False
229 localPackages :: Map PackageName ()
230 localPackages =
231 Map.fromList
232 [ (packageName elab, ())
233 | InstallPlan.Configured elab <- InstallPlan.toList plan
234 , elabLocalToProject elab