cabal init -i should sanitize suggested package name (fix #8404) (#8561)
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Fetch.hs
1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 -- Module : Distribution.Client.Fetch
3 -- Copyright : (c) David Himmelstrup 2005
4 -- Duncan Coutts 2011
5 -- License : BSD-like
6 --
7 -- Maintainer :
8 -- Stability : provisional
9 -- Portability : portable
11 -- The cabal fetch command
12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 module Distribution.Client.Fetch (
14 fetch,
15 ) where
17 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
18 import Prelude ()
20 import Distribution.Client.Types
21 import Distribution.Client.Targets
22 import Distribution.Client.FetchUtils hiding (fetchPackage)
23 import Distribution.Client.Dependency
24 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
25 ( getSourcePackages, getInstalledPackages )
26 import qualified Distribution.Client.SolverInstallPlan as SolverInstallPlan
27 import Distribution.Client.Setup
28 ( GlobalFlags(..), FetchFlags(..), RepoContext(..) )
30 import Distribution.Solver.Types.ConstraintSource
31 import Distribution.Solver.Types.LabeledPackageConstraint
32 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
33 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PkgConfigDb ( PkgConfigDb, readPkgConfigDb )
34 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SolverPackage
35 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
37 import Distribution.Package
38 ( packageId )
39 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
40 ( Compiler, compilerInfo, PackageDBStack )
41 import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (InstalledPackageIndex)
42 import Distribution.Simple.Program
43 ( ProgramDb )
44 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
45 ( fromFlag, fromFlagOrDefault )
46 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
47 ( die', notice, debug )
48 import Distribution.System
49 ( Platform )
51 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
52 -- * The fetch command
53 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
55 --TODO:
56 -- * add fetch -o support
57 -- * support tarball URLs via ad-hoc download cache (or in -o mode?)
58 -- * suggest using --no-deps, unpack or fetch -o if deps cannot be satisfied
59 -- * Port various flags from install:
60 -- * --upgrade-dependencies
61 -- * --constraint and --preference
62 -- * --only-dependencies, but note it conflicts with --no-deps
65 -- | Fetch a list of packages and their dependencies.
67 fetch :: Verbosity
68 -> PackageDBStack
69 -> RepoContext
70 -> Compiler
71 -> Platform
72 -> ProgramDb
73 -> GlobalFlags
74 -> FetchFlags
75 -> [UserTarget]
76 -> IO ()
77 fetch verbosity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [] =
78 notice verbosity "No packages requested. Nothing to do."
80 fetch verbosity packageDBs repoCtxt comp platform progdb
81 _ fetchFlags userTargets = do
83 traverse_ (checkTarget verbosity) userTargets
85 installedPkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs progdb
86 sourcePkgDb <- getSourcePackages verbosity repoCtxt
87 pkgConfigDb <- readPkgConfigDb verbosity progdb
89 pkgSpecifiers <- resolveUserTargets verbosity repoCtxt
90 (packageIndex sourcePkgDb)
91 userTargets
93 pkgs <- planPackages
94 verbosity comp platform fetchFlags
95 installedPkgIndex sourcePkgDb pkgConfigDb pkgSpecifiers
97 pkgs' <- filterM (fmap not . isFetched . srcpkgSource) pkgs
98 if null pkgs'
99 --TODO: when we add support for remote tarballs then this message
100 -- will need to be changed because for remote tarballs we fetch them
101 -- at the earlier phase.
102 then notice verbosity $ "No packages need to be fetched. "
103 ++ "All the requested packages are already local "
104 ++ "or cached locally."
105 else if dryRun
106 then notice verbosity $ unlines $
107 "The following packages would be fetched:"
108 : map (prettyShow . packageId) pkgs'
110 else traverse_ (fetchPackage verbosity repoCtxt . srcpkgSource) pkgs'
112 where
113 dryRun = fromFlag (fetchDryRun fetchFlags)
115 planPackages :: Verbosity
116 -> Compiler
117 -> Platform
118 -> FetchFlags
119 -> InstalledPackageIndex
120 -> SourcePackageDb
121 -> PkgConfigDb
122 -> [PackageSpecifier UnresolvedSourcePackage]
123 -> IO [UnresolvedSourcePackage]
124 planPackages verbosity comp platform fetchFlags
125 installedPkgIndex sourcePkgDb pkgConfigDb pkgSpecifiers
127 | includeDependencies = do
128 solver <- chooseSolver verbosity
129 (fromFlag (fetchSolver fetchFlags)) (compilerInfo comp)
130 notice verbosity "Resolving dependencies..."
131 installPlan <- foldProgress logMsg (die' verbosity) return $
132 resolveDependencies
133 platform (compilerInfo comp) pkgConfigDb
134 solver
135 resolverParams
137 -- The packages we want to fetch are those packages the 'InstallPlan'
138 -- that are in the 'InstallPlan.Configured' state.
139 return
140 [ solverPkgSource cpkg
141 | (SolverInstallPlan.Configured cpkg)
142 <- SolverInstallPlan.toList installPlan ]
144 | otherwise =
145 either (die' verbosity . unlines . map show) return $
146 resolveWithoutDependencies resolverParams
148 where
149 resolverParams :: DepResolverParams
150 resolverParams =
152 setMaxBackjumps (if maxBackjumps < 0 then Nothing
153 else Just maxBackjumps)
155 . setIndependentGoals independentGoals
157 . setReorderGoals reorderGoals
159 . setCountConflicts countConflicts
161 . setFineGrainedConflicts fineGrainedConflicts
163 . setMinimizeConflictSet minimizeConflictSet
165 . setShadowPkgs shadowPkgs
167 . setStrongFlags strongFlags
169 . setAllowBootLibInstalls allowBootLibInstalls
171 . setOnlyConstrained onlyConstrained
173 . setSolverVerbosity verbosity
175 . addConstraints
176 [ let pc = PackageConstraint
177 (scopeToplevel $ pkgSpecifierTarget pkgSpecifier)
178 (PackagePropertyStanzas stanzas)
179 in LabeledPackageConstraint pc ConstraintSourceConfigFlagOrTarget
180 | pkgSpecifier <- pkgSpecifiers ]
182 -- Reinstall the targets given on the command line so that the dep
183 -- resolver will decide that they need fetching, even if they're
184 -- already installed. Since we want to get the source packages of
185 -- things we might have installed (but not have the sources for).
186 . reinstallTargets
188 $ standardInstallPolicy installedPkgIndex sourcePkgDb pkgSpecifiers
190 includeDependencies = fromFlag (fetchDeps fetchFlags)
191 logMsg message rest = debug verbosity message >> rest
193 stanzas = [ TestStanzas | testsEnabled ]
194 ++ [ BenchStanzas | benchmarksEnabled ]
195 testsEnabled = fromFlagOrDefault False $ fetchTests fetchFlags
196 benchmarksEnabled = fromFlagOrDefault False $ fetchBenchmarks fetchFlags
198 reorderGoals = fromFlag (fetchReorderGoals fetchFlags)
199 countConflicts = fromFlag (fetchCountConflicts fetchFlags)
200 fineGrainedConflicts = fromFlag (fetchFineGrainedConflicts fetchFlags)
201 minimizeConflictSet = fromFlag (fetchMinimizeConflictSet fetchFlags)
202 independentGoals = fromFlag (fetchIndependentGoals fetchFlags)
203 shadowPkgs = fromFlag (fetchShadowPkgs fetchFlags)
204 strongFlags = fromFlag (fetchStrongFlags fetchFlags)
205 maxBackjumps = fromFlag (fetchMaxBackjumps fetchFlags)
206 allowBootLibInstalls = fromFlag (fetchAllowBootLibInstalls fetchFlags)
207 onlyConstrained = fromFlag (fetchOnlyConstrained fetchFlags)
210 checkTarget :: Verbosity -> UserTarget -> IO ()
211 checkTarget verbosity target = case target of
212 UserTargetRemoteTarball _uri
213 -> die' verbosity $ "The 'fetch' command does not yet support remote tarballs. "
214 ++ "In the meantime you can use the 'unpack' commands."
215 _ -> return ()
217 fetchPackage :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> PackageLocation a -> IO ()
218 fetchPackage verbosity repoCtxt pkgsrc = case pkgsrc of
219 LocalUnpackedPackage _dir -> return ()
220 LocalTarballPackage _file -> return ()
222 RemoteTarballPackage _uri _ ->
223 die' verbosity $ "The 'fetch' command does not yet support remote tarballs. "
224 ++ "In the meantime you can use the 'unpack' commands."
226 RemoteSourceRepoPackage _repo _ ->
227 die' verbosity $ "The 'fetch' command does not yet support remote "
228 ++ "source repositories."
230 RepoTarballPackage repo pkgid _ -> do
231 _ <- fetchRepoTarball verbosity repoCtxt repo pkgid
232 return ()