cabal init -i should sanitize suggested package name (fix #8404) (#8561)
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / GenBounds.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -- |
4 -- Module : Distribution.Client.GenBounds
5 -- Copyright : (c) Doug Beardsley 2015
6 -- License : BSD-like
7 --
8 -- Maintainer :
9 -- Stability : provisional
10 -- Portability : portable
12 -- The cabal gen-bounds command for generating PVP-compliant version bounds.
13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 module Distribution.Client.GenBounds (
15 genBounds
16 ) where
18 import Prelude ()
19 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
21 import Distribution.Client.Utils
22 ( hasElem, incVersion )
23 import Distribution.Client.Freeze
24 ( getFreezePkgs )
25 import Distribution.Client.Setup
26 ( GlobalFlags(..), FreezeFlags(..), RepoContext )
27 import Distribution.Package
28 ( Package(..), unPackageName, packageName, packageVersion )
29 import Distribution.PackageDescription
30 ( enabledBuildDepends )
31 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
32 ( finalizePD )
33 import Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec
34 ( defaultComponentRequestedSpec )
35 import Distribution.Types.Dependency
36 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
37 ( Compiler, PackageDBStack, compilerInfo )
38 import Distribution.Simple.PackageDescription
39 ( readGenericPackageDescription )
40 import Distribution.Simple.Program
41 ( ProgramDb )
42 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
43 ( notice, tryFindPackageDesc )
44 import Distribution.System
45 ( Platform )
46 import Distribution.Version
47 ( Version, alterVersion, VersionInterval (..)
48 , LowerBound(..), UpperBound(..), VersionRange, asVersionIntervals
49 , orLaterVersion, earlierVersion, intersectVersionRanges, hasUpperBound)
50 import System.Directory
51 ( getCurrentDirectory )
53 -- | Given a version, return an API-compatible (according to PVP) version range.
55 -- Example: @ produces the version range @>= 0.4.1 && < 0.5@.
57 -- This version is slightly different than the one in
58 -- 'Distribution.Client.Init'. This one uses a.b.c as the lower bound because
59 -- the user could be using a new function introduced in a.b.c which would make
60 -- ">= a.b" incorrect.
61 pvpize :: Version -> VersionRange
62 pvpize v = orLaterVersion (vn 3)
63 `intersectVersionRanges`
64 earlierVersion (incVersion 1 (vn 2))
65 where
66 vn n = alterVersion (take n) v
68 -- | Show the PVP-mandated version range for this package. The @padTo@ parameter
69 -- specifies the width of the package name column.
70 showBounds :: Package pkg => Int -> pkg -> String
71 showBounds padTo p = unwords $
72 (padAfter padTo $ unPackageName $ packageName p) :
73 -- TODO: use normaliseVersionRange
74 map showInterval (asVersionIntervals $ pvpize $ packageVersion p)
75 where
76 padAfter :: Int -> String -> String
77 padAfter n str = str ++ replicate (n - length str) ' '
79 showInterval :: VersionInterval -> String
80 showInterval (VersionInterval (LowerBound _ _) NoUpperBound) =
81 error "Error: expected upper bound...this should never happen!"
82 showInterval (VersionInterval (LowerBound l _) (UpperBound u _)) =
83 unwords [">=", prettyShow l, "&& <", prettyShow u]
85 -- | Entry point for the @gen-bounds@ command.
86 genBounds
87 :: Verbosity
88 -> PackageDBStack
89 -> RepoContext
90 -> Compiler
91 -> Platform
92 -> ProgramDb
93 -> GlobalFlags
94 -> FreezeFlags
95 -> IO ()
96 genBounds verbosity packageDBs repoCtxt comp platform progdb globalFlags freezeFlags = do
97 let cinfo = compilerInfo comp
99 cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
100 path <- tryFindPackageDesc verbosity cwd
101 gpd <- readGenericPackageDescription verbosity path
102 -- NB: We don't enable tests or benchmarks, since often they
103 -- don't really have useful bounds.
104 let epd = finalizePD mempty defaultComponentRequestedSpec
105 (const True) platform cinfo [] gpd
106 case epd of
107 Left _ -> putStrLn "finalizePD failed"
108 Right (pd,_) -> do
109 let needBounds = map depName $ filter (not . hasUpperBound . depVersion) $
110 enabledBuildDepends pd defaultComponentRequestedSpec
112 pkgs <- getFreezePkgs
113 verbosity packageDBs repoCtxt comp platform progdb
114 globalFlags freezeFlags
116 let isNeeded = hasElem needBounds . unPackageName . packageName
117 let thePkgs = filter isNeeded pkgs
119 let padTo = maximum $ map (length . unPackageName . packageName) pkgs
121 if null thePkgs then notice verbosity
122 "Congratulations, all your dependencies have upper bounds!"
123 else do
124 notice verbosity boundsNeededMsg
125 traverse_ (notice verbosity . (++",") . showBounds padTo) thePkgs
127 depName :: Dependency -> String
128 depName (Dependency pn _ _) = unPackageName pn
130 depVersion :: Dependency -> VersionRange
131 depVersion (Dependency _ vr _) = vr
133 -- | The message printed when some dependencies are found to be lacking proper
134 -- PVP-mandated bounds.
135 boundsNeededMsg :: String
136 boundsNeededMsg = unlines
137 [ ""
138 , "The following packages need bounds and here is a suggested starting point."
139 , "You can copy and paste this into the build-depends section in your .cabal"
140 , "file and it should work (with the appropriate removal of commas)."
141 , ""
142 , "Note that version bounds are a statement that you've successfully built and"
143 , "tested your package and expect it to work with any of the specified package"
144 , "versions (PROVIDED that those packages continue to conform with the PVP)."
145 , "Therefore, the version bounds generated here are the most conservative"
146 , "based on the versions that you are currently building with. If you know"
147 , "your package will work with versions outside the ranges generated here,"
148 , "feel free to widen them."
149 , ""