cabal init -i should sanitize suggested package name (fix #8404) (#8561)
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / List.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -- |
4 -- Module : Distribution.Client.List
5 -- Copyright : (c) David Himmelstrup 2005
6 -- Duncan Coutts 2008-2011
7 -- License : BSD-like
8 --
9 -- Maintainer :
11 -- Search for and print information about packages
12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 module Distribution.Client.List (
14 list, info
15 ) where
17 import Prelude ()
18 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
20 import Distribution.Package
21 ( PackageName, Package(..), packageName
22 , packageVersion, UnitId )
23 import Distribution.Types.Dependency
24 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
25 import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
26 import Distribution.License (License)
27 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
28 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Source
29 import Distribution.PackageDescription
30 ( PackageFlag(..), unFlagName )
31 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
32 ( flattenPackageDescription )
34 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
35 ( Compiler, PackageDBStack )
36 import Distribution.Simple.Program (ProgramDb)
37 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
38 ( equating, die', notice )
39 import Distribution.Simple.Setup (fromFlag, fromFlagOrDefault)
40 import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (InstalledPackageIndex)
41 import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as InstalledPackageIndex
42 import Distribution.Version
43 ( Version, mkVersion, versionNumbers, VersionRange, withinRange, anyVersion
44 , intersectVersionRanges, simplifyVersionRange )
46 import qualified Distribution.SPDX as SPDX
48 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
49 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
50 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
52 import Distribution.Client.Types
53 ( SourcePackageDb(..), PackageSpecifier(..), UnresolvedSourcePackage )
54 import Distribution.Client.Targets
55 ( UserTarget, resolveUserTargets )
56 import Distribution.Client.Setup
57 ( GlobalFlags(..), ListFlags(..), InfoFlags(..)
58 , RepoContext(..) )
59 import Distribution.Client.Utils
60 ( mergeBy, MergeResult(..) )
61 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
62 ( getSourcePackages, getInstalledPackages )
63 import Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
64 ( isFetched )
66 import Data.Bits ((.|.))
67 import Data.List
68 ( maximumBy )
69 import Data.List.NonEmpty (groupBy)
70 import qualified Data.List as L
71 import Data.Maybe
72 ( fromJust )
73 import qualified Data.Map as Map
74 import Data.Tree as Tree
75 import Control.Exception
76 ( assert )
77 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
78 import Text.PrettyPrint
79 ( lineLength, ribbonsPerLine, Doc, renderStyle, char
80 , nest, ($+$), text, vcat, style, parens, fsep)
81 import System.Directory
82 ( doesDirectoryExist )
84 import Distribution.Utils.ShortText (ShortText)
85 import qualified Distribution.Utils.ShortText as ShortText
86 import qualified Text.Regex.Base as Regex
87 import qualified Text.Regex.Posix.String as Regex
90 -- | Return a list of packages matching given search strings.
91 getPkgList :: Verbosity
92 -> PackageDBStack
93 -> RepoContext
94 -> Maybe (Compiler, ProgramDb)
95 -> ListFlags
96 -> [String]
97 -> IO [PackageDisplayInfo]
98 getPkgList verbosity packageDBs repoCtxt mcompprogdb listFlags pats = do
99 installedPkgIndex <- for mcompprogdb $ \(comp, progdb) ->
100 getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs progdb
101 sourcePkgDb <- getSourcePackages verbosity repoCtxt
103 regexps <- for pats $ \pat -> do
104 e <- Regex.compile compOption Regex.execBlank pat
105 case e of
106 Right r -> return r
107 Left err -> die' verbosity $ "Failed to compile regex " ++ pat ++ ": " ++ snd err
109 let sourcePkgIndex = packageIndex sourcePkgDb
110 prefs name = fromMaybe anyVersion
111 (Map.lookup name (packagePreferences sourcePkgDb))
113 pkgsInfoMatching ::
114 [(PackageName, [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo], [UnresolvedSourcePackage])]
115 pkgsInfoMatching =
116 let matchingInstalled = maybe [] (matchingPackages InstalledPackageIndex.searchWithPredicate regexps) installedPkgIndex
117 matchingSource = matchingPackages (\ idx n -> concatMap snd (PackageIndex.searchWithPredicate idx n)) regexps sourcePkgIndex
118 in mergePackages matchingInstalled matchingSource
120 pkgsInfo ::
121 [(PackageName, [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo], [UnresolvedSourcePackage])]
122 pkgsInfo
123 -- gather info for all packages
124 | null regexps = mergePackages
125 (maybe [] InstalledPackageIndex.allPackages installedPkgIndex)
126 ( PackageIndex.allPackages sourcePkgIndex)
128 -- gather info for packages matching search term
129 | otherwise = pkgsInfoMatching
131 matches :: [PackageDisplayInfo]
132 matches = [ mergePackageInfo pref
133 installedPkgs sourcePkgs selectedPkg False
134 | (pkgname, installedPkgs, sourcePkgs) <- pkgsInfo
135 , not onlyInstalled || not (null installedPkgs)
136 , let pref = prefs pkgname
137 selectedPkg = latestWithPref pref sourcePkgs ]
138 return matches
139 where
140 onlyInstalled = fromFlagOrDefault False (listInstalled listFlags)
141 caseInsensitive = fromFlagOrDefault True (listCaseInsensitive listFlags)
143 compOption | caseInsensitive = Regex.compExtended .|. Regex.compIgnoreCase
144 | otherwise = Regex.compExtended
146 matchingPackages search regexps index =
147 [ pkg
148 | re <- regexps
149 , pkg <- search index (Regex.matchTest re) ]
152 -- | Show information about packages.
153 list :: Verbosity
154 -> PackageDBStack
155 -> RepoContext
156 -> Maybe (Compiler, ProgramDb)
157 -> ListFlags
158 -> [String]
159 -> IO ()
160 list verbosity packageDBs repos mcompProgdb listFlags pats = do
161 matches <- getPkgList verbosity packageDBs repos mcompProgdb listFlags pats
163 if simpleOutput
164 then putStr $ unlines
165 [ prettyShow (pkgName pkg) ++ " " ++ prettyShow version
166 | pkg <- matches
167 , version <- if onlyInstalled
168 then installedVersions pkg
169 else nub . sort $ installedVersions pkg
170 ++ sourceVersions pkg ]
171 -- Note: this only works because for 'list', one cannot currently
172 -- specify any version constraints, so listing all installed
173 -- and source ones works.
174 else
175 if null matches
176 then notice verbosity "No matches found."
177 else putStr $ unlines (map showPackageSummaryInfo matches)
178 where
179 onlyInstalled = fromFlag (listInstalled listFlags)
180 simpleOutput = fromFlag (listSimpleOutput listFlags)
182 info :: Verbosity
183 -> PackageDBStack
184 -> RepoContext
185 -> Compiler
186 -> ProgramDb
187 -> GlobalFlags
188 -> InfoFlags
189 -> [UserTarget]
190 -> IO ()
191 info verbosity _ _ _ _ _ _ [] =
192 notice verbosity "No packages requested. Nothing to do."
194 info verbosity packageDBs repoCtxt comp progdb
195 _ _listFlags userTargets = do
197 installedPkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs progdb
198 sourcePkgDb <- getSourcePackages verbosity repoCtxt
199 let sourcePkgIndex = packageIndex sourcePkgDb
200 prefs name = fromMaybe anyVersion
201 (Map.lookup name (packagePreferences sourcePkgDb))
203 -- Users may specify names of packages that are only installed, not
204 -- just available source packages, so we must resolve targets using
205 -- the combination of installed and source packages.
206 let sourcePkgs' = PackageIndex.fromList
207 $ map packageId
208 (InstalledPackageIndex.allPackages installedPkgIndex)
209 ++ map packageId
210 (PackageIndex.allPackages sourcePkgIndex)
211 pkgSpecifiers <- resolveUserTargets verbosity repoCtxt
212 sourcePkgs' userTargets
214 pkgsinfo <- sequenceA
215 [ do pkginfo <- either (die' verbosity) return $
216 gatherPkgInfo prefs
217 installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex
218 pkgSpecifier
219 updateFileSystemPackageDetails pkginfo
220 | pkgSpecifier <- pkgSpecifiers ]
222 putStr $ unlines (map showPackageDetailedInfo pkgsinfo)
224 where
225 gatherPkgInfo :: (PackageName -> VersionRange) ->
226 InstalledPackageIndex ->
227 PackageIndex.PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage ->
228 PackageSpecifier UnresolvedSourcePackage ->
229 Either String PackageDisplayInfo
230 gatherPkgInfo prefs installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex
231 (NamedPackage name props)
232 | null (selectedInstalledPkgs) && null (selectedSourcePkgs)
233 = Left $ "There is no available version of " ++ prettyShow name
234 ++ " that satisfies "
235 ++ prettyShow (simplifyVersionRange verConstraint)
237 | otherwise
238 = Right $ mergePackageInfo pref installedPkgs
239 sourcePkgs selectedSourcePkg'
240 showPkgVersion
241 where
242 (pref, installedPkgs, sourcePkgs) =
243 sourcePkgsInfo prefs name installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex
245 selectedInstalledPkgs = InstalledPackageIndex.lookupDependency
246 installedPkgIndex
247 name verConstraint
248 selectedSourcePkgs = PackageIndex.lookupDependency sourcePkgIndex
249 name verConstraint
250 selectedSourcePkg' = latestWithPref pref selectedSourcePkgs
252 -- display a specific package version if the user
253 -- supplied a non-trivial version constraint
254 showPkgVersion = not (null verConstraints)
255 verConstraint = foldr intersectVersionRanges anyVersion verConstraints
256 verConstraints = [ vr | PackagePropertyVersion vr <- props ]
258 gatherPkgInfo prefs installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex
259 (SpecificSourcePackage pkg) =
260 Right $ mergePackageInfo pref installedPkgs sourcePkgs
261 selectedPkg True
262 where
263 name = packageName pkg
264 selectedPkg = Just pkg
265 (pref, installedPkgs, sourcePkgs) =
266 sourcePkgsInfo prefs name installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex
268 sourcePkgsInfo ::
269 (PackageName -> VersionRange)
270 -> PackageName
271 -> InstalledPackageIndex
272 -> PackageIndex.PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage
273 -> (VersionRange, [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo], [UnresolvedSourcePackage])
274 sourcePkgsInfo prefs name installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex =
275 (pref, installedPkgs, sourcePkgs)
276 where
277 pref = prefs name
278 installedPkgs = concatMap snd (InstalledPackageIndex.lookupPackageName
279 installedPkgIndex name)
280 sourcePkgs = PackageIndex.lookupPackageName sourcePkgIndex name
283 -- | The info that we can display for each package. It is information per
284 -- package name and covers all installed and available versions.
286 data PackageDisplayInfo = PackageDisplayInfo {
287 pkgName :: PackageName,
288 selectedVersion :: Maybe Version,
289 selectedSourcePkg :: Maybe UnresolvedSourcePackage,
290 installedVersions :: [Version],
291 sourceVersions :: [Version],
292 preferredVersions :: VersionRange,
293 homepage :: ShortText,
294 bugReports :: ShortText,
295 sourceRepo :: String, -- TODO
296 synopsis :: ShortText,
297 description :: ShortText,
298 category :: ShortText,
299 license :: Either SPDX.License License,
300 author :: ShortText,
301 maintainer :: ShortText,
302 dependencies :: [ExtDependency],
303 flags :: [PackageFlag],
304 hasLib :: Bool,
305 hasExe :: Bool,
306 executables :: [UnqualComponentName],
307 modules :: [ModuleName],
308 haddockHtml :: FilePath,
309 haveTarball :: Bool
312 -- | Covers source dependencies and installed dependencies in
313 -- one type.
314 data ExtDependency = SourceDependency Dependency
315 | InstalledDependency UnitId
317 showPackageSummaryInfo :: PackageDisplayInfo -> String
318 showPackageSummaryInfo pkginfo =
319 renderStyle (style {lineLength = 80, ribbonsPerLine = 1}) $
320 char '*' <+> pretty (pkgName pkginfo)
322 (nest 4 $ vcat [
323 maybeShowST (synopsis pkginfo) "Synopsis:" reflowParagraphs
324 , text "Default available version:" <+>
325 case selectedSourcePkg pkginfo of
326 Nothing -> text "[ Not available from any configured repository ]"
327 Just pkg -> pretty (packageVersion pkg)
328 , text "Installed versions:" <+>
329 case installedVersions pkginfo of
330 [] | hasLib pkginfo -> text "[ Not installed ]"
331 | otherwise -> text "[ Unknown ]"
332 versions -> dispTopVersions 4
333 (preferredVersions pkginfo) versions
334 , maybeShowST (homepage pkginfo) "Homepage:" text
335 , text "License: " <+> either pretty pretty (license pkginfo)
337 $+$ text ""
338 where
339 maybeShowST l s f
340 | ShortText.null l = Disp.empty
341 | otherwise = text s <+> f (ShortText.fromShortText l)
343 showPackageDetailedInfo :: PackageDisplayInfo -> String
344 showPackageDetailedInfo pkginfo =
345 renderStyle (style {lineLength = 80, ribbonsPerLine = 1}) $
346 char '*' <+> pretty (pkgName pkginfo)
347 <<>> maybe Disp.empty (\v -> char '-' Disp.<> pretty v) (selectedVersion pkginfo)
348 <+> text (replicate (16 - length (prettyShow (pkgName pkginfo))) ' ')
349 <<>> parens pkgkind
351 (nest 4 $ vcat [
352 entryST "Synopsis" synopsis hideIfNull reflowParagraphs
353 , entry "Versions available" sourceVersions
354 (altText null "[ Not available from server ]")
355 (dispTopVersions 9 (preferredVersions pkginfo))
356 , entry "Versions installed" installedVersions
357 (altText null (if hasLib pkginfo then "[ Not installed ]"
358 else "[ Unknown ]"))
359 (dispTopVersions 4 (preferredVersions pkginfo))
360 , entryST "Homepage" homepage orNotSpecified text
361 , entryST "Bug reports" bugReports orNotSpecified text
362 , entryST "Description" description hideIfNull reflowParagraphs
363 , entryST "Category" category hideIfNull text
364 , entry "License" license alwaysShow (either pretty pretty)
365 , entryST "Author" author hideIfNull reflowLines
366 , entryST "Maintainer" maintainer hideIfNull reflowLines
367 , entry "Source repo" sourceRepo orNotSpecified text
368 , entry "Executables" executables hideIfNull (commaSep pretty)
369 , entry "Flags" flags hideIfNull (commaSep dispFlag)
370 , entry "Dependencies" dependencies hideIfNull (commaSep dispExtDep)
371 , entry "Documentation" haddockHtml showIfInstalled text
372 , entry "Cached" haveTarball alwaysShow dispYesNo
373 , if not (hasLib pkginfo) then mempty else
374 text "Modules:" $+$ nest 4 (vcat (map pretty . sort . modules $ pkginfo))
376 $+$ text ""
377 where
378 entry fname field cond format = case cond (field pkginfo) of
379 Nothing -> label <+> format (field pkginfo)
380 Just Nothing -> mempty
381 Just (Just other) -> label <+> text other
382 where
383 label = text fname Disp.<> char ':' Disp.<> padding
384 padding = text (replicate (13 - length fname ) ' ')
386 entryST fname field = entry fname (ShortText.fromShortText . field)
388 normal = Nothing
389 hide = Just Nothing
390 replace msg = Just (Just msg)
392 alwaysShow = const normal
393 hideIfNull v = if null v then hide else normal
394 showIfInstalled v
395 | not isInstalled = hide
396 | null v = replace "[ Not installed ]"
397 | otherwise = normal
398 altText nul msg v = if nul v then replace msg else normal
399 orNotSpecified = altText null "[ Not specified ]"
401 commaSep f = Disp.fsep . Disp.punctuate (Disp.char ',') . map f
402 dispFlag = text . unFlagName . flagName
403 dispYesNo True = text "Yes"
404 dispYesNo False = text "No"
406 dispExtDep (SourceDependency dep) = pretty dep
407 dispExtDep (InstalledDependency dep) = pretty dep
409 isInstalled = not (null (installedVersions pkginfo))
410 hasExes = length (executables pkginfo) >= 2
411 --TODO: exclude non-buildable exes
412 pkgkind | hasLib pkginfo && hasExes = text "programs and library"
413 | hasLib pkginfo && hasExe pkginfo = text "program and library"
414 | hasLib pkginfo = text "library"
415 | hasExes = text "programs"
416 | hasExe pkginfo = text "program"
417 | otherwise = mempty
420 reflowParagraphs :: String -> Doc
421 reflowParagraphs =
422 vcat
423 . intersperse (text "") -- re-insert blank lines
424 . map (fsep . map text . concatMap words) -- reflow paragraphs
425 . filter (/= [""])
426 . L.groupBy (\x y -> "" `notElem` [x,y]) -- break on blank lines
427 . lines
429 reflowLines :: String -> Doc
430 reflowLines = vcat . map text . lines
432 -- | We get the 'PackageDisplayInfo' by combining the info for the installed
433 -- and available versions of a package.
435 -- * We're building info about a various versions of a single named package so
436 -- the input package info records are all supposed to refer to the same
437 -- package name.
439 mergePackageInfo :: VersionRange
440 -> [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo]
441 -> [UnresolvedSourcePackage]
442 -> Maybe UnresolvedSourcePackage
443 -> Bool
444 -> PackageDisplayInfo
445 mergePackageInfo versionPref installedPkgs sourcePkgs selectedPkg showVer =
446 assert (length installedPkgs + length sourcePkgs > 0) $
447 PackageDisplayInfo {
448 pkgName = combine packageName source
449 packageName installed,
450 selectedVersion = if showVer then fmap packageVersion selectedPkg
451 else Nothing,
452 selectedSourcePkg = sourceSelected,
453 installedVersions = map packageVersion installedPkgs,
454 sourceVersions = map packageVersion sourcePkgs,
455 preferredVersions = versionPref,
457 license = combine Source.licenseRaw source
458 Installed.license installed,
459 maintainer = combine Source.maintainer source
460 Installed.maintainer installed,
461 author = combine source
462 installed,
463 homepage = combine Source.homepage source
464 Installed.homepage installed,
465 bugReports = maybe mempty Source.bugReports source,
466 sourceRepo = fromMaybe mempty . join
467 . fmap (uncons Nothing Source.repoLocation
468 . sortBy (comparing Source.repoKind)
469 . Source.sourceRepos)
470 $ source,
471 --TODO: installed package info is missing synopsis
472 synopsis = maybe mempty Source.synopsis source,
473 description = combine Source.description source
474 Installed.description installed,
475 category = combine Source.category source
476 Installed.category installed,
477 flags = maybe [] Source.genPackageFlags sourceGeneric,
478 hasLib = isJust installed
479 || maybe False (isJust . Source.condLibrary) sourceGeneric,
480 hasExe = maybe False (not . null . Source.condExecutables) sourceGeneric,
481 executables = map fst (maybe [] Source.condExecutables sourceGeneric),
482 modules = combine (map Installed.exposedName . Installed.exposedModules)
483 installed
484 -- NB: only for the PUBLIC library
485 (concatMap getListOfExposedModules . maybeToList . Source.library)
486 source,
487 dependencies =
488 combine (map (SourceDependency . simplifyDependency)
489 . Source.allBuildDepends) source
490 (map InstalledDependency . Installed.depends) installed,
491 haddockHtml = fromMaybe "" . join
492 . fmap (listToMaybe . Installed.haddockHTMLs)
493 $ installed,
494 haveTarball = False
496 where
497 combine f x g y = fromJust (fmap f x `mplus` fmap g y)
498 installed :: Maybe Installed.InstalledPackageInfo
499 installed = latestWithPref versionPref installedPkgs
501 getListOfExposedModules lib = Source.exposedModules lib
502 ++ map Source.moduleReexportName
503 (Source.reexportedModules lib)
505 sourceSelected
506 | isJust selectedPkg = selectedPkg
507 | otherwise = latestWithPref versionPref sourcePkgs
508 sourceGeneric = fmap srcpkgDescription sourceSelected
509 source = fmap flattenPackageDescription sourceGeneric
511 uncons :: b -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
512 uncons z _ [] = z
513 uncons _ f (x:_) = f x
516 -- | Not all the info is pure. We have to check if the docs really are
517 -- installed, because the registered package info lies. Similarly we have to
518 -- check if the tarball has indeed been fetched.
520 updateFileSystemPackageDetails :: PackageDisplayInfo -> IO PackageDisplayInfo
521 updateFileSystemPackageDetails pkginfo = do
522 fetched <- maybe (return False) (isFetched . srcpkgSource)
523 (selectedSourcePkg pkginfo)
524 docsExist <- doesDirectoryExist (haddockHtml pkginfo)
525 return pkginfo {
526 haveTarball = fetched,
527 haddockHtml = if docsExist then haddockHtml pkginfo else ""
530 latestWithPref :: Package pkg => VersionRange -> [pkg] -> Maybe pkg
531 latestWithPref _ [] = Nothing
532 latestWithPref pref pkgs = Just (maximumBy (comparing prefThenVersion) pkgs)
533 where
534 prefThenVersion pkg = let ver = packageVersion pkg
535 in (withinRange ver pref, ver)
538 -- | Rearrange installed and source packages into groups referring to the
539 -- same package by name. In the result pairs, the lists are guaranteed to not
540 -- both be empty.
542 mergePackages :: [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo]
543 -> [UnresolvedSourcePackage]
544 -> [( PackageName
545 , [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo]
546 , [UnresolvedSourcePackage] )]
547 mergePackages installedPkgs sourcePkgs =
548 map collect
549 $ mergeBy (\i a -> fst i `compare` fst a)
550 (groupOn packageName installedPkgs)
551 (groupOn packageName sourcePkgs)
552 where
553 collect (OnlyInLeft (name,is) ) = (name, is, [])
554 collect ( InBoth (_,is) (name,as)) = (name, is, as)
555 collect (OnlyInRight (name,as)) = (name, [], as)
557 groupOn :: Ord key => (a -> key) -> [a] -> [(key,[a])]
558 groupOn key = map (\xs -> (key (head xs), toList xs))
559 . groupBy (equating key)
560 . sortBy (comparing key)
562 dispTopVersions :: Int -> VersionRange -> [Version] -> Doc
563 dispTopVersions n pref vs =
564 (Disp.fsep . Disp.punctuate (Disp.char ',')
565 . map (\ver -> if ispref ver then pretty ver else parens (pretty ver))
566 . sort . take n . interestingVersions ispref
567 $ vs)
568 <+> trailingMessage
570 where
571 ispref ver = withinRange ver pref
572 extra = length vs - n
573 trailingMessage
574 | extra <= 0 = Disp.empty
575 | otherwise = Disp.parens $ Disp.text "and"
576 <+> (length vs - n)
577 <+> if extra == 1 then Disp.text "other"
578 else Disp.text "others"
580 -- | Reorder a bunch of versions to put the most interesting / significant
581 -- versions first. A preferred version range is taken into account.
583 -- This may be used in a user interface to select a small number of versions
584 -- to present to the user, e.g.
586 -- > let selectVersions = sort . take 5 . interestingVersions pref
588 interestingVersions :: (Version -> Bool) -> [Version] -> [Version]
589 interestingVersions pref =
590 map (mkVersion . fst) . filter snd
591 . concat . Tree.levels
592 . swizzleTree
593 . reorderTree (\(Node (v,_) _) -> pref (mkVersion v))
594 . reverseTree
595 . mkTree
596 . map (or0 . versionNumbers)
598 where
599 or0 [] = 0 :| []
600 or0 (x:xs) = x :| xs
602 swizzleTree = unfoldTree (spine [])
603 where
604 spine ts' (Node x []) = (x, ts')
605 spine ts' (Node x (t:ts)) = spine (Node x ts:ts') t
607 reorderTree _ (Node x []) = Node x []
608 reorderTree p (Node x ts) = Node x (ts' ++ ts'')
609 where
610 (ts',ts'') = partition p (map (reorderTree p) ts)
612 reverseTree (Node x cs) = Node x (reverse (map reverseTree cs))
614 mkTree :: forall a. Eq a => [NonEmpty a] -> Tree ([a], Bool)
615 mkTree xs = unfoldTree step (False, [], xs)
616 where
617 step :: (Bool, [a], [NonEmpty a]) -> (([a], Bool), [(Bool, [a], [NonEmpty a])])
618 step (node,ns,vs) =
619 ( (reverse ns, node)
620 , [ (any null vs', n:ns, mapMaybe nonEmpty (toList vs'))
621 | (n, vs') <- groups vs
625 groups :: [NonEmpty a] -> [(a, NonEmpty [a])]
626 groups = map (\g -> (head (head g), fmap tail g))
627 . groupBy (equating head)