cabal init -i should sanitize suggested package name (fix #8404) (#8561)
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / ParseUtils.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, NamedFieldPuns, RankNTypes #-}
3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 -- |
5 -- Module : Distribution.Client.ParseUtils
6 -- Maintainer :
7 -- Portability : portable
8 --
9 -- Parsing utilities.
10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 module Distribution.Client.ParseUtils (
14 -- * Fields and field utilities
15 FieldDescr(..),
16 liftField,
17 liftFields,
18 filterFields,
19 mapFieldNames,
20 commandOptionToField,
21 commandOptionsToFields,
23 -- * Sections and utilities
24 SectionDescr(..),
25 liftSection,
27 -- * FieldGrammar sections
28 FGSectionDescr(..),
30 -- * Parsing and printing flat config
31 parseFields,
32 ppFields,
33 ppSection,
35 -- * Parsing and printing config with sections and subsections
36 parseFieldsAndSections,
37 ppFieldsAndSections,
39 -- ** Top level of config files
40 parseConfig,
41 showConfig,
43 where
45 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (empty, get)
46 import Prelude ()
48 import Distribution.Deprecated.ParseUtils
49 ( FieldDescr(..), ParseResult(..), warning, LineNo, lineNo
50 , Field(..), liftField, readFields )
51 import Distribution.Deprecated.ViewAsFieldDescr
52 ( viewAsFieldDescr )
54 import Distribution.Simple.Command
55 ( OptionField )
57 import Text.PrettyPrint ( ($+$) )
58 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
59 import qualified Data.Map as Map
60 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
61 ( (<>), Doc, text, colon, vcat, empty, isEmpty, nest )
63 -- For new parser stuff
64 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion (cabalSpecLatest)
65 import Distribution.FieldGrammar (partitionFields, parseFieldGrammar)
66 import Distribution.Fields.ParseResult (runParseResult)
67 import Distribution.Parsec.Error (showPError)
68 import Distribution.Parsec.Position (Position (..))
69 import Distribution.Parsec.Warning (showPWarning)
70 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (fromUTF8BS, toUTF8BS)
71 import qualified Distribution.Fields as F
72 import qualified Distribution.FieldGrammar as FG
75 -------------------------
76 -- FieldDescr utilities
79 liftFields :: (b -> a)
80 -> (a -> b -> b)
81 -> [FieldDescr a]
82 -> [FieldDescr b]
83 liftFields get set = map (liftField get set)
86 -- | Given a collection of field descriptions, keep only a given list of them,
87 -- identified by name.
89 filterFields :: [String] -> [FieldDescr a] -> [FieldDescr a]
90 filterFields includeFields = filter ((`elem` includeFields) . fieldName)
92 -- | Apply a name mangling function to the field names of all the field
93 -- descriptions. The typical use case is to apply some prefix.
95 mapFieldNames :: (String -> String) -> [FieldDescr a] -> [FieldDescr a]
96 mapFieldNames mangleName =
97 map (\descr -> descr { fieldName = mangleName (fieldName descr) })
100 -- | Reuse a command line 'OptionField' as a config file 'FieldDescr'.
102 commandOptionToField :: OptionField a -> FieldDescr a
103 commandOptionToField = viewAsFieldDescr
105 -- | Reuse a bunch of command line 'OptionField's as config file 'FieldDescr's.
107 commandOptionsToFields :: [OptionField a] -> [FieldDescr a]
108 commandOptionsToFields = map viewAsFieldDescr
111 ------------------------------------------
112 -- SectionDescr definition and utilities
115 -- | The description of a section in a config file. It can contain both
116 -- fields and optionally further subsections. See also 'FieldDescr'.
118 data SectionDescr a = forall b. SectionDescr {
119 sectionName :: String,
120 sectionFields :: [FieldDescr b],
121 sectionSubsections :: [SectionDescr b],
122 sectionGet :: a -> [(String, b)],
123 sectionSet :: LineNo -> String -> b -> a -> ParseResult a,
124 sectionEmpty :: b
127 -- | 'FieldGrammar' section description
128 data FGSectionDescr g a = forall s. FGSectionDescr
129 { fgSectionName :: String
130 , fgSectionGrammar :: g s s
131 -- todo: add subsections?
132 , fgSectionGet :: a -> [(String, s)]
133 , fgSectionSet :: LineNo -> String -> s -> a -> ParseResult a
136 -- | To help construction of config file descriptions in a modular way it is
137 -- useful to define fields and sections on local types and then hoist them
138 -- into the parent types when combining them in bigger descriptions.
140 -- This is essentially a lens operation for 'SectionDescr' to help embedding
141 -- one inside another.
143 liftSection :: (b -> a)
144 -> (a -> b -> b)
145 -> SectionDescr a
146 -> SectionDescr b
147 liftSection get' set' (SectionDescr name fields sections get set empty) =
148 let sectionGet' = get . get'
149 sectionSet' lineno param x y = do
150 x' <- set lineno param x (get' y)
151 return (set' x' y)
152 in SectionDescr name fields sections sectionGet' sectionSet' empty
155 -------------------------------------
156 -- Parsing and printing flat config
159 -- | Parse a bunch of semi-parsed 'Field's according to a set of field
160 -- descriptions. It accumulates the result on top of a given initial value.
162 -- This only covers the case of flat configuration without subsections. See
163 -- also 'parseFieldsAndSections'.
165 parseFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> [Field] -> ParseResult a
166 parseFields fieldDescrs =
167 foldM setField
168 where
169 fieldMap = Map.fromList [ (fieldName f, f) | f <- fieldDescrs ]
171 setField accum (F line name value) =
172 case Map.lookup name fieldMap of
173 Just (FieldDescr _ _ set) -> set line value accum
174 Nothing -> do
175 -- the 'world-file' field was removed in 3.8, however
176 -- it was automatically added to many config files
177 -- before that, so its warning is silently ignored
178 unless (name == "world-file") $
179 warning $ "Unrecognized field " ++ name ++ " on line " ++ show line
180 return accum
182 setField accum f = do
183 warning $ "Unrecognized stanza on line " ++ show (lineNo f)
184 return accum
186 -- | This is a customised version of the functions from Distribution.Deprecated.ParseUtils
187 -- that also optionally print default values for empty fields as comments.
189 ppFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> (Maybe a) -> a -> Disp.Doc
190 ppFields fields def cur =
191 Disp.vcat [ ppField name (fmap getter def) (getter cur)
192 | FieldDescr name getter _ <- fields]
194 ppField :: String -> (Maybe Disp.Doc) -> Disp.Doc -> Disp.Doc
195 ppField name mdef cur
196 | Disp.isEmpty cur = maybe Disp.empty
197 (\def -> Disp.text "--" <+> Disp.text name
198 Disp.<> Disp.colon <+> def) mdef
199 | otherwise = Disp.text name Disp.<> Disp.colon <+> cur
201 -- | Pretty print a section.
203 -- Since 'ppFields' does not cover subsections you can use this to add them.
204 -- Or alternatively use a 'SectionDescr' and use 'ppFieldsAndSections'.
206 ppSection :: String -> String -> [FieldDescr a] -> (Maybe a) -> a -> Disp.Doc
207 ppSection name arg fields def cur
208 | Disp.isEmpty fieldsDoc = Disp.empty
209 | otherwise = Disp.text name <+> argDoc
210 $+$ (Disp.nest 2 fieldsDoc)
211 where
212 fieldsDoc = ppFields fields def cur
213 argDoc | arg == "" = Disp.empty
214 | otherwise = Disp.text arg
217 -----------------------------------------
218 -- Parsing and printing non-flat config
221 -- | Much like 'parseFields' but it also allows subsections. The permitted
222 -- subsections are given by a list of 'SectionDescr's.
224 parseFieldsAndSections
225 :: [FieldDescr a] -- ^ field
226 -> [SectionDescr a] -- ^ legacy sections
227 -> [FGSectionDescr FG.ParsecFieldGrammar a] -- ^ FieldGrammar sections
228 -> a
229 -> [Field] -> ParseResult a
230 parseFieldsAndSections fieldDescrs sectionDescrs fgSectionDescrs =
231 foldM setField
232 where
233 fieldMap = Map.fromList [ (fieldName f, f) | f <- fieldDescrs ]
234 sectionMap = Map.fromList [ (sectionName s, s) | s <- sectionDescrs ]
235 fgSectionMap = Map.fromList [ (fgSectionName s, s) | s <- fgSectionDescrs ]
237 setField a (F line name value) =
238 case Map.lookup name fieldMap of
239 Just (FieldDescr _ _ set) -> set line value a
240 Nothing -> do
241 warning $ "Unrecognized field '" ++ name
242 ++ "' on line " ++ show line
243 return a
245 setField a (Section line name param fields) =
246 case Left <$> Map.lookup name sectionMap <|> Right <$> Map.lookup name fgSectionMap of
247 Just (Left (SectionDescr _ fieldDescrs' sectionDescrs' _ set sectionEmpty)) -> do
248 b <- parseFieldsAndSections fieldDescrs' sectionDescrs' [] sectionEmpty fields
249 set line param b a
250 Just (Right (FGSectionDescr _ grammar _getter setter)) -> do
251 let fields1 = map convertField fields
252 (fields2, sections) = partitionFields fields1
253 -- TODO: recurse into sections
254 for_ (concat sections) $ \(FG.MkSection (F.Name (Position line' _) name') _ _) ->
255 warning $ "Unrecognized section '" ++ fromUTF8BS name'
256 ++ "' on line " ++ show line'
257 case runParseResult $ parseFieldGrammar cabalSpecLatest fields2 grammar of
258 (warnings, Right b) -> do
259 for_ warnings $ \w -> warning $ showPWarning "???" w
260 setter line param b a
261 (warnings, Left (_, errs)) -> do
262 for_ warnings $ \w -> warning $ showPWarning "???" w
263 case errs of
264 err :| _errs -> fail $ showPError "???" err
265 Nothing -> do
266 warning $ "Unrecognized section '" ++ name
267 ++ "' on line " ++ show line
268 return a
270 convertField :: Field -> F.Field Position
271 convertField (F line name str) =
272 F.Field (F.Name pos (toUTF8BS name)) [ F.FieldLine pos $ toUTF8BS str ]
273 where
274 pos = Position line 0
275 -- arguments omitted
276 convertField (Section line name _arg fields) =
277 F.Section (F.Name pos (toUTF8BS name)) [] (map convertField fields)
278 where
279 pos = Position line 0
281 -- | Much like 'ppFields' but also pretty prints any subsections. Subsection
282 -- are only shown if they are non-empty.
284 -- Note that unlike 'ppFields', at present it does not support printing
285 -- default values. If needed, adding such support would be quite reasonable.
287 ppFieldsAndSections :: [FieldDescr a] -> [SectionDescr a] -> [FGSectionDescr FG.PrettyFieldGrammar a] -> a -> Disp.Doc
288 ppFieldsAndSections fieldDescrs sectionDescrs fgSectionDescrs val =
289 ppFields fieldDescrs Nothing val
291 Disp.vcat (
292 [ Disp.text "" $+$ sectionDoc
293 | SectionDescr {
294 sectionName, sectionGet,
295 sectionFields, sectionSubsections
296 } <- sectionDescrs
297 , (param, x) <- sectionGet val
298 , let sectionDoc = ppSectionAndSubsections
299 sectionName param
300 sectionFields sectionSubsections [] x
301 , not (Disp.isEmpty sectionDoc)
302 ] ++
303 [ Disp.text "" $+$ sectionDoc
304 | FGSectionDescr { fgSectionName, fgSectionGrammar, fgSectionGet } <- fgSectionDescrs
305 , (param, x) <- fgSectionGet val
306 , let sectionDoc = ppFgSection fgSectionName param fgSectionGrammar x
307 , not (Disp.isEmpty sectionDoc)
310 -- | Unlike 'ppSection' which has to be called directly, this gets used via
311 -- 'ppFieldsAndSections' and so does not need to be exported.
313 ppSectionAndSubsections :: String -> String
314 -> [FieldDescr a] -> [SectionDescr a] -> [FGSectionDescr FG.PrettyFieldGrammar a] -> a -> Disp.Doc
315 ppSectionAndSubsections name arg fields sections fgSections cur
316 | Disp.isEmpty fieldsDoc = Disp.empty
317 | otherwise = Disp.text name <+> argDoc
318 $+$ (Disp.nest 2 fieldsDoc)
319 where
320 fieldsDoc = showConfig fields sections fgSections cur
321 argDoc | arg == "" = Disp.empty
322 | otherwise = Disp.text arg
324 -- |
326 -- TODO: subsections
327 -- TODO: this should simply build 'PrettyField'
328 ppFgSection
329 :: String -- ^ section name
330 -> String -- ^ parameter
331 -> FG.PrettyFieldGrammar a a
332 -> a
333 -> Disp.Doc
334 ppFgSection secName arg grammar x
335 | null prettyFields = Disp.empty
336 | otherwise =
337 Disp.text secName <+> argDoc
338 $+$ (Disp.nest 2 fieldsDoc)
339 where
340 prettyFields = FG.prettyFieldGrammar cabalSpecLatest grammar x
342 argDoc | arg == "" = Disp.empty
343 | otherwise = Disp.text arg
345 fieldsDoc = Disp.vcat
346 [ Disp.text fname' <<>> Disp.colon <<>> doc
347 | F.PrettyField _ fname doc <- prettyFields -- TODO: this skips sections
348 , let fname' = fromUTF8BS fname
352 -----------------------------------------------
353 -- Top level config file parsing and printing
356 -- | Parse a string in the config file syntax into a value, based on a
357 -- description of the configuration file in terms of its fields and sections.
359 -- It accumulates the result on top of a given initial (typically empty) value.
361 parseConfig :: [FieldDescr a] -> [SectionDescr a] -> [FGSectionDescr FG.ParsecFieldGrammar a] -> a
362 -> BS.ByteString -> ParseResult a
363 parseConfig fieldDescrs sectionDescrs fgSectionDescrs empty str =
364 parseFieldsAndSections fieldDescrs sectionDescrs fgSectionDescrs empty
365 =<< readFields str
367 -- | Render a value in the config file syntax, based on a description of the
368 -- configuration file in terms of its fields and sections.
370 showConfig :: [FieldDescr a] -> [SectionDescr a] -> [FGSectionDescr FG.PrettyFieldGrammar a] -> a -> Disp.Doc
371 showConfig = ppFieldsAndSections