cabal init -i should sanitize suggested package name (fix #8404) (#8561)
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / TargetSelector.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveGeneric, DeriveFunctor,
2 RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 -- TODO
6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- |
9 -- Module : Distribution.Client.TargetSelector
10 -- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2012, 2015, 2016
11 -- License : BSD-like
13 -- Maintainer :
15 -- Handling for user-specified target selectors.
17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 module Distribution.Client.TargetSelector (
20 -- * Target selectors
21 TargetSelector(..),
22 TargetImplicitCwd(..),
23 ComponentKind(..),
24 ComponentKindFilter,
25 SubComponentTarget(..),
26 QualLevel(..),
27 componentKind,
29 -- * Reading target selectors
30 readTargetSelectors,
31 TargetSelectorProblem(..),
32 reportTargetSelectorProblems,
33 showTargetSelector,
34 TargetString(..),
35 showTargetString,
36 parseTargetString,
37 -- ** non-IO
38 readTargetSelectorsWith,
39 DirActions(..),
40 defaultDirActions,
41 ) where
43 import Prelude ()
44 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
46 import Distribution.Package
47 ( Package(..), PackageId, PackageName, packageName )
48 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
49 ( UnqualComponentName, mkUnqualComponentName, unUnqualComponentName
50 , packageNameToUnqualComponentName )
51 import Distribution.Client.Types
52 ( PackageLocation(..), PackageSpecifier(..) )
54 import Distribution.PackageDescription
55 ( PackageDescription
56 , Executable(..)
57 , TestSuite(..), TestSuiteInterface(..), testModules
58 , Benchmark(..), BenchmarkInterface(..), benchmarkModules
59 , BuildInfo(..), explicitLibModules, exeModules )
60 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
61 ( flattenPackageDescription )
62 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
63 ( SourcePackage(..) )
64 import Distribution.ModuleName
65 ( ModuleName, toFilePath )
66 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
67 ( Component(..), ComponentName(..), LibraryName(..)
68 , pkgComponents, componentName, componentBuildInfo )
69 import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
71 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
72 ( die', lowercase, ordNub )
73 import Distribution.Client.Utils
74 ( makeRelativeCanonical )
76 import Data.List
77 ( stripPrefix, groupBy )
78 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
79 import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map.Lazy
80 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
81 import qualified Data.Set as Set
82 import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
83 import Control.Monad
84 hiding ( mfilter )
85 import qualified Distribution.Deprecated.ReadP as Parse
86 import Distribution.Deprecated.ReadP
87 ( (+++), (<++) )
88 import Distribution.Deprecated.ParseUtils
89 ( readPToMaybe )
90 import System.FilePath as FilePath
91 ( takeExtension, dropExtension
92 , splitDirectories, joinPath, splitPath )
93 import qualified System.Directory as IO
94 ( doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist, canonicalizePath
95 , getCurrentDirectory )
96 import System.FilePath
97 ( (</>), (<.>), normalise, dropTrailingPathSeparator, equalFilePath )
98 import Text.EditDistance
99 ( defaultEditCosts, restrictedDamerauLevenshteinDistance )
100 import Distribution.Utils.Path
102 import qualified Prelude (foldr1)
104 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
105 -- * Target selector terms
106 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
108 -- | A target selector is expression selecting a set of components (as targets
109 -- for a actions like @build@, @run@, @test@ etc). A target selector
110 -- corresponds to the user syntax for referring to targets on the command line.
112 -- From the users point of view a target can be many things: packages, dirs,
113 -- component names, files etc. Internally we consider a target to be a specific
114 -- component (or module\/file within a component), and all the users' notions
115 -- of targets are just different ways of referring to these component targets.
117 -- So target selectors are expressions in the sense that they are interpreted
118 -- to refer to one or more components. For example a 'TargetPackage' gets
119 -- interpreted differently by different commands to refer to all or a subset
120 -- of components within the package.
122 -- The syntax has lots of optional parts:
124 -- > [ package name | package dir | package .cabal file ]
125 -- > [ [lib:|exe:] component name ]
126 -- > [ module name | source file ]
128 data TargetSelector =
130 -- | One (or more) packages as a whole, or all the components of a
131 -- particular kind within the package(s).
133 -- These are always packages that are local to the project. In the case
134 -- that there is more than one, they all share the same directory location.
136 TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd [PackageId] (Maybe ComponentKindFilter)
138 -- | A package specified by name. This may refer to @extra-packages@ from
139 -- the @cabal.project@ file, or a dependency of a known project package or
140 -- could refer to a package from a hackage archive. It needs further
141 -- context to resolve to a specific package.
143 | TargetPackageNamed PackageName (Maybe ComponentKindFilter)
145 -- | All packages, or all components of a particular kind in all packages.
147 | TargetAllPackages (Maybe ComponentKindFilter)
149 -- | A specific component in a package within the project.
151 | TargetComponent PackageId ComponentName SubComponentTarget
153 -- | A component in a package, but where it cannot be verified that the
154 -- package has such a component, or because the package is itself not
155 -- known.
157 | TargetComponentUnknown PackageName
158 (Either UnqualComponentName ComponentName)
159 SubComponentTarget
160 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
162 -- | Does this 'TargetPackage' selector arise from syntax referring to a
163 -- package in the current directory (e.g. @tests@ or no giving no explicit
164 -- target at all) or does it come from syntax referring to a package name
165 -- or location.
167 data TargetImplicitCwd = TargetImplicitCwd | TargetExplicitNamed
168 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
170 data ComponentKind = LibKind | FLibKind | ExeKind | TestKind | BenchKind
171 deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)
173 type ComponentKindFilter = ComponentKind
175 -- | Either the component as a whole or detail about a file or module target
176 -- within a component.
178 data SubComponentTarget =
180 -- | The component as a whole
181 WholeComponent
183 -- | A specific module within a component.
184 | ModuleTarget ModuleName
186 -- | A specific file within a component. Note that this does not carry the
187 -- file extension.
188 | FileTarget FilePath
189 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
191 instance Binary SubComponentTarget
192 instance Structured SubComponentTarget
195 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
196 -- * Top level, do everything
197 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
200 -- | Parse a bunch of command line args as 'TargetSelector's, failing with an
201 -- error if any are unrecognised. The possible target selectors are based on
202 -- the available packages (and their locations).
204 readTargetSelectors :: [PackageSpecifier (SourcePackage (PackageLocation a))]
205 -> Maybe ComponentKindFilter
206 -- ^ This parameter is used when there are ambiguous selectors.
207 -- If it is 'Just', then we attempt to resolve ambiguity
208 -- by applying it, since otherwise there is no way to allow
209 -- contextually valid yet syntactically ambiguous selectors.
210 -- (#4676, #5461)
211 -> [String]
212 -> IO (Either [TargetSelectorProblem] [TargetSelector])
213 readTargetSelectors = readTargetSelectorsWith defaultDirActions
215 readTargetSelectorsWith :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => DirActions m
216 -> [PackageSpecifier (SourcePackage (PackageLocation a))]
217 -> Maybe ComponentKindFilter
218 -> [String]
219 -> m (Either [TargetSelectorProblem] [TargetSelector])
220 readTargetSelectorsWith dirActions@DirActions{} pkgs mfilter targetStrs =
221 case parseTargetStrings targetStrs of
222 ([], usertargets) -> do
223 usertargets' <- traverse (getTargetStringFileStatus dirActions) usertargets
224 knowntargets <- getKnownTargets dirActions pkgs
225 case resolveTargetSelectors knowntargets usertargets' mfilter of
226 ([], btargets) -> return (Right btargets)
227 (problems, _) -> return (Left problems)
228 (strs, _) -> return (Left (map TargetSelectorUnrecognised strs))
231 data DirActions m = DirActions {
232 doesFileExist :: FilePath -> m Bool,
233 doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> m Bool,
234 canonicalizePath :: FilePath -> m FilePath,
235 getCurrentDirectory :: m FilePath
238 defaultDirActions :: DirActions IO
239 defaultDirActions =
240 DirActions {
241 doesFileExist = IO.doesFileExist,
242 doesDirectoryExist = IO.doesDirectoryExist,
243 -- Workaround for <>
244 canonicalizePath = IO.canonicalizePath . dropTrailingPathSeparator,
245 getCurrentDirectory = IO.getCurrentDirectory
248 makeRelativeToCwd :: Applicative m => DirActions m -> FilePath -> m FilePath
249 makeRelativeToCwd DirActions{..} path =
250 makeRelativeCanonical <$> canonicalizePath path <*> getCurrentDirectory
253 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
254 -- * Parsing target strings
255 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
257 -- | The outline parse of a target selector. It takes one of the forms:
259 -- > str1
260 -- > str1:str2
261 -- > str1:str2:str3
262 -- > str1:str2:str3:str4
264 data TargetString =
265 TargetString1 String
266 | TargetString2 String String
267 | TargetString3 String String String
268 | TargetString4 String String String String
269 | TargetString5 String String String String String
270 | TargetString7 String String String String String String String
271 deriving (Show, Eq)
273 -- | Parse a bunch of 'TargetString's (purely without throwing exceptions).
275 parseTargetStrings :: [String] -> ([String], [TargetString])
276 parseTargetStrings =
277 partitionEithers
278 . map (\str -> maybe (Left str) Right (parseTargetString str))
280 parseTargetString :: String -> Maybe TargetString
281 parseTargetString =
282 readPToMaybe parseTargetApprox
283 where
284 parseTargetApprox :: Parse.ReadP r TargetString
285 parseTargetApprox =
286 (do a <- tokenQ
287 return (TargetString1 a))
288 +++ (do a <- tokenQ0
289 _ <- Parse.char ':'
290 b <- tokenQ
291 return (TargetString2 a b))
292 +++ (do a <- tokenQ0
293 _ <- Parse.char ':'
294 b <- tokenQ
295 _ <- Parse.char ':'
296 c <- tokenQ
297 return (TargetString3 a b c))
298 +++ (do a <- tokenQ0
299 _ <- Parse.char ':'
300 b <- token
301 _ <- Parse.char ':'
302 c <- tokenQ
303 _ <- Parse.char ':'
304 d <- tokenQ
305 return (TargetString4 a b c d))
306 +++ (do a <- tokenQ0
307 _ <- Parse.char ':'
308 b <- token
309 _ <- Parse.char ':'
310 c <- tokenQ
311 _ <- Parse.char ':'
312 d <- tokenQ
313 _ <- Parse.char ':'
314 e <- tokenQ
315 return (TargetString5 a b c d e))
316 +++ (do a <- tokenQ0
317 _ <- Parse.char ':'
318 b <- token
319 _ <- Parse.char ':'
320 c <- tokenQ
321 _ <- Parse.char ':'
322 d <- tokenQ
323 _ <- Parse.char ':'
324 e <- tokenQ
325 _ <- Parse.char ':'
326 f <- tokenQ
327 _ <- Parse.char ':'
328 g <- tokenQ
329 return (TargetString7 a b c d e f g))
331 token = Parse.munch1 (\x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ':')
332 tokenQ = parseHaskellString <++ token
333 token0 = Parse.munch (\x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ':')
334 tokenQ0= parseHaskellString <++ token0
335 parseHaskellString :: Parse.ReadP r String
336 parseHaskellString = Parse.readS_to_P reads
339 -- | Render a 'TargetString' back as the external syntax. This is mainly for
340 -- error messages.
342 showTargetString :: TargetString -> String
343 showTargetString = intercalate ":" . components
344 where
345 components (TargetString1 s1) = [s1]
346 components (TargetString2 s1 s2) = [s1,s2]
347 components (TargetString3 s1 s2 s3) = [s1,s2,s3]
348 components (TargetString4 s1 s2 s3 s4) = [s1,s2,s3,s4]
349 components (TargetString5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5) = [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5]
350 components (TargetString7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7) = [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7]
352 showTargetSelector :: TargetSelector -> String
353 showTargetSelector ts =
354 case [ t | ql <- [QL1 .. QLFull]
355 , t <- renderTargetSelector ql ts ]
356 of (t':_) -> showTargetString (forgetFileStatus t')
357 [] -> ""
359 showTargetSelectorKind :: TargetSelector -> String
360 showTargetSelectorKind bt = case bt of
361 TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed _ Nothing -> "package"
362 TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed _ (Just _) -> "package:filter"
363 TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ Nothing -> "cwd-package"
364 TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ (Just _) -> "cwd-package:filter"
365 TargetPackageNamed _ Nothing -> "named-package"
366 TargetPackageNamed _ (Just _) -> "named-package:filter"
367 TargetAllPackages Nothing -> "package *"
368 TargetAllPackages (Just _) -> "package *:filter"
369 TargetComponent _ _ WholeComponent -> "component"
370 TargetComponent _ _ ModuleTarget{} -> "module"
371 TargetComponent _ _ FileTarget{} -> "file"
372 TargetComponentUnknown _ _ WholeComponent -> "unknown-component"
373 TargetComponentUnknown _ _ ModuleTarget{} -> "unknown-module"
374 TargetComponentUnknown _ _ FileTarget{} -> "unknown-file"
377 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
378 -- * Checking if targets exist as files
379 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
381 data TargetStringFileStatus =
382 TargetStringFileStatus1 String FileStatus
383 | TargetStringFileStatus2 String FileStatus String
384 | TargetStringFileStatus3 String FileStatus String String
385 | TargetStringFileStatus4 String String String String
386 | TargetStringFileStatus5 String String String String String
387 | TargetStringFileStatus7 String String String String String String String
388 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
390 data FileStatus = FileStatusExistsFile FilePath -- the canonicalised filepath
391 | FileStatusExistsDir FilePath -- the canonicalised filepath
392 | FileStatusNotExists Bool -- does the parent dir exist even?
393 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
395 noFileStatus :: FileStatus
396 noFileStatus = FileStatusNotExists False
398 getTargetStringFileStatus :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => DirActions m
399 -> TargetString -> m TargetStringFileStatus
400 getTargetStringFileStatus DirActions{..} t =
401 case t of
402 TargetString1 s1 ->
403 (\f1 -> TargetStringFileStatus1 s1 f1) <$> fileStatus s1
404 TargetString2 s1 s2 ->
405 (\f1 -> TargetStringFileStatus2 s1 f1 s2) <$> fileStatus s1
406 TargetString3 s1 s2 s3 ->
407 (\f1 -> TargetStringFileStatus3 s1 f1 s2 s3) <$> fileStatus s1
408 TargetString4 s1 s2 s3 s4 ->
409 return (TargetStringFileStatus4 s1 s2 s3 s4)
410 TargetString5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 ->
411 return (TargetStringFileStatus5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5)
412 TargetString7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 ->
413 return (TargetStringFileStatus7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7)
414 where
415 fileStatus f = do
416 fexists <- doesFileExist f
417 dexists <- doesDirectoryExist f
418 case splitPath f of
419 _ | fexists -> FileStatusExistsFile <$> canonicalizePath f
420 | dexists -> FileStatusExistsDir <$> canonicalizePath f
421 (d:_) -> FileStatusNotExists <$> doesDirectoryExist d
422 _ -> pure (FileStatusNotExists False)
424 forgetFileStatus :: TargetStringFileStatus -> TargetString
425 forgetFileStatus t = case t of
426 TargetStringFileStatus1 s1 _ -> TargetString1 s1
427 TargetStringFileStatus2 s1 _ s2 -> TargetString2 s1 s2
428 TargetStringFileStatus3 s1 _ s2 s3 -> TargetString3 s1 s2 s3
429 TargetStringFileStatus4 s1 s2 s3 s4 -> TargetString4 s1 s2 s3 s4
430 TargetStringFileStatus5 s1 s2 s3 s4
431 s5 -> TargetString5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
432 TargetStringFileStatus7 s1 s2 s3 s4
433 s5 s6 s7 -> TargetString7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
435 getFileStatus :: TargetStringFileStatus -> Maybe FileStatus
436 getFileStatus (TargetStringFileStatus1 _ f) = Just f
437 getFileStatus (TargetStringFileStatus2 _ f _) = Just f
438 getFileStatus (TargetStringFileStatus3 _ f _ _) = Just f
439 getFileStatus _ = Nothing
441 setFileStatus :: FileStatus -> TargetStringFileStatus -> TargetStringFileStatus
442 setFileStatus f (TargetStringFileStatus1 s1 _) = TargetStringFileStatus1 s1 f
443 setFileStatus f (TargetStringFileStatus2 s1 _ s2) = TargetStringFileStatus2 s1 f s2
444 setFileStatus f (TargetStringFileStatus3 s1 _ s2 s3) = TargetStringFileStatus3 s1 f s2 s3
445 setFileStatus _ t = t
447 copyFileStatus :: TargetStringFileStatus -> TargetStringFileStatus -> TargetStringFileStatus
448 copyFileStatus src dst =
449 case getFileStatus src of
450 Just f -> setFileStatus f dst
451 Nothing -> dst
453 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
454 -- * Resolving target strings to target selectors
455 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
458 -- | Given a bunch of user-specified targets, try to resolve what it is they
459 -- refer to.
461 resolveTargetSelectors :: KnownTargets
462 -> [TargetStringFileStatus]
463 -> Maybe ComponentKindFilter
464 -> ([TargetSelectorProblem],
465 [TargetSelector])
466 -- default local dir target if there's no given target:
467 resolveTargetSelectors (KnownTargets{knownPackagesAll = []}) [] _ =
468 ([TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject], [])
470 -- if the component kind filter is just exes, we don't want to suggest "all" as a target.
471 resolveTargetSelectors (KnownTargets{knownPackagesPrimary = []}) [] ckf =
472 ([TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd (ckf /= Just ExeKind) ], [])
474 resolveTargetSelectors (KnownTargets{knownPackagesPrimary}) [] _ =
475 ([], [TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd pkgids Nothing])
476 where
477 pkgids = [ pinfoId | KnownPackage{pinfoId} <- knownPackagesPrimary ]
479 resolveTargetSelectors knowntargets targetStrs mfilter =
480 partitionEithers
481 . map (resolveTargetSelector knowntargets mfilter)
482 $ targetStrs
484 resolveTargetSelector :: KnownTargets
485 -> Maybe ComponentKindFilter
486 -> TargetStringFileStatus
487 -> Either TargetSelectorProblem TargetSelector
488 resolveTargetSelector knowntargets@KnownTargets{..} mfilter targetStrStatus =
489 case findMatch (matcher targetStrStatus) of
491 Unambiguous _
492 | projectIsEmpty -> Left TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject
494 Unambiguous (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd [] _)
495 -> Left (TargetSelectorNoCurrentPackage targetStr)
497 Unambiguous target -> Right target
499 None errs
500 | projectIsEmpty -> Left TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject
501 | otherwise -> Left (classifyMatchErrors errs)
503 Ambiguous _ targets
504 | Just kfilter <- mfilter
505 , [target] <- applyKindFilter kfilter targets -> Right target
507 Ambiguous exactMatch targets ->
508 case disambiguateTargetSelectors
509 matcher targetStrStatus exactMatch
510 targets of
511 Right targets' -> Left (TargetSelectorAmbiguous targetStr targets')
512 Left ((m, ms):_) -> Left (MatchingInternalError targetStr m ms)
513 Left [] -> internalError "resolveTargetSelector"
514 where
515 matcher = matchTargetSelector knowntargets
517 targetStr = forgetFileStatus targetStrStatus
519 projectIsEmpty = null knownPackagesAll
521 classifyMatchErrors errs
522 | Just expectedNE <- NE.nonEmpty expected
523 = let (things, got:|_) = NE.unzip expectedNE in
524 TargetSelectorExpected targetStr (NE.toList things) got
526 | not (null nosuch)
527 = TargetSelectorNoSuch targetStr nosuch
529 | otherwise
530 = internalError $ "classifyMatchErrors: " ++ show errs
531 where
532 expected = [ (thing, got)
533 | (_, MatchErrorExpected thing got)
534 <- map (innerErr Nothing) errs ]
535 -- Trim the list of alternatives by dropping duplicates and
536 -- retaining only at most three most similar (by edit distance) ones.
537 nosuch = Map.foldrWithKey genResults [] $ Map.fromListWith Set.union $
538 [ ((inside, thing, got), Set.fromList alts)
539 | (inside, MatchErrorNoSuch thing got alts)
540 <- map (innerErr Nothing) errs
543 genResults (inside, thing, got) alts acc = (
544 inside
545 , thing
546 , got
547 , take maxResults
548 $ map fst
549 $ takeWhile distanceLow
550 $ sortBy (comparing snd)
551 $ map addLevDist
552 $ Set.toList alts
553 ) : acc
554 where
555 addLevDist = id &&& restrictedDamerauLevenshteinDistance
556 defaultEditCosts got
558 distanceLow (_, dist) = dist < length got `div` 2
560 maxResults = 3
562 innerErr _ (MatchErrorIn kind thing m)
563 = innerErr (Just (kind,thing)) m
564 innerErr c m = (c,m)
566 applyKindFilter :: ComponentKindFilter -> [TargetSelector] -> [TargetSelector]
567 applyKindFilter kfilter = filter go
568 where
569 go (TargetPackage _ _ (Just filter')) = kfilter == filter'
570 go (TargetPackageNamed _ (Just filter')) = kfilter == filter'
571 go (TargetAllPackages (Just filter')) = kfilter == filter'
572 go (TargetComponent _ cname _)
573 | CLibName _ <- cname = kfilter == LibKind
574 | CFLibName _ <- cname = kfilter == FLibKind
575 | CExeName _ <- cname = kfilter == ExeKind
576 | CTestName _ <- cname = kfilter == TestKind
577 | CBenchName _ <- cname = kfilter == BenchKind
578 go _ = True
580 -- | The various ways that trying to resolve a 'TargetString' to a
581 -- 'TargetSelector' can fail.
583 data TargetSelectorProblem
584 = TargetSelectorExpected TargetString [String] String
585 -- ^ [expected thing] (actually got)
586 | TargetSelectorNoSuch TargetString
587 [(Maybe (String, String), String, String, [String])]
588 -- ^ [([in thing], no such thing, actually got, alternatives)]
589 | TargetSelectorAmbiguous TargetString
590 [(TargetString, TargetSelector)]
592 | MatchingInternalError TargetString TargetSelector
593 [(TargetString, [TargetSelector])]
594 | TargetSelectorUnrecognised String
595 -- ^ Syntax error when trying to parse a target string.
596 | TargetSelectorNoCurrentPackage TargetString
597 | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd Bool
598 -- ^ bool that flags when it is acceptable to suggest "all" as a target
599 | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject
600 | TargetSelectorNoScript TargetString
601 deriving (Show, Eq)
603 -- | Qualification levels.
604 -- Given the filepath src/F, executable component A, and package foo:
605 data QualLevel = QL1 -- ^ @src/F@
606 | QL2 -- ^ @foo:src/F | A:src/F@
607 | QL3 -- ^ @foo:A:src/F | exe:A:src/F@
608 | QLFull -- ^ @pkg:foo:exe:A:file:src/F@
609 deriving (Eq, Enum, Show)
611 disambiguateTargetSelectors
612 :: (TargetStringFileStatus -> Match TargetSelector)
613 -> TargetStringFileStatus -> MatchClass
614 -> [TargetSelector]
615 -> Either [(TargetSelector, [(TargetString, [TargetSelector])])]
616 [(TargetString, TargetSelector)]
617 disambiguateTargetSelectors matcher matchInput exactMatch matchResults =
618 case partitionEithers results of
619 (errs@(_:_), _) -> Left errs
620 ([], ok) -> Right ok
621 where
622 -- So, here's the strategy. We take the original match results, and make a
623 -- table of all their renderings at all qualification levels.
624 -- Note there can be multiple renderings at each qualification level.
626 -- Note that renderTargetSelector won't immediately work on any file syntax
627 -- When rendering syntax, the FileStatus is always FileStatusNotExists,
628 -- which will never match on syntaxForm1File!
629 -- Because matchPackageDirectoryPrefix expects a FileStatusExistsFile.
630 -- So we need to copy over the file status from the input
631 -- TargetStringFileStatus, onto the new rendered TargetStringFileStatus
632 matchResultsRenderings :: [(TargetSelector, [TargetStringFileStatus])]
633 matchResultsRenderings =
634 [ (matchResult, matchRenderings)
635 | matchResult <- matchResults
636 , let matchRenderings =
637 [ copyFileStatus matchInput rendering
638 | ql <- [QL1 .. QLFull]
639 , rendering <- renderTargetSelector ql matchResult ]
642 -- Of course the point is that we're looking for renderings that are
643 -- unambiguous matches. So we build another memo table of all the matches
644 -- for all of those renderings. So by looking up in this table we can see
645 -- if we've got an unambiguous match.
647 memoisedMatches :: Map TargetStringFileStatus (Match TargetSelector)
648 memoisedMatches =
649 -- avoid recomputing the main one if it was an exact match
650 (if exactMatch == Exact
651 then Map.insert matchInput (Match Exact 0 matchResults)
652 else id)
653 $ Map.Lazy.fromList
654 -- (matcher rendering) should *always* be a Match! Otherwise we will hit
655 -- the internal error later on.
656 [ (rendering, matcher rendering)
657 | rendering <- concatMap snd matchResultsRenderings ]
659 -- Finally, for each of the match results, we go through all their
660 -- possible renderings (in order of qualification level, though remember
661 -- there can be multiple renderings per level), and find the first one
662 -- that has an unambiguous match.
663 results :: [Either (TargetSelector, [(TargetString, [TargetSelector])])
664 (TargetString, TargetSelector)]
665 results =
666 [ case findUnambiguous originalMatch matchRenderings of
667 Just unambiguousRendering ->
668 Right ( forgetFileStatus unambiguousRendering
669 , originalMatch)
671 -- This case is an internal error, but we bubble it up and report it
672 Nothing ->
673 Left ( originalMatch
674 , [ (forgetFileStatus rendering, matches)
675 | rendering <- matchRenderings
676 , let Match m _ matches =
677 memoisedMatches Map.! rendering
678 , m /= Inexact
681 | (originalMatch, matchRenderings) <- matchResultsRenderings ]
683 findUnambiguous :: TargetSelector
684 -> [TargetStringFileStatus]
685 -> Maybe TargetStringFileStatus
686 findUnambiguous _ [] = Nothing
687 findUnambiguous t (r:rs) =
688 case memoisedMatches Map.! r of
689 Match Exact _ [t'] | t == t'
690 -> Just r
691 Match Exact _ _ -> findUnambiguous t rs
692 Match Unknown _ _ -> findUnambiguous t rs
693 Match Inexact _ _ -> internalError "Match Inexact"
694 NoMatch _ _ -> internalError "NoMatch"
696 internalError :: String -> a
697 internalError msg =
698 error $ "TargetSelector: internal error: " ++ msg
701 -- | Throw an exception with a formatted message if there are any problems.
703 reportTargetSelectorProblems :: Verbosity -> [TargetSelectorProblem] -> IO a
704 reportTargetSelectorProblems verbosity problems = do
706 case [ str | TargetSelectorUnrecognised str <- problems ] of
707 [] -> return ()
708 targets ->
709 die' verbosity $ unlines
710 [ "Unrecognised target syntax for '" ++ name ++ "'."
711 | name <- targets ]
713 case [ (t, m, ms) | MatchingInternalError t m ms <- problems ] of
714 [] -> return ()
715 ((target, originalMatch, renderingsAndMatches):_) ->
716 die' verbosity $ "Internal error in target matching. It should always "
717 ++ "be possible to find a syntax that's sufficiently qualified to "
718 ++ "give an unambiguous match. However when matching '"
719 ++ showTargetString target ++ "' we found "
720 ++ showTargetSelector originalMatch
721 ++ " (" ++ showTargetSelectorKind originalMatch ++ ") which does "
722 ++ "not have an unambiguous syntax. The possible syntax and the "
723 ++ "targets they match are as follows:\n"
724 ++ unlines
725 [ "'" ++ showTargetString rendering ++ "' which matches "
726 ++ intercalate ", "
727 [ showTargetSelector match ++
728 " (" ++ showTargetSelectorKind match ++ ")"
729 | match <- matches ]
730 | (rendering, matches) <- renderingsAndMatches ]
732 case [ (t, e, g) | TargetSelectorExpected t e g <- problems ] of
733 [] -> return ()
734 targets ->
735 die' verbosity $ unlines
736 [ "Unrecognised target '" ++ showTargetString target
737 ++ "'.\n"
738 ++ "Expected a " ++ intercalate " or " expected
739 ++ ", rather than '" ++ got ++ "'."
740 | (target, expected, got) <- targets ]
742 case [ (t, e) | TargetSelectorNoSuch t e <- problems ] of
743 [] -> return ()
744 targets ->
745 die' verbosity $ unlines
746 [ "Unknown target '" ++ showTargetString target ++
747 "'.\n" ++ unlines
748 [ (case inside of
749 Just (kind, "")
750 -> "The " ++ kind ++ " has no "
751 Just (kind, thing)
752 -> "The " ++ kind ++ " " ++ thing ++ " has no "
753 Nothing -> "There is no ")
754 ++ intercalate " or " [ mungeThing thing ++ " '" ++ got ++ "'"
755 | (thing, got, _alts) <- nosuch' ] ++ "."
756 ++ if null alternatives then "" else
757 "\nPerhaps you meant " ++ intercalate ";\nor "
758 [ "the " ++ thing ++ " '" ++ intercalate "' or '" alts ++ "'?"
759 | (thing, alts) <- alternatives ]
760 | (inside, nosuch') <- groupByContainer nosuch
761 , let alternatives =
762 [ (thing, alts)
763 | (thing,_got,alts@(_:_)) <- nosuch' ]
765 | (target, nosuch) <- targets
766 , let groupByContainer =
767 map (\g@((inside,_,_,_):_) ->
768 (inside, [ (thing,got,alts)
769 | (_,thing,got,alts) <- g ]))
770 . groupBy ((==) `on` (\(x,_,_,_) -> x))
771 . sortBy (compare `on` (\(x,_,_,_) -> x))
773 where
774 mungeThing "file" = "file target"
775 mungeThing thing = thing
777 case [ (t, ts) | TargetSelectorAmbiguous t ts <- problems ] of
778 [] -> return ()
779 targets ->
780 die' verbosity $ unlines
781 [ "Ambiguous target '" ++ showTargetString target
782 ++ "'. It could be:\n "
783 ++ unlines [ " "++ showTargetString ut ++
784 " (" ++ showTargetSelectorKind bt ++ ")"
785 | (ut, bt) <- amb ]
786 | (target, amb) <- targets ]
788 case [ t | TargetSelectorNoCurrentPackage t <- problems ] of
789 [] -> return ()
790 target:_ ->
791 die' verbosity $
792 "The target '" ++ showTargetString target ++ "' refers to the "
793 ++ "components in the package in the current directory, but there "
794 ++ "is no package in the current directory (or at least not listed "
795 ++ "as part of the project)."
796 --TODO: report a different error if there is a .cabal file but it's
797 -- not a member of the project
799 case [ () | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd True <- problems ] of
800 [] -> return ()
801 _:_ ->
802 die' verbosity $
803 "No targets given and there is no package in the current "
804 ++ "directory. Use the target 'all' for all packages in the "
805 ++ "project or specify packages or components by name or location. "
806 ++ "See 'cabal build --help' for more details on target options."
808 case [ () | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInCwd False <- problems ] of
809 [] -> return ()
810 _:_ ->
811 die' verbosity $
812 "No targets given and there is no package in the current "
813 ++ "directory. Specify packages or components by name or location. "
814 ++ "See 'cabal build --help' for more details on target options."
816 case [ () | TargetSelectorNoTargetsInProject <- problems ] of
817 [] -> return ()
818 _:_ ->
819 die' verbosity $
820 "There is no <pkgname>.cabal package file or cabal.project file. "
821 ++ "To build packages locally you need at minimum a <pkgname>.cabal "
822 ++ "file. You can use 'cabal init' to create one.\n"
823 ++ "\n"
824 ++ "For non-trivial projects you will also want a cabal.project "
825 ++ "file in the root directory of your project. This file lists the "
826 ++ "packages in your project and all other build configuration. "
827 ++ "See the Cabal user guide for full details."
829 case [ t | TargetSelectorNoScript t <- problems ] of
830 [] -> return ()
831 target:_ ->
832 die' verbosity $
833 "The script '" ++ showTargetString target ++ "' does not exist, "
834 ++ "and only script targets may contain whitespace characters or end "
835 ++ "with ':'"
837 fail "reportTargetSelectorProblems: internal error"
840 ----------------------------------
841 -- Syntax type
844 -- | Syntax for the 'TargetSelector': the matcher and renderer
846 data Syntax = Syntax QualLevel Matcher Renderer
847 | AmbiguousAlternatives Syntax Syntax
848 | ShadowingAlternatives Syntax Syntax
850 type Matcher = TargetStringFileStatus -> Match TargetSelector
851 type Renderer = TargetSelector -> [TargetStringFileStatus]
853 foldSyntax :: (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a)
854 -> (QualLevel -> Matcher -> Renderer -> a)
855 -> (Syntax -> a)
856 foldSyntax ambiguous unambiguous syntax = go
857 where
858 go (Syntax ql match render) = syntax ql match render
859 go (AmbiguousAlternatives a b) = ambiguous (go a) (go b)
860 go (ShadowingAlternatives a b) = unambiguous (go a) (go b)
863 ----------------------------------
864 -- Top level renderer and matcher
867 renderTargetSelector :: QualLevel -> TargetSelector
868 -> [TargetStringFileStatus]
869 renderTargetSelector ql ts =
870 foldSyntax
871 (++) (++)
872 (\ql' _ render -> guard (ql == ql') >> render ts)
873 syntax
874 where
875 syntax = syntaxForms emptyKnownTargets
876 -- don't need known targets for rendering
878 matchTargetSelector :: KnownTargets
879 -> TargetStringFileStatus
880 -> Match TargetSelector
881 matchTargetSelector knowntargets = \usertarget ->
882 nubMatchesBy (==) $
884 let ql = targetQualLevel usertarget in
885 foldSyntax
886 (<|>) (<//>)
887 (\ql' match _ -> guard (ql == ql') >> match usertarget)
888 syntax
889 where
890 syntax = syntaxForms knowntargets
892 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus1{} = QL1
893 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus2{} = QL2
894 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus3{} = QL3
895 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus4{} = QLFull
896 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus5{} = QLFull
897 targetQualLevel TargetStringFileStatus7{} = QLFull
900 ----------------------------------
901 -- Syntax forms
904 -- | All the forms of syntax for 'TargetSelector'.
906 syntaxForms :: KnownTargets -> Syntax
907 syntaxForms KnownTargets {
908 knownPackagesAll = pinfo,
909 knownPackagesPrimary = ppinfo,
910 knownComponentsAll = cinfo,
911 knownComponentsPrimary = pcinfo,
912 knownComponentsOther = ocinfo
914 -- The various forms of syntax here are ambiguous in many cases.
915 -- Our policy is by default we expose that ambiguity and report
916 -- ambiguous matches. In certain cases we override the ambiguity
917 -- by having some forms shadow others.
919 -- We make modules shadow files because module name "Q" clashes
920 -- with file "Q" with no extension but these refer to the same
921 -- thing anyway so it's not a useful ambiguity. Other cases are
922 -- not ambiguous like "Q" vs "Q.hs" or "Data.Q" vs "Data/Q".
924 ambiguousAlternatives
925 -- convenient single-component forms
926 [ shadowingAlternatives
927 [ ambiguousAlternatives
928 [ syntaxForm1All
929 , syntaxForm1Filter ppinfo
930 , shadowingAlternatives
931 [ syntaxForm1Component pcinfo
932 , syntaxForm1Package pinfo
935 , syntaxForm1Component ocinfo
936 , syntaxForm1Module cinfo
937 , syntaxForm1File pinfo
940 -- two-component partially qualified forms
941 -- fully qualified form for 'all'
942 , syntaxForm2MetaAll
943 , syntaxForm2AllFilter
944 , syntaxForm2NamespacePackage pinfo
945 , syntaxForm2PackageComponent pinfo
946 , syntaxForm2PackageFilter pinfo
947 , syntaxForm2KindComponent cinfo
948 , shadowingAlternatives
949 [ syntaxForm2PackageModule pinfo
950 , syntaxForm2PackageFile pinfo
952 , shadowingAlternatives
953 [ syntaxForm2ComponentModule cinfo
954 , syntaxForm2ComponentFile cinfo
957 -- rarely used partially qualified forms
958 , syntaxForm3PackageKindComponent pinfo
959 , shadowingAlternatives
960 [ syntaxForm3PackageComponentModule pinfo
961 , syntaxForm3PackageComponentFile pinfo
963 , shadowingAlternatives
964 [ syntaxForm3KindComponentModule cinfo
965 , syntaxForm3KindComponentFile cinfo
967 , syntaxForm3NamespacePackageFilter pinfo
969 -- fully-qualified forms for all and cwd with filter
970 , syntaxForm3MetaAllFilter
971 , syntaxForm3MetaCwdFilter ppinfo
973 -- fully-qualified form for package and package with filter
974 , syntaxForm3MetaNamespacePackage pinfo
975 , syntaxForm4MetaNamespacePackageFilter pinfo
977 -- fully-qualified forms for component, module and file
978 , syntaxForm5MetaNamespacePackageKindComponent pinfo
979 , syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceModule pinfo
980 , syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceFile pinfo
982 where
983 ambiguousAlternatives = Prelude.foldr1 AmbiguousAlternatives
984 shadowingAlternatives = Prelude.foldr1 ShadowingAlternatives
987 -- | Syntax: "all" to select all packages in the project
989 -- > cabal build all
991 syntaxForm1All :: Syntax
992 syntaxForm1All =
993 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
994 guardMetaAll str1
995 return (TargetAllPackages Nothing)
996 where
997 render (TargetAllPackages Nothing) =
998 [TargetStringFileStatus1 "all" noFileStatus]
999 render _ = []
1001 -- | Syntax: filter
1003 -- > cabal build tests
1005 syntaxForm1Filter :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1006 syntaxForm1Filter ps =
1007 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
1008 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str1
1009 return (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd pids (Just kfilter))
1010 where
1011 pids = [ pinfoId | KnownPackage{pinfoId} <- ps ]
1012 render (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ (Just kfilter)) =
1013 [TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispF kfilter) noFileStatus]
1014 render _ = []
1017 -- | Syntax: package (name, dir or file)
1019 -- > cabal build foo
1020 -- > cabal build ../bar ../bar/bar.cabal
1022 syntaxForm1Package :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1023 syntaxForm1Package pinfo =
1024 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 fstatus1 -> do
1025 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1026 p <- matchPackage pinfo str1 fstatus1
1027 case p of
1028 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1029 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] Nothing)
1030 KnownPackageName pn ->
1031 return (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing)
1032 where
1033 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] Nothing) =
1034 [TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispP p) noFileStatus]
1035 render (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing) =
1036 [TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus]
1037 render _ = []
1039 -- | Syntax: component
1041 -- > cabal build foo
1043 syntaxForm1Component :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1044 syntaxForm1Component cs =
1045 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
1046 guardComponentName str1
1047 c <- matchComponentName cs str1
1048 return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackageId c) (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
1049 where
1050 render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
1051 [TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispC p c) noFileStatus]
1052 render _ = []
1054 -- | Syntax: module
1056 -- > cabal build Data.Foo
1058 syntaxForm1Module :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1059 syntaxForm1Module cs =
1060 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 -> do
1061 guardModuleName str1
1062 let ms = [ (m,c) | c <- cs, m <- cinfoModules c ]
1063 (m,c) <- matchModuleNameAnd ms str1
1064 return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackageId c) (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
1065 where
1066 render (TargetComponent _p _c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1067 [TargetStringFileStatus1 (dispM m) noFileStatus]
1068 render _ = []
1070 -- | Syntax: file name
1072 -- > cabal build Data/Foo.hs bar/Main.hsc
1074 syntaxForm1File :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1075 syntaxForm1File ps =
1076 -- Note there's a bit of an inconsistency here vs the other syntax forms
1077 -- for files. For the single-part syntax the target has to point to a file
1078 -- that exists (due to our use of matchPackageDirectoryPrefix), whereas for
1079 -- all the other forms we don't require that.
1080 syntaxForm1 render $ \str1 fstatus1 ->
1081 expecting "file" str1 $ do
1082 (pkgfile, ~KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents})
1083 -- always returns the KnownPackage case
1084 <- matchPackageDirectoryPrefix ps fstatus1
1085 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1086 (filepath, c) <- matchComponentFile pinfoComponents pkgfile
1087 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
1088 where
1089 render (TargetComponent _p _c (FileTarget f)) =
1090 [TargetStringFileStatus1 f noFileStatus]
1091 render _ = []
1095 -- | Syntax: :all
1097 -- > cabal build :all
1099 syntaxForm2MetaAll :: Syntax
1100 syntaxForm2MetaAll =
1101 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1102 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1103 guardMetaAll str2
1104 return (TargetAllPackages Nothing)
1105 where
1106 render (TargetAllPackages Nothing) =
1107 [TargetStringFileStatus2 "" noFileStatus "all"]
1108 render _ = []
1110 -- | Syntax: all : filer
1112 -- > cabal build all:tests
1114 syntaxForm2AllFilter :: Syntax
1115 syntaxForm2AllFilter =
1116 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1117 guardMetaAll str1
1118 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str2
1119 return (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter))
1120 where
1121 render (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter)) =
1122 [TargetStringFileStatus2 "all" noFileStatus (dispF kfilter)]
1123 render _ = []
1125 -- | Syntax: package : filer
1127 -- > cabal build foo:tests
1129 syntaxForm2PackageFilter :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1130 syntaxForm2PackageFilter ps =
1131 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
1132 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1133 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1134 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str2
1135 case p of
1136 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1137 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] (Just kfilter))
1138 KnownPackageName pn ->
1139 return (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter))
1140 where
1141 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] (Just kfilter)) =
1142 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispF kfilter)]
1143 render (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter)) =
1144 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus (dispF kfilter)]
1145 render _ = []
1147 -- | Syntax: pkg : package name
1149 -- > cabal build pkg:foo
1151 syntaxForm2NamespacePackage :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1152 syntaxForm2NamespacePackage pinfo =
1153 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1154 guardNamespacePackage str1
1155 guardPackageName str2
1156 p <- matchPackage pinfo str2 noFileStatus
1157 case p of
1158 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1159 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] Nothing)
1160 KnownPackageName pn ->
1161 return (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing)
1162 where
1163 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] Nothing) =
1164 [TargetStringFileStatus2 "pkg" noFileStatus (dispP p)]
1165 render (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing) =
1166 [TargetStringFileStatus2 "pkg" noFileStatus (dispPN pn)]
1167 render _ = []
1169 -- | Syntax: package : component
1171 -- > cabal build foo:foo
1172 -- > cabal build ./foo:foo
1173 -- > cabal build ./foo.cabal:foo
1175 syntaxForm2PackageComponent :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1176 syntaxForm2PackageComponent ps =
1177 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
1178 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1179 guardComponentName str2
1180 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1181 case p of
1182 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1183 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1184 c <- matchComponentName pinfoComponents str2
1185 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
1186 --TODO: the error here ought to say there's no component by that name in
1187 -- this package, and name the package
1188 KnownPackageName pn ->
1189 let cn = mkUnqualComponentName str2 in
1190 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left cn) WholeComponent)
1191 where
1192 render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
1193 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispC p c)]
1194 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left cn) WholeComponent) =
1195 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus (prettyShow cn)]
1196 render _ = []
1198 -- | Syntax: namespace : component
1200 -- > cabal build lib:foo exe:foo
1202 syntaxForm2KindComponent :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1203 syntaxForm2KindComponent cs =
1204 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1205 ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
1206 guardComponentName str2
1207 c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
1208 return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackageId c) (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
1209 where
1210 render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
1211 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispCK c) noFileStatus (dispC p c)]
1212 render _ = []
1214 -- | Syntax: package : module
1216 -- > cabal build foo:Data.Foo
1217 -- > cabal build ./foo:Data.Foo
1218 -- > cabal build ./foo.cabal:Data.Foo
1220 syntaxForm2PackageModule :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1221 syntaxForm2PackageModule ps =
1222 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
1223 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1224 guardModuleName str2
1225 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1226 case p of
1227 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1228 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1229 let ms = [ (m,c) | c <- pinfoComponents, m <- cinfoModules c ]
1230 (m,c) <- matchModuleNameAnd ms str2
1231 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
1232 KnownPackageName pn -> do
1233 m <- matchModuleNameUnknown str2
1234 -- We assume the primary library component of the package:
1235 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right $ CLibName LMainLibName) (ModuleTarget m))
1236 where
1237 render (TargetComponent p _c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1238 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispM m)]
1239 render _ = []
1241 -- | Syntax: component : module
1243 -- > cabal build foo:Data.Foo
1245 syntaxForm2ComponentModule :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1246 syntaxForm2ComponentModule cs =
1247 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1248 guardComponentName str1
1249 guardModuleName str2
1250 c <- matchComponentName cs str1
1251 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1252 let ms = cinfoModules c
1253 m <- matchModuleName ms str2
1254 return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackageId c) (cinfoName c)
1255 (ModuleTarget m))
1256 where
1257 render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1258 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispC p c) noFileStatus (dispM m)]
1259 render _ = []
1261 -- | Syntax: package : filename
1263 -- > cabal build foo:Data/Foo.hs
1264 -- > cabal build ./foo:Data/Foo.hs
1265 -- > cabal build ./foo.cabal:Data/Foo.hs
1267 syntaxForm2PackageFile :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1268 syntaxForm2PackageFile ps =
1269 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 -> do
1270 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1271 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1272 case p of
1273 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1274 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1275 (filepath, c) <- matchComponentFile pinfoComponents str2
1276 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
1277 KnownPackageName pn ->
1278 let filepath = str2 in
1279 -- We assume the primary library component of the package:
1280 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right $ CLibName LMainLibName) (FileTarget filepath))
1281 where
1282 render (TargetComponent p _c (FileTarget f)) =
1283 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispP p) noFileStatus f]
1284 render _ = []
1286 -- | Syntax: component : filename
1288 -- > cabal build foo:Data/Foo.hs
1290 syntaxForm2ComponentFile :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1291 syntaxForm2ComponentFile cs =
1292 syntaxForm2 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 -> do
1293 guardComponentName str1
1294 c <- matchComponentName cs str1
1295 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1296 (filepath, _) <- matchComponentFile [c] str2
1297 return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackageId c) (cinfoName c)
1298 (FileTarget filepath))
1299 where
1300 render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
1301 [TargetStringFileStatus2 (dispC p c) noFileStatus f]
1302 render _ = []
1306 -- | Syntax: :all : filter
1308 -- > cabal build :all:tests
1310 syntaxForm3MetaAllFilter :: Syntax
1311 syntaxForm3MetaAllFilter =
1312 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1313 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1314 guardMetaAll str2
1315 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str3
1316 return (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter))
1317 where
1318 render (TargetAllPackages (Just kfilter)) =
1319 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "all" (dispF kfilter)]
1320 render _ = []
1322 syntaxForm3MetaCwdFilter :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1323 syntaxForm3MetaCwdFilter ps =
1324 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1325 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1326 guardNamespaceCwd str2
1327 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str3
1328 return (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd pids (Just kfilter))
1329 where
1330 pids = [ pinfoId | KnownPackage{pinfoId} <- ps ]
1331 render (TargetPackage TargetImplicitCwd _ (Just kfilter)) =
1332 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "cwd" (dispF kfilter)]
1333 render _ = []
1335 -- | Syntax: :pkg : package name
1337 -- > cabal build :pkg:foo
1339 syntaxForm3MetaNamespacePackage :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1340 syntaxForm3MetaNamespacePackage pinfo =
1341 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1342 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1343 guardNamespacePackage str2
1344 guardPackageName str3
1345 p <- matchPackage pinfo str3 noFileStatus
1346 case p of
1347 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1348 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] Nothing)
1349 KnownPackageName pn ->
1350 return (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing)
1351 where
1352 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] Nothing) =
1353 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "pkg" (dispP p)]
1354 render (TargetPackageNamed pn Nothing) =
1355 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "" noFileStatus "pkg" (dispPN pn)]
1356 render _ = []
1358 -- | Syntax: package : namespace : component
1360 -- > cabal build foo:lib:foo
1361 -- > cabal build foo/:lib:foo
1362 -- > cabal build foo.cabal:lib:foo
1364 syntaxForm3PackageKindComponent :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1365 syntaxForm3PackageKindComponent ps =
1366 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1367 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1368 ckind <- matchComponentKind str2
1369 guardComponentName str3
1370 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1371 case p of
1372 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1373 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1374 c <- matchComponentKindAndName pinfoComponents ckind str3
1375 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
1376 KnownPackageName pn ->
1377 let cn = mkComponentName pn ckind (mkUnqualComponentName str3) in
1378 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right cn) WholeComponent)
1379 where
1380 render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
1381 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispCK c) (dispC p c)]
1382 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right c) WholeComponent) =
1383 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus (dispCK c) (dispC' pn c)]
1384 render _ = []
1386 -- | Syntax: package : component : module
1388 -- > cabal build foo:foo:Data.Foo
1389 -- > cabal build foo/:foo:Data.Foo
1390 -- > cabal build foo.cabal:foo:Data.Foo
1392 syntaxForm3PackageComponentModule :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1393 syntaxForm3PackageComponentModule ps =
1394 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1395 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1396 guardComponentName str2
1397 guardModuleName str3
1398 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1399 case p of
1400 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1401 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1402 c <- matchComponentName pinfoComponents str2
1403 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1404 let ms = cinfoModules c
1405 m <- matchModuleName ms str3
1406 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
1407 KnownPackageName pn -> do
1408 let cn = mkUnqualComponentName str2
1409 m <- matchModuleNameUnknown str3
1410 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left cn) (ModuleTarget m))
1411 where
1412 render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1413 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispC p c) (dispM m)]
1414 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left c) (ModuleTarget m)) =
1415 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus (dispCN c) (dispM m)]
1416 render _ = []
1418 -- | Syntax: namespace : component : module
1420 -- > cabal build lib:foo:Data.Foo
1422 syntaxForm3KindComponentModule :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1423 syntaxForm3KindComponentModule cs =
1424 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1425 ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
1426 guardComponentName str2
1427 guardModuleName str3
1428 c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
1429 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1430 let ms = cinfoModules c
1431 m <- matchModuleName ms str3
1432 return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackageId c) (cinfoName c)
1433 (ModuleTarget m))
1434 where
1435 render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1436 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispCK c) noFileStatus (dispC p c) (dispM m)]
1437 render _ = []
1439 -- | Syntax: package : component : filename
1441 -- > cabal build foo:foo:Data/Foo.hs
1442 -- > cabal build foo/:foo:Data/Foo.hs
1443 -- > cabal build foo.cabal:foo:Data/Foo.hs
1445 syntaxForm3PackageComponentFile :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1446 syntaxForm3PackageComponentFile ps =
1447 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1448 guardPackage str1 fstatus1
1449 guardComponentName str2
1450 p <- matchPackage ps str1 fstatus1
1451 case p of
1452 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1453 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1454 c <- matchComponentName pinfoComponents str2
1455 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1456 (filepath, _) <- matchComponentFile [c] str3
1457 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
1458 KnownPackageName pn ->
1459 let cn = mkUnqualComponentName str2
1460 filepath = str3 in
1461 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left cn) (FileTarget filepath))
1462 where
1463 render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
1464 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispP p) noFileStatus (dispC p c) f]
1465 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Left c) (FileTarget f)) =
1466 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispPN pn) noFileStatus (dispCN c) f]
1467 render _ = []
1469 -- | Syntax: namespace : component : filename
1471 -- > cabal build lib:foo:Data/Foo.hs
1473 syntaxForm3KindComponentFile :: [KnownComponent] -> Syntax
1474 syntaxForm3KindComponentFile cs =
1475 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1476 ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
1477 guardComponentName str2
1478 c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
1479 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1480 (filepath, _) <- matchComponentFile [c] str3
1481 return (TargetComponent (cinfoPackageId c) (cinfoName c)
1482 (FileTarget filepath))
1483 where
1484 render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
1485 [TargetStringFileStatus3 (dispCK c) noFileStatus (dispC p c) f]
1486 render _ = []
1488 syntaxForm3NamespacePackageFilter :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1489 syntaxForm3NamespacePackageFilter ps =
1490 syntaxForm3 render $ \str1 _fstatus1 str2 str3 -> do
1491 guardNamespacePackage str1
1492 guardPackageName str2
1493 p <- matchPackage ps str2 noFileStatus
1494 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str3
1495 case p of
1496 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1497 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] (Just kfilter))
1498 KnownPackageName pn ->
1499 return (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter))
1500 where
1501 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] (Just kfilter)) =
1502 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "pkg" noFileStatus (dispP p) (dispF kfilter)]
1503 render (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter)) =
1504 [TargetStringFileStatus3 "pkg" noFileStatus (dispPN pn) (dispF kfilter)]
1505 render _ = []
1509 syntaxForm4MetaNamespacePackageFilter :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1510 syntaxForm4MetaNamespacePackageFilter ps =
1511 syntaxForm4 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 -> do
1512 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1513 guardNamespacePackage str2
1514 guardPackageName str3
1515 p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
1516 kfilter <- matchComponentKindFilter str4
1517 case p of
1518 KnownPackage{pinfoId} ->
1519 return (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [pinfoId] (Just kfilter))
1520 KnownPackageName pn ->
1521 return (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter))
1522 where
1523 render (TargetPackage TargetExplicitNamed [p] (Just kfilter)) =
1524 [TargetStringFileStatus4 "" "pkg" (dispP p) (dispF kfilter)]
1525 render (TargetPackageNamed pn (Just kfilter)) =
1526 [TargetStringFileStatus4 "" "pkg" (dispPN pn) (dispF kfilter)]
1527 render _ = []
1529 -- | Syntax: :pkg : package : namespace : component
1531 -- > cabal build :pkg:foo:lib:foo
1533 syntaxForm5MetaNamespacePackageKindComponent :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1534 syntaxForm5MetaNamespacePackageKindComponent ps =
1535 syntaxForm5 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 -> do
1536 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1537 guardNamespacePackage str2
1538 guardPackageName str3
1539 ckind <- matchComponentKind str4
1540 guardComponentName str5
1541 p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
1542 case p of
1543 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1544 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1545 c <- matchComponentKindAndName pinfoComponents ckind str5
1546 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) WholeComponent)
1547 KnownPackageName pn ->
1548 let cn = mkComponentName pn ckind (mkUnqualComponentName str5) in
1549 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right cn) WholeComponent)
1550 where
1551 render (TargetComponent p c WholeComponent) =
1552 [TargetStringFileStatus5 "" "pkg" (dispP p) (dispCK c) (dispC p c)]
1553 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right c) WholeComponent) =
1554 [TargetStringFileStatus5 "" "pkg" (dispPN pn) (dispCK c) (dispC' pn c)]
1555 render _ = []
1557 -- | Syntax: :pkg : package : namespace : component : module : module
1559 -- > cabal build :pkg:foo:lib:foo:module:Data.Foo
1561 syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceModule
1562 :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1563 syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceModule ps =
1564 syntaxForm7 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7 -> do
1565 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1566 guardNamespacePackage str2
1567 guardPackageName str3
1568 ckind <- matchComponentKind str4
1569 guardComponentName str5
1570 guardNamespaceModule str6
1571 p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
1572 case p of
1573 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1574 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1575 c <- matchComponentKindAndName pinfoComponents ckind str5
1576 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1577 let ms = cinfoModules c
1578 m <- matchModuleName ms str7
1579 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (ModuleTarget m))
1580 KnownPackageName pn -> do
1581 let cn = mkComponentName pn ckind (mkUnqualComponentName str2)
1582 m <- matchModuleNameUnknown str7
1583 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right cn) (ModuleTarget m))
1584 where
1585 render (TargetComponent p c (ModuleTarget m)) =
1586 [TargetStringFileStatus7 "" "pkg" (dispP p)
1587 (dispCK c) (dispC p c)
1588 "module" (dispM m)]
1589 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right c) (ModuleTarget m)) =
1590 [TargetStringFileStatus7 "" "pkg" (dispPN pn)
1591 (dispCK c) (dispC' pn c)
1592 "module" (dispM m)]
1593 render _ = []
1595 -- | Syntax: :pkg : package : namespace : component : file : filename
1597 -- > cabal build :pkg:foo:lib:foo:file:Data/Foo.hs
1599 syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceFile
1600 :: [KnownPackage] -> Syntax
1601 syntaxForm7MetaNamespacePackageKindComponentNamespaceFile ps =
1602 syntaxForm7 render $ \str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7 -> do
1603 guardNamespaceMeta str1
1604 guardNamespacePackage str2
1605 guardPackageName str3
1606 ckind <- matchComponentKind str4
1607 guardComponentName str5
1608 guardNamespaceFile str6
1609 p <- matchPackage ps str3 noFileStatus
1610 case p of
1611 KnownPackage{pinfoId, pinfoComponents} ->
1612 orNoThingIn "package" (prettyShow (packageName pinfoId)) $ do
1613 c <- matchComponentKindAndName pinfoComponents ckind str5
1614 orNoThingIn "component" (cinfoStrName c) $ do
1615 (filepath,_) <- matchComponentFile [c] str7
1616 return (TargetComponent pinfoId (cinfoName c) (FileTarget filepath))
1617 KnownPackageName pn ->
1618 let cn = mkComponentName pn ckind (mkUnqualComponentName str5)
1619 filepath = str7 in
1620 return (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right cn) (FileTarget filepath))
1621 where
1622 render (TargetComponent p c (FileTarget f)) =
1623 [TargetStringFileStatus7 "" "pkg" (dispP p)
1624 (dispCK c) (dispC p c)
1625 "file" f]
1626 render (TargetComponentUnknown pn (Right c) (FileTarget f)) =
1627 [TargetStringFileStatus7 "" "pkg" (dispPN pn)
1628 (dispCK c) (dispC' pn c)
1629 "file" f]
1630 render _ = []
1633 ---------------------------------------
1634 -- Syntax utils
1637 type Match1 = String -> FileStatus -> Match TargetSelector
1638 type Match2 = String -> FileStatus -> String
1639 -> Match TargetSelector
1640 type Match3 = String -> FileStatus -> String -> String
1641 -> Match TargetSelector
1642 type Match4 = String -> String -> String -> String
1643 -> Match TargetSelector
1644 type Match5 = String -> String -> String -> String -> String
1645 -> Match TargetSelector
1646 type Match7 = String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String
1647 -> Match TargetSelector
1649 syntaxForm1 :: Renderer -> Match1 -> Syntax
1650 syntaxForm2 :: Renderer -> Match2 -> Syntax
1651 syntaxForm3 :: Renderer -> Match3 -> Syntax
1652 syntaxForm4 :: Renderer -> Match4 -> Syntax
1653 syntaxForm5 :: Renderer -> Match5 -> Syntax
1654 syntaxForm7 :: Renderer -> Match7 -> Syntax
1656 syntaxForm1 render f =
1657 Syntax QL1 match render
1658 where
1659 match = \(TargetStringFileStatus1 str1 fstatus1) ->
1660 f str1 fstatus1
1662 syntaxForm2 render f =
1663 Syntax QL2 match render
1664 where
1665 match = \(TargetStringFileStatus2 str1 fstatus1 str2) ->
1666 f str1 fstatus1 str2
1668 syntaxForm3 render f =
1669 Syntax QL3 match render
1670 where
1671 match = \(TargetStringFileStatus3 str1 fstatus1 str2 str3) ->
1672 f str1 fstatus1 str2 str3
1674 syntaxForm4 render f =
1675 Syntax QLFull match render
1676 where
1677 match (TargetStringFileStatus4 str1 str2 str3 str4)
1678 = f str1 str2 str3 str4
1679 match _ = mzero
1681 syntaxForm5 render f =
1682 Syntax QLFull match render
1683 where
1684 match (TargetStringFileStatus5 str1 str2 str3 str4 str5)
1685 = f str1 str2 str3 str4 str5
1686 match _ = mzero
1688 syntaxForm7 render f =
1689 Syntax QLFull match render
1690 where
1691 match (TargetStringFileStatus7 str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7)
1692 = f str1 str2 str3 str4 str5 str6 str7
1693 match _ = mzero
1695 dispP :: Package p => p -> String
1696 dispP = prettyShow . packageName
1698 dispPN :: PackageName -> String
1699 dispPN = prettyShow
1701 dispC :: PackageId -> ComponentName -> String
1702 dispC = componentStringName . packageName
1704 dispC' :: PackageName -> ComponentName -> String
1705 dispC' = componentStringName
1707 dispCN :: UnqualComponentName -> String
1708 dispCN = prettyShow
1710 dispK :: ComponentKind -> String
1711 dispK = showComponentKindShort
1713 dispCK :: ComponentName -> String
1714 dispCK = dispK . componentKind
1716 dispF :: ComponentKind -> String
1717 dispF = showComponentKindFilterShort
1719 dispM :: ModuleName -> String
1720 dispM = prettyShow
1723 -------------------------------
1724 -- Package and component info
1727 data KnownTargets = KnownTargets {
1728 knownPackagesAll :: [KnownPackage],
1729 knownPackagesPrimary :: [KnownPackage],
1730 knownPackagesOther :: [KnownPackage],
1731 knownComponentsAll :: [KnownComponent],
1732 knownComponentsPrimary :: [KnownComponent],
1733 knownComponentsOther :: [KnownComponent]
1735 deriving Show
1737 data KnownPackage =
1738 KnownPackage {
1739 pinfoId :: PackageId,
1740 pinfoDirectory :: Maybe (FilePath, FilePath),
1741 pinfoPackageFile :: Maybe (FilePath, FilePath),
1742 pinfoComponents :: [KnownComponent]
1744 | KnownPackageName {
1745 pinfoName :: PackageName
1747 deriving Show
1749 data KnownComponent = KnownComponent {
1750 cinfoName :: ComponentName,
1751 cinfoStrName :: ComponentStringName,
1752 cinfoPackageId :: PackageId,
1753 cinfoSrcDirs :: [FilePath],
1754 cinfoModules :: [ModuleName],
1755 cinfoHsFiles :: [FilePath], -- other hs files (like main.hs)
1756 cinfoCFiles :: [FilePath],
1757 cinfoJsFiles :: [FilePath]
1759 deriving Show
1761 type ComponentStringName = String
1763 knownPackageName :: KnownPackage -> PackageName
1764 knownPackageName KnownPackage{pinfoId} = packageName pinfoId
1765 knownPackageName KnownPackageName{pinfoName} = pinfoName
1767 emptyKnownTargets :: KnownTargets
1768 emptyKnownTargets = KnownTargets [] [] [] [] [] []
1770 getKnownTargets :: forall m a. (Applicative m, Monad m)
1771 => DirActions m
1772 -> [PackageSpecifier (SourcePackage (PackageLocation a))]
1773 -> m KnownTargets
1774 getKnownTargets dirActions@DirActions{..} pkgs = do
1775 pinfo <- traverse (collectKnownPackageInfo dirActions) pkgs
1776 cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
1777 (ppinfo, opinfo) <- selectPrimaryPackage cwd pinfo
1778 return KnownTargets {
1779 knownPackagesAll = pinfo,
1780 knownPackagesPrimary = ppinfo,
1781 knownPackagesOther = opinfo,
1782 knownComponentsAll = allComponentsIn pinfo,
1783 knownComponentsPrimary = allComponentsIn ppinfo,
1784 knownComponentsOther = allComponentsIn opinfo
1786 where
1787 mPkgDir :: KnownPackage -> Maybe FilePath
1788 mPkgDir KnownPackage { pinfoDirectory = Just (dir,_) } = Just dir
1789 mPkgDir _ = Nothing
1791 selectPrimaryPackage :: FilePath
1792 -> [KnownPackage]
1793 -> m ([KnownPackage], [KnownPackage])
1794 selectPrimaryPackage _ [] = return ([] , [])
1795 selectPrimaryPackage cwd (pkg : packages) = do
1796 (ppinfo, opinfo) <- selectPrimaryPackage cwd packages
1797 isPkgDirCwd <- maybe (pure False) (compareFilePath dirActions cwd) (mPkgDir pkg)
1798 return (if isPkgDirCwd then (pkg : ppinfo, opinfo) else (ppinfo, pkg : opinfo))
1800 allComponentsIn ps =
1801 [ c | KnownPackage{pinfoComponents} <- ps, c <- pinfoComponents ]
1804 collectKnownPackageInfo :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => DirActions m
1805 -> PackageSpecifier (SourcePackage (PackageLocation a))
1806 -> m KnownPackage
1807 collectKnownPackageInfo _ (NamedPackage pkgname _props) =
1808 return (KnownPackageName pkgname)
1809 collectKnownPackageInfo dirActions@DirActions{..}
1810 (SpecificSourcePackage SourcePackage {
1811 srcpkgDescription = pkg,
1812 srcpkgSource = loc
1813 }) = do
1814 (pkgdir, pkgfile) <-
1815 case loc of
1816 --TODO: local tarballs, remote tarballs etc
1817 LocalUnpackedPackage dir -> do
1818 dirabs <- canonicalizePath dir
1819 dirrel <- makeRelativeToCwd dirActions dirabs
1820 --TODO: ought to get this earlier in project reading
1821 let fileabs = dirabs </> prettyShow (packageName pkg) <.> "cabal"
1822 filerel = dirrel </> prettyShow (packageName pkg) <.> "cabal"
1823 exists <- doesFileExist fileabs
1824 return ( Just (dirabs, dirrel)
1825 , if exists then Just (fileabs, filerel) else Nothing
1827 _ -> return (Nothing, Nothing)
1828 let pinfo =
1829 KnownPackage {
1830 pinfoId = packageId pkg,
1831 pinfoDirectory = pkgdir,
1832 pinfoPackageFile = pkgfile,
1833 pinfoComponents = collectKnownComponentInfo
1834 (flattenPackageDescription pkg)
1836 return pinfo
1839 collectKnownComponentInfo :: PackageDescription -> [KnownComponent]
1840 collectKnownComponentInfo pkg =
1841 [ KnownComponent {
1842 cinfoName = componentName c,
1843 cinfoStrName = componentStringName (packageName pkg) (componentName c),
1844 cinfoPackageId = packageId pkg,
1845 cinfoSrcDirs = ordNub (map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi)),
1846 cinfoModules = ordNub (componentModules c),
1847 cinfoHsFiles = ordNub (componentHsFiles c),
1848 cinfoCFiles = ordNub (cSources bi),
1849 cinfoJsFiles = ordNub (jsSources bi)
1851 | c <- pkgComponents pkg
1852 , let bi = componentBuildInfo c ]
1855 componentStringName :: PackageName -> ComponentName -> ComponentStringName
1856 componentStringName pkgname (CLibName LMainLibName) = prettyShow pkgname
1857 componentStringName _ (CLibName (LSubLibName name)) = unUnqualComponentName name
1858 componentStringName _ (CFLibName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
1859 componentStringName _ (CExeName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
1860 componentStringName _ (CTestName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
1861 componentStringName _ (CBenchName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
1863 componentModules :: Component -> [ModuleName]
1864 -- I think it's unlikely users will ask to build a requirement
1865 -- which is not mentioned locally.
1866 componentModules (CLib lib) = explicitLibModules lib
1867 componentModules (CFLib flib) = foreignLibModules flib
1868 componentModules (CExe exe) = exeModules exe
1869 componentModules (CTest test) = testModules test
1870 componentModules (CBench bench) = benchmarkModules bench
1872 componentHsFiles :: Component -> [FilePath]
1873 componentHsFiles (CExe exe) = [modulePath exe]
1874 componentHsFiles (CTest TestSuite {
1875 testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 _ mainfile
1876 }) = [mainfile]
1877 componentHsFiles (CBench Benchmark {
1878 benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 _ mainfile
1879 }) = [mainfile]
1880 componentHsFiles _ = []
1883 ------------------------------
1884 -- Matching meta targets
1887 guardNamespaceMeta :: String -> Match ()
1888 guardNamespaceMeta = guardToken [""] "meta namespace"
1890 guardMetaAll :: String -> Match ()
1891 guardMetaAll = guardToken ["all"] "meta-target 'all'"
1893 guardNamespacePackage :: String -> Match ()
1894 guardNamespacePackage = guardToken ["pkg", "package"] "'pkg' namespace"
1896 guardNamespaceCwd :: String -> Match ()
1897 guardNamespaceCwd = guardToken ["cwd"] "'cwd' namespace"
1899 guardNamespaceModule :: String -> Match ()
1900 guardNamespaceModule = guardToken ["mod", "module"] "'module' namespace"
1902 guardNamespaceFile :: String -> Match ()
1903 guardNamespaceFile = guardToken ["file"] "'file' namespace"
1905 guardToken :: [String] -> String -> String -> Match ()
1906 guardToken tokens msg s
1907 | caseFold s `elem` tokens = increaseConfidence
1908 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected msg s
1911 ------------------------------
1912 -- Matching component kinds
1915 componentKind :: ComponentName -> ComponentKind
1916 componentKind (CLibName _) = LibKind
1917 componentKind (CFLibName _) = FLibKind
1918 componentKind (CExeName _) = ExeKind
1919 componentKind (CTestName _) = TestKind
1920 componentKind (CBenchName _) = BenchKind
1922 cinfoKind :: KnownComponent -> ComponentKind
1923 cinfoKind = componentKind . cinfoName
1925 matchComponentKind :: String -> Match ComponentKind
1926 matchComponentKind s
1927 | s' `elem` liblabels = increaseConfidence >> return LibKind
1928 | s' `elem` fliblabels = increaseConfidence >> return FLibKind
1929 | s' `elem` exelabels = increaseConfidence >> return ExeKind
1930 | s' `elem` testlabels = increaseConfidence >> return TestKind
1931 | s' `elem` benchlabels = increaseConfidence >> return BenchKind
1932 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component kind" s
1933 where
1934 s' = caseFold s
1935 liblabels = ["lib", "library"]
1936 fliblabels = ["flib", "foreign-library"]
1937 exelabels = ["exe", "executable"]
1938 testlabels = ["tst", "test", "test-suite"]
1939 benchlabels = ["bench", "benchmark"]
1941 matchComponentKindFilter :: String -> Match ComponentKind
1942 matchComponentKindFilter s
1943 | s' `elem` liblabels = increaseConfidence >> return LibKind
1944 | s' `elem` fliblabels = increaseConfidence >> return FLibKind
1945 | s' `elem` exelabels = increaseConfidence >> return ExeKind
1946 | s' `elem` testlabels = increaseConfidence >> return TestKind
1947 | s' `elem` benchlabels = increaseConfidence >> return BenchKind
1948 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component kind filter" s
1949 where
1950 s' = caseFold s
1951 liblabels = ["libs", "libraries"]
1952 fliblabels = ["flibs", "foreign-libraries"]
1953 exelabels = ["exes", "executables"]
1954 testlabels = ["tests", "test-suites"]
1955 benchlabels = ["benches", "benchmarks"]
1957 showComponentKind :: ComponentKind -> String
1958 showComponentKind LibKind = "library"
1959 showComponentKind FLibKind = "foreign library"
1960 showComponentKind ExeKind = "executable"
1961 showComponentKind TestKind = "test-suite"
1962 showComponentKind BenchKind = "benchmark"
1964 showComponentKindShort :: ComponentKind -> String
1965 showComponentKindShort LibKind = "lib"
1966 showComponentKindShort FLibKind = "flib"
1967 showComponentKindShort ExeKind = "exe"
1968 showComponentKindShort TestKind = "test"
1969 showComponentKindShort BenchKind = "bench"
1971 showComponentKindFilterShort :: ComponentKind -> String
1972 showComponentKindFilterShort LibKind = "libs"
1973 showComponentKindFilterShort FLibKind = "flibs"
1974 showComponentKindFilterShort ExeKind = "exes"
1975 showComponentKindFilterShort TestKind = "tests"
1976 showComponentKindFilterShort BenchKind = "benchmarks"
1979 ------------------------------
1980 -- Matching package targets
1983 guardPackage :: String -> FileStatus -> Match ()
1984 guardPackage str fstatus =
1985 guardPackageName str
1986 <|> guardPackageDir str fstatus
1987 <|> guardPackageFile str fstatus
1990 guardPackageName :: String -> Match ()
1991 guardPackageName s
1992 | validPackageName s = increaseConfidence
1993 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "package name" s
1995 validPackageName :: String -> Bool
1996 validPackageName s =
1997 all validPackageNameChar s
1998 && not (null s)
1999 where
2000 validPackageNameChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '-'
2003 guardPackageDir :: String -> FileStatus -> Match ()
2004 guardPackageDir _ (FileStatusExistsDir _) = increaseConfidence
2005 guardPackageDir str _ = matchErrorExpected "package directory" str
2008 guardPackageFile :: String -> FileStatus -> Match ()
2009 guardPackageFile _ (FileStatusExistsFile file)
2010 | takeExtension file == ".cabal"
2011 = increaseConfidence
2012 guardPackageFile str _ = matchErrorExpected "package .cabal file" str
2015 matchPackage :: [KnownPackage] -> String -> FileStatus -> Match KnownPackage
2016 matchPackage pinfo = \str fstatus ->
2017 orNoThingIn "project" "" $
2018 matchPackageName pinfo str
2019 <//> (matchPackageNameUnknown str
2020 <|> matchPackageDir pinfo str fstatus
2021 <|> matchPackageFile pinfo str fstatus)
2024 matchPackageName :: [KnownPackage] -> String -> Match KnownPackage
2025 matchPackageName ps = \str -> do
2026 guard (validPackageName str)
2027 orNoSuchThing "package" str
2028 (map (prettyShow . knownPackageName) ps) $
2029 increaseConfidenceFor $
2030 matchInexactly caseFold (prettyShow . knownPackageName) ps str
2033 matchPackageNameUnknown :: String -> Match KnownPackage
2034 matchPackageNameUnknown str = do
2035 pn <- matchParse str
2036 unknownMatch (KnownPackageName pn)
2039 matchPackageDir :: [KnownPackage]
2040 -> String -> FileStatus -> Match KnownPackage
2041 matchPackageDir ps = \str fstatus ->
2042 case fstatus of
2043 FileStatusExistsDir canondir ->
2044 orNoSuchThing "package directory" str (map (snd . fst) dirs) $
2045 increaseConfidenceFor $
2046 fmap snd $ matchExactly (fst . fst) dirs canondir
2047 _ -> mzero
2048 where
2049 dirs = [ ((dabs,drel),p)
2050 | p@KnownPackage{ pinfoDirectory = Just (dabs,drel) } <- ps ]
2053 matchPackageFile :: [KnownPackage] -> String -> FileStatus -> Match KnownPackage
2054 matchPackageFile ps = \str fstatus -> do
2055 case fstatus of
2056 FileStatusExistsFile canonfile ->
2057 orNoSuchThing "package .cabal file" str (map (snd . fst) files) $
2058 increaseConfidenceFor $
2059 fmap snd $ matchExactly (fst . fst) files canonfile
2060 _ -> mzero
2061 where
2062 files = [ ((fabs,frel),p)
2063 | p@KnownPackage{ pinfoPackageFile = Just (fabs,frel) } <- ps ]
2065 --TODO: test outcome when dir exists but doesn't match any known one
2067 --TODO: perhaps need another distinction, vs no such thing, point is the
2068 -- thing is not known, within the project, but could be outside project
2071 ------------------------------
2072 -- Matching component targets
2076 guardComponentName :: String -> Match ()
2077 guardComponentName s
2078 | all validComponentChar s
2079 && not (null s) = increaseConfidence
2080 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component name" s
2081 where
2082 validComponentChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '.'
2083 || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '\''
2086 matchComponentName :: [KnownComponent] -> String -> Match KnownComponent
2087 matchComponentName cs str =
2088 orNoSuchThing "component" str (map cinfoStrName cs)
2089 $ increaseConfidenceFor
2090 $ matchInexactly caseFold cinfoStrName cs str
2093 matchComponentKindAndName :: [KnownComponent] -> ComponentKind -> String
2094 -> Match KnownComponent
2095 matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str =
2096 orNoSuchThing (showComponentKind ckind ++ " component") str
2097 (map render cs)
2098 $ increaseConfidenceFor
2099 $ matchInexactly (\(ck, cn) -> (ck, caseFold cn))
2100 (\c -> (cinfoKind c, cinfoStrName c))
2102 (ckind, str)
2103 where
2104 render c = showComponentKindShort (cinfoKind c) ++ ":" ++ cinfoStrName c
2107 ------------------------------
2108 -- Matching module targets
2111 guardModuleName :: String -> Match ()
2112 guardModuleName s =
2113 case simpleParsec s :: Maybe ModuleName of
2114 Just _ -> increaseConfidence
2115 _ | all validModuleChar s
2116 && not (null s) -> return ()
2117 | otherwise -> matchErrorExpected "module name" s
2118 where
2119 validModuleChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '\''
2122 matchModuleName :: [ModuleName] -> String -> Match ModuleName
2123 matchModuleName ms str =
2124 orNoSuchThing "module" str (map prettyShow ms)
2125 $ increaseConfidenceFor
2126 $ matchInexactly caseFold prettyShow ms str
2129 matchModuleNameAnd :: [(ModuleName, a)] -> String -> Match (ModuleName, a)
2130 matchModuleNameAnd ms str =
2131 orNoSuchThing "module" str (map (prettyShow . fst) ms)
2132 $ increaseConfidenceFor
2133 $ matchInexactly caseFold (prettyShow . fst) ms str
2136 matchModuleNameUnknown :: String -> Match ModuleName
2137 matchModuleNameUnknown str =
2138 expecting "module" str
2139 $ increaseConfidenceFor
2140 $ matchParse str
2143 ------------------------------
2144 -- Matching file targets
2147 matchPackageDirectoryPrefix :: [KnownPackage] -> FileStatus
2148 -> Match (FilePath, KnownPackage)
2149 matchPackageDirectoryPrefix ps (FileStatusExistsFile filepath) =
2150 increaseConfidenceFor $
2151 matchDirectoryPrefix pkgdirs filepath
2152 where
2153 pkgdirs = [ (dir, p)
2154 | p@KnownPackage { pinfoDirectory = Just (dir,_) } <- ps ]
2155 matchPackageDirectoryPrefix _ _ = mzero
2158 matchComponentFile :: [KnownComponent] -> String
2159 -> Match (FilePath, KnownComponent)
2160 matchComponentFile cs str =
2161 orNoSuchThing "file" str [] $
2162 matchComponentModuleFile cs str
2163 <|> matchComponentOtherFile cs str
2166 matchComponentOtherFile :: [KnownComponent] -> String
2167 -> Match (FilePath, KnownComponent)
2168 matchComponentOtherFile cs =
2169 matchFile
2170 [ (normalise (srcdir </> file), c)
2171 | c <- cs
2172 , srcdir <- cinfoSrcDirs c
2173 , file <- cinfoHsFiles c
2174 ++ cinfoCFiles c
2175 ++ cinfoJsFiles c
2177 . normalise
2180 matchComponentModuleFile :: [KnownComponent] -> String
2181 -> Match (FilePath, KnownComponent)
2182 matchComponentModuleFile cs str = do
2183 matchFile
2184 [ (normalise (d </> toFilePath m), c)
2185 | c <- cs
2186 , d <- cinfoSrcDirs c
2187 , m <- cinfoModules c
2189 (dropExtension (normalise str)) -- Drop the extension because FileTarget
2190 -- is stored without the extension
2192 -- utils
2194 -- | Compare two filepaths for equality using DirActions' canonicalizePath
2195 -- to normalize AND canonicalize filepaths before comparison.
2196 compareFilePath :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => DirActions m
2197 -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m Bool
2198 compareFilePath DirActions{..} fp1 fp2
2199 | equalFilePath fp1 fp2 = pure True -- avoid unnecessary IO if we can match earlier
2200 | otherwise = do
2201 c1 <- canonicalizePath fp1
2202 c2 <- canonicalizePath fp2
2203 pure $ equalFilePath c1 c2
2206 matchFile :: [(FilePath, a)] -> FilePath -> Match (FilePath, a)
2207 matchFile fs =
2208 increaseConfidenceFor
2209 . matchInexactly caseFold fst fs
2211 matchDirectoryPrefix :: [(FilePath, a)] -> FilePath -> Match (FilePath, a)
2212 matchDirectoryPrefix dirs filepath =
2213 tryEach $
2214 [ (file, x)
2215 | (dir,x) <- dirs
2216 , file <- maybeToList (stripDirectory dir) ]
2217 where
2218 stripDirectory :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
2219 stripDirectory dir =
2220 joinPath `fmap` stripPrefix (splitDirectories dir) filepathsplit
2222 filepathsplit = splitDirectories filepath
2225 ------------------------------
2226 -- Matching monad
2229 -- | A matcher embodies a way to match some input as being some recognised
2230 -- value. In particular it deals with multiple and ambiguous matches.
2232 -- There are various matcher primitives ('matchExactly', 'matchInexactly'),
2233 -- ways to combine matchers ('matchPlus', 'matchPlusShadowing') and finally we
2234 -- can run a matcher against an input using 'findMatch'.
2236 data Match a = NoMatch !Confidence [MatchError]
2237 | Match !MatchClass !Confidence [a]
2238 deriving Show
2240 -- | The kind of match, inexact or exact. We keep track of this so we can
2241 -- prefer exact over inexact matches. The 'Ord' here is important: we try
2242 -- to maximise this, so 'Exact' is the top value and 'Inexact' the bottom.
2244 data MatchClass = Unknown -- ^ Matches an unknown thing e.g. parses as a package
2245 -- name without it being a specific known package
2246 | Inexact -- ^ Matches a known thing inexactly
2247 -- e.g. matches a known package case insensitively
2248 | Exact -- ^ Exactly matches a known thing,
2249 -- e.g. matches a known package case sensitively
2250 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
2252 type Confidence = Int
2254 data MatchError = MatchErrorExpected String String -- thing got
2255 | MatchErrorNoSuch String String [String] -- thing got alts
2256 | MatchErrorIn String String MatchError -- kind thing
2257 deriving (Show, Eq)
2260 instance Functor Match where
2261 fmap _ (NoMatch d ms) = NoMatch d ms
2262 fmap f (Match m d xs) = Match m d (fmap f xs)
2264 instance Applicative Match where
2265 pure a = Match Exact 0 [a]
2266 (<*>) = ap
2268 instance Alternative Match where
2269 empty = NoMatch 0 []
2270 (<|>) = matchPlus
2272 instance Monad Match where
2273 return = pure
2274 NoMatch d ms >>= _ = NoMatch d ms
2275 Match m d xs >>= f =
2276 -- To understand this, it needs to be read in context with the
2277 -- implementation of 'matchPlus' below
2278 case msum (map f xs) of
2279 Match m' d' xs' -> Match (min m m') (d + d') xs'
2280 -- The minimum match class is the one we keep. The match depth is
2281 -- tracked but not used in the Match case.
2283 NoMatch d' ms -> NoMatch (d + d') ms
2284 -- Here is where we transfer the depth we were keeping track of in
2285 -- the Match case over to the NoMatch case where it finally gets used.
2287 instance MonadPlus Match where
2288 mzero = empty
2289 mplus = matchPlus
2291 (<//>) :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
2292 (<//>) = matchPlusShadowing
2294 infixl 3 <//>
2296 -- | Combine two matchers. Exact matches are used over inexact matches
2297 -- but if we have multiple exact, or inexact then the we collect all the
2298 -- ambiguous matches.
2300 -- This operator is associative, has unit 'mzero' and is also commutative.
2302 matchPlus :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
2303 matchPlus a@(Match _ _ _ ) (NoMatch _ _) = a
2304 matchPlus (NoMatch _ _ ) b@(Match _ _ _) = b
2305 matchPlus a@(NoMatch d_a ms_a) b@(NoMatch d_b ms_b)
2306 | d_a > d_b = a -- We only really make use of the depth in the NoMatch case.
2307 | d_a < d_b = b
2308 | otherwise = NoMatch d_a (ms_a ++ ms_b)
2309 matchPlus a@(Match m_a d_a xs_a) b@(Match m_b d_b xs_b)
2310 | m_a > m_b = a -- exact over inexact
2311 | m_a < m_b = b -- exact over inexact
2312 | otherwise = Match m_a (max d_a d_b) (xs_a ++ xs_b)
2314 -- | Combine two matchers. This is similar to 'matchPlus' with the
2315 -- difference that an exact match from the left matcher shadows any exact
2316 -- match on the right. Inexact matches are still collected however.
2318 -- This operator is associative, has unit 'mzero' and is not commutative.
2320 matchPlusShadowing :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
2321 matchPlusShadowing a@(Match Exact _ _) _ = a
2322 matchPlusShadowing a b = matchPlus a b
2325 ------------------------------
2326 -- Various match primitives
2329 matchErrorExpected :: String -> String -> Match a
2330 matchErrorExpected thing got = NoMatch 0 [MatchErrorExpected thing got]
2332 matchErrorNoSuch :: String -> String -> [String] -> Match a
2333 matchErrorNoSuch thing got alts = NoMatch 0 [MatchErrorNoSuch thing got alts]
2335 expecting :: String -> String -> Match a -> Match a
2336 expecting thing got (NoMatch 0 _) = matchErrorExpected thing got
2337 expecting _ _ m = m
2339 orNoSuchThing :: String -> String -> [String] -> Match a -> Match a
2340 orNoSuchThing thing got alts (NoMatch 0 _) = matchErrorNoSuch thing got alts
2341 orNoSuchThing _ _ _ m = m
2343 orNoThingIn :: String -> String -> Match a -> Match a
2344 orNoThingIn kind name (NoMatch n ms) =
2345 NoMatch n [ MatchErrorIn kind name m | m <- ms ]
2346 orNoThingIn _ _ m = m
2348 increaseConfidence :: Match ()
2349 increaseConfidence = Match Exact 1 [()]
2351 increaseConfidenceFor :: Match a -> Match a
2352 increaseConfidenceFor m = m >>= \r -> increaseConfidence >> return r
2354 nubMatchesBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Match a -> Match a
2355 nubMatchesBy _ (NoMatch d msgs) = NoMatch d msgs
2356 nubMatchesBy eq (Match m d xs) = Match m d (nubBy eq xs)
2358 -- | Lift a list of matches to an exact match.
2360 exactMatches, inexactMatches :: [a] -> Match a
2362 exactMatches [] = mzero
2363 exactMatches xs = Match Exact 0 xs
2365 inexactMatches [] = mzero
2366 inexactMatches xs = Match Inexact 0 xs
2368 unknownMatch :: a -> Match a
2369 unknownMatch x = Match Unknown 0 [x]
2371 tryEach :: [a] -> Match a
2372 tryEach = exactMatches
2375 ------------------------------
2376 -- Top level match runner
2379 -- | Given a matcher and a key to look up, use the matcher to find all the
2380 -- possible matches. There may be 'None', a single 'Unambiguous' match or
2381 -- you may have an 'Ambiguous' match with several possibilities.
2383 findMatch :: Match a -> MaybeAmbiguous a
2384 findMatch match = case match of
2385 NoMatch _ msgs -> None msgs
2386 Match _ _ [x] -> Unambiguous x
2387 Match m d [] -> error $ "findMatch: impossible: " ++ show match'
2388 where match' = Match m d [] :: Match ()
2389 -- TODO: Maybe use Data.List.NonEmpty inside
2390 -- Match so that this case would be correct
2391 -- by construction?
2392 Match m _ xs -> Ambiguous m xs
2394 data MaybeAmbiguous a = None [MatchError]
2395 | Unambiguous a
2396 | Ambiguous MatchClass [a]
2397 deriving Show
2400 ------------------------------
2401 -- Basic matchers
2404 -- | A primitive matcher that looks up a value in a finite 'Map'. The
2405 -- value must match exactly.
2407 matchExactly :: Ord k => (a -> k) -> [a] -> (k -> Match a)
2408 matchExactly key xs =
2409 \k -> case Map.lookup k m of
2410 Nothing -> mzero
2411 Just ys -> exactMatches ys
2412 where
2413 m = Map.fromListWith (++) [ (key x, [x]) | x <- xs ]
2415 -- | A primitive matcher that looks up a value in a finite 'Map'. It checks
2416 -- for an exact or inexact match. We get an inexact match if the match
2417 -- is not exact, but the canonical forms match. It takes a canonicalisation
2418 -- function for this purpose.
2420 -- So for example if we used string case fold as the canonicalisation
2421 -- function, then we would get case insensitive matching (but it will still
2422 -- report an exact match when the case matches too).
2424 matchInexactly :: (Ord k, Ord k') => (k -> k') -> (a -> k)
2425 -> [a] -> (k -> Match a)
2426 matchInexactly cannonicalise key xs =
2427 \k -> case Map.lookup k m of
2428 Just ys -> exactMatches ys
2429 Nothing -> case Map.lookup (cannonicalise k) m' of
2430 Just ys -> inexactMatches ys
2431 Nothing -> mzero
2432 where
2433 m = Map.fromListWith (++) [ (key x, [x]) | x <- xs ]
2435 -- the map of canonicalised keys to groups of inexact matches
2436 m' = Map.mapKeysWith (++) cannonicalise m
2438 matchParse :: Parsec a => String -> Match a
2439 matchParse = maybe mzero return . simpleParsec
2442 ------------------------------
2443 -- Utils
2446 caseFold :: String -> String
2447 caseFold = lowercase
2449 -- | Make a 'ComponentName' given an 'UnqualComponentName' and knowing the
2450 -- 'ComponentKind'. We also need the 'PackageName' to distinguish the package's
2451 -- primary library from named private libraries.
2453 mkComponentName :: PackageName
2454 -> ComponentKind
2455 -> UnqualComponentName
2456 -> ComponentName
2457 mkComponentName pkgname ckind ucname =
2458 case ckind of
2459 LibKind
2460 | packageNameToUnqualComponentName pkgname == ucname
2461 -> CLibName LMainLibName
2462 | otherwise -> CLibName $ LSubLibName ucname
2463 FLibKind -> CFLibName ucname
2464 ExeKind -> CExeName ucname
2465 TestKind -> CTestName ucname
2466 BenchKind -> CBenchName ucname
2469 ------------------------------
2470 -- Example inputs
2474 ex1pinfo :: [KnownPackage]
2475 ex1pinfo =
2476 [ addComponent (CExeName (mkUnqualComponentName "foo-exe")) [] ["Data.Foo"] $
2477 KnownPackage {
2478 pinfoId = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName "foo") (mkVersion [1]),
2479 pinfoDirectory = Just ("/the/foo", "foo"),
2480 pinfoPackageFile = Just ("/the/foo/foo.cabal", "foo/foo.cabal"),
2481 pinfoComponents = []
2483 , KnownPackage {
2484 pinfoId = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName "bar") (mkVersion [1]),
2485 pinfoDirectory = Just ("/the/bar", "bar"),
2486 pinfoPackageFile = Just ("/the/bar/bar.cabal", "bar/bar.cabal"),
2487 pinfoComponents = []
2490 where
2491 addComponent n ds ms p =
2493 pinfoComponents =
2494 KnownComponent n (componentStringName (pinfoId p) n)
2495 p ds (map mkMn ms)
2496 [] [] []
2497 : pinfoComponents p
2500 mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
2501 mkMn = ModuleName.fromString
2504 stargets =
2505 [ TargetComponent (CExeName "foo") WholeComponent
2506 , TargetComponent (CExeName "foo") (ModuleTarget (mkMn "Foo"))
2507 , TargetComponent (CExeName "tst") (ModuleTarget (mkMn "Foo"))
2509 where
2510 mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
2511 mkMn = fromJust . simpleParse
2513 ex_pkgid :: PackageIdentifier
2514 Just ex_pkgid = simpleParse "thelib"
2518 ex_cs :: [KnownComponent]
2519 ex_cs =
2520 [ (mkC (CExeName "foo") ["src1", "src1/src2"] ["Foo", "Src2.Bar", "Bar"])
2521 , (mkC (CExeName "tst") ["src1", "test"] ["Foo"])
2523 where
2524 mkC n ds ms = KnownComponent n (componentStringName n) ds (map mkMn ms)
2525 mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
2526 mkMn = fromJust . simpleParse
2527 pkgid :: PackageIdentifier
2528 Just pkgid = simpleParse "thelib"