cabal init -i should sanitize suggested package name (fix #8404) (#8561)
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Targets.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.Client.Targets
9 -- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2011
10 -- License : BSD-like
12 -- Maintainer :
14 -- Handling for user-specified targets
15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 module Distribution.Client.Targets (
17 -- * User targets
18 UserTarget(..),
19 readUserTargets,
21 -- * Resolving user targets to package specifiers
22 resolveUserTargets,
24 -- ** Detailed interface
25 UserTargetProblem(..),
26 readUserTarget,
27 reportUserTargetProblems,
28 expandUserTarget,
30 PackageTarget(..),
31 fetchPackageTarget,
32 readPackageTarget,
34 PackageTargetProblem(..),
35 reportPackageTargetProblems,
37 disambiguatePackageTargets,
38 disambiguatePackageName,
40 -- * User constraints
41 UserQualifier(..),
42 UserConstraintScope(..),
43 UserConstraint(..),
44 userConstraintPackageName,
45 readUserConstraint,
46 userToPackageConstraint,
48 ) where
50 import Prelude ()
51 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
53 import Distribution.Package
54 ( Package(..), PackageName, unPackageName, mkPackageName
55 , packageName )
56 import Distribution.Client.Types
57 ( PackageLocation(..), ResolvedPkgLoc, UnresolvedSourcePackage
58 , PackageSpecifier(..) )
60 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
61 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
62 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
63 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
64 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
65 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
67 import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
68 import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry as Tar
69 import qualified Distribution.Client.Tar as Tar
70 import Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
71 import Distribution.Client.Utils ( tryFindPackageDesc )
72 import Distribution.Client.GlobalFlags
73 ( RepoContext(..) )
74 import Distribution.Types.PackageVersionConstraint
75 ( PackageVersionConstraint (..) )
77 import Distribution.PackageDescription
78 ( GenericPackageDescription )
79 import Distribution.Types.Flag
80 ( parsecFlagAssignmentNonEmpty )
81 import Distribution.Version
82 ( isAnyVersion )
83 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
84 ( die', lowercase )
86 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec
87 ( parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe )
88 import Distribution.Simple.PackageDescription
89 ( readGenericPackageDescription )
91 import qualified Data.Map as Map
92 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
93 import qualified Distribution.Client.GZipUtils as GZipUtils
94 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
95 import System.FilePath
96 ( takeExtension, dropExtension, takeDirectory, splitPath )
97 import System.Directory
98 ( doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist )
99 import Network.URI
100 ( URI(..), URIAuth(..), parseAbsoluteURI )
102 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
103 -- * User targets
104 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
106 -- | Various ways that a user may specify a package or package collection.
108 data UserTarget =
110 -- | A partially specified package, identified by name and possibly with
111 -- an exact version or a version constraint.
113 -- > cabal install foo
114 -- > cabal install foo-1.0
115 -- > cabal install 'foo < 2'
117 UserTargetNamed PackageVersionConstraint
119 -- | A specific package that is unpacked in a local directory, often the
120 -- current directory.
122 -- > cabal install .
123 -- > cabal install ../lib/other
125 -- * Note: in future, if multiple @.cabal@ files are allowed in a single
126 -- directory then this will refer to the collection of packages.
128 | UserTargetLocalDir FilePath
130 -- | A specific local unpacked package, identified by its @.cabal@ file.
132 -- > cabal install foo.cabal
133 -- > cabal install ../lib/other/bar.cabal
135 | UserTargetLocalCabalFile FilePath
137 -- | A specific package that is available as a local tarball file
139 -- > cabal install dist/foo-1.0.tar.gz
140 -- > cabal install ../build/baz-1.0.tar.gz
142 | UserTargetLocalTarball FilePath
144 -- | A specific package that is available as a remote tarball file
146 -- > cabal install
148 | UserTargetRemoteTarball URI
149 deriving (Show,Eq)
152 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
153 -- * Parsing and checking user targets
154 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
156 readUserTargets :: Verbosity -> [String] -> IO [UserTarget]
157 readUserTargets verbosity targetStrs = do
158 (problems, targets) <- liftM partitionEithers
159 (traverse readUserTarget targetStrs)
160 reportUserTargetProblems verbosity problems
161 return targets
164 data UserTargetProblem
165 = UserTargetUnexpectedFile String
166 | UserTargetNonexistantFile String
167 | UserTargetUnexpectedUriScheme String
168 | UserTargetUnrecognisedUri String
169 | UserTargetUnrecognised String
170 deriving Show
172 readUserTarget :: String -> IO (Either UserTargetProblem UserTarget)
173 readUserTarget targetstr =
174 case eitherParsec targetstr of
175 Right dep -> return (Right (UserTargetNamed dep))
176 Left _err -> do
177 fileTarget <- testFileTargets targetstr
178 case fileTarget of
179 Just target -> return target
180 Nothing ->
181 case testUriTargets targetstr of
182 Just target -> return target
183 Nothing -> return (Left (UserTargetUnrecognised targetstr))
184 where
185 testFileTargets :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Either UserTargetProblem UserTarget))
186 testFileTargets filename = do
187 isDir <- doesDirectoryExist filename
188 isFile <- doesFileExist filename
189 parentDirExists <- case takeDirectory filename of
190 [] -> return False
191 dir -> doesDirectoryExist dir
192 let result :: Maybe (Either UserTargetProblem UserTarget)
193 result
194 | isDir
195 = Just (Right (UserTargetLocalDir filename))
197 | isFile && extensionIsTarGz filename
198 = Just (Right (UserTargetLocalTarball filename))
200 | isFile && takeExtension filename == ".cabal"
201 = Just (Right (UserTargetLocalCabalFile filename))
203 | isFile
204 = Just (Left (UserTargetUnexpectedFile filename))
206 | parentDirExists
207 = Just (Left (UserTargetNonexistantFile filename))
209 | otherwise
210 = Nothing
211 return result
213 testUriTargets :: String -> Maybe (Either UserTargetProblem UserTarget)
214 testUriTargets str =
215 case parseAbsoluteURI str of
216 Just uri@URI {
217 uriScheme = scheme,
218 uriAuthority = Just URIAuth { uriRegName = host }
220 | scheme /= "http:" && scheme /= "https:" ->
221 Just (Left (UserTargetUnexpectedUriScheme targetstr))
223 | null host ->
224 Just (Left (UserTargetUnrecognisedUri targetstr))
226 | otherwise ->
227 Just (Right (UserTargetRemoteTarball uri))
228 _ -> Nothing
230 extensionIsTarGz :: FilePath -> Bool
231 extensionIsTarGz f = takeExtension f == ".gz"
232 && takeExtension (dropExtension f) == ".tar"
234 reportUserTargetProblems :: Verbosity -> [UserTargetProblem] -> IO ()
235 reportUserTargetProblems verbosity problems = do
236 case [ target | UserTargetUnrecognised target <- problems ] of
237 [] -> return ()
238 target -> die' verbosity
239 $ unlines
240 [ "Unrecognised target '" ++ name ++ "'."
241 | name <- target ]
242 ++ "Targets can be:\n"
243 ++ " - package names, e.g. 'pkgname', 'pkgname-1.0.1', 'pkgname < 2.0'\n"
244 ++ " - cabal files 'pkgname.cabal' or package directories 'pkgname/'\n"
245 ++ " - package tarballs 'pkgname.tar.gz' or ''"
247 case [ target | UserTargetNonexistantFile target <- problems ] of
248 [] -> return ()
249 target -> die' verbosity
250 $ unlines
251 [ "The file does not exist '" ++ name ++ "'."
252 | name <- target ]
254 case [ target | UserTargetUnexpectedFile target <- problems ] of
255 [] -> return ()
256 target -> die' verbosity
257 $ unlines
258 [ "Unrecognised file target '" ++ name ++ "'."
259 | name <- target ]
260 ++ "File targets can be either package tarballs 'pkgname.tar.gz' "
261 ++ "or cabal files 'pkgname.cabal'."
263 case [ target | UserTargetUnexpectedUriScheme target <- problems ] of
264 [] -> return ()
265 target -> die' verbosity
266 $ unlines
267 [ "URL target not supported '" ++ name ++ "'."
268 | name <- target ]
269 ++ "Only 'http://' and 'https://' URLs are supported."
271 case [ target | UserTargetUnrecognisedUri target <- problems ] of
272 [] -> return ()
273 target -> die' verbosity
274 $ unlines
275 [ "Unrecognise URL target '" ++ name ++ "'."
276 | name <- target ]
279 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
280 -- * Resolving user targets to package specifiers
281 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
283 -- | Given a bunch of user-specified targets, try to resolve what it is they
284 -- refer to. They can either be specific packages (local dirs, tarballs etc)
285 -- or they can be named packages (with or without version info).
287 resolveUserTargets :: Package pkg
288 => Verbosity
289 -> RepoContext
290 -> PackageIndex pkg
291 -> [UserTarget]
292 -> IO [PackageSpecifier UnresolvedSourcePackage]
293 resolveUserTargets verbosity repoCtxt available userTargets = do
295 -- given the user targets, get a list of fully or partially resolved
296 -- package references
297 packageTargets <- traverse (readPackageTarget verbosity)
298 =<< traverse (fetchPackageTarget verbosity repoCtxt) . concat
299 =<< traverse (expandUserTarget verbosity) userTargets
301 -- users are allowed to give package names case-insensitively, so we must
302 -- disambiguate named package references
303 let (problems, packageSpecifiers) :: ([PackageTargetProblem], [PackageSpecifier UnresolvedSourcePackage]) =
304 disambiguatePackageTargets available availableExtra packageTargets
306 -- use any extra specific available packages to help us disambiguate
307 availableExtra :: [PackageName]
308 availableExtra = [ packageName pkg
309 | PackageTargetLocation pkg <- packageTargets ]
311 reportPackageTargetProblems verbosity problems
313 return packageSpecifiers
316 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
317 -- * Package targets
318 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
320 -- | An intermediate between a 'UserTarget' and a resolved 'PackageSpecifier'.
321 -- Unlike a 'UserTarget', a 'PackageTarget' refers only to a single package.
323 data PackageTarget pkg =
324 PackageTargetNamed PackageName [PackageProperty] UserTarget
326 -- | A package identified by name, but case insensitively, so it needs
327 -- to be resolved to the right case-sensitive name.
328 | PackageTargetNamedFuzzy PackageName [PackageProperty] UserTarget
329 | PackageTargetLocation pkg
330 deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
333 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
334 -- * Converting user targets to package targets
335 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
337 -- | Given a user-specified target, expand it to a bunch of package targets
338 -- (each of which refers to only one package).
340 expandUserTarget :: Verbosity
341 -> UserTarget
342 -> IO [PackageTarget (PackageLocation ())]
343 expandUserTarget verbosity userTarget = case userTarget of
345 UserTargetNamed (PackageVersionConstraint name vrange) ->
346 let props = [ PackagePropertyVersion vrange
347 | not (isAnyVersion vrange) ]
348 in return [PackageTargetNamedFuzzy name props userTarget]
350 UserTargetLocalDir dir ->
351 return [ PackageTargetLocation (LocalUnpackedPackage dir) ]
353 UserTargetLocalCabalFile file -> do
354 let dir = takeDirectory file
355 _ <- tryFindPackageDesc verbosity dir (localPackageError dir) -- just as a check
356 return [ PackageTargetLocation (LocalUnpackedPackage dir) ]
358 UserTargetLocalTarball tarballFile ->
359 return [ PackageTargetLocation (LocalTarballPackage tarballFile) ]
361 UserTargetRemoteTarball tarballURL ->
362 return [ PackageTargetLocation (RemoteTarballPackage tarballURL ()) ]
364 localPackageError :: FilePath -> String
365 localPackageError dir =
366 "Error reading local package.\nCouldn't find .cabal file in: " ++ dir
368 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
369 -- * Fetching and reading package targets
370 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
373 -- | Fetch any remote targets so that they can be read.
375 fetchPackageTarget :: Verbosity
376 -> RepoContext
377 -> PackageTarget (PackageLocation ())
378 -> IO (PackageTarget ResolvedPkgLoc)
379 fetchPackageTarget verbosity repoCtxt = traverse $
380 fetchPackage verbosity repoCtxt . fmap (const Nothing)
383 -- | Given a package target that has been fetched, read the .cabal file.
385 -- This only affects targets given by location, named targets are unaffected.
387 readPackageTarget :: Verbosity
388 -> PackageTarget ResolvedPkgLoc
389 -> IO (PackageTarget UnresolvedSourcePackage)
390 readPackageTarget verbosity = traverse modifyLocation
391 where
392 modifyLocation :: ResolvedPkgLoc -> IO UnresolvedSourcePackage
393 modifyLocation location = case location of
395 LocalUnpackedPackage dir -> do
396 pkg <- tryFindPackageDesc verbosity dir (localPackageError dir) >>=
397 readGenericPackageDescription verbosity
398 return SourcePackage
399 { srcpkgPackageId = packageId pkg
400 , srcpkgDescription = pkg
401 , srcpkgSource = fmap Just location
402 , srcpkgDescrOverride = Nothing
405 LocalTarballPackage tarballFile ->
406 readTarballPackageTarget location tarballFile tarballFile
408 RemoteTarballPackage tarballURL tarballFile ->
409 readTarballPackageTarget location tarballFile (show tarballURL)
411 RepoTarballPackage _repo _pkgid _ ->
412 error "TODO: readPackageTarget RepoTarballPackage"
413 -- For repo tarballs this info should be obtained from the index.
415 RemoteSourceRepoPackage _srcRepo _ ->
416 error "TODO: readPackageTarget RemoteSourceRepoPackage"
417 -- This can't happen, because it would have errored out already
418 -- in fetchPackage, via fetchPackageTarget before it gets to this
419 -- function.
421 -- When that is corrected, this will also need to be fixed.
423 readTarballPackageTarget :: ResolvedPkgLoc -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO UnresolvedSourcePackage
424 readTarballPackageTarget location tarballFile tarballOriginalLoc = do
425 (filename, content) <- extractTarballPackageCabalFile
426 tarballFile tarballOriginalLoc
427 case parsePackageDescription' content of
428 Nothing -> die' verbosity $ "Could not parse the cabal file "
429 ++ filename ++ " in " ++ tarballFile
430 Just pkg ->
431 return SourcePackage
432 { srcpkgPackageId = packageId pkg
433 , srcpkgDescription = pkg
434 , srcpkgSource = fmap Just location
435 , srcpkgDescrOverride = Nothing
438 extractTarballPackageCabalFile :: FilePath -> String
439 -> IO (FilePath, BS.ByteString)
440 extractTarballPackageCabalFile tarballFile tarballOriginalLoc =
441 either (die' verbosity . formatErr) return
442 . check
443 . accumEntryMap
444 . Tar.filterEntries isCabalFile
445 .
446 . GZipUtils.maybeDecompress
447 =<< BS.readFile tarballFile
448 where
449 formatErr msg = "Error reading " ++ tarballOriginalLoc ++ ": " ++ msg
451 accumEntryMap :: Tar.Entries Tar.FormatError
452 -> Either (Tar.FormatError, Map Tar.TarPath Tar.Entry) (Map Tar.TarPath Tar.Entry)
453 accumEntryMap = Tar.foldlEntries
454 (\m e -> Map.insert (Tar.entryTarPath e) e m)
455 Map.empty
457 check (Left e) = Left (show e)
458 check (Right m) = case Map.elems m of
459 [] -> Left noCabalFile
460 [file] -> case Tar.entryContent file of
461 Tar.NormalFile content _ -> Right (Tar.entryPath file, content)
462 _ -> Left noCabalFile
463 _files -> Left multipleCabalFiles
464 where
465 noCabalFile = "No cabal file found"
466 multipleCabalFiles = "Multiple cabal files found"
468 isCabalFile :: Tar.Entry -> Bool
469 isCabalFile e = case splitPath (Tar.entryPath e) of
470 [ _dir, file] -> takeExtension file == ".cabal"
471 [".", _dir, file] -> takeExtension file == ".cabal"
472 _ -> False
474 parsePackageDescription' :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe GenericPackageDescription
475 parsePackageDescription' bs =
476 parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe (BS.toStrict bs)
478 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
479 -- * Checking package targets
480 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
482 data PackageTargetProblem
483 = PackageNameUnknown PackageName UserTarget
484 | PackageNameAmbiguous PackageName [PackageName] UserTarget
485 deriving Show
488 -- | Users are allowed to give package names case-insensitively, so we must
489 -- disambiguate named package references.
491 disambiguatePackageTargets :: Package pkg'
492 => PackageIndex pkg'
493 -> [PackageName]
494 -> [PackageTarget pkg]
495 -> ( [PackageTargetProblem]
496 , [PackageSpecifier pkg] )
497 disambiguatePackageTargets availablePkgIndex availableExtra targets =
498 partitionEithers (map disambiguatePackageTarget targets)
499 where
500 disambiguatePackageTarget packageTarget = case packageTarget of
501 PackageTargetLocation pkg -> Right (SpecificSourcePackage pkg)
503 PackageTargetNamed pkgname props userTarget
504 | null (PackageIndex.lookupPackageName availablePkgIndex pkgname)
505 -> Left (PackageNameUnknown pkgname userTarget)
506 | otherwise -> Right (NamedPackage pkgname props)
508 PackageTargetNamedFuzzy pkgname props userTarget ->
509 case disambiguatePackageName packageNameEnv pkgname of
510 None -> Left (PackageNameUnknown
511 pkgname userTarget)
512 Ambiguous pkgnames -> Left (PackageNameAmbiguous
513 pkgname pkgnames userTarget)
514 Unambiguous pkgname' -> Right (NamedPackage pkgname' props)
516 -- use any extra specific available packages to help us disambiguate
517 packageNameEnv :: PackageNameEnv
518 packageNameEnv = mappend (indexPackageNameEnv availablePkgIndex)
519 (extraPackageNameEnv availableExtra)
522 -- | Report problems to the user. That is, if there are any problems
523 -- then raise an exception.
524 reportPackageTargetProblems :: Verbosity
525 -> [PackageTargetProblem] -> IO ()
526 reportPackageTargetProblems verbosity problems = do
527 case [ pkg | PackageNameUnknown pkg _ <- problems ] of
528 [] -> return ()
529 pkgs -> die' verbosity $ unlines
530 [ "There is no package named '" ++ prettyShow name ++ "'. "
531 | name <- pkgs ]
532 ++ "You may need to run 'cabal update' to get the latest "
533 ++ "list of available packages."
535 case [ (pkg, matches) | PackageNameAmbiguous pkg matches _ <- problems ] of
536 [] -> return ()
537 ambiguities -> die' verbosity $ unlines
538 [ "There is no package named '" ++ prettyShow name ++ "'. "
539 ++ (if length matches > 1
540 then "However, the following package names exist: "
541 else "However, the following package name exists: ")
542 ++ intercalate ", " [ "'" ++ prettyShow m ++ "'" | m <- matches]
543 ++ "."
544 | (name, matches) <- ambiguities ]
547 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
548 -- * Disambiguating package names
549 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
551 data MaybeAmbiguous a = None | Unambiguous a | Ambiguous [a]
553 -- | Given a package name and a list of matching names, figure out
554 -- which one it might be referring to. If there is an exact
555 -- case-sensitive match then that's ok (i.e. returned via
556 -- 'Unambiguous'). If it matches just one package case-insensitively
557 -- or if it matches multiple packages case-insensitively, in that case
558 -- the result is 'Ambiguous'.
560 -- Note: Before cabal 2.2, when only a single package matched
561 -- case-insensitively it would be considered 'Unambiguous'.
563 disambiguatePackageName :: PackageNameEnv
564 -> PackageName
565 -> MaybeAmbiguous PackageName
566 disambiguatePackageName (PackageNameEnv pkgNameLookup) name =
567 case nub (pkgNameLookup name) of
568 [] -> None
569 names -> case find (name==) names of
570 Just name' -> Unambiguous name'
571 Nothing -> Ambiguous names
574 newtype PackageNameEnv = PackageNameEnv (PackageName -> [PackageName])
576 instance Monoid PackageNameEnv where
577 mempty = PackageNameEnv (const [])
578 mappend = (<>)
580 instance Semigroup PackageNameEnv where
581 PackageNameEnv lookupA <> PackageNameEnv lookupB =
582 PackageNameEnv (\name -> lookupA name ++ lookupB name)
584 indexPackageNameEnv :: PackageIndex pkg -> PackageNameEnv
585 indexPackageNameEnv pkgIndex = PackageNameEnv pkgNameLookup
586 where
587 pkgNameLookup pname =
588 map fst (PackageIndex.searchByName pkgIndex $ unPackageName pname)
590 extraPackageNameEnv :: [PackageName] -> PackageNameEnv
591 extraPackageNameEnv names = PackageNameEnv pkgNameLookup
592 where
593 pkgNameLookup pname =
594 [ pname'
595 | let lname = lowercase (unPackageName pname)
596 , pname' <- names
597 , lowercase (unPackageName pname') == lname ]
600 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
601 -- * Package constraints
602 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
604 -- | Version of 'Qualifier' that a user may specify on the
605 -- command line.
606 data UserQualifier =
607 -- | Top-level dependency.
608 UserQualToplevel
610 -- | Setup dependency.
611 | UserQualSetup PackageName
613 -- | Executable dependency.
614 | UserQualExe PackageName PackageName
615 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
617 instance Binary UserQualifier
618 instance Structured UserQualifier
620 -- | Version of 'ConstraintScope' that a user may specify on the
621 -- command line.
622 data UserConstraintScope =
623 -- | Scope that applies to the package when it has the specified qualifier.
624 UserQualified UserQualifier PackageName
626 -- | Scope that applies to the package when it has a setup qualifier.
627 | UserAnySetupQualifier PackageName
629 -- | Scope that applies to the package when it has any qualifier.
630 | UserAnyQualifier PackageName
631 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
633 instance Binary UserConstraintScope
634 instance Structured UserConstraintScope
636 fromUserQualifier :: UserQualifier -> Qualifier
637 fromUserQualifier UserQualToplevel = QualToplevel
638 fromUserQualifier (UserQualSetup name) = QualSetup name
639 fromUserQualifier (UserQualExe name1 name2) = QualExe name1 name2
641 fromUserConstraintScope :: UserConstraintScope -> ConstraintScope
642 fromUserConstraintScope (UserQualified q pn) =
643 ScopeQualified (fromUserQualifier q) pn
644 fromUserConstraintScope (UserAnySetupQualifier pn) = ScopeAnySetupQualifier pn
645 fromUserConstraintScope (UserAnyQualifier pn) = ScopeAnyQualifier pn
647 -- | Version of 'PackageConstraint' that the user can specify on
648 -- the command line.
649 data UserConstraint =
650 UserConstraint UserConstraintScope PackageProperty
651 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
653 instance Binary UserConstraint
654 instance Structured UserConstraint
656 userConstraintPackageName :: UserConstraint -> PackageName
657 userConstraintPackageName (UserConstraint scope _) = scopePN scope
658 where
659 scopePN (UserQualified _ pn) = pn
660 scopePN (UserAnyQualifier pn) = pn
661 scopePN (UserAnySetupQualifier pn) = pn
663 userToPackageConstraint :: UserConstraint -> PackageConstraint
664 userToPackageConstraint (UserConstraint scope prop) =
665 PackageConstraint (fromUserConstraintScope scope) prop
667 readUserConstraint :: String -> Either String UserConstraint
668 readUserConstraint str =
669 case explicitEitherParsec parsec str of
670 Left err -> Left $ msgCannotParse ++ err
671 Right c -> Right c
672 where
673 msgCannotParse =
674 "expected a (possibly qualified) package name followed by a " ++
675 "constraint, which is either a version range, 'installed', " ++
676 "'source', 'test', 'bench', or flags. "
678 instance Pretty UserConstraint where
679 pretty (UserConstraint scope prop) =
680 dispPackageConstraint $ PackageConstraint (fromUserConstraintScope scope) prop
682 instance Parsec UserConstraint where
683 parsec = do
684 scope <- parseConstraintScope
685 P.spaces
686 prop <- P.choice
687 [ PackagePropertyFlags <$> parsecFlagAssignmentNonEmpty -- headed by "+-"
688 , PackagePropertyVersion <$> parsec -- headed by "<=>" (will be)
689 , PackagePropertyInstalled <$ P.string "installed"
690 , PackagePropertySource <$ P.string "source"
691 , PackagePropertyStanzas [TestStanzas] <$ P.string "test"
692 , PackagePropertyStanzas [BenchStanzas] <$ P.string "bench"
694 return (UserConstraint scope prop)
696 where
697 parseConstraintScope :: forall m. CabalParsing m => m UserConstraintScope
698 parseConstraintScope = do
699 pn <- parsec
700 P.choice
701 [ P.char '.' *> withDot pn
702 , P.char ':' *> withColon pn
703 , return (UserQualified UserQualToplevel pn)
705 where
706 withDot :: PackageName -> m UserConstraintScope
707 withDot pn
708 | pn == mkPackageName "any" = UserAnyQualifier <$> parsec
709 | pn == mkPackageName "setup" = UserAnySetupQualifier <$> parsec
710 | otherwise = P.unexpected $ "constraint scope: " ++ unPackageName pn
712 withColon :: PackageName -> m UserConstraintScope
713 withColon pn = UserQualified (UserQualSetup pn)
714 <$ P.string "setup."
715 <*> parsec