cabal init -i should sanitize suggested package name (fix #8404) (#8561)
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Win32SelfUpgrade.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -- |
4 -- Module : Distribution.Client.Win32SelfUpgrade
5 -- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2008
6 -- License : BSD-like
7 --
8 -- Maintainer :
9 -- Stability : provisional
10 -- Portability : portable
12 -- Support for self-upgrading executables on Windows platforms.
13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 module Distribution.Client.Win32SelfUpgrade (
15 -- * Explanation
17 -- | Windows inherited a design choice from DOS that while initially innocuous
18 -- has rather unfortunate consequences. It maintains the invariant that every
19 -- open file has a corresponding name on disk. One positive consequence of this
20 -- is that an executable can always find its own executable file. The downside
21 -- is that a program cannot be deleted or upgraded while it is running without
22 -- hideous workarounds. This module implements one such hideous workaround.
24 -- The basic idea is:
26 -- * Move our own exe file to a new name
27 -- * Copy a new exe file to the previous name
28 -- * Run the new exe file, passing our own PID and new path
29 -- * Wait for the new process to start
30 -- * Close the new exe file
31 -- * Exit old process
33 -- Then in the new process:
35 -- * Inform the old process that we've started
36 -- * Wait for the old process to die
37 -- * Delete the old exe file
38 -- * Exit new process
41 possibleSelfUpgrade,
42 deleteOldExeFile,
43 ) where
45 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (log)
46 import Prelude ()
48 #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
50 import qualified System.Win32 as Win32
51 import System.Win32 (DWORD, BOOL, HANDLE, LPCTSTR)
52 import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr)
53 import System.Process (runProcess)
54 import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
55 import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, replaceBaseName, equalFilePath)
57 import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity (showForCabal)
58 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (debug, info)
61 -- | If one of the given files is our own exe file then we arrange things such
62 -- that the nested action can replace our own exe file.
64 -- We require that the new process accepts a command line invocation that
65 -- calls 'deleteOldExeFile', passing in the PID and exe file.
67 possibleSelfUpgrade :: Verbosity
68 -> [FilePath]
69 -> IO a -> IO a
70 possibleSelfUpgrade verbosity newPaths action = do
71 dstPath <- canonicalizePath =<< Win32.getModuleFileName Win32.nullHANDLE
73 newPaths' <- traverse canonicalizePath newPaths
74 let doingSelfUpgrade = any (equalFilePath dstPath) newPaths'
76 if not doingSelfUpgrade
77 then action
78 else do
79 info verbosity $ "cabal-install does the replace-own-exe-file dance..."
80 tmpPath <- moveOurExeOutOfTheWay verbosity
81 result <- action
82 scheduleOurDemise verbosity dstPath tmpPath
83 (\pid path -> ["win32selfupgrade", pid, path
84 ,"--verbose=" ++ Verbosity.showForCabal verbosity])
85 return result
87 -- | The name of a Win32 Event object that we use to synchronise between the
88 -- old and new processes. We need to synchronise to make sure that the old
89 -- process has not yet terminated by the time the new one starts up and looks
90 -- for the old process. Otherwise the old one might have already terminated
91 -- and we could not wait on it terminating reliably (eg the PID might get
92 -- re-used).
94 syncEventName :: String
95 syncEventName = "Local\\cabal-install-upgrade"
97 -- | The first part of allowing our exe file to be replaced is to move the
98 -- existing exe file out of the way. Although we cannot delete our exe file
99 -- while we're still running, fortunately we can rename it, at least within
100 -- the same directory.
102 moveOurExeOutOfTheWay :: Verbosity -> IO FilePath
103 moveOurExeOutOfTheWay verbosity = do
104 ourPID <- getCurrentProcessId
105 dstPath <- Win32.getModuleFileName Win32.nullHANDLE
107 let tmpPath = replaceBaseName dstPath (takeBaseName dstPath ++ show ourPID)
109 debug verbosity $ "moving " ++ dstPath ++ " to " ++ tmpPath
110 Win32.moveFile dstPath tmpPath
111 return tmpPath
113 -- | Assuming we've now installed the new exe file in the right place, we
114 -- launch it and ask it to delete our exe file when we eventually terminate.
116 scheduleOurDemise :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath
117 -> (String -> FilePath -> [String]) -> IO ()
118 scheduleOurDemise verbosity dstPath tmpPath mkArgs = do
119 ourPID <- getCurrentProcessId
120 event <- createEvent syncEventName
122 let args = mkArgs (show ourPID) tmpPath
123 log $ "launching child " ++ unwords (dstPath : map show args)
124 _ <- runProcess dstPath args Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
126 log $ "waiting for the child to start up"
127 waitForSingleObject event (10*1000) -- wait at most 10 sec
128 log $ "child started ok"
130 where
131 log msg = debug verbosity ("Win32Reinstall.parent: " ++ msg)
133 -- | Assuming we're now in the new child process, we've been asked by the old
134 -- process to wait for it to terminate and then we can remove the old exe file
135 -- that it renamed itself to.
137 deleteOldExeFile :: Verbosity -> Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
138 deleteOldExeFile verbosity oldPID tmpPath = do
139 log $ "process started. Will delete exe file of process "
140 ++ show oldPID ++ " at path " ++ tmpPath
142 log $ "getting handle of parent process " ++ show oldPID
143 oldPHANDLE <- Win32.openProcess Win32.sYNCHRONIZE False (fromIntegral oldPID)
145 log $ "synchronising with parent"
146 event <- openEvent syncEventName
147 setEvent event
149 log $ "waiting for parent process to terminate"
150 waitForSingleObject oldPHANDLE Win32.iNFINITE
151 log $ "parent process terminated"
153 log $ "deleting parent's old .exe file"
154 Win32.deleteFile tmpPath
156 where
157 log msg = debug verbosity ("Win32Reinstall.child: " ++ msg)
159 ------------------------
160 -- Win32 foreign imports
163 -- A bunch of functions sadly not provided by the Win32 package.
165 #ifdef x86_64_HOST_ARCH
166 #define CALLCONV ccall
167 #else
168 #define CALLCONV stdcall
169 #endif
171 foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "windows.h GetCurrentProcessId"
172 getCurrentProcessId :: IO DWORD
174 foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "windows.h WaitForSingleObject"
175 waitForSingleObject_ :: HANDLE -> DWORD -> IO DWORD
177 waitForSingleObject :: HANDLE -> DWORD -> IO ()
178 waitForSingleObject handle timeout =
179 Win32.failIf_ bad "WaitForSingleObject" $
180 waitForSingleObject_ handle timeout
181 where
182 bad result = not (result == 0 || result == wAIT_TIMEOUT)
183 wAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x00000102
185 foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "windows.h CreateEventW"
186 createEvent_ :: Ptr () -> BOOL -> BOOL -> LPCTSTR -> IO HANDLE
188 createEvent :: String -> IO HANDLE
189 createEvent name = do
190 Win32.failIfNull "CreateEvent" $
191 Win32.withTString name $
192 createEvent_ nullPtr False False
194 foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "windows.h OpenEventW"
195 openEvent_ :: DWORD -> BOOL -> LPCTSTR -> IO HANDLE
197 openEvent :: String -> IO HANDLE
198 openEvent name = do
199 Win32.failIfNull "OpenEvent" $
200 Win32.withTString name $
201 openEvent_ eVENT_MODIFY_STATE False
202 where
204 eVENT_MODIFY_STATE = 0x0002
206 foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "windows.h SetEvent"
207 setEvent_ :: HANDLE -> IO BOOL
209 setEvent :: HANDLE -> IO ()
210 setEvent handle =
211 Win32.failIfFalse_ "SetEvent" $
212 setEvent_ handle
214 #else
216 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (die')
218 possibleSelfUpgrade :: Verbosity
219 -> [FilePath]
220 -> IO a -> IO a
221 possibleSelfUpgrade _ _ action = action
223 deleteOldExeFile :: Verbosity -> Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
224 deleteOldExeFile verbosity _ _ = die' verbosity "win32selfupgrade not needed except on win32"
226 #endif