Add extra assertion into the top down dep planner
[cabal.git] / Distribution / Client / Dependency / TopDown.hs
1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- |
3 -- Module : Distribution.Client.Dependency.Types
4 -- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2008
5 -- License : BSD-like
6 --
7 -- Maintainer :
8 -- Stability : provisional
9 -- Portability : portable
11 -- Common types for dependency resolution.
12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 module Distribution.Client.Dependency.TopDown (
14 topDownResolver
15 ) where
17 import Distribution.Client.Dependency.TopDown.Types
18 import qualified Distribution.Client.Dependency.TopDown.Constraints as Constraints
19 import Distribution.Client.Dependency.TopDown.Constraints
20 ( Satisfiable(..) )
21 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
22 import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan
23 ( PlanPackage(..) )
24 import Distribution.Client.Types
25 ( AvailablePackage(..), ConfiguredPackage(..) )
26 import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Types
27 ( DependencyResolver, PackageConstraint(..)
28 , PackagePreferences(..), InstalledPreference(..)
29 , Progress(..), foldProgress )
31 import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
32 import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
33 import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
34 ( InstalledPackageInfo )
35 import Distribution.Package
36 ( PackageName(..), PackageIdentifier, Package(packageId), packageVersion, packageName
37 , Dependency(Dependency), thisPackageVersion, notThisPackageVersion
38 , PackageFixedDeps(depends) )
39 import Distribution.PackageDescription
40 ( PackageDescription(buildDepends) )
41 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
42 ( finalizePackageDescription, flattenPackageDescription )
43 import Distribution.Version
44 ( VersionRange(AnyVersion), withinRange )
45 import Distribution.Compiler
46 ( CompilerId )
47 import Distribution.System
48 ( Platform(Platform) )
49 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
50 ( equating, comparing )
51 import Distribution.Text
52 ( display )
54 import Data.List
55 ( foldl', maximumBy, minimumBy, nub, sort, groupBy )
56 import Data.Maybe
57 ( fromJust, fromMaybe, catMaybes )
58 import Data.Monoid
59 ( Monoid(mempty) )
60 import Control.Monad
61 ( guard )
62 import qualified Data.Set as Set
63 import Data.Set (Set)
64 import qualified Data.Map as Map
65 import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
66 import qualified Data.Array as Array
67 import Control.Exception
68 ( assert )
70 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
71 -- * Search state types
72 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
74 type Constraints = Constraints.Constraints
75 InstalledPackage UnconfiguredPackage ExclusionReason
76 type SelectedPackages = PackageIndex SelectedPackage
78 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
79 -- * The search tree type
80 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
82 data SearchSpace inherited pkg
83 = ChoiceNode inherited [[(pkg, SearchSpace inherited pkg)]]
84 | Failure Failure
86 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
87 -- * Traverse a search tree
88 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
90 explore :: (PackageName -> PackagePreferences)
91 -> SearchSpace (SelectedPackages, Constraints, SelectionChanges)
92 SelectablePackage
93 -> Progress Log Failure (SelectedPackages, Constraints)
95 explore _ (Failure failure) = Fail failure
96 explore _ (ChoiceNode (s,c,_) []) = Done (s,c)
97 explore pref (ChoiceNode _ choices) =
98 case [ choice | [choice] <- choices ] of
99 ((_, node'):_) -> Step (logInfo node') (explore pref node')
100 [] -> Step (logInfo node') (explore pref node')
101 where
102 choice = minimumBy (comparing topSortNumber) choices
103 pkgname = packageName . fst . head $ choice
104 (_, node') = maximumBy (bestByPref pkgname) choice
105 where
106 topSortNumber choice = case fst (head choice) of
107 InstalledOnly (InstalledPackage _ i _) -> i
108 AvailableOnly (UnconfiguredPackage _ i _) -> i
109 InstalledAndAvailable _ (UnconfiguredPackage _ i _) -> i
111 bestByPref pkgname = case packageInstalledPreference of
112 PreferLatest ->
113 comparing (\(p,_) -> ( isPreferred p, packageId p))
114 PreferInstalled ->
115 comparing (\(p,_) -> (isInstalled p, isPreferred p, packageId p))
116 where
117 isInstalled (AvailableOnly _) = False
118 isInstalled _ = True
119 isPreferred p = packageVersion p `withinRange` preferredVersions
120 (PackagePreferences preferredVersions packageInstalledPreference)
121 = pref pkgname
123 logInfo node = Select selected discarded
124 where (selected, discarded) = case node of
125 Failure _ -> ([], [])
126 ChoiceNode (_,_,changes) _ -> changes
128 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
129 -- * Generate a search tree
130 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
132 type ConfigurePackage = PackageIndex SelectablePackage
133 -> SelectablePackage
134 -> Either [Dependency] SelectedPackage
136 -- | (packages selected, packages discarded)
137 type SelectionChanges = ([SelectedPackage], [PackageIdentifier])
139 searchSpace :: ConfigurePackage
140 -> Constraints
141 -> SelectedPackages
142 -> SelectionChanges
143 -> Set PackageName
144 -> SearchSpace (SelectedPackages, Constraints, SelectionChanges)
145 SelectablePackage
146 searchSpace configure constraints selected changes next =
147 ChoiceNode (selected, constraints, changes)
148 [ [ (pkg, select name pkg)
149 | pkg <- PackageIndex.lookupPackageName available name ]
150 | name <- Set.elems next ]
151 where
152 available = Constraints.choices constraints
154 select name pkg = case configure available pkg of
155 Left missing -> Failure $ ConfigureFailed pkg
156 [ (dep, Constraints.conflicting constraints dep)
157 | dep <- missing ]
158 Right pkg' -> case constrainDeps pkg' newDeps constraints [] of
159 Left failure -> Failure failure
160 Right (constraints', newDiscarded) ->
161 searchSpace configure
162 constraints' selected' (newSelected, newDiscarded) next'
163 where
164 selected' = foldl' (flip PackageIndex.insert) selected newSelected
165 newSelected =
166 case Constraints.isPaired constraints (packageId pkg) of
167 Nothing -> [pkg']
168 Just pkgid' -> [pkg', pkg'']
169 where
170 Just pkg'' = fmap (\(InstalledOnly p) -> InstalledOnly p)
171 (PackageIndex.lookupPackageId available pkgid')
173 newPkgs = [ name'
174 | dep <- newDeps
175 , let (Dependency name' _) = untagDependency dep
176 , null (PackageIndex.lookupPackageName selected' name') ]
177 newDeps = concatMap packageConstraints newSelected
178 next' = Set.delete name
179 $ foldl' (flip Set.insert) next newPkgs
181 packageConstraints :: SelectedPackage -> [TaggedDependency]
182 packageConstraints = either installedConstraints availableConstraints
183 . preferAvailable
184 where
185 preferAvailable (InstalledOnly pkg) = Left pkg
186 preferAvailable (AvailableOnly pkg) = Right pkg
187 preferAvailable (InstalledAndAvailable _ pkg) = Right pkg
188 installedConstraints (InstalledPackage _ _ deps) =
189 [ TaggedDependency InstalledConstraint (thisPackageVersion dep)
190 | dep <- deps ]
191 availableConstraints (SemiConfiguredPackage _ _ deps) =
192 [ TaggedDependency NoInstalledConstraint dep | dep <- deps ]
194 constrainDeps :: SelectedPackage -> [TaggedDependency] -> Constraints
195 -> [PackageIdentifier]
196 -> Either Failure (Constraints, [PackageIdentifier])
197 constrainDeps pkg [] cs discard =
198 case addPackageSelectConstraint (packageId pkg) cs of
199 Satisfiable cs' discard' -> Right (cs', discard' ++ discard)
200 _ -> impossible
201 constrainDeps pkg (dep:deps) cs discard =
202 case addPackageDependencyConstraint (packageId pkg) dep cs of
203 Satisfiable cs' discard' -> constrainDeps pkg deps cs' (discard' ++ discard)
204 Unsatisfiable -> impossible
205 ConflictsWith conflicts ->
206 Left (DependencyConflict pkg dep conflicts)
208 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
209 -- * The main algorithm
210 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
212 search :: ConfigurePackage
213 -> (PackageName -> PackagePreferences)
214 -> Constraints
215 -> Set PackageName
216 -> Progress Log Failure (SelectedPackages, Constraints)
217 search configure pref constraints =
218 explore pref . searchSpace configure constraints mempty ([], [])
220 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
221 -- * The top level resolver
222 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
224 -- | The main exported resolver, with string logging and failure types to fit
225 -- the standard 'DependencyResolver' interface.
227 topDownResolver :: DependencyResolver
228 topDownResolver = ((((((mapMessages .).).).).).) . topDownResolver'
229 where
230 mapMessages :: Progress Log Failure a -> Progress String String a
231 mapMessages = foldProgress (Step . showLog) (Fail . showFailure) Done
233 -- | The native resolver with detailed structured logging and failure types.
235 topDownResolver' :: Platform -> CompilerId
236 -> PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
237 -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
238 -> (PackageName -> PackagePreferences)
239 -> [PackageConstraint]
240 -> [PackageName]
241 -> Progress Log Failure [PlanPackage]
242 topDownResolver' platform comp installed available
243 preferences constraints targets =
244 fmap (uncurry finalise)
245 . (\cs -> search configure preferences cs initialPkgNames)
246 =<< addTopLevelConstraints constraints constraintSet
248 where
249 configure = configurePackage platform comp
250 constraintSet = Constraints.empty
251 (annotateInstalledPackages topSortNumber installed')
252 (annotateAvailablePackages constraints topSortNumber available')
253 (installed', available') = selectNeededSubset installed available
254 initialPkgNames
255 topSortNumber = topologicalSortNumbering installed' available'
257 initialPkgNames = Set.fromList targets
259 finalise selected' constraints' =
260 PackageIndex.allPackages
261 . fst . improvePlan installed' constraints'
262 . PackageIndex.fromList
263 $ finaliseSelectedPackages preferences selected' constraints'
265 addTopLevelConstraints :: [PackageConstraint] -> Constraints
266 -> Progress a Failure Constraints
267 addTopLevelConstraints [] cs = Done cs
268 addTopLevelConstraints (PackageFlagsConstraint _ _ :deps) cs =
269 addTopLevelConstraints deps cs
271 addTopLevelConstraints (PackageVersionConstraint pkg ver:deps) cs =
272 case addTopLevelVersionConstraint pkg ver cs of
273 Satisfiable cs' _ ->
274 addTopLevelConstraints deps cs'
276 Unsatisfiable ->
277 Fail (TopLevelVersionConstraintUnsatisfiable pkg ver)
279 ConflictsWith conflicts ->
280 Fail (TopLevelVersionConstraintConflict pkg ver conflicts)
282 addTopLevelConstraints (PackageInstalledConstraint pkg:deps) cs =
283 case addTopLevelInstalledConstraint pkg cs of
284 Satisfiable cs' _ -> addTopLevelConstraints deps cs'
286 Unsatisfiable ->
287 Fail (TopLevelInstallConstraintUnsatisfiable pkg)
289 ConflictsWith conflicts ->
290 Fail (TopLevelInstallConstraintConflict pkg conflicts)
292 configurePackage :: Platform -> CompilerId -> ConfigurePackage
293 configurePackage (Platform arch os) comp available spkg = case spkg of
294 InstalledOnly ipkg -> Right (InstalledOnly ipkg)
295 AvailableOnly apkg -> fmap AvailableOnly (configure apkg)
296 InstalledAndAvailable ipkg apkg -> fmap (InstalledAndAvailable ipkg)
297 (configure apkg)
298 where
299 configure (UnconfiguredPackage apkg@(AvailablePackage _ p _) _ flags) =
300 case finalizePackageDescription flags (Just available) os arch comp [] p of
301 Left missing -> Left missing
302 Right (pkg, flags') -> Right $
303 SemiConfiguredPackage apkg flags' (buildDepends pkg)
305 -- | Annotate each installed packages with its set of transative dependencies
306 -- and its topological sort number.
308 annotateInstalledPackages :: (PackageName -> TopologicalSortNumber)
309 -> PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
310 -> PackageIndex InstalledPackage
311 annotateInstalledPackages dfsNumber installed = PackageIndex.fromList
312 [ InstalledPackage pkg (dfsNumber (packageName pkg)) (transitiveDepends pkg)
313 | pkg <- PackageIndex.allPackages installed ]
314 where
315 transitiveDepends :: InstalledPackageInfo -> [PackageIdentifier]
316 transitiveDepends = map (packageId . toPkg) . tail . Graph.reachable graph
317 . fromJust . toVertex . packageId
318 (graph, toPkg, toVertex) = PackageIndex.dependencyGraph installed
321 -- | Annotate each available packages with its topological sort number and any
322 -- user-supplied partial flag assignment.
324 annotateAvailablePackages :: [PackageConstraint]
325 -> (PackageName -> TopologicalSortNumber)
326 -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
327 -> PackageIndex UnconfiguredPackage
328 annotateAvailablePackages constraints dfsNumber available = PackageIndex.fromList
329 [ UnconfiguredPackage pkg (dfsNumber name) (flagsFor name)
330 | pkg <- PackageIndex.allPackages available
331 , let name = packageName pkg ]
332 where
333 flagsFor = fromMaybe [] . flip Map.lookup flagsMap
334 flagsMap = Map.fromList
335 [ (name, flags)
336 | PackageFlagsConstraint name flags <- constraints ]
338 -- | One of the heuristics we use when guessing which path to take in the
339 -- search space is an ordering on the choices we make. It's generally better
340 -- to make decisions about packages higer in the dep graph first since they
341 -- place constraints on packages lower in the dep graph.
343 -- To pick them in that order we annotate each package with its topological
344 -- sort number. So if package A depends on package B then package A will have
345 -- a lower topological sort number than B and we'll make a choice about which
346 -- version of A to pick before we make a choice about B (unless there is only
347 -- one possible choice for B in which case we pick that immediately).
349 -- To construct these topological sort numbers we combine and flatten the
350 -- installed and available package sets. We consider only dependencies between
351 -- named packages, not including versions and for not-yet-configured packages
352 -- we look at all the possible dependencies, not just those under any single
353 -- flag assignment. This means we can actually get impossible combinations of
354 -- edges and even cycles, but that doesn't really matter here, it's only a
355 -- heuristic.
357 topologicalSortNumbering :: PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
358 -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
359 -> (PackageName -> TopologicalSortNumber)
360 topologicalSortNumbering installed available =
361 \pkgname -> let Just vertex = toVertex pkgname
362 in topologicalSortNumbers Array.! vertex
363 where
364 topologicalSortNumbers = Array.array (Array.bounds graph)
365 (zip (Graph.topSort graph) [0..])
366 (graph, _, toVertex) = Graph.graphFromEdges $
367 [ ((), packageName pkg, nub deps)
368 | pkgs@(pkg:_) <- PackageIndex.allPackagesByName installed
369 , let deps = [ packageName dep
370 | pkg' <- pkgs
371 , dep <- depends pkg' ] ]
372 ++ [ ((), packageName pkg, nub deps)
373 | pkgs@(pkg:_) <- PackageIndex.allPackagesByName available
374 , let deps = [ depName
375 | AvailablePackage _ pkg' _ <- pkgs
376 , Dependency depName _ <-
377 buildDepends (flattenPackageDescription pkg') ] ]
379 -- | We don't need the entire index (which is rather large and costly if we
380 -- force it by examining the whole thing). So trace out the maximul subset of
381 -- each index that we could possibly ever need. Do this by flattening packages
382 -- and looking at the names of all possible dependencies.
384 selectNeededSubset :: PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
385 -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
386 -> Set PackageName
387 -> (PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
388 ,PackageIndex AvailablePackage)
389 selectNeededSubset installed available = select mempty mempty
390 where
391 select :: PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
392 -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
393 -> Set PackageName
394 -> (PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
395 ,PackageIndex AvailablePackage)
396 select installed' available' remaining
397 | Set.null remaining = (installed', available')
398 | otherwise = select installed'' available'' remaining''
399 where
400 (next, remaining') = Set.deleteFindMin remaining
401 moreInstalled = PackageIndex.lookupPackageName installed next
402 moreAvailable = PackageIndex.lookupPackageName available next
403 moreRemaining = -- we filter out packages already included in the indexes
404 -- this avoids an infinite loop if a package depends on itself
405 -- like base- with base-
406 filter notAlreadyIncluded
407 $ [ packageName dep
408 | pkg <- moreInstalled
409 , dep <- depends pkg ]
410 ++ [ name
411 | AvailablePackage _ pkg _ <- moreAvailable
412 , Dependency name _ <-
413 buildDepends (flattenPackageDescription pkg) ]
414 installed'' = foldl' (flip PackageIndex.insert) installed' moreInstalled
415 available'' = foldl' (flip PackageIndex.insert) available' moreAvailable
416 remaining'' = foldl' (flip Set.insert) remaining' moreRemaining
417 notAlreadyIncluded name = null (PackageIndex.lookupPackageName installed' name)
418 && null (PackageIndex.lookupPackageName available' name)
420 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
421 -- * Post processing the solution
422 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
424 finaliseSelectedPackages :: (PackageName -> PackagePreferences)
425 -> SelectedPackages
426 -> Constraints
427 -> [PlanPackage]
428 finaliseSelectedPackages pref selected constraints =
429 map finaliseSelected (PackageIndex.allPackages selected)
430 where
431 remainingChoices = Constraints.choices constraints
432 finaliseSelected (InstalledOnly ipkg ) = finaliseInstalled ipkg
433 finaliseSelected (AvailableOnly apkg) = finaliseAvailable Nothing apkg
434 finaliseSelected (InstalledAndAvailable ipkg apkg) =
435 case PackageIndex.lookupPackageId remainingChoices (packageId ipkg) of
436 Nothing -> impossible --picked package not in constraints
437 Just (AvailableOnly _) -> impossible --to constrain to avail only
438 Just (InstalledOnly _) -> finaliseInstalled ipkg
439 Just (InstalledAndAvailable _ _) -> finaliseAvailable (Just ipkg) apkg
441 finaliseInstalled (InstalledPackage pkg _ _) = InstallPlan.PreExisting pkg
442 finaliseAvailable mipkg (SemiConfiguredPackage pkg flags deps) =
443 InstallPlan.Configured (ConfiguredPackage pkg flags deps')
444 where
445 deps' = map (packageId . pickRemaining) deps
446 pickRemaining dep =
447 case PackageIndex.lookupDependency remainingChoices dep of
448 [] -> impossible
449 [pkg'] -> pkg'
450 remaining -> assert (checkIsPaired remaining)
451 $ maximumBy bestByPref remaining
452 -- We order candidate packages to pick for a dependency by these
453 -- three factors. The last factor is just highest version wins.
454 bestByPref =
455 comparing (\p -> (isCurrent p, isPreferred p, packageVersion p))
456 -- Is the package already used by the installed version of this
457 -- package? If so we should pick that first. This stops us from doing
458 -- silly things like deciding to rebuild haskell98 against base 3.
459 isCurrent = case mipkg :: Maybe InstalledPackage of
460 Nothing -> \_ -> False
461 Just ipkg -> \p -> packageId p `elem` depends ipkg
462 -- Is this package a preferred version acording to the hackage or
463 -- user's suggested version constraints
464 isPreferred p = packageVersion p `withinRange` preferredVersions
465 where (PackagePreferences preferredVersions _) = pref (packageName p)
467 -- We really only expect to find more than one choice remaining when
468 -- we're finalising a dependency on a paired package.
469 checkIsPaired [p1, p2] =
470 case Constraints.isPaired constraints (packageId p1) of
471 Just p2' -> packageId p2' == packageId p2
472 Nothing -> False
473 checkIsPaired _ = False
475 -- | Improve an existing installation plan by, where possible, swapping
476 -- packages we plan to install with ones that are already installed.
477 -- This may add additional constraints due to the dependencies of installed
478 -- packages on other installed packages.
480 improvePlan :: PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
481 -> Constraints
482 -> PackageIndex PlanPackage
483 -> (PackageIndex PlanPackage, Constraints)
484 improvePlan installed constraints0 selected0 =
485 foldl' improve (selected0, constraints0) (reverseTopologicalOrder selected0)
486 where
487 improve (selected, constraints) = fromMaybe (selected, constraints)
488 . improvePkg selected constraints
490 -- The idea is to improve the plan by swapping a configured package for
491 -- an equivalent installed one. For a particular package the condition is
492 -- that the package be in a configured state, that a the same version be
493 -- already installed with the exact same dependencies and all the packages
494 -- in the plan that it depends on are in the installed state
495 improvePkg selected constraints pkgid = do
496 Configured pkg <- PackageIndex.lookupPackageId selected pkgid
497 ipkg <- PackageIndex.lookupPackageId installed pkgid
498 guard $ all (isInstalled selected) (depends pkg)
499 tryInstalled selected constraints [ipkg]
501 isInstalled selected pkgid =
502 case PackageIndex.lookupPackageId selected pkgid of
503 Just (PreExisting _) -> True
504 _ -> False
506 tryInstalled :: PackageIndex PlanPackage -> Constraints
507 -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
508 -> Maybe (PackageIndex PlanPackage, Constraints)
509 tryInstalled selected constraints [] = Just (selected, constraints)
510 tryInstalled selected constraints (pkg:pkgs) =
511 case constraintsOk (packageId pkg) (depends pkg) constraints of
512 Nothing -> Nothing
513 Just constraints' -> tryInstalled selected' constraints' pkgs'
514 where
515 selected' = PackageIndex.insert (PreExisting pkg) selected
516 pkgs' = catMaybes (map notSelected (depends pkg)) ++ pkgs
517 notSelected pkgid =
518 case (PackageIndex.lookupPackageId installed pkgid
519 ,PackageIndex.lookupPackageId selected pkgid) of
520 (Just pkg', Nothing) -> Just pkg'
521 _ -> Nothing
523 constraintsOk _ [] constraints = Just constraints
524 constraintsOk pkgid (pkgid':pkgids) constraints =
525 case addPackageDependencyConstraint pkgid dep constraints of
526 Satisfiable constraints' _ -> constraintsOk pkgid pkgids constraints'
527 _ -> Nothing
528 where
529 dep = TaggedDependency InstalledConstraint (thisPackageVersion pkgid')
531 reverseTopologicalOrder :: PackageFixedDeps pkg
532 => PackageIndex pkg -> [PackageIdentifier]
533 reverseTopologicalOrder index = map (packageId . toPkg)
534 . Graph.topSort
535 . Graph.transposeG
536 $ graph
537 where (graph, toPkg, _) = PackageIndex.dependencyGraph index
539 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
540 -- * Adding and recording constraints
541 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
543 addPackageSelectConstraint :: PackageIdentifier -> Constraints
544 -> Satisfiable Constraints
545 [PackageIdentifier] ExclusionReason
546 addPackageSelectConstraint pkgid constraints =
547 Constraints.constrain dep reason constraints
548 where
549 dep = TaggedDependency NoInstalledConstraint (thisPackageVersion pkgid)
550 reason = SelectedOther pkgid
552 addPackageExcludeConstraint :: PackageIdentifier -> Constraints
553 -> Satisfiable Constraints
554 [PackageIdentifier] ExclusionReason
555 addPackageExcludeConstraint pkgid constraints =
556 Constraints.constrain dep reason constraints
557 where
558 dep = TaggedDependency NoInstalledConstraint
559 (notThisPackageVersion pkgid)
560 reason = ExcludedByConfigureFail
562 addPackageDependencyConstraint :: PackageIdentifier -> TaggedDependency -> Constraints
563 -> Satisfiable Constraints
564 [PackageIdentifier] ExclusionReason
565 addPackageDependencyConstraint pkgid dep constraints =
566 Constraints.constrain dep reason constraints
567 where
568 reason = ExcludedByPackageDependency pkgid dep
570 addTopLevelVersionConstraint :: PackageName -> VersionRange
571 -> Constraints
572 -> Satisfiable Constraints
573 [PackageIdentifier] ExclusionReason
574 addTopLevelVersionConstraint pkg ver constraints =
575 Constraints.constrain taggedDep reason constraints
576 where
577 dep = Dependency pkg ver
578 taggedDep = TaggedDependency NoInstalledConstraint dep
579 reason = ExcludedByTopLevelDependency dep
581 addTopLevelInstalledConstraint :: PackageName
582 -> Constraints
583 -> Satisfiable Constraints
584 [PackageIdentifier] ExclusionReason
585 addTopLevelInstalledConstraint pkg constraints =
586 Constraints.constrain taggedDep reason constraints
587 where
588 dep = Dependency pkg AnyVersion
589 taggedDep = TaggedDependency InstalledConstraint dep
590 reason = ExcludedByTopLevelDependency dep
592 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
593 -- * Reasons for constraints
594 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
596 -- | For every constraint we record we also record the reason that constraint
597 -- is needed. So if we end up failing due to conflicting constraints then we
598 -- can give an explnanation as to what was conflicting and why.
600 data ExclusionReason =
602 -- | We selected this other version of the package. That means we exclude
603 -- all the other versions.
604 SelectedOther PackageIdentifier
606 -- | We excluded this version of the package because it failed to
607 -- configure probably because of unsatisfiable deps.
608 | ExcludedByConfigureFail
610 -- | We excluded this version of the package because another package that
611 -- we selected imposed a dependency which this package did not satisfy.
612 | ExcludedByPackageDependency PackageIdentifier TaggedDependency
614 -- | We excluded this version of the package because it did not satisfy
615 -- a dependency given as an original top level input.
617 | ExcludedByTopLevelDependency Dependency
619 -- | Given an excluded package and the reason it was excluded, produce a human
620 -- readable explanation.
622 showExclusionReason :: PackageIdentifier -> ExclusionReason -> String
623 showExclusionReason pkgid (SelectedOther pkgid') =
624 display pkgid ++ " was excluded because " ++
625 display pkgid' ++ " was selected instead"
626 showExclusionReason pkgid ExcludedByConfigureFail =
627 display pkgid ++ " was excluded because it could not be configured"
628 showExclusionReason pkgid (ExcludedByPackageDependency pkgid' dep) =
629 display pkgid ++ " was excluded because " ++
630 display pkgid' ++ " requires " ++ display (untagDependency dep)
631 showExclusionReason pkgid (ExcludedByTopLevelDependency dep) =
632 display pkgid ++ " was excluded because of the top level dependency " ++
633 display dep
636 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
637 -- * Logging progress and failures
638 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
640 data Log = Select [SelectedPackage] [PackageIdentifier]
641 data Failure
642 = ConfigureFailed
643 SelectablePackage
644 [(Dependency, [(PackageIdentifier, [ExclusionReason])])]
645 | DependencyConflict
646 SelectedPackage TaggedDependency
647 [(PackageIdentifier, [ExclusionReason])]
648 | TopLevelVersionConstraintConflict
649 PackageName VersionRange
650 [(PackageIdentifier, [ExclusionReason])]
651 | TopLevelVersionConstraintUnsatisfiable
652 PackageName VersionRange
653 | TopLevelInstallConstraintConflict
654 PackageName
655 [(PackageIdentifier, [ExclusionReason])]
656 | TopLevelInstallConstraintUnsatisfiable
657 PackageName
659 showLog :: Log -> String
660 showLog (Select selected discarded) = case (selectedMsg, discardedMsg) of
661 ("", y) -> y
662 (x, "") -> x
663 (x, y) -> x ++ " and " ++ y
665 where
666 selectedMsg = "selecting " ++ case selected of
667 [] -> ""
668 [s] -> display (packageId s) ++ " " ++ kind s
669 (s:ss) -> listOf id
670 $ (display (packageId s) ++ " " ++ kind s)
671 : [ display (packageVersion s') ++ " " ++ kind s'
672 | s' <- ss ]
674 kind (InstalledOnly _) = "(installed)"
675 kind (AvailableOnly _) = "(hackage)"
676 kind (InstalledAndAvailable _ _) = "(installed or hackage)"
678 discardedMsg = case discarded of
679 [] -> ""
680 _ -> "discarding " ++ listOf id
681 [ element
682 | (pkgid:pkgids) <- groupBy (equating packageName) (sort discarded)
683 , element <- display pkgid : map (display . packageVersion) pkgids ]
685 showFailure :: Failure -> String
686 showFailure (ConfigureFailed pkg missingDeps) =
687 "cannot configure " ++ displayPkg pkg ++ ". It requires "
688 ++ listOf (display . fst) missingDeps
689 ++ '\n' : unlines (map (uncurry whyNot) missingDeps)
691 where
692 whyNot (Dependency name ver) [] =
693 "There is no available version of " ++ display name
694 ++ " that satisfies " ++ display ver
696 whyNot dep conflicts =
697 "For the dependency on " ++ display dep
698 ++ " there are these packages: " ++ listOf display pkgs
699 ++ ". However none of them are available.\n"
700 ++ unlines [ showExclusionReason (packageId pkg') reason
701 | (pkg', reasons) <- conflicts, reason <- reasons ]
703 where pkgs = map fst conflicts
705 showFailure (DependencyConflict pkg (TaggedDependency _ dep) conflicts) =
706 "dependencies conflict: "
707 ++ displayPkg pkg ++ " requires " ++ display dep ++ " however\n"
708 ++ unlines [ showExclusionReason (packageId pkg') reason
709 | (pkg', reasons) <- conflicts, reason <- reasons ]
711 showFailure (TopLevelVersionConstraintConflict name ver conflicts) =
712 "constraints conflict: "
713 ++ "top level constraint " ++ display (Dependency name ver) ++ " however\n"
714 ++ unlines [ showExclusionReason (packageId pkg') reason
715 | (pkg', reasons) <- conflicts, reason <- reasons ]
717 showFailure (TopLevelVersionConstraintUnsatisfiable name ver) =
718 "There is no available version of " ++ display name
719 ++ " that satisfies " ++ display ver
721 showFailure (TopLevelInstallConstraintConflict name conflicts) =
722 "constraints conflict: "
723 ++ "top level constraint " ++ display name ++ "-installed however\n"
724 ++ unlines [ showExclusionReason (packageId pkg') reason
725 | (pkg', reasons) <- conflicts, reason <- reasons ]
727 showFailure (TopLevelInstallConstraintUnsatisfiable name) =
728 "There is no installed version of " ++ display name
730 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
731 -- * Utils
732 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
734 impossible :: a
735 impossible = internalError "impossible"
737 internalError :: String -> a
738 internalError msg = error $ "internal error: " ++ msg
740 displayPkg :: Package pkg => pkg -> String
741 displayPkg = display . packageId
743 listOf :: (a -> String) -> [a] -> String
744 listOf _ [] = []
745 listOf disp [x0] = disp x0
746 listOf disp (x0:x1:xs) = disp x0 ++ go x1 xs
747 where go x [] = " and " ++ disp x
748 go x (x':xs') = ", " ++ disp x ++ go x' xs'