Fix some output normalization issues on Windows
[cabal.git] / cabal-testsuite / src / Test / Cabal / Monad.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
4 -- | The test monad
5 module Test.Cabal.Monad (
6 -- * High-level runners
7 setupAndCabalTest,
8 setupTest,
9 cabalTest,
10 cabalTest',
11 -- * The monad
12 TestM,
13 runTestM,
14 -- * Helper functions
15 programPathM,
16 requireProgramM,
17 isAvailableProgram,
18 hackageRepoToolProgram,
19 gitProgram,
20 cabalProgram,
21 diffProgram,
22 python3Program,
23 requireSuccess,
24 initWorkDir,
25 recordLog,
26 -- * The test environment
27 TestEnv(..),
28 getTestEnv,
29 -- * Recording mode
30 RecordMode(..),
31 testRecordMode,
32 -- * Derived values from 'TestEnv'
33 testCurrentDir,
34 testWorkDir,
35 testPrefixDir,
36 testLibInstallDir,
37 testDistDir,
38 testPackageDbDir,
39 testRepoDir,
40 testKeysDir,
41 testSourceCopyDir,
42 testCabalDir,
43 testStoreDir,
44 testUserCabalConfigFile,
45 testActualFile,
46 -- * Skipping tests
47 skip,
48 skipIO,
49 skipIf,
50 skipIfIO,
51 skipUnless,
52 skipUnlessIO,
53 -- * Known broken tests
54 expectedBroken,
55 unexpectedSuccess,
56 -- * Arguments (TODO: move me)
57 CommonArgs(..),
58 renderCommonArgs,
59 commonArgParser,
60 -- * Version Constants
61 cabalVersionLibrary,
62 ) where
64 import Test.Cabal.Script
65 import Test.Cabal.Plan
66 import Test.Cabal.OutputNormalizer
67 import Test.Cabal.TestCode
69 import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow)
70 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
71 ( PackageDBStack, PackageDB(..), compilerFlavor
72 , Compiler, compilerVersion, showCompilerIdWithAbi )
73 import Distribution.System
74 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
75 import Distribution.Simple.Program
76 import Distribution.Simple.Configure
77 ( configCompilerEx )
78 import qualified Distribution.Simple.Utils as U (cabalVersion)
79 import Distribution.Text
81 import Test.Utils.TempTestDir (removeDirectoryRecursiveHack)
82 import Distribution.Verbosity
83 import Distribution.Version
85 #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
86 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
87 #endif
88 import Data.Monoid (mempty)
89 import qualified Control.Exception as E
90 import Control.Monad
91 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
92 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
93 import Data.Maybe
94 import Control.Applicative
95 import System.Directory
96 import System.Exit
97 import System.FilePath
98 import System.IO
99 import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
100 import Distribution.Simple.Utils hiding (info)
101 import System.Process hiding (env)
102 import Options.Applicative
103 import Test.Cabal.Run
104 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
105 import Data.List
106 import GHC.Stack
108 data CommonArgs = CommonArgs {
109 argCabalInstallPath :: Maybe FilePath,
110 argGhcPath :: Maybe FilePath,
111 argHackageRepoToolPath :: Maybe FilePath,
112 argHaddockPath :: Maybe FilePath,
113 argKeepTmpFiles :: Bool,
114 argAccept :: Bool,
115 argSkipSetupTests :: Bool
118 commonArgParser :: Parser CommonArgs
119 commonArgParser = CommonArgs
120 <$> optional (option str
121 ( help "Path to cabal-install executable to test. If omitted, tests involving cabal-install are skipped!"
122 <> long "with-cabal"
123 <> metavar "PATH"
125 <*> optional (option str
126 ( help "GHC to ask Cabal to use via --with-ghc flag"
127 <> short 'w'
128 <> long "with-ghc"
129 <> metavar "PATH"
131 <*> optional (option str
132 ( help "Path to hackage-repo-tool to use for repository manipulation"
133 <> long "with-hackage-repo-tool"
134 <> metavar "PATH"
136 <*> optional (option str
137 ( help "Path to haddock to use for --with-haddock flag"
138 <> long "with-haddock"
139 <> metavar "PATH"
141 <*> switch
142 ( long "keep-tmp-files"
143 <> help "Keep temporary files"
145 <*> switch
146 ( long "accept"
147 <> help "Accept output"
149 <*> switch (long "skip-setup-tests" <> help "Skip setup tests")
151 renderCommonArgs :: CommonArgs -> [String]
152 renderCommonArgs args =
153 maybe [] (\x -> ["--with-cabal", x]) (argCabalInstallPath args) ++
154 maybe [] (\x -> ["--with-ghc", x]) (argGhcPath args) ++
155 maybe [] (\x -> ["--with-haddock", x]) (argHaddockPath args) ++
156 maybe [] (\x -> ["--with-hackage-repo-tool", x]) (argHackageRepoToolPath args) ++
157 (if argAccept args then ["--accept"] else []) ++
158 (if argKeepTmpFiles args then ["--keep-tmp-files"] else []) ++
159 (if argSkipSetupTests args then ["--skip-setup-tests"] else [])
161 data TestArgs = TestArgs {
162 testArgDistDir :: FilePath,
163 testArgPackageDb :: [FilePath],
164 testArgScriptPath :: FilePath,
165 testCommonArgs :: CommonArgs
168 testArgParser :: Parser TestArgs
169 testArgParser = TestArgs
170 <$> option str
171 ( help "Build directory of cabal-testsuite"
172 <> long "builddir"
173 <> metavar "DIR")
174 <*> many (option str
175 ( help "Package DB which contains Cabal and Cabal-syntax"
176 <> long "extra-package-db"
177 <> metavar "DIR"))
178 <*> argument str ( metavar "FILE")
179 <*> commonArgParser
181 skipIO :: String -> IO ()
182 skipIO reason = do
183 putStrLn ("SKIP " ++ reason)
184 E.throwIO (TestCodeSkip reason)
186 skip :: String -> TestM ()
187 skip = liftIO . skipIO
189 skipIfIO :: String -> Bool -> IO ()
190 skipIfIO reason b = when b (skipIO reason)
192 skipIf :: String -> Bool -> TestM ()
193 skipIf reason b = when b (skip reason)
195 skipUnlessIO :: String -> Bool -> IO ()
196 skipUnlessIO reason b = unless b (skipIO reason)
198 skipUnless :: String -> Bool -> TestM ()
199 skipUnless reason b = unless b (skip reason)
201 expectedBroken :: Int -> TestM a
202 expectedBroken t = liftIO $ do
203 putStrLn "EXPECTED FAIL"
204 E.throwIO (TestCodeKnownFail t)
206 unexpectedSuccess :: TestM a
207 unexpectedSuccess = liftIO $ do
208 putStrLn "UNEXPECTED OK"
209 E.throwIO TestCodeUnexpectedOk
212 trySkip :: IO a -> IO (Either String a)
213 trySkip m = fmap Right m `E.catch` \e -> case e of
214 TestCodeSkip msg -> return (Left msg)
215 _ -> E.throwIO e
217 setupAndCabalTest :: TestM () -> IO ()
218 setupAndCabalTest m = do
219 r1 <- trySkip (setupTest m)
220 r2 <- trySkip (cabalTest' "cabal" m)
221 case (r1, r2) of
222 (Left msg1, Left msg2) -> E.throwIO (TestCodeSkip (msg1 ++ "; " ++ msg2))
223 _ -> return ()
225 setupTest :: TestM () -> IO ()
226 setupTest m = runTestM "" $ do
227 env <- getTestEnv
228 skipIf "setup test" (testSkipSetupTests env)
231 cabalTest :: TestM () -> IO ()
232 cabalTest = cabalTest' ""
234 cabalTest' :: String -> TestM () -> IO ()
235 cabalTest' mode m = runTestM mode $ do
236 skipUnless "no cabal-install" =<< isAvailableProgram cabalProgram
237 withReaderT (\nenv -> nenv { testCabalInstallAsSetup = True }) m
239 type TestM = ReaderT TestEnv IO
241 gitProgram :: Program
242 gitProgram = simpleProgram "git"
244 hackageRepoToolProgram :: Program
245 hackageRepoToolProgram = simpleProgram "hackage-repo-tool"
247 cabalProgram :: Program
248 cabalProgram = (simpleProgram "cabal") {
249 -- Do NOT search for executable named cabal, it's probably
250 -- not the one you were intending to test
251 programFindLocation = \_ _ -> return Nothing
254 diffProgram :: Program
255 diffProgram = simpleProgram "diff"
257 python3Program :: Program
258 python3Program = simpleProgram "python3"
260 -- | Run a test in the test monad according to program's arguments.
261 runTestM :: String -> TestM a -> IO a
262 runTestM mode m =
263 liftIO $ (canonicalizePath =<< getTemporaryDirectory) >>= \systemTmpDir ->
264 -- canonicalizePath: cabal-install is inconsistent w.r.t. looking through
265 -- symlinks. We canonicalize here to avoid such issues when the temporary
266 -- directory contains symlinks. See #9763.
267 execParser (info testArgParser Data.Monoid.mempty) >>= \args ->
268 withTempDirectoryEx verbosity (defaultTempFileOptions { optKeepTempFiles = argKeepTmpFiles (testCommonArgs args) })
269 systemTmpDir
270 "cabal-testsuite" $ \tmp_dir -> do
271 let dist_dir = testArgDistDir args
272 (script_dir0, script_filename) = splitFileName (testArgScriptPath args)
274 stripped = stripExtension ".test.hs" script_filename
275 <|> stripExtension ".multitest.hs" script_filename
276 script_base = fromMaybe (dropExtensions script_filename) stripped
278 -- Canonicalize this so that it is stable across working directory changes
279 script_dir <- canonicalizePath script_dir0
280 senv <- mkScriptEnv verbosity
281 -- Add test suite specific programs
282 let program_db0 =
283 addKnownPrograms
284 ([gitProgram, hackageRepoToolProgram, cabalProgram, diffProgram, python3Program] ++ builtinPrograms)
285 (runnerProgramDb senv)
286 -- Reconfigure according to user flags
287 let cargs = testCommonArgs args
289 -- Reconfigure GHC
290 (comp, platform, program_db2) <- case argGhcPath cargs of
291 Nothing -> return (runnerCompiler senv, runnerPlatform senv, program_db0)
292 Just ghc_path -> do
293 -- All the things that get updated paths from
294 -- configCompilerEx. The point is to make sure
295 -- we reconfigure these when we need them.
296 let program_db1 = unconfigureProgram "ghc"
297 . unconfigureProgram "ghc-pkg"
298 . unconfigureProgram "hsc2hs"
299 . unconfigureProgram "haddock"
300 . unconfigureProgram "hpc"
301 . unconfigureProgram "runghc"
302 . unconfigureProgram "gcc"
303 . unconfigureProgram "ld"
304 . unconfigureProgram "ar"
305 . unconfigureProgram "strip"
306 $ program_db0
307 -- TODO: this actually leaves a pile of things unconfigured.
308 -- Optimal strategy for us is to lazily configure them, so
309 -- we don't pay for things we don't need. A bit difficult
310 -- to do in the current design.
311 configCompilerEx
312 (Just (compilerFlavor (runnerCompiler senv)))
313 (Just ghc_path)
314 Nothing
315 program_db1
316 verbosity
318 (configuredGhcProg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity ghcProgram program_db2
320 program_db3 <-
321 reconfigurePrograms verbosity
322 ([("cabal", p) | p <- maybeToList (argCabalInstallPath cargs)] ++
323 [("hackage-repo-tool", p)
324 | p <- maybeToList (argHackageRepoToolPath cargs)] ++
325 [("haddock", p) | p <- maybeToList (argHaddockPath cargs)])
326 [] -- --prog-options not supported ATM
327 program_db2
328 -- configCompilerEx only marks some programs as known, so to pick
329 -- them up we must configure them
330 program_db <- configureAllKnownPrograms verbosity program_db3
332 let db_stack = [GlobalPackageDB]
333 env = TestEnv {
334 testSourceDir = script_dir,
335 testTmpDir = tmp_dir,
336 testSubName = script_base,
337 testMode = mode,
338 testProgramDb = program_db,
339 testPlatform = platform,
340 testCompiler = comp,
341 testCompilerPath = programPath configuredGhcProg,
342 testPackageDBStack = db_stack,
343 testVerbosity = verbosity,
344 testMtimeChangeDelay = Nothing,
345 testScriptEnv = senv,
346 testSetupPath = dist_dir </> "build" </> "setup" </> "setup",
347 testPackageDbPath = case testArgPackageDb args of [] -> Nothing; xs -> Just xs,
348 testSkipSetupTests = argSkipSetupTests (testCommonArgs args),
349 testHaveCabalShared = runnerWithSharedLib senv,
350 testEnvironment =
351 -- Try to avoid Unicode output
352 [ ("LC_ALL", Just "C")
353 -- Hermetic builds (knot-tied)
354 , ("HOME", Just (testHomeDir env))
355 -- Set CABAL_DIR in addition to HOME, since HOME has no
356 -- effect on Windows.
357 , ("CABAL_DIR", Just (testCabalDir env))
358 , ("CABAL_CONFIG", Just (testUserCabalConfigFile env))
360 testShouldFail = False,
361 testRelativeCurrentDir = ".",
362 testHavePackageDb = False,
363 testHaveRepo = False,
364 testCabalInstallAsSetup = False,
365 testCabalProjectFile = Nothing,
366 testPlan = Nothing,
367 testRecordDefaultMode = DoNotRecord,
368 testRecordUserMode = Nothing,
369 testMaybeStoreDir = Nothing
371 let go = do cleanup
372 r <- withSourceCopy m
373 check_expect (argAccept (testCommonArgs args))
374 return r
375 runReaderT go env
376 where
377 verbosity = normal -- TODO: configurable
379 cleanup = do
380 env <- getTestEnv
381 onlyIfExists . removeDirectoryRecursiveHack verbosity $ testWorkDir env
382 -- NB: it's important to initialize this ourselves, as
383 -- the default configuration hardcodes Hackage, which we do
384 -- NOT want to assume for these tests (no test should
385 -- hit Hackage.)
386 liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (testCabalDir env)
387 ghc_path <- programPathM ghcProgram
388 liftIO $ writeFile (testUserCabalConfigFile env)
389 $ unlines [ "with-compiler: " ++ ghc_path ]
391 check_expect accept = do
392 env <- getTestEnv
393 actual_raw <- liftIO $ readFileOrEmpty (testActualFile env)
394 expect <- liftIO $ readFileOrEmpty (testExpectFile env)
395 norm_env <- mkNormalizerEnv
396 let actual = normalizeOutput norm_env actual_raw
397 when (words actual /= words expect) $ do
398 -- First try whitespace insensitive diff
399 let actual_fp = testNormalizedActualFile env
400 expect_fp = testNormalizedExpectFile env
401 liftIO $ writeFile actual_fp actual
402 liftIO $ writeFile expect_fp expect
403 liftIO $ putStrLn "Actual output differs from expected:"
404 b <- diff ["-uw"] expect_fp actual_fp
405 unless b . void $ diff ["-u"] expect_fp actual_fp
406 if accept
407 then do liftIO $ putStrLn "Accepting new output."
408 liftIO $ writeFileNoCR (testExpectFile env) actual
409 else liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
411 readFileOrEmpty :: FilePath -> IO String
412 readFileOrEmpty f = readFile f `E.catch` \e ->
413 if isDoesNotExistError e
414 then return ""
415 else E.throwIO e
417 -- | Run an IO action, and suppress a "does not exist" error.
418 onlyIfExists :: MonadIO m => IO () -> m ()
419 onlyIfExists m =
420 liftIO $ E.catch m $ \(e :: IOError) ->
421 unless (isDoesNotExistError e) $ E.throwIO e
423 -- | Make a hermetic copy of the test directory.
425 -- This requires the test repository to be a Git checkout, because
426 -- we use the Git metadata to figure out what files to copy into the
427 -- hermetic copy.
428 withSourceCopy :: TestM a -> TestM a
429 withSourceCopy m = do
430 env <- getTestEnv
431 initWorkDir
432 let curdir = testSourceDir env
433 dest = testSourceCopyDir env
434 fs <- getSourceFiles
435 when (null fs)
436 (error (unlines [ "withSourceCopy: No files to copy from " ++ curdir
437 , "You need to \"git add\" any files before they are copied by the testsuite."]))
438 forM_ fs $ \f -> do
439 unless (isTestFile f) $ liftIO $ do
440 putStrLn ("Copying " ++ (curdir </> f) ++ " to " ++ (dest </> f))
441 createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory (dest </> f))
442 d <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist (curdir </> f)
443 if d
444 then
445 copyDirectoryRecursive normal (curdir </> f) (dest </> f)
446 else
447 copyFile (curdir </> f) (dest </> f)
451 -- NB: Keep this synchronized with partitionTests
452 isTestFile :: FilePath -> Bool
453 isTestFile f =
454 case takeExtensions f of
455 ".test.hs" -> True
456 ".multitest.hs" -> True
457 _ -> False
460 initWorkDir :: TestM ()
461 initWorkDir = do
462 env <- getTestEnv
463 liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (testWorkDir env)
467 getSourceFiles :: TestM [FilePath]
468 getSourceFiles = do
469 env <- getTestEnv
470 configured_prog <- requireProgramM gitProgram
471 r <- liftIO $ run (testVerbosity env)
472 (Just $ testSourceDir env)
473 (testEnvironment env)
474 (programPath configured_prog)
475 ["ls-files", "--cached", "--modified"]
476 Nothing
477 recordLog r
478 _ <- requireSuccess r
479 return (lines $ resultOutput r)
481 recordLog :: Result -> TestM ()
482 recordLog res = do
483 env <- getTestEnv
484 let mode = testRecordMode env
485 initWorkDir
486 liftIO $ C.appendFile (testWorkDir env </> "test.log")
487 (C.pack $ "+ " ++ resultCommand res ++ "\n"
488 ++ resultOutput res ++ "\n\n")
489 liftIO . C.appendFile (testActualFile env) . C.pack $
490 case mode of
491 RecordAll -> unlines (lines (resultOutput res))
492 RecordMarked -> getMarkedOutput (resultOutput res)
493 DoNotRecord -> ""
495 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
496 -- * Subprocess run results
498 requireSuccess :: Result -> TestM Result
499 requireSuccess r@Result { resultCommand = cmd
500 , resultExitCode = exitCode
501 , resultOutput = output } = withFrozenCallStack $ do
502 env <- getTestEnv
503 when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess && not (testShouldFail env)) $
504 assertFailure $ "Command " ++ cmd ++ " failed.\n" ++
505 "Output:\n" ++ output ++ "\n"
506 when (exitCode == ExitSuccess && testShouldFail env) $
507 assertFailure $ "Command " ++ cmd ++ " succeeded.\n" ++
508 "Output:\n" ++ output ++ "\n"
509 return r
511 assertFailure :: String -> m ()
512 assertFailure msg = withFrozenCallStack $ error msg
516 -- | Runs 'diff' with some arguments on two files, outputting the
517 -- diff to stderr, and returning true if the two files differ
518 diff :: [String] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestM Bool
519 diff args path1 path2 = do
520 diff_path <- programPathM diffProgram
521 (_,_,_,h) <- liftIO $
522 createProcess (proc diff_path (args ++ [path1, path2])) {
523 std_out = UseHandle stderr
525 r <- liftIO $ waitForProcess h
526 return (r /= ExitSuccess)
528 -- | Write a file with no CRs, always.
529 writeFileNoCR :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
530 writeFileNoCR f s =
531 withFile f WriteMode $ \h -> do
532 hSetNewlineMode h noNewlineTranslation
533 hPutStr h s
535 mkNormalizerEnv :: TestM NormalizerEnv
536 mkNormalizerEnv = do
537 env <- getTestEnv
538 ghc_pkg_program <- requireProgramM ghcPkgProgram
539 -- Arguably we should use Cabal's APIs but I am too lazy
540 -- to remember what it is
541 list_out <- liftIO $ readProcess (programPath ghc_pkg_program)
542 ["list", "--global", "--simple-output"] ""
543 tmpDir <- liftIO $ getTemporaryDirectory
545 canonicalizedTestTmpDir <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath (testTmpDir env)
547 -- 'cabal' is configured in the package-db, but doesn't specify how to find the program version
548 -- Thus we find the program location, if it exists, and query for the program version for
549 -- output normalisation.
550 cabalVersionM <- do
551 cabalProgM <- needProgramM "cabal"
552 case cabalProgM of
553 Nothing -> pure Nothing
554 Just cabalProg -> do
555 liftIO (findProgramVersion "--numeric-version" id (testVerbosity env) (programPath cabalProg))
557 return NormalizerEnv {
558 normalizerRoot
559 = (if buildOS == Windows
560 then joinDrive "\\" . dropDrive
561 else id)
562 $ addTrailingPathSeparator (testSourceDir env),
563 normalizerTmpDir
564 = (if buildOS == Windows
565 then joinDrive "\\" . dropDrive
566 else id)
567 $ addTrailingPathSeparator (testTmpDir env),
568 normalizerCanonicalTmpDir
569 = (if buildOS == Windows
570 then joinDrive "\\" . dropDrive
571 else id)
572 $ addTrailingPathSeparator canonicalizedTestTmpDir,
573 normalizerGblTmpDir
574 = (if buildOS == Windows
575 then joinDrive "\\" . dropDrive
576 else id)
577 $ addTrailingPathSeparator tmpDir,
578 normalizerGhcVersion
579 = compilerVersion (testCompiler env),
580 normalizerGhcPath
581 = testCompilerPath env,
582 normalizerKnownPackages
583 = mapMaybe simpleParse (words list_out),
584 normalizerPlatform
585 = testPlatform env,
586 normalizerCabalVersion
587 = cabalVersionLibrary,
588 normalizerCabalInstallVersion
589 = cabalVersionM
592 cabalVersionLibrary :: Version
593 cabalVersionLibrary = U.cabalVersion
595 requireProgramM :: Program -> TestM ConfiguredProgram
596 requireProgramM program = do
597 env <- getTestEnv
598 (configured_program, _) <- liftIO $
599 requireProgram (testVerbosity env) program (testProgramDb env)
600 return configured_program
602 needProgramM :: String -> TestM (Maybe ConfiguredProgram)
603 needProgramM program = do
604 env <- getTestEnv
605 return $ lookupProgramByName program (testProgramDb env)
607 programPathM :: Program -> TestM FilePath
608 programPathM program = do
609 fmap programPath (requireProgramM program)
611 isAvailableProgram :: Program -> TestM Bool
612 isAvailableProgram program = do
613 env <- getTestEnv
614 case lookupProgram program (testProgramDb env) of
615 Just _ -> return True
616 Nothing -> do
617 -- It might not have been configured. Try to configure.
618 progdb <- liftIO $ configureProgram (testVerbosity env) program (testProgramDb env)
619 case lookupProgram program progdb of
620 Just _ -> return True
621 Nothing -> return False
624 getMarkedOutput :: String -> String -- trailing newline
625 getMarkedOutput out = unlines (go (lines out) False)
626 where
627 go [] _ = []
628 go (x:xs) True
629 | "-----END CABAL OUTPUT-----" `isPrefixOf` x
630 = go xs False
631 | otherwise = x : go xs True
632 go (x:xs) False
633 -- NB: Windows has extra goo at the end
634 | "-----BEGIN CABAL OUTPUT-----" `isPrefixOf` x
635 = go xs True
636 | otherwise = go xs False
639 data TestEnv = TestEnv
643 -- | Path to the test directory, as specified by path to test
644 -- script.
645 testSourceDir :: FilePath
646 -- | Somewhere to stow temporary files needed by the test.
647 , testTmpDir :: FilePath
649 -- | Test sub-name, used to qualify dist/database directory to avoid
650 -- conflicts.
651 , testSubName :: String
652 -- | Test mode, further qualifies multiple invocations of the
653 -- same test source code.
654 , testMode :: String
655 -- | Program database to use when we want ghc, ghc-pkg, etc.
656 , testProgramDb :: ProgramDb
657 -- | Compiler we are running tests for
658 , testCompiler :: Compiler
659 , testCompilerPath :: FilePath
660 -- | Platform we are running tests on
661 , testPlatform :: Platform
662 -- | Package database stack (actually this changes lol)
663 , testPackageDBStack :: PackageDBStack
664 -- | How verbose to be
665 , testVerbosity :: Verbosity
666 -- | How long we should 'threadDelay' to make sure the file timestamp is
667 -- updated correctly for recompilation tests. Nothing if we haven't
668 -- calibrated yet.
669 , testMtimeChangeDelay :: Maybe Int
670 -- | Script environment for runghc
671 , testScriptEnv :: ScriptEnv
672 -- | Setup script path
673 , testSetupPath :: FilePath
674 -- | Setup package-db path which contains Cabal and Cabal-syntax for cabal-install to
675 -- use when compiling custom setups, plus the store with possible dependencies of those setup packages.
676 , testPackageDbPath :: Maybe [FilePath]
677 -- | Skip Setup tests?
678 , testSkipSetupTests :: Bool
679 -- | Do we have shared libraries for the Cabal-under-tests?
680 -- This is used for example to determine whether we can build
681 -- detailed-0.9 tests dynamically, since they link against Cabal-under-test.
682 , testHaveCabalShared :: Bool
684 -- CHANGING:
686 -- | Environment override
687 , testEnvironment :: [(String, Maybe String)]
688 -- | When true, we invert the meaning of command execution failure
689 , testShouldFail :: Bool
690 -- | The current working directory, relative to 'testSourceDir'
691 , testRelativeCurrentDir :: FilePath
692 -- | Says if we've initialized the per-test package DB
693 , testHavePackageDb :: Bool
694 -- | Says if we've setup a repository
695 , testHaveRepo :: Bool
696 -- | Says if we're testing cabal-install as setup
697 , testCabalInstallAsSetup :: Bool
698 -- | Says what cabal.project file to use (probed)
699 , testCabalProjectFile :: Maybe FilePath
700 -- | Cached record of the plan metadata from a new-build
701 -- invocation; controlled by 'withPlan'.
702 , testPlan :: Maybe Plan
703 -- | If user mode is not set, this is the record mode we default to.
704 , testRecordDefaultMode :: RecordMode
705 -- | User explicitly set record mode. Not implemented ATM.
706 , testRecordUserMode :: Maybe RecordMode
707 -- | Path to the storedir used by the test, if not the default
708 , testMaybeStoreDir :: Maybe FilePath
710 deriving Show
712 testRecordMode :: TestEnv -> RecordMode
713 testRecordMode env = fromMaybe (testRecordDefaultMode env) (testRecordUserMode env)
715 data RecordMode = DoNotRecord | RecordMarked | RecordAll
716 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
718 getTestEnv :: TestM TestEnv
719 getTestEnv = ask
721 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
722 -- * Directories
724 -- | The absolute path to the root of the package directory; it's
725 -- where the Cabal file lives. This is what you want the CWD of cabal
726 -- calls to be.
727 testCurrentDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
728 testCurrentDir env = testSourceCopyDir env </> testRelativeCurrentDir env
730 testName :: TestEnv -> String
731 testName env = testSubName env <.> testMode env
733 -- | The absolute path to the directory containing all the
734 -- files for ALL tests associated with a test (respecting
735 -- subtests.) To clean, you ONLY need to delete this directory.
736 testWorkDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
737 testWorkDir env = testTmpDir env </> (testName env <.> "dist")
739 -- | The absolute prefix where installs go.
740 testPrefixDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
741 testPrefixDir env = testWorkDir env </> "usr"
743 -- | The absolute path where library installs go.
744 testLibInstallDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
745 testLibInstallDir env = libDir </> compilerDir
746 where
747 platform@(Platform _ os) = testPlatform env
748 libDir = case os of
749 Windows -> testPrefixDir env
750 _ -> testPrefixDir env </> "lib"
751 compilerDir = prettyShow platform ++ "-" ++ showCompilerIdWithAbi (testCompiler env)
753 -- | The absolute path to the build directory that should be used
754 -- for the current package in a test.
755 testDistDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
756 testDistDir env = testWorkDir env </> "work" </> testRelativeCurrentDir env </> "dist"
758 -- | The absolute path to the shared package database that should
759 -- be used by all packages in this test.
760 testPackageDbDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
761 testPackageDbDir env = testWorkDir env </> "packagedb"
763 -- | The absolute prefix where our simulated HOME directory is.
764 testHomeDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
765 testHomeDir env = testWorkDir env </> "home"
767 -- | The absolute prefix of our local secure repository, which we
768 -- use to simulate "external" packages
769 testRepoDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
770 testRepoDir env = testWorkDir env </> "repo"
772 -- | The absolute prefix of keys for the test.
773 testKeysDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
774 testKeysDir env = testWorkDir env </> "keys"
776 -- | If 'withSourceCopy' is used, where the source files go.
777 testSourceCopyDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
778 testSourceCopyDir env = testTmpDir env
780 -- | The user cabal directory
781 testCabalDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
782 testCabalDir env = testHomeDir env </> ".cabal"
784 testStoreDir :: TestEnv -> FilePath
785 testStoreDir env = case testMaybeStoreDir env of
786 Just dir -> dir
787 Nothing -> testCabalDir env </> "store"
789 -- | The user cabal config file
790 testUserCabalConfigFile :: TestEnv -> FilePath
791 testUserCabalConfigFile env = testCabalDir env </> "config"
793 -- | The file where the expected output of the test lives
794 testExpectFile :: TestEnv -> FilePath
795 testExpectFile env = testSourceDir env </> testName env <.> "out"
797 -- | Where we store the actual output
798 testActualFile :: TestEnv -> FilePath
799 testActualFile env = testWorkDir env </> testName env <.> "comp.out"
801 -- | Where we will write the normalized actual file (for diffing)
802 testNormalizedActualFile :: TestEnv -> FilePath
803 testNormalizedActualFile env = testActualFile env <.> "normalized"
805 -- | Where we will write the normalized expected file (for diffing)
806 testNormalizedExpectFile :: TestEnv -> FilePath
807 testNormalizedExpectFile env = testWorkDir env </> testName env <.> "out.normalized"