Viewport clipping now works with both GL and Gallium.
[cairo/gpu.git] / test / Makefile.sources
1 test_sources = \
2         a1-image-sample.c                               \
3         a1-mask.c                                       \
4         a1-traps-sample.c                               \
5         a8-mask.c                                       \
6         alpha-similar.c                                 \
7         big-line.c                                      \
8         big-trap.c                                      \
9         bilevel-image.c                                 \
10         caps.c                                          \
11         caps-joins.c                                    \
12         caps-joins-alpha.c                              \
13         caps-joins-curve.c                              \
14         caps-sub-paths.c                                \
15         clip-all.c                                      \
16         clip-empty.c                                    \
17         clip-fill-rule.c                                \
18         clip-fill-rule-pixel-aligned.c                  \
19         clip-nesting.c                                  \
20         clip-operator.c                                 \
21         clip-push-group.c                               \
22         clip-twice.c                                    \
23         clip-zero.c                                     \
24         clipped-group.c                                 \
25         clipped-surface.c                               \
26         close-path.c                                    \
27         close-path-current-point.c                      \
28         composite-integer-translate-source.c            \
29         composite-integer-translate-over.c              \
30         composite-integer-translate-over-repeat.c       \
31         copy-path.c                                     \
32         create-for-stream.c                             \
33         create-from-png.c                               \
34         create-from-png-stream.c                        \
35         culled-glyphs.c                                 \
36         dash-caps-joins.c                               \
37         dash-curve.c                                    \
38         dash-no-dash.c                                  \
39         dash-offset-negative.c                          \
40         dash-scale.c                                    \
41         dash-state.c                                    \
42         dash-zero-length.c                              \
43         degenerate-arc.c                                \
44         degenerate-dash.c                               \
45         degenerate-path.c                               \
46         degenerate-pen.c                                \
47         device-offset.c                                 \
48         device-offset-fractional.c                      \
49         device-offset-positive.c                        \
50         device-offset-scale.c                           \
51         extend-pad.c                                    \
52         extend-pad-border.c                             \
53         extend-pad-similar.c                            \
54         extend-reflect.c                                \
55         extend-reflect-similar.c                        \
56         extend-repeat.c                                 \
57         extend-repeat-similar.c                         \
58         fill-alpha.c                                    \
59         fill-alpha-pattern.c                            \
60         fill-and-stroke.c                               \
61         fill-and-stroke-alpha.c                         \
62         fill-and-stroke-alpha-add.c                     \
63         fill-degenerate-sort-order.c                    \
64         fill-image.c                                    \
65         fill-missed-stop.c                              \
66         fill-rule.c                                     \
67         filter-bilinear-extents.c                       \
68         filter-nearest-offset.c                         \
69         filter-nearest-transformed.c                    \
70         finer-grained-fallbacks.c                       \
71         font-face-get-type.c                            \
72         font-matrix-translation.c                       \
73         font-options.c                                  \
74         glyph-cache-pressure.c                          \
75         get-and-set.c                                   \
76         get-clip.c                                      \
77         get-group-target.c                              \
78         get-path-extents.c                              \
79         gradient-alpha.c                                \
80         gradient-constant-alpha.c                       \
81         gradient-zero-stops.c                           \
82         group-clip.c                                    \
83         group-paint.c                                   \
84         group-unaligned.c                               \
85         huge-linear.c                                   \
86         huge-radial.c                                   \
87         image-surface-source.c                          \
88         infinite-join.c                                 \
89         in-fill-empty-trapezoid.c                       \
90         in-fill-trapezoid.c                             \
91         invalid-matrix.c                                \
92         joins.c                                         \
93         large-clip.c                                    \
94         large-font.c                                    \
95         large-source.c                                  \
96         large-source-roi.c                              \
97         leaky-dash.c                                    \
98         leaky-dashed-rectangle.c                        \
99         leaky-dashed-stroke.c                           \
100         leaky-polygon.c                                 \
101         line-width.c                                    \
102         line-width-scale.c                              \
103         line-width-zero.c                               \
104         linear-gradient.c                               \
105         linear-gradient-reflect.c                       \
106         long-dashed-lines.c                             \
107         long-lines.c                                    \
108         mask.c                                          \
109         mask-alpha.c                                    \
110         mask-ctm.c                                      \
111         mask-glyphs.c                                   \
112         mask-surface-ctm.c                              \
113         mask-transformed-image.c                        \
114         mask-transformed-similar.c                      \
115         meta-surface-pattern.c                          \
116         mime-data.c                                     \
117         miter-precision.c                               \
118         move-to-show-surface.c                          \
119         new-sub-path.c                                  \
120         nil-surface.c                                   \
121         operator.c                                      \
122         operator-alpha.c                                \
123         operator-clear.c                                \
124         operator-source.c                               \
125         over-above-source.c                             \
126         over-around-source.c                            \
127         over-below-source.c                             \
128         over-between-source.c                           \
129         paint.c                                         \
130         paint-repeat.c                                  \
131         paint-source-alpha.c                            \
132         paint-with-alpha.c                              \
133         path-append.c                                   \
134         path-precision.c                                \
135         pattern-get-type.c                              \
136         pattern-getters.c                               \
137         pixman-rotate.c                                 \
138         png.c                                           \
139         push-group.c                                    \
140         radial-gradient.c                               \
141         random-intersections.c                          \
142         rectangle-rounding-error.c                      \
143         rectilinear-fill.c                              \
144         rectilinear-miter-limit.c                       \
145         rectilinear-dash.c                              \
146         rectilinear-stroke.c                            \
147         reflected-stroke.c                              \
148         rel-path.c                                      \
149         rgb24-ignore-alpha.c                            \
150         rotate-image-surface-paint.c                    \
151         scale-down-source-surface-paint.c               \
152         scale-offset-image.c                            \
153         scale-offset-similar.c                          \
154         scale-source-surface-paint.c                    \
155         scaled-font-zero-matrix.c                       \
156         stroke-ctm-caps.c                               \
157         stroke-image.c                                  \
158         select-font-face.c                              \
159         select-font-no-show-text.c                      \
160         self-copy.c                                     \
161         self-copy-overlap.c                             \
162         self-intersecting.c                             \
163         set-source.c                                    \
164         show-glyphs-many.c                              \
165         show-text-current-point.c                       \
166         skew-extreme.c                                  \
167         smask.c                                         \
168         smask-fill.c                                    \
169         smask-image-mask.c                              \
170         smask-mask.c                                    \
171         smask-paint.c                                   \
172         smask-stroke.c                                  \
173         smask-text.c                                    \
174         solid-pattern-cache-stress.c                    \
175         source-clip.c                                   \
176         source-clip-scale.c                             \
177         source-surface-scale-paint.c                    \
178         spline-decomposition.c                          \
179         surface-finish-twice.c                          \
180         surface-pattern.c                               \
181         surface-pattern-big-scale-down.c                \
182         surface-pattern-scale-down.c                    \
183         surface-pattern-scale-up.c                      \
184         text-antialias-gray.c                           \
185         text-antialias-none.c                           \
186         text-antialias-subpixel.c                       \
187         text-cache-crash.c                              \
188         text-glyph-range.c                              \
189         text-pattern.c                                  \
190         text-rotate.c                                   \
191         text-transform.c                                \
192         text-zero-len.c                                 \
193         toy-font-face.c                                 \
194         transforms.c                                    \
195         translate-show-surface.c                        \
196         trap-clip.c                                     \
197         twin.c                                          \
198         unantialiased-shapes.c                          \
199         unbounded-operator.c                            \
200         user-data.c                                     \
201         user-font.c                                     \
202         user-font-mask.c                                \
203         user-font-proxy.c                               \
204         user-font-rescale.c                             \
205         zero-alpha.c
207 pthread_test_sources = pthread-show-text.c
209 ft_font_test_sources = \
210         bitmap-font.c \
211         ft-font-create-for-ft-face.c \
212         ft-show-glyphs-positioning.c \
213         ft-show-glyphs-table.c \
214         ft-text-vertical-layout-type1.c \
215         ft-text-vertical-layout-type3.c \
216         ft-text-antialias-none.c
218 quartz_surface_test_sources = quartz-surface-source.c
220 glitz_surface_test_sources = glitz-surface-source.c
222 pdf_surface_test_sources = \
223         pdf-features.c \
224         pdf-mime-data.c \
225         pdf-surface-source.c
227 ps_surface_test_sources = \
228         ps-features.c \
229         ps-surface-source.c
231 svg_surface_test_sources = \
232         svg-surface.c \
233         svg-clip.c \
234         svg-surface-source.c
236 test_fallback16_surface_test_sources = \
237         test-fallback16-surface-source.c
239 xlib_surface_test_sources = \
240         xlib-expose-event.c \
241         xlib-surface.c \
242         xlib-surface-source.c
244 xlib_xrender_surface_test_sources = get-xrender-format.c
246 multi_page_surface_test_sources = multi-page.c
248 fallback_resolution_test_sources = fallback-resolution.c
250 cairo_test_suite_headers = \
251         buffer-diff.h \
252         cairo-test.h \
253         cairo-test-private.h
255 cairo_test_suite_sources = \
256         buffer-diff.c \
257         cairo-test.c \
258         cairo-test-runner.c