use simple_markup
[camlunity.git] /
1 (* Copyright (C) 2009 Mauricio Fernandez <> *)
3 open Simple_markup
4 open XHTML.M
6 let rec elm_to_html ~render_pre ~render_link ~render_img elm =
7 let self = elm_to_html ~render_pre ~render_link ~render_img in
8 let item l = li ( self l)
10 in match elm with
11 Normal text -> p (par_text_to_html ~render_link ~render_img text)
12 | Pre (s, kind) -> begin match kind with
13 Some k -> render_pre ~kind:k s
14 | None -> pre [pcdata s]
15 end
16 | Heading (l, text) ->
17 let f =
18 match l with 1 -> h1 | 2 -> h2 | 3 -> h3 | 4 -> h4 | 5 -> h5 | _ -> h6
19 in f (par_text_to_html render_link render_img text)
20 | Quote ps -> blockquote ( self ps)
21 | Ulist (fst, others) ->
22 ul (item fst) ( item others)
23 | Olist (fst, others) ->
24 let item l = li ( self l) in
25 ol (item fst) ( item others)
27 and par_text_to_html ~render_link ~render_img =
28 (text_to_html ~render_link ~render_img)
30 and text_to_html ~render_link ~render_img = function
31 Text s -> pcdata s
32 | Emph s -> em [pcdata s]
33 | Bold s -> b [pcdata s]
34 | Struck l -> del ( (text_to_html ~render_link ~render_img) l)
35 | Code s -> code [pcdata s]
36 | Anchor id ->
37 (* would like to do
38 a ~a:[XHTML.M_01_00.a_name_01_00 id] []
39 but that'd require switching to M_01_00 everywhere, so cheap hack *)
40 b ~a:[a_id id] []
41 | Link href -> begin match href.href_target with
42 s when String.length s >= 1 && s.[0] = '#' ->
43 a ~a:[a_href (uri_of_string s)] [pcdata href.href_desc]
44 | _ -> render_link href
45 end
46 | Image href -> render_img href
48 let to_html ~render_pre ~render_link ~render_img l =
49 (elm_to_html ~render_pre ~render_link ~render_img) l