convert line ends
[canaan.git] / prj / cam / src / object / propnull.h
1 /*
2 @Copyright Looking Glass Studios, Inc.
3 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 Unpublished Work.
4 */
6 // $Header: r:/t2repos/thief2/src/object/propnull.h,v 1.9 2000/01/29 13:24:42 adurant Exp $
7 #pragma once
9 #ifndef PROPNULL_H
10 #define PROPNULL_H
11 #include <property.h>
13 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16 // This is the IProperty implementation for PROPID_NULL.
17 // it essentially does nothing. The Property manager
18 // returns it for all undefined properties.
21 class cNullProperty : public IProperty
23 public:
26 cNullProperty() {} ;
27 STDMETHOD_(const sPropertyDesc*, Describe) () const;
28 STDMETHOD_(PropertyID,GetID)() const;
29 STDMETHOD_(const sPropertyTypeDesc*, DescribeType) () const;
30 STDMETHOD(Create) (ObjID obj);
31 STDMETHOD(Copy) (ObjID obj,ObjID example);
32 STDMETHOD(Delete) (ObjID obj);
33 STDMETHOD_(void,Notify) (ePropertyNotifyMsg msg, PropNotifyData data);
34 STDMETHOD_(BOOL,IsRelevant)(ObjID obj) const;
35 STDMETHOD_(BOOL,IsSimplyRelevant)(ObjID obj) const;
36 STDMETHOD_(BOOL,Touch) (ObjID obj);
37 STDMETHOD_(PropListenerHandle, Listen)(PropertyListenMsgSet interests, PropertyListenFunc func, PropListenerData data);
38 STDMETHOD(Unlisten)(PropListenerHandle ) { return S_OK; };
40 STDMETHOD_(void, IterStart) (sPropertyObjIter* iter) const;
41 STDMETHOD_(BOOL, IterNext) (sPropertyObjIter* iter, ObjID* next) const;
42 STDMETHOD_(void, IterStop) (sPropertyObjIter* iter) const;
47 #endif // PROPNULL_H