convert line ends
[canaan.git] / prj / tech / libsrc / g2 / Makefile
2 # $Source: x:/prj/tech/libsrc/g2/RCS/makefile $
3 # $Revision: 1.30 $
4 # $Author: KEVIN $
5 # $Date: 1998/04/28 14:52:20 $
10 PROJECT = tech
12 %include $(MRC)\env.rc
14 %include $(MRC)\init.rc
16 LIBTARGS = g2
18 # set_canvas callback is in init.
19 irrupt_OBJS = \
20 init
22 # all objs related to polygon rendering
23 POLY_OBJS = \
24 grtm permap \
25 tmsetup tf \
26 genlm fl8lm fl8pm f16lm f16pm \
27 genfl8l genf16l genrsdtm \
28 o88 lo88 co88 r88 t88oc \
29 lo816 \
30 lht816 lh816 dlh816 t816oc \
31 golftmap shadtmap drytmap shadhack area \
32 trigrad trirast \
33 genply gensply genrast fl8sply \
34 tmapd clip uvgrad
36 # all objs related to bitmap scaling
37 SCALE_OBJS = scshell fl8s gens \
38 fl8fl8s genfl8s genrsds cc816
40 # all objs related to sloped line rendering
41 LINE_OBJS = clplin fl8lin fl8l genline
43 # all inner loops (assembly and c)
45 gen8il gen16il \
46 o88il o88bil lo88il co88il n88il \
47 lo816il
50 ptmap ptmapper ptfloat ptmap_8 ptmap_n ptpersp ptlinear \
51 pt_main pt_map pt_duv pt_grad
53 # function tables compiled from .tbl's
54 TABLE_OBJS = gencnv fl8cnv f16cnv \
55 genlmf genllmf gensf genusf \
56 fl8ulf fl8lmf fl8llmf fl8sf fl8usf \
57 f16llmf
59 # miscellaneous primitives, initialization code, and global data
60 MISC_OBJS = blend init svgainit setdrv g2d g2makewr \
61 g2rot g2circ g2el g2ov g2ring point rastel
63 # legacy code from terra nova; won't be linked into other apps
64 OLD_CRUFTY_TN_OBJS = chkply chkedges chkedgeb
69 G2_HDRS= g2.h g2pt.h
71 g2.h .REREAD :\
72 stupid.h \
73 icanvas.h plytyp.h \
74 g2spoint.h \
75 scancvt.h \
76 sftype.h lftype.h tftype.h pftype.h \
77 g2d.h g2clip.h \
78 grlin.h grtm.h grcurv.h \
79 grply.h grscale.h g2tm.h init.h \
80 buffer.h blnfcn.h \
81 water.h \
82 grchkply.h setdrv.h frame.h point.h
83 $(eko1) $(@,F) \<-- $(?,F)
84 %do comp_h h_pre="\#include \<dev2d.h\>" h_in="$^" h_out="$(@,F)"
86 %include $(MRC)\make.rc