convert line ends
[canaan.git] / prj / tech / libsrc / g2 / fl8lo2wi.asm
2 ; $Source: x:/prj/tech/libsrc/g2/RCS/fl8lo2wi.asm $
3 ; $Revision: 1.7 $
4 ; $Author: TOML $
5 ; $Date: 1996/11/04 13:57:15 $
7 ; Inner loop of opaque linear mapping primitive.
9 ; This file is part of the g2 library.
12 .386
13 include
14 include
15 include
16 include
17 include
18 include
19 include
21 assume ds:_DATA
22 _DATA segment
23 public _g2d_o2wi_mask_u
24 public _g2d_o2wi_mask_v
25 public _g2d_o2wi_shift_v
26 public _g2d_o2wi_p_src
28 public _g2d_o2wi_last_mask_u
29 _g2d_o2wi_last_mask_u dd 0deadbeefh
30 public _g2d_o2wi_last_mask_v
31 _g2d_o2wi_last_mask_v dd 0deadbeefh
32 public _g2d_o2wi_last_p_src
33 _g2d_o2wi_last_p_src dd 0deadbeefh
34 public _g2d_o2wi_last_shift_v
35 _g2d_o2wi_last_shift_v db 0ffh
37 public _g2d_ltab_dither0
38 public _g2d_ltab_dither1
40 buffer_end equ _g2d_tmap_buffer[G2C_TMAP_BUFFER_SIZE]
41 ltab equ _g2d_tmap_info[G2S_TMAP_LTAB]
42 p_dest equ _g2d_tmap_info[G2S_TMAP_P_DEST]
43 du equ _g2d_tmap_info[G2S_TMAP_DUX]
44 dv equ _g2d_tmap_info[G2S_TMAP_DVX]
45 i_delta equ _g2d_tmap_info[G2S_TMAP_DIX]
46 i equ _g2d_tmap_info[G2S_TMAP_I]
47 drow equ _g2d_tmap_info[G2S_TMAP_DROW]
49 _DATA ends
51 _TEXT segment
52 ; takes eax=-count, ebx:u, ecx:v
53 ; NOT C callable
54 public flat8_flat8_opaque_p2_wrap_il_chained_
55 public _flat8_flat8_opaque_p2_wrap_il_chained
56 _flat8_flat8_opaque_p2_wrap_il_chained:
57 flat8_flat8_opaque_p2_wrap_il_chained_:
58 mov edx, ecx ;v_temp = v
59 mov esi, ebx ;u_temp = u
60 mov edi, dv ;get dv
61 mov ebp, du ;get du
63 ;eax count
64 ;ebx u
65 ;ecx v
66 ;edx v_temp
67 ;esi u_temp
68 ;edi dv
69 ;ebp du
71 pix_loop:
72 shr esi, 16
73 and edx, 0deadbeefh
74 _g2d_o2wi_mask_v:
76 shr edx, 0ffh
77 _g2d_o2wi_shift_v:
78 and esi, 0deadbeefh
79 _g2d_o2wi_mask_u:
81 add ebx, ebp
82 add ecx, edi
84 mov dl, 0deadbeefh[esi+edx]
85 _g2d_o2wi_p_src:
86 mov esi, ebx
88 mov buffer_end[eax], dl
89 mov edx, ecx
91 inc eax
92 jnz pix_loop
94 ret
96 ;eax = -count
97 ;edx = u
98 ;ebx = v
99 _FUNCDEF flat8_flat8_opaque_p2_wrap_il_chain_from_c, 3
100 push ecx
101 push ebp
102 push esi
103 push edi
104 mov ecx, ebx ; ecx = v
105 mov ebx, edx ; ebx = u
106 call flat8_flat8_opaque_p2_wrap_il_chained_
107 pop edi
108 pop esi
109 pop ebp
110 pop ecx
113 punt:
114 pop ebp
115 pop esi
116 pop edi
119 _FUNCDEF flat8_flat8_lit_opaque_p2_wrap_il, 3
120 push edi
121 mov edi, p_dest
123 push esi
124 push ebp
126 lea esi, [edi+eax]
127 mov ebp, drow
129 add edi, ebp
130 sub eax, edx
132 mov p_dest, edi
133 jns punt
135 push eax ;-count
136 push esi ;p_dest
138 call flat8_flat8_opaque_p2_wrap_il_chained_
139 pop ebp ;p_dest
141 pop esi ;-count
142 mov edi, ltab
144 inc esi
145 mov ebx, i_delta
147 ror ebx, 16
148 mov eax, i
150 ror eax, 16
151 xor edx, edx
153 mov dh, al
154 test esi, esi
156 jz one_pix
157 add eax, ebx
159 mov al, [ebp] ;read cache line
161 mov ecx, 0 ;don't xor! need to preserve flags
162 mov al, dh
164 ; eax i high 16 = frac; al = int
165 ; ebx di high 16 = frac; bl = int
166 ; ecx temp
167 ; edx temp
168 ; esi source
169 ; edi ltab
170 ; ebp dest
172 light_loop:
173 adc eax, ebx
174 lea ebp, [ebp+2]
176 mov ch, al
177 mov dl, buffer_end[esi]-1
179 adc eax, ebx
180 mov cl, buffer_end[esi]
182 mov dl, [edi+edx]
183 inc esi
185 mov dh, [edi+ecx]
186 inc esi
188 mov [ebp-2], dl
189 mov [ebp-1], dh
191 mov dh, al
192 js light_loop
194 jnz done
195 mov dh, al
197 one_pix:
198 mov dl, buffer_end-1
199 mov dl, [edi+edx]
200 mov [ebp], dl
202 done:
203 pop ebp
204 pop esi
205 pop edi
208 _FUNCDEF flat8_flat8_lit_opaque_p2_wrap_dither_il, 3
209 push edi
210 mov edi, p_dest
212 push esi
213 push ebp
215 lea esi, [edi+eax]
216 mov ebp, drow
218 add edi, ebp
219 sub eax, edx
221 mov p_dest, edi
222 jns punt
224 push eax ;-count
225 push esi ;p_dest
227 call flat8_flat8_opaque_p2_wrap_il_chained_
228 pop edi ;p_dest
229 pop esi ;-count
231 xor ebp, ebp ;error
232 mov ebx, i_delta
234 mov eax, i
235 inc esi
237 jz last_pix_hack
238 ; eax i
239 ; ebx di
240 ; ecx temp
241 ; edx temp
242 ; esi source
243 ; edi p_dest
244 ; ebp mask
246 dithered_light_loop:
247 add ebp, eax
248 add eax, ebx
250 mov edx, ebp
251 and ebp, 0ffffh
253 shr edx, 8
254 add ebp, eax
256 mov ecx, ebp
257 mov dl, buffer_end[esi]-1
259 shr ecx, 8
260 add eax, ebx
262 mov dl, 0deadbeefh[edx]
263 _g2d_ltab_dither0:
264 mov cl, buffer_end[esi]
266 and ebp, 0ffffh
267 mov [edi], dl
269 add esi, 2
270 read_ltab:
271 mov dh, 0deadbeefh[ecx]
272 _g2d_ltab_dither1:
274 mov [edi+1], dh
275 lea edi, [edi+2]
277 js dithered_light_loop
279 jz last_pix_hack
281 pop ebp
282 pop esi
283 pop edi
286 last_pix_hack:
287 mov ecx, eax
288 dec edi
290 shr ecx, 8
291 mov cl, buffer_end-1
293 inc esi ;set zf=0, sf=0
294 jmp read_ltab
297 _TEXT ends